AKV refresh not working with azure-spring-boot-starter-keyvault-secrets 3.14.0 - spring

After getting azure-spring-boot-starter-keyvault-secrets 3.14.0 running in production, I've included code to dynamically update properties from AKV. Configuration is as follows:
azure.keyvault.enabled: true
azure.keyvault.uri: https://${app.stage}-${app.key}.${vaulturi}/
azure.keyvault.client-id: ${aks.client.id}
azure.keyvault.client-key: ${aks.client.secret}
azure.keyvault.tenant-id: ${app.tenant.id}
azure.keyvault.authority-host: ${az.login}
azure.activedirectory.environment: ${az.env}
azure.keyvault.refresh-interval: 300000
I'm using environment to read updated values:
Environment environment;
value = environment.getProperty(SECRET_FROM_AKV);
Weird thing is, that it works fine for one service and doesn't for another, using the exact same classes. I've tracked it down to the point that I can see, the value in environment is not updated. Any idea, where to go from here? How to figure out, why azure-spring-boot-starter-keyvault-secrets is not updating the value in environment?


Question about weird behavior referencing a YAML pipeline resource using a variable for the pipeline resource name

I am experiencing weird behavior with YAML variables, parameters, and Azure pipeline resource references. The following shows the original implementation that works compared to my new implementation with a single line change that fails.
Working Implementation
Template A (makes a call to template B):
- template: Templates\TemplateB.yml
serviceBuildResourceName: resourceName
Template B (uses serviceBuildResourceName param to get pipeline run information):
$projectId = '$(resources.pipeline.${{ parameters.serviceBuildResourceName }}.projectID)'
$pipelineId ='$(resources.pipeline.${{ parameters.serviceBuildResourceName }}.PipelineID)'
Template B goes on to use the values in $projectId and $pipelineId (along with other values not listed here since it is irrelevant) to successfully retrieve information about the a pipeline run from the specific pipeline resource, serviceBuildResourceName. Note that all pipeline resources are correctly defined at the beginning yaml file for the pipeline. In this implementation above, everything works perfectly.
Failing Implementation
Template A (makes a call to template B):
- template: Templates\TemplateB.yml
serviceBuildResourceName: $(ServiceBuildResourceName)
Template B (uses serviceBuildResourceName param to get pipeline run information):
$projectId = '$(resources.pipeline.${{ parameters.serviceBuildResourceName }}.projectID)'
$pipelineId ='$(resources.pipeline.${{ parameters.serviceBuildResourceName }}.PipelineID)'
Note that the only difference is the following: instead of passing the hard-coded string into the serviceBuildResourceName parameter, I pass in a variable, which has the same value as before, resourceName. The variable is defined in an earlier template as such:
- name: ServiceBuildResourceName
value: resourceName
I feel it should still work the same, but I know get the following error in my pipeline run:
WARNING: 2023-02-12 15:52:29.5071 Response body: {"$id":"1","innerException":null,"message":"The value is not an integer.
I know that the variable is being correctly populated since the error message above contains "resourceName" in resources.pipeline.resourceName.PipelineID, as it should.
However, for reasons unknown to me, it now throughs an error. It seems like it doesn't recognize the pipeline resource, and instead recognizes it as a string.
Any help or insight here would be greatly appreciated, thanks!
As far as I can tell, this is because of how predefined variables work in YAML. Since resources.pipeline... is a predefined variable, it gets resolved at compile time. Thus, you can't use run-time defined variables like I am doing. Instead of resolving it as a predefined variable, it will get resolved to be a string at runtime.

Xamarin.Android - How do you set the MONO_GC_PARAMS environment variable

How do you set the value of this environment variable in Mac OSX? I tried creating an environment.txt file in my Xamarin.Android project with a build action of AndroidEnvironment, but when I check my diagnostic build output, I still see this:
MONO_GC_PARAMS = major=marksweep-conc
I didn't set that value - it must be the default, but I can't find where it's stored or how to change it. Thank you.
These items need to be on a single line with commas seperating the parameters. i.e. MONO_GC_PARAMS=bridge-implementation=tarjan,nursery-size=128‌​m,soft-heap-limit=51‌​2m,major=marksweep-c‌​onc
This will be picked up via the following code:
if (lineToWrite.StartsWith ("MONO_GC_PARAMS=", StringComparison.Ordinal))
haveMonoGCParams = true;
You should be able to set this item if you have the Use the concurrent garbage collector (Experimental) enabled in your project settings. This definition will be added to your .csproj:
This will set the following parameter to Mono:
if (!haveMonoGCParams) {
if (EnableSGenConcurrent)
environment.WriteLine ("MONO_GC_PARAMS=major=marksweep-conc");
environment.WriteLine ("MONO_GC_PARAMS=major=marksweep");
However I believe only two options are available via this logic. Either marksweep or marksweep-conc.

Trouble fetching JSONArray key from server

1) I have an Object (JB8XGctiZw) that has to keys: "patternName", and "tempoIntensities". When I run the following code, It will fetch the correct values of both keys.
ParseObject parseObject=ParseObject.createWithoutData("AudioPattern", "JB8XGctiZw");
2) From the web interface I change value contents for BOTH keys.
3) Run again the above code and it will successfully bring me the new value for "patterName", but "tempoIntensities", the JSONArray, will not be updated.
The only way to get the JSONArray updated is to clear local storage.
Is this a bug? Is this behavior normal?
It seems to be an issue with using ParseObject.getJSONArray and ParseObject.getJSONObject. For the moment I fixed this using ParseObject.get() and then casting it.
The version of Parse this applies to is 1.8.2,
And there is an assigned issue here:
You should be logged in to facebook to see this bug

Trying to generate JMeter Test Plan (jmx) With JMeter API : Not able to save CSVDataSet element

I am creating a JMeter jmx file dynamically by using JMeter APIs. I am able to add a ThreadGroup within a TestPlan and a JavaSampler within the ThreadGroup. But when I add a CSVDataSet element within the Java Sampler, it does not get saved properly.
The following code is used to create a new CSVDataSet element
CSVDataSet csvDataSet = new CSVDataSet();
csvDataSet.setName("CSV Data Set");
csvDataSet.setComment("Sample CSV Data Set");
csvDataSet.setFilename("d:\\jmeter\\data.csv"); // variable
csvDataSet.setVariableNames("firstname, lastname, email"); // variable
When this is saved using SaveService.saveTree, the final jmx does not contain all the values which were set.
<CSVDataSet testname="CSV Data Set Config" enabled="true">
<stringProp name="TestPlan.comments">Sample CSV Data Set Config</stringProp>
As seen above, only the test name, enabled, and comments are added. The rest of the variables are completely ignored.
Is there something that needs to be set in order to get all the values as expected?
or is this a bug in JMeter? I am using version 2.11
The basic code is as per section 4.3 from following link
To that I add the code shown above. The way it is added is,
testPlanTree.add("testPlan", testPlan);
testPlanTree.add("loopController", loopController);
testPlanTree.add("threadGroup", threadGroup);
testPlanTree.add("httpSampler", httpSampler);
testPlanTree.add("csvDataSet", csvDataSet);
.saveTree(testPlanTree, new FileOutputStream("d:\\test.jmx"));
output of CSVDataSet block is as shown above.
After looking into the JMeter source code, it seems all the properties are set using the setProperty function rather than the individual setter functions. So putting the following code does the job of creating the CSVDataSet element properly.
csvDataSet.setProperty("delimiter", ",");
csvDataSet.setProperty("fileEncoding", "");
csvDataSet.setProperty("filename", "d:\\data.csv");
csvDataSet.setProperty("quotedData", true);
csvDataSet.setProperty("recycle", true);
csvDataSet.setProperty("shareMode", "shareMode.all");
csvDataSet.setProperty("stopThread", false);
csvDataSet.setProperty("variableNames", "var1, var2, var3");
Not sure why setters are not used in the code, but this seems to be the way to go for now
It is clearly not a bug in JMeter otherwise CSV Data Set could not be saved.
It is probably an issue in the way you build the HashTree, but unless you show the full code, you cannot get help.
By the way, as I said in a previous answer, what you are trying to do to build different tests based on input parameter is not good idea IMHO, the approach will be very fragile towards upcoming versions of JMeter.
JMeter provides ways to do it that you should follow.

Language Service: ParseReason.Check never called after migrating to VS2010

I just migrated my language service from VS2008 to VS2010. Everything works fine except for one important thing: I no longer get LanguageService.ParseSource invoked for ParseReason.Check. It do get a single invoke after opening a file. But after editing code, it no longer gets invoked.
Any ideas what could be causing that?
I also migrated a language service from 2008 to 2010. Can you check if you've fallowed all of these steps?
I didn't have to do anything else, which I verified by diffing the important files in our depot before and after the change.
I don't know if you ever figured your question out, but have you tried making sure that your Source class' LastParseTime is set to 0 when creating it? I seem to recall some issues with Check not happening unless you manually set LastParseTime to 0 when creating your Source object.
Protip: If you use .NET Reflector, you can disassemble all of the base classes for the LanguageService framework and get a pretty good understanding of how it all works under the hood. The classes you'd be interested in live in Microsoft.VisualStudio.Package.LanguageService.10.0.dll, which should be installed in the GAC. I've found this to be unimaginably helpful when trying to figure out why things weren't working in my own Language Service, and being able to step through the source code in the debugger mitigates almost all the pain of working with these frameworks!
When your Source object is initialized, it starts off with a LastParseTime of Int32.MaxValue. The code that causes fires off a ParseRequest with ParseReason.Check checks the LastParseTime value to see if the time since the last change to the text is less than the time it takes to run a parse (or the CodeSenseDelay setting, whichever is greater).
The code that handles the response from ParseSource is supposed to set the LastParseTime, but as far as I can tell, it only does that if the ParseReason is Check.
You can get around this issue by setting Source.LastParseTime = 0 when you initialize your Source. This has the side-effect of setting CompletedFirstParse to true, even if the first parse hasn't finished yet.
Another way to fix this issue is to override Source.OnIdle to fire off the first call to BeginParse() This is the way I would recommend.
public override void OnIdle(bool periodic)
// Once first "Check" parse completes, revert to base implementation
if (this.CompletedFirstParse)
// Same as base implementation, except we don't check lastParseTime
else if (!periodic || this.LanguageService == null || this.LanguageService.LastActiveTextView == null || (this.IsCompletorActive) || (!this.IsDirty || this.LanguageService.IsParsing))
