How could I configure the reward for a substrate Aura validator? - substrate

Now that the PoA is running with multiple Aura validators in my substrate-node-template. How could I configure that reward amount or value for my Aura validators?

I got it working, PoA will reward the validator who created the block using the tip as the sample value for the fees, here are the steps:
Install the pallet_authorship
pallet-authorship = { version = "4.0.0-dev", default-features = false, git = "", branch = "polkadot-v0.9.23" }
Configure the pallet to get the current author of the block
pub struct AuraAccountAdapter;
impl frame_support::traits::FindAuthor<AccountId> for AuraAccountAdapter {
fn find_author<'a, I>(digests: I) -> Option<AccountId>
where I: 'a + IntoIterator<Item=(frame_support::ConsensusEngineId, &'a [u8])>
pallet_aura::AuraAuthorId::<Runtime>::find_author(digests).and_then(|k| {
impl pallet_authorship::Config for Runtime {
type FindAuthor = AuraAccountAdapter;
type UncleGenerations = ();
type FilterUncle = ();
type EventHandler = ();
Create OnUnbalanced implementation of Author and DealWithFees
use crate::{Authorship, Balances};
use frame_support::traits::{Imbalance, OnUnbalanced};
use crate::sp_api_hidden_includes_construct_runtime::hidden_include::traits::Currency;
use crate::AccountId;
type NegativeImbalance = <Balances as Currency<AccountId>>::NegativeImbalance;
pub struct Author;
impl OnUnbalanced<NegativeImbalance> for Author {
fn on_nonzero_unbalanced(amount: NegativeImbalance) {
if let Some(author) = Authorship::author() {
Balances::resolve_creating(&author, amount);
pub struct DealWithFees;
impl OnUnbalanced<NegativeImbalance> for DealWithFees {
fn on_unbalanceds<B>(mut fees_then_tips: impl Iterator<Item = NegativeImbalance>) {
if let Some(fees) = {
let mut split = fees.ration(80, 20);
if let Some(tips) = {
// for tips, if any, 80% to treasury, 20% to block author (though this can be anything)
tips.ration_merge_into(80, 20, &mut split);
Call the implementation in the pallet_transaction_payment tuple OnChargeTransaction
impl pallet_transaction_payment::Config for Runtime {
type OnChargeTransaction = CurrencyAdapter<Balances, crate::impls::DealWithFees>;
type OperationalFeeMultiplier = ConstU8<5>;
type WeightToFee = IdentityFee<Balance>;
type LengthToFee = IdentityFee<Balance>;
type FeeMultiplierUpdate = ();
Also added in my blog:


How to Filter out a Vec of Strings From a Vec of Structs Rust

I have a working solution to filtering out an input vec of strings compared to a vector of a struct. However, my code seems complicated and I tried simplify the code using a iter::filter( This caused issues because the iterator gave back values that were references and could not be directly used. It seems like my understanding of the iter and what can be done in a structs vector needs refreshing. Below is the simplified filtering code that works:
pub struct Widget {
name: String,
pin: u16,
impl Widget{
pub fn new(widget_name: String, widget_pin: String) -> Widget {
let widget_pin_u16 = widget_pin.parse::<u16>().expect("Unable to parse");
let nw = Widget {
name: widget_name,
pin: widget_pin_u16
return nw
pub struct WidgetHolder {
widgets: Vec<Widget>,
widget_holder_name: String
impl WidgetHolder {
fn add_widgets(&mut self, valid_widgets_found: Vec<String>) {
let mut widgets_to_add: Vec<String> = Vec::new();
for widget in valid_widgets_found {
// The string musy be compared to pin field, so we're converting
let widget_offset = widget
.expect("Unable to parse widget base into int.");
// If it doesnt exist in our widgetHolder widgets vector, then lets add it.
let mut widget_exists = false;
for existing_widget in &self.widgets {
if widget_offset == {
widget_exists = true;
if !widget_exists {
if widgets_to_add.is_empty() {
for widget in widgets_to_add {
let loaded_widget = Widget::new(self.widget_holder_name.clone(), widget);
pub fn main() {
let init_vec = Vec::new();
let mut wh = WidgetHolder {
widgets: init_vec,
widget_holder_name: "MyWidget".to_string()
let vec1 = vec!["1".to_string(), "2".to_string(), "3".to_string()];
println!("{:?}", wh.widgets);
let vec2 = vec!["2".to_string(), "3".to_string(), "4".to_string()];
println!("{:?}", wh.widgets);
Is there a way I can clean up this code without having to use so many data structures and loops? The filter api looks clean but does it work with a vector inside of a struct that I am trying to mutate(append to it)?
After trying to get a stack trace, I actually got the filter to work...
fn add_widgets(&mut self, valid_widgets_found: Vec<String>) {
let widgets_to_add: Vec<String> = valid_widgets_found.into_iter()
.filter(|widget_pin| {
let widget_offset = widget_pin.clone().parse::<u16>().expect("Unable to parse widget base into int.");
let mut widget_exists = false;
for existing_widget in &self.widgets {
if widget_offset == {
widget_exists = true;
if widgets_to_add.is_empty() {
for widget in widgets_to_add {
let loaded_widget = Widget::new(self.widget_holder_name.clone(), widget);
I figured out the answer. Seemed like a syntax error when I initially tried it. For anyone who's looking for a filter example in the future:
fn add_widgets(&mut self, valid_widgets_found: Vec<String>) {
let widgets_to_add: Vec<String> = valid_widgets_found.into_iter()
.filter(|widget_pin| {
let widget_offset = widget_pin.clone().parse::<u16>().expect("Unable to parse widget base into int.");
let mut widget_exists = false;
for existing_widget in &self.widgets {
if widget_offset == {
widget_exists = true;
if widgets_to_add.is_empty() {
for widget in widgets_to_add {
let loaded_widget = Widget::new(self.widget_holder_name.clone(), widget);

How do you pass and handle arguments to a `ChainExtension`?

I have an ink! contract which calls a extension method fetch_random().
// runtime/src/
pub struct FetchRandomExtension;
impl ChainExtension<Runtime> for FetchRandomExtension {
fn call<E: Ext>(
func_id: u32,
env: Environment<E, InitState>,
) -> Result<RetVal, DispatchError>
<E::T as SysConfig>::AccountId:
UncheckedFrom<<E::T as SysConfig>::Hash> + AsRef<[u8]>,
match func_id {
1101 => {
let mut env = env.buf_in_buf_out();
let random_seed = crate::RandomnessCollectiveFlip::random_seed().0;
let random_slice = random_seed.encode();
env.write(&random_slice, false, None).map_err(|_| {
DispatchError::Other("ChainExtension failed to call random")
_ => {
return Err(DispatchError::Other("Unimplemented func_id"))
fn enabled() -> bool {
// contract/
let new_random = self.env().extension().fetch_random()?;
How can can I write the extension handler to receive arguments such as let new_random = self.env().extension().fetch_random(1, "hello", true)?;?
You can have a complete example on GitHub here.
Here's the working code:
#![cfg_attr(not(feature = "std"), no_std)]
use ink_env::Environment;
use ink_lang as ink;
/// This is an example of how ink! contract should
/// call substrate runtime `RandomnessCollectiveFlip::random_seed`.
/// Define the operations to interact with the substrate runtime
pub trait FetchRandom {
type ErrorCode = RandomReadErr;
/// Note: this gives the operation a corresponding `func_id` (1101 in this
/// and the chain-side chain extension will get the `func_id` to do further operations.
#[ink(extension = 1101, returns_result = false)]
fn fetch_random() -> [u8; 32];
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, scale::Encode, scale::Decode)]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "std", derive(scale_info::TypeInfo))]
pub enum RandomReadErr {
impl ink_env::chain_extension::FromStatusCode for RandomReadErr {
fn from_status_code(status_code: u32) -> Result<(), Self> {
match status_code {
0 => Ok(()),
1 => Err(Self::FailGetRandomSource),
_ => panic!("encountered unknown status code"),
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "std", derive(scale_info::TypeInfo))]
pub enum CustomEnvironment {}
impl Environment for CustomEnvironment {
const MAX_EVENT_TOPICS: usize =
<ink_env::DefaultEnvironment as Environment>::MAX_EVENT_TOPICS;
type AccountId = <ink_env::DefaultEnvironment as Environment>::AccountId;
type Balance = <ink_env::DefaultEnvironment as Environment>::Balance;
type Hash = <ink_env::DefaultEnvironment as Environment>::Hash;
type BlockNumber = <ink_env::DefaultEnvironment as Environment>::BlockNumber;
type Timestamp = <ink_env::DefaultEnvironment as Environment>::Timestamp;
type RentFraction = <ink_env::DefaultEnvironment as Environment>::RentFraction;
type ChainExtension = FetchRandom;
#[ink::contract(env = crate::CustomEnvironment)]
mod rand_extension {
use super::RandomReadErr;
/// Defines the storage of your contract.
/// Here we store the random seed fetched from the chain
pub struct RandExtension {
/// Stores a single `bool` value on the storage.
value: [u8; 32],
pub struct RandomUpdated {
new: [u8; 32],
impl RandExtension {
/// Constructor that initializes the `bool` value to the given `init_value`.
pub fn new(init_value: [u8; 32]) -> Self {
Self { value: init_value }
/// Constructor that initializes the `bool` value to `false`.
/// Constructors can delegate to other constructors.
pub fn default() -> Self {
/// update the value from runtime random source
pub fn update(&mut self) -> Result<(), RandomReadErr> {
// Get the on-chain random seed
let new_random = self.env().extension().fetch_random()?;
self.value = new_random;
// emit the RandomUpdated event when the random seed
// is successfully fetched.
self.env().emit_event(RandomUpdated { new: new_random });
/// Simply returns the current value.
pub fn get(&self) -> [u8; 32] {
/// Unit tests in Rust are normally defined within such a `#[cfg(test)]`
mod tests {
/// Imports all the definitions from the outer scope so we can use them here.
use super::*;
use ink_lang as ink;
/// We test if the default constructor does its job.
fn default_works() {
let rand_extension = RandExtension::default();
assert_eq!(rand_extension.get(), [0; 32]);
You should be able to access the arguments through one of the functions on the <'a, 'b, E: Ext, S: state::BufIn> Environment<'a, 'b, E, S> implementation of Environment, e.g. read, read_as, read_as_unbounded. Please see the Environment struct for more information on this.
The rand-extension example you've cited here has also been updated to demonstrate passing an argument to the chain extension in the runtime. See that example here. You should be able to follow that example and implement the changes.

Iterative filter function that modifies tree like structure

I have a structure like
struct Node {
pub id: String,
pub dis: String,
pub parent: Option<NodeRefNodeRefWeak>,
pub children: Vec<NodeRef>,
pub type NodeRef = Rc<RefCell<Node>>;
pub type NodeRefNodeRefWeak = Weak<RefCell<Node>>;
I also have a start of a function that can iterate this structure to
pull out a match on a node id but it has issues.
What I would like is for this function to return the parent node of the whole tree with ONLY the branches that have a match somewhere on the branch.
Children past the search node can be removed.
Ie a function that filters all other nodes out of the tree.
For example with my rust playground link I would like it to return
level0_node_#1 (level0_node_#1)
level1_node_4 (level1_node_4)
level2_node_4_3 (level2_node_4_3)
level3_node_4_3_2 (level3_node_4_3_2)
However, using the recursive approach as below causes real issue with already borrowed errors when trying to remove branches etc.
Is there a way to achieve this filter function?
I have a test in the Rust playground.
fn tree_filter_node_objects<F>(node: &NodeRef, f: F) -> Vec<NodeRef>
where F: Fn(&str) -> bool + Copy {
let mut filtered_nodes: Vec<NodeRef> = vec![];
let mut borrow = node.borrow_mut();
if f(& {
for n in borrow.children.iter() {
let children_filtered = tree_filter_node_objects(n, f);
for c in children_filtered.iter() {
In the end I used this iterative approach.
pub fn tree_filter_node_dfs<F>(root: &NodeRef, f: F) -> Vec<NodeRef>
where F: Fn(&BmosHaystackObject) -> bool + Copy {
let mut filtered_nodes: Vec<NodeRef> = vec![];
let mut cur_node: Option<NodeRef> = Some(root.clone());
let mut last_visited_child: Option<NodeRef> = None;
let mut next_child: Option<NodeRef>;
let mut run_visit: bool = true;
while cur_node.is_some() {
if run_visit {
let n = cur_node.as_ref().unwrap();
if f(&n.borrow().object) {
if last_visited_child.is_none() {
let children = cur_node.as_ref().unwrap().borrow().children.clone();
if children.len() > 0 {
next_child = Some(children[0].clone());
else {
next_child = None;
else {
next_child = tree_filter_node_get_next_sibling(last_visited_child.as_ref().unwrap());
if next_child.is_some() {
last_visited_child = None;
cur_node = next_child;
run_visit = true;
else {
last_visited_child = cur_node;
cur_node = tree_node_parent_node(&last_visited_child.clone().unwrap().clone());
run_visit = false;

How to implement the ethereum virtual machine pallet?

Im trying to implement the pallet_evm to my substrate runtime
i've seen this handy instruction but the types have changed
How to implement the EVM Trait for a Substrate Runtime?
impl FeeCalculator for FixedGasPrice {
fn min_gas_price() -> U256 {
// Gas price is always one token per gas.
parameter_types! {
pub const ChainId: u64 = 43;
impl pallet_evm::Trait for Runtime {
type FeeCalculator = FixedGasPrice;
type CallOrigin = EnsureAddressOrigin<AccountId, Success = AccountId>;
type WithdrawOrigin = EnsureAddressOrigin<AccountId, Success = AccountId>;
type AddressMapping = AddressMapping<AccountId>;
type Currency = balances::Module<Runtime>;
type Event = Event;
type ChainId = ChainId;
how do we implement this pallet now with rc-5?

Is there a way to directly access a field value in an enum struct without pattern matching?

I wish that enums in Rust can be used like Haskell's productive type. I want to
access a field's value directly
assign a field's value directly or make a clone with the changing value.
Directly means that not using too long pattern matching code, but just could access like let a_size = a.size.
In Haskell:
data TypeAB = A {size::Int, name::String} | B {size::Int, switch::Bool} deriving Show
main = do
let a = A 1 "abc"
let b = B 1 True
print (size a) -- could access a field's value directly
print (name a) -- could access a field's value directly
print (switch b) -- could access a field's value directly
let aa = a{size=2} -- could make a clone directly with the changing value
print aa
I tried two styles of Rust enum definition like
Style A:
enum EntryType {
struct TypeA {
size: u32,
name: String,
struct TypeB {
size: u32,
switch: bool,
fn main() {
let mut ta = TypeA {
size: 3,
name: "TAB".to_string(),
println!("{:?}", &ta);
ta.size = 2; = "TCD".to_string();
println!("{:?}", &ta);
let mut ea = EntryType::A(TypeA {
size: 1,
name: "abc".to_string(),
let mut eb = EntryType::B(TypeB {
size: 1,
switch: true,
let vec_ab = vec![&ea, &eb];
println!("{:?}", &ea);
println!("{:?}", &eb);
println!("{:?}", &vec_ab);
// Want to do like `ta.size = 2` for ea
// Want to do like ` = "bcd".to_string()` for ea
// Want to do like `tb.switch = false` for eb
// ????
println!("{:?}", &ea);
println!("{:?}", &eb);
println!("{:?}", &vec_ab);
Style B:
enum TypeCD {
TypeC { size: u32, name: String },
TypeD { size: u32, switch: bool },
fn main() {
// NOTE: Rust requires representative struct name before each constructor
// TODO: Check constructor name can be duplicated
let mut c = TypeCD::TypeC {
size: 1,
name: "abc".to_string(),
let mut d = TypeCD::TypeD {
size: 1,
switch: true,
let vec_cd = vec![&c, &d];
println!("{:?}", &c);
println!("{:?}", &d);
println!("{:?}", &vec_cd);
// Can't access a field's value like
// let c_size = c.size
let c_size = c.size; // [ERROR]: No field `size` on `TypeCD`
let c_name =; // [ERROR]: No field `name` on `TypeCD`
let d_switch = d.switch; // [ERROR]: No field `switch` on `TypeCD`
// Can't change a field's value like
// c.size = 2;
// = "cde".to_string();
// d.switch = false;
println!("{:?}", &c);
println!("{:?}", &d);
println!("{:?}", &vec_cd);
I couldn't access/assign values directly in any style. Do I have to implement functions or a trait just to access a field's value? Is there some way of deriving things to help this situation?
What about style C:
enum Color {
Green { name: String },
Blue { switch: bool },
struct Something {
size: u32,
color: Color,
fn main() {
let c = Something {
size: 1,
color: Color::Green {
name: "green".to_string(),
let d = Something {
size: 2,
color: Color::Blue { switch: true },
let vec_cd = vec![&c, &d];
println!("{:?}", &c);
println!("{:?}", &d);
println!("{:?}", &vec_cd);
let _ = c.size;
If all variant have something in common, why separate them?
Of course, I need to access not common field too.
This would imply that Rust should define what to do when the actual type at runtime doesn't contain the field you required. So, I don't think Rust would add this one day.
You could do it yourself. It will require some lines of code, but that matches the behavior of your Haskell code. However, I don't think this is the best thing to do. Haskell is Haskell, I think you should code in Rust and not try to code Haskell by using Rust. That a general rule, some feature of Rust come directly from Haskell, but what you want here is very odd in my opinion for Rust code.
enum Something {
A { size: u32, name: String },
B { size: u32, switch: bool },
impl Something {
fn size(&self) -> u32 {
match self {
Something::A { size, .. } => *size,
Something::B { size, .. } => *size,
fn name(&self) -> &String {
match self {
Something::A { name, .. } => name,
Something::B { .. } => panic!("Something::B doesn't have name field"),
fn switch(&self) -> bool {
match self {
Something::A { .. } => panic!("Something::A doesn't have switch field"),
Something::B { switch, .. } => *switch,
fn new_size(&self, size: u32) -> Something {
match self {
Something::A { name, .. } => Something::A {
name: name.clone(),
Something::B { switch, .. } => Something::B {
switch: *switch,
// etc...
fn main() {
let a = Something::A {
size: 1,
name: "Rust is not haskell".to_string(),
println!("{:?}", a.size());
let b = Something::B {
size: 1,
switch: true,
println!("{:?}", b.switch());
let aa = a.new_size(2);
println!("{:?}", aa);
I think there is currently no built-in way of accessing size directly on the enum type. Until then, enum_dispatch or a macro-based solution may help you.
