I am looking for a very simple example of a box with thick edge lines.
I have looked into three.meshlines, but all the examples are too complex.
I am only looking for an example in react three fiber! Can someone help?
I was wondering what is the best way to create a slide bar in a-frame since there is no such feature, at least as far as i looked at the documentation.
I would like to create something like this (taken from a unity project):
I can image that this could happen by import a line and a cylinder and play around with the position of the cylinder but i cant think of a way to count integers when moving right or left the cylinder..
P.S. It is my first day in A-Frame
It seems pretty complicated indeed, especially if it's your first day :) With a little search, I found this component on github could maybe answer your needs.
I am searching a way to do the following charts with D3.js and as I'm new to this, I have no idea at the moment how to sort the squares.
Tried some research for charts like this:
Square chart
Proportional Aera Chart
but I did not find anything regarding D3.js.
Does anyone have an idea how to start or proceed?
I think I could manage to create an area with all squares in the right dimensions, but I do not know how to sort them dynamically, so they would group together automatically as shown especially in the first image, when their sizes do not match perfectly but differ a lot.
Thanx for any help, hirschferkel
This example from Mike Bostock is, I think, the sort of thing you're after:
I suddenly came accross maybe a similar chart: It's called demers cartogram. There is a way to create it in d3.js but it does not look as good as Arc Gis creates it, where the alignment of squares looks much cleaner.
Demers Cartogram with d3.js
Demers Cartogram with ArcGis
By far the most elegant way to rotate a globe in d3 that I've seen is Jason Davies' version: https://www.jasondavies.com/maps/rotate/
Unfortunately his code is minified, and even if I un-minify it, I can't make heads or tails of it with all the variables and functions named with single letters. (It doesn't help that the page includes code to implement "naive" rotation, and also the zooming, which I don't need.)
Anybody know of a demonstration of this technique that doesn't obfuscate the code?
Try looking here: http://bl.ocks.org/KoGor/5994804. The only thing is that you need to start dragging on a land and not on a water.
You may disregard text in Russian (the code has comments in English), but you may also consider translating it and the linked article.
I just wanna ask you way to do this.
How can auto rotate the house object to the line which is bottom align to the line, when the user moves the house to the line. (see example)
I know black dot and house's coordinates.
I implemented this, following coproc's advice. Unluckily, the code is a little to lengthy to post here, but you can read it and check it working online in wonderfl:
Most relevant code lines are commented, the only assumption is that the house's graphic registration point is at its center (in my case I drew a Sprite, but it should work just as well with any MovieClip). I think it accomplishes quite well what you are looking for.
Hope this helps!
I am trying to plot circles in Leaflet.js (a webmapping app), following http://bost.ocks.org/mike/leaflet/ seems not to be dificult, but I'm having strange problems :.( that you can see here: http://bl.ocks.org/3047025
In fact here you can see simple circles and works fine if zooming (double click on map) and so on. But I want these features to be circles instead of paths. I think it is not possible (?)
I would like to have circles so I can apply transitions (from radius 0 to X, change color, gravities), events and so on.
Are these transitions in Circles+Leaflet.js possible?? as far as I tested, with paths it is not.
thanks in advance,
Ziggy Johnson kindly answered my question in the d3.js googlegroup.
You can take a look how it's correctly done in http://bl.ocks.org/3087431
thanks again, Ziggy!