Can I render png image with React Fiber? - three.js

Everyone, I am using React Fiber and I just want to render png images, in more detail social icons, but it has backgrounds...
So here is source code link.
enter image description here
How can I fix it?


how to embed onedrive image in website as deferred

I have embedded an image in my website from Microsoft one drive but problem is that image is in webP format but the embed code has not had this format. Moreover, I want to defer this image but don't know-how is to be codded. Here is my webpage having this image.

how can I cache a small part of image in flutter?

How I can show the image in the app like the social network?
My meaning is I show a blurred preview of the image (not download completely) then if the user clicks on the image, app downloading the image completely and shows.

How to display an animated gif with transparent background im MIT App Inventor?

I cannot play GIF with transparent background in MIT App inventor.
I used image component to show the GIF but it does not work.
Reviewing the uploaded GIF in host, it revealed that the background of the GIF is automatically set to white.
in App Inventor use a webviewer component, see an example here App Inventor and animated gifs
However the background not really can be transparent because your app itself can't be transparent.
protip: next time do a Google search like this ... you could have found the answer to your question easily yourself...
Just using Glide library in your app, Check below code
ImageView imageView = (ImageView) findViewById(;
GlideDrawableImageViewTarget imageViewTarget = new GlideDrawableImageViewTarget(imageView);

how to give time duration for gif image in nativescript-Angular app

I am using nativescript-gif plugin for loading gif images on app component because of component routing to another component without showing gif image how to show gif image first then routing should happen

how to display the gif image in windows phone by not using web browser

how to show the gif image in windows phone 7, i tried from many site, but they have done only by using web browser to view the gif image. now i want to view the gif image by not using of web browser control, usually have to view the gif image as jpeg image in windows phone 7. how to do Please help me
Thanks in advance.
u cant render directly the gif image in wp7 & so u can decode it to the bitmap image to show
ther are many links to show how to convert gif into bitmap, take a look at these--->
Display GIF in a WP7 application with Silverlight
