Elasticsearch Apply pagination on list of [response1[0....Integer.Max_VAL] + rsponse2[0....Integer.Max_VAL] + response3[0....Integer.Max_VAL]] - spring-boot

I'm working on Elasticsearch where I have to apply the idea of bucketing based on lastActiveDate of a user.
current Process is below
(Search String) -> [ElasticSearch(match query + range query)] => (Response( user with score)) => Then apply Pagination
What I need to implement is
(Search String) -> [ElasticSearch(match query + range query)] => (Response( Keep the relevancy score as the last) + [lastActiveDate should be in range of 1-3 months from current date] +
This is new Addition Required
(Append this respose as well)Response( Keep the relevancy score as is it) + [lastActiveDate should be in range of 4-6 months from current date]) => Then apply Pagination
Now, this can be solved if I tell the API consumer to call my API multiple time with appropriate date range(Solving the issue at Client(consumer) level). But as I am working with micro-services this logic should be implemented at my end so that other teams don't have to change the code.
My issue is with pagination and data duplication if I implement anything.
Solutions that I thought might work:
Apply multi search query on same index with, but in response dont get response object I get multiple response object with their own pagination objects. (Not sure how do I manipulate this for my implementation as pagination is not global)
Make the REST API statefull, send the pagination object(somesortofhash) from which I can tell do I have to query for 1-3 months or 4-6 months. I can do this otherwise whats the point of REST API.
The Known problems.
I have two section (1-3, 4-6), during pagination if the elements are less than the asked size in pagination. They won't call my api again as it means the data is not there anymore. To continue the response I have to call my database again for 4-6 months and full fill my request size.
If I go with above approach, I'll have a data duplication issue, as in the next call(4-6) I'll send the same data again, for mitigting this I can send an object in the response and tell others to send this when you call the API again. This will again create the issue because I'm dependent on the previous call.
It seems I'm out of options here, can anyone help how to do this ?


Youtube API - Subscriptions list returns different number of total results in set

I'm trying to get the complete list of my subscriptions. I've tried 3 methods, all of them returns different amount of subscriptions and I don't know what to do :)
1: Using Subscriptions: list with channel ID:
"totalResults" is 942
2: Using Subscriptions: list with "mine" flag. the "totalResult" field is 991.
Where do 49 subscriptions appear from?
3: Open browser in incognite mode, go to
Click on "Channels" tab, scroll down to the end of the subscriptions list, open console and type something like that
document.querySelectorAll("#contents #items > *").length
I see 1039. Where do another 48 subscriptions come from?
And the 1039 seems to be the most accurace number - I have 6 subscriptions in a row and the last row has only 1 item. 173*6+1 = 1039
So the questions is - how do I get all the 1039 subscriptions by API? And why does it return wrong amount of subscriptions?
You are using Subscriptions: list and shouldn't have such kind of bugs with totalResults however maybe there is a YouTube Data API v3 endpoint bug as documented in Search: list totalResults is:
The total number of results in the result set. Please note that the value is an approximation and may not represent an exact value. In addition, the maximum value is 1,000,000.
You should not use this value to create pagination links. Instead, use the nextPageToken and prevPageToken property values to determine whether to show pagination links.
So I would recommend you to enumerate all subscriptions you have with the different methods you explained and so count on your own by using nextPageToken.

Unable to get results more than 100 results on google custom search api

I need to use Google Custom Search API https://developers.google.com/custom-search/v1/overview. From that page, it said:
For CSE users, the API provides 100 search queries per day for free.
If you need more, you may sign up for billing in the Developers
Console. Additional requests cost $5 per 1000 queries, up to 10k
queries per day.
I already sign up for billing inside the developer console. However, I still could not retrieve results more than 100. What things should I do more? https://www.googleapis.com/customsearch/v1?cx=CSE_INSTANCE&key=API_KEY&q=QUERY&start=100
{ error: { errors: [ { domain: "global", reason: "invalid", message:
"Invalid Value" } ], code: 400, message: "Invalid Value" } }
Query: Definition
Any actual user query from a Google Site Search engine, including but
not limited to search engines installed on your website using XML,
iFrame, or the Custom Search Element.
That means you would probably need to send eleven queries to get more than 100 results.
GET https://www.googleapis.com/customsearch/v1?&q=QUERY&...&start=1
GET https://www.googleapis.com/customsearch/v1?&q=QUERY&...&start=11
GET https://www.googleapis.com/customsearch/v1?&q=QUERY&...&start=21
GET ...
GET https://www.googleapis.com/customsearch/v1?&q=QUERY&...&start=81
GET https://www.googleapis.com/customsearch/v1?&q=QUERY&...&start=91
GET https://www.googleapis.com/customsearch/v1?&q=QUERY&...&start=101
Check every response and if error code is 400, you can stop - there is probably no need to send next (&start=previous+10) request.
Now you can merge responses and start building results page.
Google Custom Search and Google Site Search return up to 10 results
per query. If you want to display more than 10 results to the user,
you can issue multiple requests (using the start=0, start=11 ...
parameters) and display the results on a single page. In this case,
Google will consider each request as a separate query, and if you are
using Google Site Search, each query will count towards your limit.
There might be a better way to do this then I described above. (But, I'm not sure about batching API calls.)
And (finally) possible answer to your question: I made more than few tests, but I haven't had any luck with start greater than 100 (I was getting the same as you - <Response [400]>). I'm using "Browser key" from my billing-enabled project. That could mean we can't get 101st, 102nd, 103rd, etc. results with CSE API.
The API documentation says it never returns more than 100 items.
integer (uint32 format)
The index of the first result to return. The default number of results
per page is 10, so &start=11 would start at the top of the second page
of results. Note: The JSON API will never return more than 100
results, even if more than 100 documents match the query, so setting
the sum of start + num to a number greater than 100 will produce an
error. Also note that the maximum value for num is 10.

How do we improve a MongoDB MapReduce function that takes too long to retrieve data and gives out of memory errors?

Retrieving data from mongo takes too long, even for small datasets. For bigger datasets we get out of memory errors of the javascript engine. We've tried several schema designs and several ways to retrieve data. How do we optimize mongoDB/mapReduce function/MongoWire to retrieve more data quicker?
We're not very experienced with MongoDB yet and are therefore not sure whether we're missing optimization steps or if we're just using the wrong tools.
1. Background
For graphing and playback purposes we want to store changes for several objects over time. Currently we have tens of objects per project, but expectations are we need to store thousands of objects. The objects may change every second or not change for long periods of time. A Delphi backend writes to and reads from MongoDB through MongoWire and SuperObjects, the data is displayed in a web frontend.
2. Schema design
We're storing the object changes in minute-second-millisecond objects in a record per hour. The schema design is like described here. Sample:
o: object1,
dt: $date,
v: {0: {0:{0: {speed: 8, rate: 0.8}}}, 1: {0:{0: {speed: 9}}}, …}
We've put indexes on {dt: -1, o: 1} and {o:1}.
3. Retrieving data
We use a mapReduce to construct a new date based on the minute-second-millisecond objects and to put the object back in v:
o: object1,
dt: $date,
v: {speed: 8, rate:0.8}
An average document is about 525 kB before the mapReduce function and has had ~29000 updates. After mapReduce of such a document, the result is about 746 kB.
3.1 Retrieving data from through mongo shell with mapReduce
We're using the following map function:
function mapF(){
for (var i = 0; i < 3600; i++){
var imin = Math.floor(i / 60);
var isec = (i % 60);
var min = ''+imin;
var sec = ''+isec;
if (this.v.hasOwnProperty(min) && this.v[min].hasOwnProperty(sec)) {
for (var ms in this.v[min][sec]) {
if (imin !== 0 && isec !== 0 && ms !== '0' && this.v[min][sec].hasOwnProperty(ms)) {// is our keyframe
var currentV = this.v[min][sec][ms];
//newT is new date computed by the min, sec, ms above
if (toDate > newT && newT > fromDate) {
if (fields && fields.length > 0) {
for (var p = 0, length = fields.length; p < length; p++){
//check if field is present and put it in newV
if (newV) {
emit(this.o, {vs: [{o: this.o, dt: newT, v: newV}]});
} else {
emit(this.o, {vs: [{o: this.o, dt: newT, v: currentV}]});
The reduce function basically just passes the data on. The call to mapReduce:
db.collection.mapReduce( mapF,reduceF,
{out: {inline: 1},
query: {o: {$in: objectNames]}, dt: {$gte: keyframeFromDate, $lt: keyframeToDate}},
sort: {dt: 1},
scope: {toDate: toDateWithinKeyframe, fromDate: fromDateWithinKeyframe, fields: []},
jsMode: true});
Retrieving 2 objects over 1 hour: 2,4 seconds.
Retrieving 2 objects over 5 hour: 8,3 seconds.
For this method we would have to write js and bat files runtime and read the json data back in. We have not measured times fort his yet, because frankly, we don’t like the idea very much.
Another problem with this method is that we get out of memory errors of the v8 javascript engine when we try to retrieve data for longer periods and/or more objects. Using a pc with more RAM works to some extend in preventing out of memory, but it doesn't make retrieving data faster.
This article mentions splitVector, which we might use to devide the workload. But we're not sure on how to use the keyPattern and maxChunkSizeBytes options. Can we use a keyPattern for both o and dt?
We might use multiple collections, but our dataset isn’t that big to start with at the moment, so we’re worried about how much collections we’d need.
3.2 Retrieving data through mongoWire with mapReduce
For retrieving data through mongoWire with mapReduce, we use the same mapReduce functions as above. We use the following Delphi code to start te query:
'mapreduce', ‘collection’,
'map', bsonJavaScriptCodePrefix + FMapVCRFunction.Text,
'reduce', bsonJavaScriptCodePrefix + FReduceVCRFunction.Text,
'out', BSON(['inline', 1]),
'query', mapquery,
'sort', BSON(['dt', -1]),
'scope', scope
Retrieving data with this method is about 3-4 times (!) slower. And then the data has to be translated from BSON (IBSONDocument to JSON (SuperObject), which is a major time consuming part in this method. For retrieving raw data we use TMongoWireQuery which translates the BSONdocument in parts, while this mapReduce function uses TMongoWire directly and tries to translate the complete result. This might explain why this takes so long, while normally it's quite fast. If we can reduce the time it takes for the mapReduce to return results, this might be a next step for us to focus on.
3.3 Retrieving raw data and parsing in Delphi
Retrieving raw data to Delphi takes a bit longer then the previous method, but probably because of the use of TMongoWireQuery, the translation from BSON to JSON is much quicker.
4. Questions
Can we do further optimizations on our schema design?
How can we make the mapReduce function faster?
How can we prevent the out of
memory errors of the v8 engine? Can someone give more information on
the splitVector function?
How can we best use of mapReduce from Delphi? Can we use
MongoWireQuery in stead of MongoWire?
5. Specs
MongoDB 3.0.3
MongoWire from 2015 (recently updated)
Delphi 2010 (got XE5 as well)
4GB RAM (tried on 8GB RAM as well, less out of memory, but reading times are about the same)
Phew what a question! First up: I'm not an expert at MongoDB. I wrote TMongoWire as a way to get to know MongoDB a little. Also I really (really) dislike when wrappers have a plethora of overloads to do the same thing but for all kinds of specific types. A long time ago programmers didn't have generics, but we did have Variant. So I built a MongoDB wrapper (and IBSONDocument) based around variants. That said, I apparently made something people like to use, and by keeping it simple performs quite well. (I haven't been putting much time in it lately, but on the top of the list is catering for the new authentication schemes since version 3.)
Now, about your specific setup. You say you use mapreduce to get from 500KB to 700KB? I think there's a hint there you're using the wrong tool for the job. I'm not sure what the default mongo shell does differently than when you do the same over TMongoWire.Get, but if I assume mapReduce assembles the response first before sending it over the wire, that's where the performance gets lost.
So here's my advice: you're right with thinking about using TMongoWireQuery. It offers a way to process data faster as the server will be streaming it in, but there's more.
I strongly suggest to use an array to store the list of seconds. Even if not all seconds have data, store null on the seconds without data so each minute array has 60 items. This is why:
One nicety that turned up in designing TMongoWireQuery, is the assumption you'll be processing a single (BSON) document at a time, and that the contents of the documents will be roughly similar, at least in the value names. So by using the same IBSONDocument instance when enumerating the response, you actually save a lot of time by not having to de-allocate and re-allocate all those variants.
That goes for simple documents, but would actually be nice to have on arrays as well. That's why I created IBSONDocumentEnumerator. You need to pre-load an IBSONDocument instance with an IBSONDocumentEnumerator in the place where you're expecting the array of documents, and you need to process the array in roughly the same way as with TMongoWireQuery: enumerate it using the same IBSONDocument instance, so when subsequent documents have the same keys, time is saved not having to re-allocate them.
In your case though, you would still need to pull the data of an entire hour through the wire just to select the seconds you need. As I said before, I'm not a MongoDB expert, but I suspect there could be a better way to store data like this. Either with a separate document per second (I guess this would let the indexes do more of the work, and MongoDB can take that insert-rate), or with a specific query construction so that MongoDB knows to shorten the seconds array into just that data you're requesting (is that what $splice does?)
Here's an example of how to use IBSONDocumentEnumerator on documents like {name:"fruit",items:[{name:"apple"},{name:"pear"}]}
while q.Next(d) do
while e.Next(d1) do

Solr performance with commitWithin does not make sense

I am running a very simple performance experiment where I post 2000 documents to my application.
Who in tern persists them to a relational DB and sends them to Solr for indexing (Synchronously, in the same request).
I am testing 3 use cases:
No indexing at all - ~45 sec to post 2000 documents
Indexing included - commit after each add. ~8 minutes (!) to post and index 2000 documents
Indexing included - commitWithin 1ms ~55 seconds (!) to post and index 2000 documents
The 3rd result does not make any sense, I would expect the behavior to be similar to the one in point 2. At first I thought that the documents were not really committed but I could actually see them being added by executing some queries during the experiment (via the solr web UI).
I am worried that I am missing something very big. Is it possible that committing after each add will degrade performance by a factor of 400?!
The code I use for point 2:
SolrInputDocument = // get doc
SolrServer solrConnection = // get connection
Where as the code for point 3:
SolrInputDocument = // get doc
SolrServer solrConnection = // get connection
solrConnection.add(doc, 1); // According to API documentation I understand there is no need to call an explicit commit after this
According to this wiki:
the commitWithin is a soft-commit by default. Soft-commits are very efficient in terms of making the added documents immediately searchable. But! They are not on the disk yet. That means the documents are being committed into RAM. In this setup you would use updateLog to be solr instance crash tolerant.
What you do in point 2 is hard-commit, i.e. flush the added documents to disk. Doing this after each document add is very expensive. So instead, post a bunch of documents and issue a hard commit or even have you autoCommit set to some reasonable value, like 10 min or 1 hour (depends on your user expectations).

Zend Framework Cache

I'm trying to make an ajax autocomplete search box that of course uses SQL, min 3 characters, and have a SQL view of relevant fields already set up and indexed in the db. The CPU still spikes when searching, which I expected as it's running a query for every character. I want to use Zend shm cache to speed up results and reduce CPU usage. The results are stored in an array which is to be cached like this:
while($row = db2_fetch_row($stmt)) {
$fSearch[trim($row[0]).trim($row[1])] = array(/*array built here*/);
if (zend_shm_cache_store('fSearch', $fSearch, 10 * 60) === false) {
error_log('Failed to store search cache!');
Of course there's actual data inside the array instead of comments, I just shortened the code for simplicity. Rows 0&1 form the PK, and this has tested to be working properly. It's the zend_shm_cache_store that fails because the error log gets flooded with 'Failed to store search cache!'. I read that zend_shm_cache_store can store any array that can be serialized - how can I tell if my data is serialized or can be serialized? Are there any other potential causes? I did make a test page that only stored a string and that was successful, so I know caching is on.
Solved: cache size was too small for array - increased cache size and it worked fine. Sorry for the trouble.
