ElasticSearch on local machine Windows 10 asking Username & Password - elasticsearch

I am just started exploring about the Elasticsearch + Kibana + Logstash combined as my requirement of integration this with other tool chains.
I have tried to successfully downloading of ElasticSearch & Kibana from official websites.
And I am able to start the ElasticSearch as well.
When I go to browser to access this it is asking for me to enter credentials.
I saw lots of tutorials on youtube no one faced this problem.
Need to know what settings of configuration needs to apply here ?
My OS is : Windows-10
Thanks in advance !!

Adding below two lines in \elasticsearch-8.2.2\config\elasticsearch.yml
# Enable security features
xpack.security.enabled: true
xpack.security.enrollment.enabled: true


Fortinet FortiGate logs re not getting inserted in elastic search using fleet integration

Can someone please assist me, what all settings I can cross check at fortinet side to ensure that syslog matches Fortinet FortiGate logs integration requirement?
Current status:
Integration and all required assets are installed in kiana.
No error and warn noticed in elastic agent logs.
OLD question:
Could you please assist me on how I can add RFC3164 version to
logs-fortinet.firewall-1.7.2 ingest pipeline?
ALso, is it possible to add RFC3103 (using syslog_pri filter or kv filter) if yes, please assist with some examples to parse data?

How to reset Elasticsearch completely from Windows 10 PC including the accounts that I have generated with a elasticsearch-setup-passwords auto

I am completely new to using Elasticsearch and I am having problems running scripts on my windows 10 PC ever since running the command to generate accounts for ELK stack with passwords.
elasticsearch-setup-passwords auto
Running to random errors like writing access disabled to 'missing authentication credentials for REST request' , I just want to completely reset all these to the state it was after the first time I installed elasticsearch. Because I have tried uninstalling elasticsearch but it does not remove the account information that were generated. Please help me out.
Please note that I am using the Basic version.

Open distro for elasticsearch Document-level security

First of all, I apologize for my weakness in English.
I'm developing Open Distro for Elasticsearch (V7.9).
I have set Document-level security for Role, but I get an error.
The sample code in the Open Distro documentation also shows the error.
{"statusCode":404,"error":"Not Found","message":"Saved object [config/7.9.1] not found"}

How to add a basic user/pass authentication for ElasticSearch

I deployed Elasticsearch with the following the page below to my Azure Kubernetes environment.
It works fine.
But I want to add a basic user/password authentication for Elasticsearch page. I really don't get it why it's so complicated and needs to Google it.
Then I checked this page;
I guess I need to add "xpack.security.enabled: true" to elasticsearch.yaml file, but to where? How can I do that? I c/p and put the yaml file and it didn't worked.
Then the documentation below mentioned about the creating passwords for built-in users, but they mentioned only manual installations, not sure how to do with Kubernetes?
Is there any basic documentation available for creating authentication on Elasticsearch? How can I do that?
You can do it by installing elasticsearch using helm chart and modifying values.yaml. It allows you to modify elasticsearch.yaml.
You can enable xpack.security.enabled: true with following configuration:
esConfig: {}
elasticsearch.yml: |
xpack.security.enabled: true

Secure built-in user credentials for Kibana/ElasticSearch

ElasticSearch v6.8
I'm trying to build a couple of AMI's for ElasticSearch and Kibana using Packer.
I've been reading the official docs and have run into something confusing (for me at least)
I'm setting up the built-in users in ElasticSearch according to this doc. I'm using the auto option as opposed to interactive
bin/elasticsearch-setup-passwords auto
Once this is done I need to modify the kibana.yml file to use the built-in user whilst communicating with ElasticSearch. This doc describes what to do. Essentially you add these two lines:
elasticsearch.username: "kibana"
elasticsearch.password: "kibanapassword"
How can I automatically read the password output for the built in Kibana user (bin/elasticsearch-setup-passwords auto) so that I can add it to the kibana.yml file?
Is storing the password in plain text in the 'kibana.yml' file secure? I fear it is not... but is there an alternative?
For elasticsearch-setup-passwords rather than using auto, look into --batch, so you can define the password and then use that for Kibana.
You probably want to use a keystore for Kibana.
