How to add popout box to each node in Graphviz graph - graphviz

I am wondering if there is any library/API that can help me add a popout box to each node in the graph created by Graphviz?

I think you want the tooltip-related attributes ( Use dot -Tsvg
digraph {
label="Graph Label"
tooltip="Graph Tooltip"
subgraph cluster_a {
label="Cluster Label"
tooltip="Cluster Tooltip"
Node1 [tooltip="Node1 Tooltip"]
Node1 -> Node2 [label="Edge" tooltip="Edge Tooltip"]


Can I get graphviz to draw a flowchart-terminal shape?

In flowcharts, one of the "standard" node shapes is that of a terminal:
But this shape does not seem to be directly supported by Graphviz, according to the documentation here. This seems a bit strange to me...
Is there some way to get graphviz to draw this shape, that I'm missing?
Try shape=Mrecord, like so:
digraph D {
A [shape=Mrecord label="Tip Top"];
A -> B
You can use "rounded style" on your node shapes, e.g.:
digraph G {
node [style="rounded", shape=box]; a;
node [style="" shape=box]; b;
a -> b;
produces this:

How do I position the label of a graphviz subgraph cluster to be on the left?

How do I position the label for subgraph cluster to appear at it's left instead of being centered?
digraph mygraph {
subgraph cluster_mysubgraph {
label = "This text should be at the left of the subgraph - not centered!";
test1 -> {test2, test3, test4, test5, test6, test7};
You may simply add labeljust="l"; within your subgraph.

GraphViz: How to connect a node within in a subgraph to the sibling node of the subgraph?

I am using subgraphs (clusters) in Graphviz.
Taking help from this link (GraphViz - How to connect subgraphs?), I am able to connect the subgraphs and nodes with each other.
However, there is one issue:
Suppose we have a digraph G, which contains a subgraph "cluster1" and a node "node1".
Assume "cluster1" contains a single node "node10".
Now, I want to connect "node10" with "node1". I am trying the following code:
digraph G {
subgraph cluster1 {
This is giving the output where "node1" is present inside "cluster1".
What I want is to have the "node1" outside the "cluster1" and within digraph G.
Kindly help.
Seems that link creation takes ownership of both ends. Then declaring nodes and link separately will work:
digraph G {
subgraph cluster1 {

How do I set the Cluster font attributes in Graphviz?

I am able to successfully change the edge font, and the node font, but my attempts to change the cluster labels have no affect. Can someone point me in the right direction?
I have tried labelfontname=, fontname= (on the edge and the node), but can't seem to find the magic formula for cluster labels.
fontname is working for cluster labels.
Here's an example with illustration - it's quite simple, just set it before setting the content of the label.
digraph g{
subgraph cluster0 {
"Cluster node";
label="Cluster label";
label="Graph Label";
The result:

How do you center a title for a diagram output to SVG using dot?

So far I tried this line but dot keeps pushing it aside making room for my nodes (pushes it to the right):
_diagram_info [shape="plaintext", label="My Diagram\l", fontsize=13]
Is there a way to center the label by pos, using dot?
That's how I'd add a title for a graph:
digraph {
// nodes, edges, subgraphs
// title
label="My Diagram";
This will add a centered title to the top of the graph.
The same syntax can also be used for subgraphs.
