Bash wait command ignoring specified process IDs - bash

DIRECTORIES=( group1 group2 group3 group4 group5 )
function GetFileSpace() {
shopt -s nullglob
for ITEM in "${TARGETS[#]}"
# Here we launch du on a user in the background
# And then add their process id to PIDS
du -hs $ITEM >> ./${1}_filespace.txt &
# Here I launch function GetFileSpace for each group.
for GROUP in "${DIRECTORIES[#]}"
echo $GROUP
# Store standard error to collect files with bad permissions
GetFileSpace $GROUP 2>> ./${GROUP}_permission_denied.txt &
for PID in "${PIDS[#]}"
wait $PID
echo "Formatting Results..."
# The script will after this, but it isn't relevant.
I am trying to write a script that monitors storage volume and file permissions of individual users across 5 groups.
|_home # For additional reference to understand my code,
|_group1 # directories are laid out like this
| |_data
| |_user1
| |_user2
| |_user3
First, I use a loop to iteratively launch a function, GetFileSpace, for each group in DIRECTORIES. This function then runs du -sh for each user found within a group.
To speed up this whole process, I launch each instance of GetFileSpace and the subsequent du -sh sub processes in the background with &. This makes it so everything can run pretty much simultaneously, which takes much less time.
My issue is that after I launch these processes I want my script to wait for every background instance of du -sh to finish before moving on to the next step.
To do this, I have tried to collect process IDs after each task is launched within the array PIDS. Then I try to loop through the array and wait for each PID until all sub-processes finish. Unfortunately this doesn't seem to work. The script correctly launches du -sh for each user, but then immediately tries to move on to the next step, breaking.
My question then, is why does my script not wait for my background tasks to finish and how can I implement this behavior?
As a final note, I have tried several other methods to accomplish this from this SO post, but haven't been able to get them working either.

GetFileSpace ... &
You are running the whole function as a subproces. So it immediately tries to move on to the next step and PID is unset, cause it beeing set in subprocess.
Do not run it in the background.
GetFileSpace ... # no & on the end.
Notes: Consider using xargs or GNU parallel. Prefer lower case for script local variables. Quote variable expansions. Use shellcheck to check for such errors.
work() {
tmp=$(du -hs "$2")
echo "$tmp" >> "./${1}_filespace.txt"
export -f work
for i in "${directories[#]}"; do
printf "$i %s\n" /home/${1}/data/*
done | xargs -n2 -P$(nproc) bash -c 'work "$#"' _
Note that when job is I/O bound, running multiple processes (escpecially without no upper bound) doesn't really help much, if it's on one disc.


How to run an Inotify shell script as an asynchronous process

I have an inotify shell script which monitors a directory, and executes certain commands if a new file comes in. I need to make this inotify script into a parallelized process, so the execution of the script doesn't wait for the process to complete whenever multiple files comes into the directory.
I have tried using nohup, & and xargs to achieve this task. But the problem was, xargs runs the same script as a number of processes, whenever a new file comes in, all the running n processes try to process the script. But essentially I only want one of the processes to process the new file whichever is idle. Something like worker pool, whichever worker is free or idle tries to execute the task.
This is my shell script.
inotifywait --monitor -r -e close_write --format '%w%f' ./ | while read FILE
echo "started script";
sleep $(( $RANDOM % 10 ))s;
#some more process which takes time when a new file comes in
I did try to execute the script like this with xargs =>
xargs -n1 -P3 bash
So whenever a new file comes in, it is getting processed thrice because of P3, but ideally i want one of the processes to pick this task which ever is idle.
Please shed some light on how to approach this problem?
There is no reason to have a pool of idle processes. Just run one per new file when you see new files appear.
inotifywait --monitor -r -e close_write --format '%w%f' ./ |
while read -r file
echo "started script";
( sleep $(( $RANDOM % 10 ))s
#some more process which takes time when a new "$file" comes in
) &
Notice the addition of & and the parentheses to group the sleep and the subsequent processing into a single subshell which we can then background.
Also, notice how we always prefer read -r and Correct Bash and shell script variable capitalization
Maybe this will work:
If you have a dir in which users drop files that needs to be processed you can do this on GNU/Linux (If you know what inotifywait is called on other platforms file a bug report):
inotifywait -qmre MOVED_TO -e CLOSE_WRITE --format %w%f my_dir |
parallel -u echo
This will run the command echo on each file put into my_dir or subdirs of my_dir.
To run at most 5 processes use -j5.

for-Loop in screen does not work

I would like to use screen to stay attached to a loop command on a ssh session, which is most likely going to run for a couple of hours. I am using screen because I fear that my terminal will get disconnected while the command is still running. This is the loop-command:
for i in *; do echo $i/share/sessions/*; done
(echo will be replaced by rm -rf).
I have tried multiple variants of screen 'command ; command ; command', but never got it working. How can I fix this? Alternatively, could you suggest a workaround for my problem?
Screen for long running commands can be used like this :
$screen -S session_name
//Inside screen session
$ <run long running command>
$ //press key combination - Ctrl + a + d - to come out of screen session
// Outside screen session
// Attach to previously created session
$screen -x session_name
For more details look at man page of screen.
Another application which works similar way and is very popular is tmux
I assume that you're trying to run:
screen 'for i in *; do echo $i/share/sessions/* ; done'
This results in a Cannot exec [your-command-here]: No such file or directory because screen doesn't implicitly start a shell; rather, it calls an execv-family syscall to directly invoke the program named in its argument. There is no program named for i in *; do echo $i/share/sessions/*; done, and no shell running which might interpret that as a script, so this fails.
You can, however, explicitly start a shell:
screen bash -c 'for i in *; do echo $i/share/sessions/* ; done'
By the way -- running one copy of rm per file you want to delete is going to be quite inefficient. Consider using xargs to spawn the smallest possible number of instances:
# avoid needing to quote and escape the code to run by encapsulating it in a function
screenfunc() { printf '%s\0' */share/sessions/* | xargs -0 rm -rf; }
export -f screenfunc # ...and exporting that function so subprocesses can access it.
screen bash -c screenfunc
There is no need really for screen here.
nohup rm -vrf */share/sessions/* >rm.out 2>&1 &
will run the command in the background, with output to rm.out. I added the -v option so you can see in more detail what it's doing by examining the tail of the output file. Note that the file won't be updated completely in real time due to buffering.
Another complication is that the invoking shell will do a significant amount of work with the wildcard when it sets up this job. You can delegate that to a subshell, too:
nohup sh -c 'rm -rvf */share/sessions/*' >rm.out 2>&1 &

Quit less when pipe closes

As part of a bash script, I want to run a program repeatedly, and redirect the output to less. The program has an interactive element, so the goal is that when you exit the program via the window's X button, it is restarted via the script. This part works great, but when I use a pipe to less, the program does not automatically restart until I go to the console and press q. The relevant part of the script:
while :
program | less
I want to make less quit itself when the pipe closes, so that the program restarts without any user intervention. (That way it behaves just as if the pipe was not there, except while the program is running you can consult the console to view the output of the current run.)
Alternative solutions to this problem are also welcome.
Instead of exiting less, could you simply aggregate the output of each run of program?
while :
done | less
Having less exit when program would be at odds with one useful feature of less, which is that it can buffer the output of a program that exits before you finish reading its output.
UPDATE: Here's an attempt at using a background process to kill less when it is time. It assumes that the only program reading the output file is the less to kill.
while :
( program > /tmp/$$-program-output; kill $(lsof -Fp | cut -c2-) ) &
less /tmp/$$-program-output
program writes its output to a file. Once it exits, the kill command uses lsof to
find out what process is reading the file, then kills it. Note that there is a race condition; less needs to start before program exists. If that's a problem, it can
probably be worked around, but I'll avoid cluttering the answer otherwise.
You may try to kill the process group program and less belong to instead of using kill and lsof.
trap 'kill 0' EXIT
while :
# script command gives sh -c own process group id (only sh -c cmd gets killed, not entire script!)
# FreeBSD script command
script -q /dev/null sh -c '(trap "kill -HUP -- -$$" EXIT; echo hello; sleep 5; echo world) | less -E -c'
# GNU script command
#script -q -c 'sh -c "(trap \"kill -HUP -- -$$\" EXIT; echo hello; sleep 5; echo world) | less -E -c"' /dev/null
printf '\n%s\n\n' "you now may ctrl-c the program: $0" 1>&2
sleep 3
While I agree with chepner's suggestion, if you really want individual less instances, I think this item for the man page will help you:
-e or --quit-at-eof
Causes less to automatically exit the second time it reaches end-of-file. By default,
the only way to exit less is via the "q" command.
Causes less to automatically exit the first time it reaches end-of-file.
you would make this option visible to less in the LESS envir variable
export LESS="-E"
while : ; do
program | less

How to process files concurrently with bash?

Suppose I have 10K filesa and a bash script which processes a single file. Now I would like to process all these files concurrently with only K script running in parallel. I do not want (obviously) to process any file more than once.
How would you suggest implement it in bash ?
One way of executing a limited number of parallel jobs is with GNU parallel. For example, with this command:
find . -type f -print0 | parallel -0 -P 3 ./myscript {1}
You will pass all files in the current directory (and its subdirectories) as parameters to myscript, one at a time. The -0 option sets the delimiter to be the null character, and the -P option sets the number of jobs that are executed in parallel. The default number of parallel processes is equal to the number of cores in the system. There are other options for parallel processing in clusters etc, which are documented here.
I bash you can easily run part of the script in a different process just by using '(' and ')'. If you add &, then the parent process will not wait for the child. So you in fact use ( command1; command2; command3; ... ) &:
while ... do
your script goes here, executed in a separate process
) &
And also the $! gives you the PID of the child process. What else you need to know? When you reach the k processes launched, you need to wait for the others. This is done using wait <PID>:
If you want to wait for all of them, just use wait.
This should be sufficient for you to implement the system.
for f1 in *;do
(( cnt = cnt +1 ))
if [ cnt -le $k ];then
nohup ./script1 $f1 &
please test it . dont' have time to

How do I terminate all the subshell processes?

I have a bash script to test how a server performs under load.
if [ $# -gt 0 ]; then
for i in {1 .. $num}; do
(while true; do
{ time curl --silent 'http://localhost'; } 2>&1 | grep real
done) &
When I hit Ctrl-C, the main process exits, but the background loops keep running. How do I make them all exit? Or is there a better way of spawning a configurable number of logic loops executing in parallel?
Here's a simpler solution -- just add the following line at the top of your script:
trap "kill 0" SIGINT
Killing 0 sends the signal to all processes in the current process group.
One way to kill subshells, but not self:
kill $(jobs -p)
Bit of a late answer, but for me solutions like kill 0 or kill $(jobs -p) go too far (kill all child processes).
If you just want to make sure one specific child-process (and its own children) are tidied up then a better solution is to kill by process group (PGID) using the sub-process' PID, like so:
set -m
./ &
kill -- -${some_pid}
Firstly, the set -m command will enable job management (if it isn't already), this is important, as otherwise all commands, sub-shells etc. will be assigned to the same process group as your parent script (unlike when you run the commands manually in a terminal), and kill will just give a "no such process" error. This needs to be called before you run the background command you wish to manage as a group (or just call it at script start if you have several).
Secondly, note that the argument to kill is negative, this indicates that you want to kill an entire process group. By default the process group ID is the same as the first command in the group, so we can get it by simply adding a minus sign in front of the PID we fetched with $!. If you need to get the process group ID in a more complex case, you will need to use ps -o pgid= ${some_pid}, then add the minus sign to that.
Lastly, note the use of the explicit end of options --, this is important, as otherwise the process group argument will be treated as an option (signal number), and kill will complain it doesn't have enough arguments. You only need this if the process group argument is the first one you wish to terminate.
Here is a simplified example of a background timeout process, and how to cleanup as much as possible:
# Use the overkill method in case we're terminated ourselves
trap 'kill $(jobs -p | xargs)' SIGINT SIGHUP SIGTERM EXIT
# Setup a simple timeout command (an echo)
set -m
{ sleep 3600; echo "Operation took longer than an hour"; } &
# Run our actual operation here
# Cancel our timeout
kill -- -${timeout_pid} >/dev/null 2>&1
wait -- -${timeout_pid} >/dev/null 2>&1
printf '' 2>&1
This should cleanly handle cancelling this simplistic timeout in all reasonable cases; the only case that can't be handled is the script being terminated immediately (kill -9), as it won't get a chance to cleanup.
I've also added a wait, followed by a no-op (printf ''), this is to suppress "terminated" messages that can be caused by the kill command, it's a bit of a hack, but is reliable enough in my experience.
You need to use job control, which, unfortunately, is a bit complicated. If these are the only background jobs that you expect will be running, you can run a command like this one:
jobs \
| perl -ne 'print "$1\n" if m/^\[(\d+)\][+-]? +Running/;' \
| while read -r ; do kill %"$REPLY" ; done
jobs prints a list of all active jobs (running jobs, plus recently finished or terminated jobs), in a format like this:
[1] Running sleep 10 &
[2] Running sleep 10 &
[3] Running sleep 10 &
[4] Running sleep 10 &
[5] Running sleep 10 &
[6] Running sleep 10 &
[7] Running sleep 10 &
[8] Running sleep 10 &
[9]- Running sleep 10 &
[10]+ Running sleep 10 &
(Those are jobs that I launched by running for i in {1..10} ; do sleep 10 & done.)
perl -ne ... is me using Perl to extract the job numbers of the running jobs; you can obviously use a different tool if you prefer. You may need to modify this script if your jobs has a different output format; but the above output is also on Cygwin, so it's very likely identical to yours.
read -r reads a "raw" line from standard input, and saves it into the variable $REPLY. kill %"$REPLY" will be something like kill %1, which "kills" (sends an interrupt signal to) job number 1. (Not to be confused with kill 1, which would kill process number 1.) Together, while read -r ; do kill %"$REPLY" ; done goes through each job number printed by the Perl script, and kills it.
By the way, your for i in {1 .. $num} won't do what you expect, since brace expansion is handled before parameter expansion, so what you have is equivalent to for i in "{1" .. "$num}". (And you can't have white-space inside the brace expansion, anyway.) Unfortunately, I don't know of a clean alternative; I think you have to do something like for i in $(bash -c "{1..$num}"), or else switch to an arithmetic for-loop or whatnot.
Also by the way, you don't need to wrap your while-loop in parentheses; & already causes the job to be run in a subshell.
Here's my eventual solution. I'm keeping track of the subshell process IDs using an array variable, and trapping the Ctrl-C signal to kill them.
declare -a subs #array of subshell pids
function kill_subs() {
for pid in ${subs[#]}; do
kill $pid
exit 0
num=1 if [ $# -gt 0 ]; then
num=$1 fi
for ((i=0;i < $num; i++)); do
while true; do
{ time curl --silent 'http://localhost'; } 2>&1 | grep real
done &
subs[$i]=$! #grab the pid of the subshell
trap kill_subs 1 2 15
While these is not an answer, I just would like to point out something which invalidates the selected one; using jobs or kill 0 might have unexpected results; in my case it killed unintended processes which in my case is not an option.
It has been highlighted somehow in some of the answers but I am afraid not with enough stress or it has been not considered:
"Bit of a late answer, but for me solutions like kill 0 or kill $(jobs -p) go too far (kill all child processes)."
"If these are the only background jobs that you expect will be running, you can run a command like this one:"
