Spring cloud kafka stream consumer retry mechanism - spring-boot

What is the meaning of the properties below and how do I use them?

The backoff will start with backOffInitialInterval and then every next attempt will be multiplied by backOffMultiplier but will not exceed backOffMaxInterval.
currentInterval = Math.min(backOffInitialInterval * Math.pow(backOffMultiplier, retryNum), backOffMaxInterval)
In your case it will be:
1000ms -> 2000ms -> 4000ms -> 8000ms -> 16000ms

Above answer from Alex is the perfect explanation for this question. And here just to increase my knowledge and share some extra findings.
I am providing the actual implementation from the code.
private BackOff createBackOff(
final ExtendedConsumerProperties<KafkaConsumerProperties> extendedConsumerProperties) {
int maxAttempts = extendedConsumerProperties.getMaxAttempts();
if (maxAttempts < 2) {
return new FixedBackOff(0L, 0L);
int initialInterval = extendedConsumerProperties.getBackOffInitialInterval();
double multiplier = extendedConsumerProperties.getBackOffMultiplier();
int maxInterval = extendedConsumerProperties.getBackOffMaxInterval();
ExponentialBackOff backOff = new ExponentialBackOff(initialInterval, multiplier);
long maxElapsed = extendedConsumerProperties.getBackOffInitialInterval();
double accum = maxElapsed;
for (int i = 1; i < maxAttempts - 1; i++) {
accum = accum * multiplier;
if (accum > maxInterval) {
accum = maxInterval;
maxElapsed += accum;
return backOff;
Class Name KafkaMessageChannelBinder


Binary search for an ArrayBuffer

So, I have an ArrayBuffer[Signal], in which each Signal has a timestamp (the array is sorted by this timestamp). I want to binary search and return a Seq[Signal] of signals that are inside a certain range. Now it is done with linear search, basically because I come from Java and I'm a newbie in Scala. Which is the best way to do it?
Here's the code:
private def getSignalsFromCache(mapId: String, mac: String, startTime: Long, endTime: Long): Seq[Signal] = {
val signals = getCache(VehicleWithMap(mapId, mac))
val result: ArrayBuffer[Signal] = new ArrayBuffer[Signal]()
if (signals.isEmpty) {
return signals
var startIndex: Int = 0
if (startTime > signals.head.timestamp) {
while (startIndex < signals.size && signals(startIndex).timestamp < startTime) {
startIndex += 1
var finished: Boolean = false
var currentIndex = startIndex
while (!finished && currentIndex < signals.size) {
val timestamp = signals(currentIndex).timestamp
if (timestamp > endTime) {
finished = true
else {
result += signals(currentIndex)
currentIndex += 1
You can use dropWhile & takeWhile.
That way, you can save all the mutability and iterations.
Note: This is still linear, but it is more functional and more common in Scala.
private def getSignalsFromCache(mapId: String, mac: String, startTime: Long, endTime: Long): Seq[Signal] =
getCache(VehicleWithMap(mapId, mac)
.dropWhile(_.timestamp < startTime)
.takeWhile(_.timestamp <= endTime)
(make sure of test it first, you may need to play a bit with the conditions).
You can use Searching to do a binary search.
import scala.collection.Searching._
val signalWithLowerBoundTimestamp = ???
val signalWithUpperBoundTimestamp = ???
val lower = signals.search(signalWithLowerBoundTimestamp)(
// If the upper bound is an exact match, add one
// to make sure it's included in the slice.
val upper = signals.search(signalWithUpperBoundTimestamp)(
Ordering.by(_.timestamp)) match {
case Found(i) => i + 1
case InsertionPoint(i) => i
val result = signals.slice(lower, upper)
I don't know scala, but here's a binary search that you can compare more functional-styled answers with. I don't think there's any shame in it. Note that there's no advantage to doing a binary search for the end index, since you have to copy the elements anyway:
private def getSignalsFromCache(mapId: String, mac: String, startTime: Long, endTime: Long): Seq[Signal] = {
val signals = getCache(VehicleWithMap(mapId, mac))
var startIndex: Int = 0
var endIndex: Int = signals.size
while(startIndex<endIndex) {
var testIndex: int = startIndex + (endIndex-startIndex)/2
if (signals(testIndex).timestamp < startTime) {
startIndex = testIndex + 1
} else {
endIndex = testIndex
while(endIndex < signals.size && signals(endIndex).timestamp <= endTime) {
endIndex = endIndex + 1
signals.slice(startIndex, endIndex)
Note that I included signals at the end with timestamp == endTime, because that's what you did... that makes the interface a little weird, though. Normally a method like this would be written to return signals with startTime <= timeStamp < endTime, so maybe you want to think about changing that.

Find K arrays that sum up to a given array with a certain accuracy

Let's say I have set containing thousands of arrays (let's fix it to 5000 of arrays) of a fixed size (size = 8) with non negative values. And I'm given another array of the same size with non negative values (Input Array). My task is to select some subset of arrays, with the condition that if I sum them together (summation of vectors) I would get the resultant array which is very close to a given Input Array with the desired accuracy (+-m).
For example if the desired result (input array) is (3, 2, 5) and accuracy = 2
Then of course the best set would be the one that would sum up to exactly (3,2,5) but also any solution of the following form would be ok (3 +- m, 2 +- m, 5 +- m).
The question is what could be the right algorithmic approach here? It is similar to multi dimensional sack problem, but there is no cost optimization section in my task.
At least one solution is required which meets the constraints. But several would be better, so that it would be possible to have a choice.
This is kind of extended knapsack problem. We know that it is NPC task to do which mean = we cannot use bruteforce and try all possibilities. It is just not computable with current computers.
What we can do is use some heuristic. One simple and useful is the simulated annealing. The principle is quite simple - at beginning of your algorithm, when the temperature is high - you are not afraid to take even the "at the moment worse solution" (which can actually lead to the best possible solution). So at beginning you take almost anything. Then you start cooling and more cool you are, the more causius you are so you are trying to improve your solution more and more and risk less and less.
The gifs on wiki are actually nice example: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Simulated_annealing
I have also implemented solution that at the end prints whats the inputArray and what is your solution and the "negative score" (the less the better).
You are not guaranteed to get best/valid solution, but you can basically run this in some while cycle until you find solution good enough or you hit some threshold (like if you do not find good solution after running 100x times, you say "data not valid" or take the best of these "not good" solutions)
class Simulation {
constructor(size, allArrSize, inputArrayRange, ordinarySize, maxDif, overDifPenalisation) {
this.size = size;
this.allArrSize = allArrSize;
this.inputArrayRange = inputArrayRange;
this.ordinarySize = ordinarySize;
this.maxDif = maxDif;
this.overDifPenalisation = overDifPenalisation;
this.allArr = [];
this.solutionMap = new Map();
for (let i = 0; i < allArrSize; i++) {
let subarr = [];
for (let j = 0; j < size; j++) {
subarr.push(Math.round(Math.random() * ordinarySize));
this.temperature = 100;
this.inputArray = [];
for (let i = 0; i < size; i++) {
this.inputArray.push(Math.round(Math.random() * inputArrayRange));
findBest() {
while (this.temperature > 0) {
const oldScore = this.countScore(this.solutionMap);
// console.log(oldScore);
let newSolution = new Map(this.solutionMap);
if (this.addNewOrRemove(true)) {
const newCandidate = Math.floor(Math.random() * this.allArrSize);
newSolution.set(newCandidate, true);
} else if (this.addNewOrRemove(false)) {
const deleteCandidate = Math.floor(Math.random() * this.solutionMap.size);
Simulation.deleteFromMapByIndex(newSolution, deleteCandidate);
} else {
const deleteCandidate = Math.floor(Math.random() * this.solutionMap.size);
Simulation.deleteFromMapByIndex(newSolution, deleteCandidate);
const newCandidate = Math.floor(Math.random() * this.allArrSize);
newSolution.set(newCandidate, true);
const newScore = this.countScore(newSolution);
if (newScore < oldScore) {
this.solutionMap = newSolution;
} else if ((newScore - oldScore) / newScore < this.temperature / 300) {
this.solutionMap = newSolution;
this.temperature -= 0.001;
console.log(this.countScore(this.solutionMap), 'Negative Score');
console.log(this.sumTheSolution(this.solutionMap).toString(), 'Solution');
console.log(this.inputArray.toString(), 'Input array');
console.log('Solution is built on these inputs:');
this.solutionMap.forEach((val, key) => console.log(this.allArr[key].toString()))
addNewOrRemove(addNew) {
const sum = this.sumTheSolution(this.solutionMap);
let dif = 0;
sum.forEach((val, i) => {
const curDif = this.inputArray[i] - val;
if (curDif < -this.maxDif) {
dif -= 1;
if (curDif > this.maxDif) {
dif += 1;
let chance;
if (addNew) {
chance = (dif + this.size - 1) / (this.size * 2);
} else {
chance = (-dif + this.size - 1) / (this.size * 2);
return chance > Math.random();
countScore(solution) {
const sum = this.sumTheSolution(solution);
let dif = 0;
sum.forEach((val, i) => {
let curDif = Math.abs(this.inputArray[i] - val);
if (curDif > this.maxDif) {
curDif += (curDif - this.maxDif) * this.overDifPenalisation;
dif += curDif;
return dif;
sumTheSolution(solution) {
const sum = Array(this.size).fill(0);
solution.forEach((unused, key) => this.allArr[key].forEach((val, i) => sum[i] += val));
return sum;
static deleteFromMapByIndex(map, index) {
let i = 0;
let toDelete = null;
map.forEach((val, key) => {
if (index === i) {
toDelete = key;
const simulation = new Simulation(8, 5000, 1000, 100, 40, 100);
You can play a bit with numbers to get waht you need (the speed of cooling, how it affects probability, some values in constructor etc.)

Efficient tuple search algorithm

Given a store of 3-tuples where:
All elements are numeric ex :( 1, 3, 4) (1300, 3, 15) (1300, 3, 15) …
Tuples are removed and added frequently
At any time the store is typically under 100,000 elements
All Tuples are available in memory
The application is interactive requiring 100s of searches per second.
What are the most efficient algorithms/data structures to perform wild card (*) searches such as:
(1, *, 6) (3601, *, *) (*, 1935, *)
The aim is to have a Linda like tuple space but on an application level
Well, there are only 8 possible arrangements of wildcards, so you can easily construct 6 multi-maps and a set to serve as indices: one for each arrangement of wildcards in the query. You don't need an 8th index because the query (*,*,*) trivially returns all tuples. The set is for tuples with no wildcards; only a membership test is needed in this case.
A multimap takes a key to a set. In your example, e.g., the query (1,*,6) would consult the multimap for queries of the form (X,*,Y), which takes key <X,Y> to the set of all tuples with X in the first position and Y in third. In this case, X=1 and Y=6.
With any reasonable hash-based multimap implementation, lookups ought to be very fast. Several hundred a second ought to be easy, and several thousand per second doable (with e.g a contemporary x86 CPU).
Insertions and deletions require updating the maps and set. Again this ought to be reasonably fast, though not as fast as lookups of course. Again several hundred per second ought to be doable.
With only ~10^5 tuples, this approach ought to be fine for memory as well. You can save a bit of space with tricks, e.g. keeping a single copy of each tuple in an array and storing indices in the map/set to represent both key and value. Manage array slots with a free list.
To make this concrete, here is pseudocode. I'm going to use angle brackets <a,b,c> for tuples to avoid too many parens:
# Definitions
For a query Q <k2,k1,k0> where each of k_i is either * or an integer,
Let I(Q) be a 3-digit binary number b2|b1|b0 where
b_i=0 if k_i is * and 1 if k_i is an integer.
Let N(i) be the number of 1's in the binary representation of i
Let M(i) be a multimap taking a tuple with N(i) elements to a set
of tuples with 3 elements.
Let t be a 3 element tuple. Then T(t,i) returns a new tuple with
only the elements of t in positions where i has a 1. For example
T(<1,2,3>,0) = <> and T(<1,2,3>,6) = <2,3>
Note that function T works fine on query tuples with wildcards.
# Algorithm to insert tuple T into the database:
fun insert(t)
for i = 0 to 7
add the entry T(t,i)->t to M(i)
# Algorithm to delete tuple T from the database:
fun delete(t)
for i = 0 to 7
delete the entry T(t,i)->t from M(i)
# Query algorithm
fun query(Q)
let i = I(Q)
return M(i).lookup(T(Q, i)) # lookup failure returns empty set
Note that for simplicity, I've not shown the "optimizations" for M(0) and M(7). For M(0), the algorithm above would create a multimap taking the empty tuple to the set of all 3-tuples in the database. You can avoid this merely by treating i=0 as a special case. Similarly M(7) would take each tuple to a set containing only itself.
An "optimized" version:
fun insert(t)
for i = 1 to 6
add the entry T(t,i)->t to M(i)
add t to set S
fun delete(t)
for i = 1 to 6
delete the entry T(t,i)->t from M(i)
remove t from set S
fun query(Q)
let i = I(Q)
if i = 0, return S
elsif i = 7 return if Q\in S { Q } else {}
else return M(i).lookup(T(Q, i))
For fun, a Java implementation:
package hacking;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Random;
import java.util.Scanner;
import java.util.Set;
public class Hacking {
public static void main(String [] args) {
TupleDatabase db = new TupleDatabase();
int n = 200000;
long start = System.nanoTime();
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
long stop = System.nanoTime();
double elapsedSec = (stop - start) * 1e-9;
System.out.println("Inserted " + n + " tuples in " + elapsedSec
+ " seconds (" + (elapsedSec / n * 1000.0) + "ms per insert).");
Scanner in = new Scanner(System.in);
for (;;) {
System.out.print("Query: ");
int a = in.nextInt();
int b = in.nextInt();
int c = in.nextInt();
System.out.println(db.query(new Tuple(a, b, c)));
class Tuple {
static final int [] N_ONES = new int[] { 0, 1, 1, 2, 1, 2, 2, 3 };
static final int STAR = -1;
final int [] vals;
Tuple(int a, int b, int c) {
vals = new int[] { a, b, c };
Tuple(Tuple t, int code) {
vals = new int[N_ONES[code]];
int m = 0;
for (int k = 0; k < 3; ++k) {
if (((1 << k) & code) > 0) {
vals[m++] = t.vals[k];
public boolean equals(Object other) {
if (other instanceof Tuple) {
Tuple triple = (Tuple) other;
return Arrays.equals(this.vals, triple.vals);
return false;
public int hashCode() {
return Arrays.hashCode(this.vals);
public String toString() {
return Arrays.toString(vals);
int code() {
int c = 0;
for (int k = 0; k < 3; k++) {
if (vals[k] != STAR) {
c |= (1 << k);
return c;
Set<Tuple> setOf() {
Set<Tuple> s = new HashSet<>();
return s;
class Multimap extends HashMap<Tuple, Set<Tuple>> {
public Set<Tuple> get(Object key) {
Set<Tuple> r = super.get(key);
return r == null ? Collections.<Tuple>emptySet() : r;
void put(Tuple key, Tuple value) {
if (containsKey(key)) {
} else {
super.put(key, value.setOf());
void remove(Tuple key, Tuple value) {
Set<Tuple> set = super.get(key);
if (set.isEmpty()) {
class TupleDatabase {
final Set<Tuple> set;
final Multimap [] maps;
TupleDatabase() {
set = new HashSet<>();
maps = new Multimap[7];
for (int i = 1; i < 7; i++) {
maps[i] = new Multimap();
void insert(Tuple t) {
for (int i = 1; i < 7; i++) {
maps[i].put(new Tuple(t, i), t);
void delete(Tuple t) {
for (int i = 1; i < 7; i++) {
maps[i].remove(new Tuple(t, i), t);
Set<Tuple> query(Tuple q) {
int c = q.code();
switch (c) {
case 0: return set;
case 7: return set.contains(q) ? q.setOf() : Collections.<Tuple>emptySet();
default: return maps[c].get(new Tuple(q, c));
Random gen = new Random();
int randPositive() {
return gen.nextInt(1000);
Tuple randomTriple() {
return new Tuple(randPositive(), randPositive(), randPositive());
Some output:
Inserted 200000 tuples in 2.981607358 seconds (0.014908036790000002ms per insert).
Query: -1 -1 -1
[[504, 296, 987], [500, 446, 184], [499, 482, 16], [488, 823, 40], ...
Query: 500 446 -1
[[500, 446, 184], [500, 446, 762]]
Query: -1 -1 500
[[297, 56, 500], [848, 185, 500], [556, 351, 500], [779, 986, 500], [935, 279, 500], ...
If you think of the tuples like a ip address, then a radix tree (trie) type structure might work. Radix tree is used for IP discovery.
Another way maybe to calculate use bit operations and calculate a bit hash for the tuple and in your search do bit (or, and) for quick discovery.

Dynamic programming: Algorithm to solve the following?

I have recently completed the following interview exercise:
'A robot can be programmed to run "a", "b", "c"... "n" kilometers and it takes ta, tb, tc... tn minutes, respectively. Once it runs to programmed kilometers, it must be turned off for "m" minutes.
After "m" minutes it can again be programmed to run for a further "a", "b", "c"... "n" kilometers.
How would you program this robot to go an exact number of kilometers in the minimum amount of time?'
I thought it was a variation of the unbounded knapsack problem, in which the size would be the number of kilometers and the value, the time needed to complete each stretch. The main difference is that we need to minimise, rather than maximise, the value. So I used the equivalent of the following solution: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Knapsack_problem#Unbounded_knapsack_problem
in which I select the minimum.
Finally, because we need an exact solution (if there is one), over the map constructed by the algorithm for all the different distances, I iterated through each and trough each robot's programmed distance to find the exact distance and minimum time among those.
I think the pause the robot takes between runs is a bit of a red herring and you just need to include it in your calculations, but it does not affect the approach taken.
I am probably wrong, because I failed the test. I don't have any other feedback as to the expected solution.
Edit: maybe I wasn't wrong after all and I failed for different reasons. I just wanted to validate my approach to this problem.
import static com.google.common.collect.Sets.*;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import com.google.common.base.Objects;
import com.google.common.base.Preconditions;
import com.google.common.collect.Lists;
import com.google.common.collect.Maps;
public final class Robot {
static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger (Robot.class);
private Set<ProgrammedRun> programmedRuns;
private int pause;
private int totalDistance;
private Robot () {
//don't expose default constructor & prevent subclassing
private Robot (int[] programmedDistances, int[] timesPerDistance, int pause, int totalDistance) {
this.programmedRuns = newHashSet ();
for (int i = 0; i < programmedDistances.length; i++) {
this.programmedRuns.add (new ProgrammedRun (programmedDistances [i], timesPerDistance [i] ) );
this.pause = pause;
this.totalDistance = totalDistance;
public static Robot create (int[] programmedDistances, int[] timesPerDistance, int pause, int totalDistance) {
Preconditions.checkArgument (programmedDistances.length == timesPerDistance.length);
Preconditions.checkArgument (pause >= 0);
Preconditions.checkArgument (totalDistance >= 0);
return new Robot (programmedDistances, timesPerDistance, pause, totalDistance);
* #returns null if no strategy was found. An empty map if distance is zero. A
* map with the programmed runs as keys and number of time they need to be run
* as value.
Map<ProgrammedRun, Integer> calculateOptimalStrategy () {
//for efficiency, consider this case first
if (this.totalDistance == 0) {
return Maps.newHashMap ();
//list of solutions for different distances. Element "i" of the list is the best set of runs that cover at least "i" kilometers
List <Map<ProgrammedRun, Integer>> runsForDistances = Lists.newArrayList();
//special case i = 0 -> empty map (no runs needed)
runsForDistances.add (new HashMap<ProgrammedRun, Integer> () );
for (int i = 1; i <= totalDistance; i++) {
Map<ProgrammedRun, Integer> map = new HashMap<ProgrammedRun, Integer> ();
int minimumTime = -1;
for (ProgrammedRun pr : programmedRuns) {
int distance = Math.max (0, i - pr.getDistance ());
int time = getTotalTime (runsForDistances.get (distance) ) + pause + pr.getTime();
if (minimumTime < 0 || time < minimumTime) {
minimumTime = time;
//new minimum found
map = new HashMap<ProgrammedRun, Integer> ();
map.putAll(runsForDistances.get (distance) );
//increase count
Integer num = map.get (pr);
if (num == null) num = Integer.valueOf (1);
else num++;
//update map
map.put (pr, num);
runsForDistances.add (map );
//last step: calculate the combination with exact distance
int minimumTime2 = -1;
int bestIndex = -1;
for (int i = 0; i <= totalDistance; i++) {
if (getTotalDistance (runsForDistances.get (i) ) == this.totalDistance ) {
int time = getTotalTime (runsForDistances.get (i) );
if (time > 0) time -= pause;
if (minimumTime2 < 0 || time < minimumTime2 ) {
minimumTime2 = time;
bestIndex = i;
//if solution found
if (bestIndex != -1) {
return runsForDistances.get (bestIndex);
//try all combinations, since none of the existing maps run for the exact distance
List <Map<ProgrammedRun, Integer>> exactRuns = Lists.newArrayList();
for (int i = 0; i <= totalDistance; i++) {
int distance = getTotalDistance (runsForDistances.get (i) );
for (ProgrammedRun pr : programmedRuns) {
//solution found
if (distance + pr.getDistance() == this.totalDistance ) {
Map<ProgrammedRun, Integer> map = new HashMap<ProgrammedRun, Integer> ();
map.putAll (runsForDistances.get (i));
//increase count
Integer num = map.get (pr);
if (num == null) num = Integer.valueOf (1);
else num++;
//update map
map.put (pr, num);
exactRuns.add (map);
if (exactRuns.isEmpty()) return null;
//finally return the map with the best time
minimumTime2 = -1;
Map<ProgrammedRun, Integer> bestMap = null;
for (Map<ProgrammedRun, Integer> m : exactRuns) {
int time = getTotalTime (m);
if (time > 0) time -= pause; //remove last pause
if (minimumTime2 < 0 || time < minimumTime2 ) {
minimumTime2 = time;
bestMap = m;
return bestMap;
private int getTotalTime (Map<ProgrammedRun, Integer> runs) {
int time = 0;
for (Map.Entry<ProgrammedRun, Integer> runEntry : runs.entrySet()) {
time += runEntry.getValue () * runEntry.getKey().getTime ();
//add pauses
time += this.pause * runEntry.getValue ();
return time;
private int getTotalDistance (Map<ProgrammedRun, Integer> runs) {
int distance = 0;
for (Map.Entry<ProgrammedRun, Integer> runEntry : runs.entrySet()) {
distance += runEntry.getValue() * runEntry.getKey().getDistance ();
return distance;
class ProgrammedRun {
private int distance;
private int time;
private transient float speed;
ProgrammedRun (int distance, int time) {
this.distance = distance;
this.time = time;
this.speed = (float) distance / time;
#Override public String toString () {
return "(distance =" + distance + "; time=" + time + ")";
#Override public boolean equals (Object other) {
return other instanceof ProgrammedRun
&& this.distance == ((ProgrammedRun)other).distance
&& this.time == ((ProgrammedRun)other).time;
#Override public int hashCode () {
return Objects.hashCode (Integer.valueOf (this.distance), Integer.valueOf (this.time));
int getDistance() {
return distance;
int getTime() {
return time;
float getSpeed() {
return speed;
public class Main {
/* Input variables for the robot */
private static int [] programmedDistances = {1, 2, 3, 5, 10}; //in kilometers
private static int [] timesPerDistance = {10, 5, 3, 2, 1}; //in minutes
private static int pause = 2; //in minutes
private static int totalDistance = 41; //in kilometers
* #param args
public static void main(String[] args) {
Robot r = Robot.create (programmedDistances, timesPerDistance, pause, totalDistance);
Map<ProgrammedRun, Integer> strategy = r.calculateOptimalStrategy ();
if (strategy == null) {
System.out.println ("No strategy that matches the conditions was found");
} else if (strategy.isEmpty ()) {
System.out.println ("No need to run; distance is zero");
} else {
System.out.println ("Strategy found:");
System.out.println (strategy);
Simplifying slightly, let ti be the time (including downtime) that it takes the robot to run distance di. Assume that t1/d1 ≤ … ≤ tn/dn. If t1/d1 is significantly smaller than t2/d2 and d1 and the total distance D to be run are large, then branch and bound likely outperforms dynamic programming. Branch and bound solves the integer programming formulation
minimize ∑i ti xi
subject to
∑i di xi = D
∀i xi &in; N
by using the value of the relaxation where xi can be any nonnegative real as a guide. The latter is easily verified to be at most (t1/d1)D, by setting x1 to D/d1 and ∀i ≠ 1 xi = 0, and at least (t1/d1)D, by setting the sole variable of the dual program to t1/d1. Solving the relaxation is the bound step; every integer solution is a fractional solution, so the best integer solution requires time at least (t1/d1)D.
The branch step takes one integer program and splits it in two whose solutions, taken together, cover the entire solution space of the original. In this case, one piece could have the extra constraint x1 = 0 and the other could have the extra constraint x1 ≥ 1. It might look as though this would create subproblems with side constraints, but in fact, we can just delete the first move, or decrease D by d1 and add the constant t1 to the objective. Another option for branching is to add either the constraint xi = ⌊D/di⌋ or xi ≤ ⌊D/di⌋ - 1, which requires generalizing to upper bounds on the number of repetitions of each move.
The main loop of branch and bound selects one of a collection of subproblems, branches, computes bounds for the two subproblems, and puts them back into the collection. The efficiency over brute force comes from the fact that, when we have a solution with a particular value, every subproblem whose relaxed value is at least that much can be thrown away. Once the collection is emptied this way, we have the optimal solution.
Hybrids of branch and bound and dynamic programming are possible, for example, computing optimal solutions for small D via DP and using those values instead of branching on subproblems that have been solved.
Create array of size m and for 0 to m( m is your distance) do:
a[i] = infinite;
a[0] = 0;
a[i] = min{min{a[i-j] + tj + m for all j in possible kilometers of robot. and j≠i} , ti if i is in possible moves of robot}
a[m] is lowest possible value. Also you can have array like b to save a[i]s selection. Also if a[m] == infinite means it's not possible.
Edit: we can solve it in another way by creating a digraph, again our graph is dependent to m length of path, graph has nodes labeled {0..m}, now start from node 0 connect it to all possible nodes; means if you have a kilometer i you can connect 0 and vi with weight ti, except for node 0->x, for all other nodes you should connect node i->j with weight tj-i + m for j>i and j-i is available in input kilometers. now you should find shortest path from v0 to vn. but this algorithm still is O(nm).
Let G be the desired distance run.
Let n be the longest possible distance run without pause.
Let L = G / n (Integer arithmetic, discard fraction part)
Let R = G mod n (ie. The remainder from the above division)
Make the robot run it's longest distance (ie. n) L times, and then whichever distance (a, b, c, etc.) is greater than R by the least amount (ie the smallest available distance that is equal to or greater than R)
Either I understood the problem wrong, or you're all over thinking it
I am a big believer in showing instead of telling. Here is a program that may be doing what you are looking for. Let me know if it satisfies your question. Simply copy, paste, and run the program. You should of course test with your own data set.
import java.util.Arrays;
public class Speed {
* #param distance
* #param sprints ={{A,Ta},{B,Tb},{C,Tc}, ..., {N,Tn}}
public static int getFastestTime(int distance, int[][] sprints){
long[] minTime = new long[distance+1];//distance from 0 to distance
minTime[0]=0;//key=distance; value=time
for(int[] speed: sprints)
for(int d=1; d<minTime.length; d++)
if(d>=speed[0] && minTime[d] > minTime[d-speed[0]]+speed[1])
return (int)minTime[distance];
public static void main(String... args){
//sprints ={{A,Ta},{B,Tb},{C,Tc}, ..., {N,Tn}}
int[][] sprints={{3,2},{5,3},{7,5}};
int distance = 21;

search tree in scala

I'm trying to put my first steps into Scala, and to practice I took a look at the google code jam storecredit excersize. I tried it in java first, which went well enough, and now I'm trying to port it to Scala. Now with the java collections framework, I could try to do a straight syntax conversion, but I'd end up writing java in scala, and that kind of defeats the purpose. In my Java implementation, I have a PriorityQueue that I empty into a Deque, and pop the ends off untill we have bingo. This all uses mutable collections, which give me the feeling is very 'un-scala'. What I think would be a more functional approach is to construct a datastructure that can be traversed both from highest to lowest, and from lowest to highest. Am I on the right path? Are there any suitable datastructures supplied in the Scala libraries, or should I roll my own here?
EDIT: full code of the much simpler version in Java. It should run in O(max(credit,inputchars)) and has become:
import java.io.BufferedReader;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStreamReader;
import java.util.Arrays;
public class StoreCredit {
private static BufferedReader in;
public static void main(String[] args) {
in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in));
try {
int numCases = Integer.parseInt(in.readLine());
for (int i = 0; i < numCases; i++) {
} catch (IOException e) {
private static void solveCase(int casenum) throws NumberFormatException,
IOException {
int credit = Integer.parseInt(in.readLine());
int numItems = Integer.parseInt(in.readLine());
int itemnumber = 0;
int[] item_numbers_by_price = new int[credit];
Arrays.fill(item_numbers_by_price, -1); // makes this O(max(credit,
// items)) instead of O(items)
int[] read_prices = readItems();
while (itemnumber < numItems) {
int next_price = read_prices[itemnumber];
if (next_price <= credit) {
if (item_numbers_by_price[credit - next_price] >= 0) {
// Bingo! DinoDNA!
printResult(new int[] {
item_numbers_by_price[credit - next_price],
itemnumber }, casenum);
item_numbers_by_price[next_price] = itemnumber;
private static int[] readItems() throws IOException {
String line = in.readLine();
String[] items = line.split(" "); // uh-oh, now it's O(max(credit,
// inputchars))
int[] result = new int[items.length];
for (int i = 0; i < items.length; i++) {
result[i] = Integer.parseInt(items[i]);
return result;
private static void printResult(int[] result, int casenum) {
int one;
int two;
if (result[0] > result[1]) {
one = result[1];
two = result[0];
} else {
one = result[0];
two = result[1];
System.out.println(String.format("Case #%d: %d %d", casenum + 1, one,
I'm wondering what you are trying to accomplish using sophisticated data structures such as PriorityQueue and Deque for a problem such as this. It can be solved with a pair of nested loops:
for {
i <- 2 to I
j <- 1 until i
if i != j && P(i-1) + P(j - 1) == C
} println("Case #%d: %d %d" format (n, j, i))
Worse than linear, better than quadratic. Since the items are not sorted, and sorting them would require O(nlogn), you can't do much better than this -- as far as I can see.
Actually, having said all that, I now have figured a way to do it in linear time. The trick is that, for every number p you find, you know what its complement is: C - p. I expect there are a few ways to explore that -- I have so far thought of two.
One way is to build a map with O(n) characteristics, such as a bitmap or a hash map. For each element, make it point to its index. One then only has to find an element for which its complement also has an entry in the map. Trivially, this could be as easily as this:
val PM = P.zipWithIndex.toMap
val (p, i) = PM find { case (p, i) => PM isDefinedAt C - p }
val j = PM(C - p)
However, that won't work if the number is equal to its complement. In other words, if there are two p such that p + p == C. There are quite a few such cases in the examples. One could then test for that condition, and then just use indexOf and lastIndexOf -- except that it is possible that there is only one p such that p + p == C, in which case that wouldn't be the answer either.
So I ended with something more complex, that tests the existence of the complement at the same time the map is being built. Here's the full solution:
import scala.io.Source
object StoreCredit3 extends App {
val source = if (args.size > 0) Source fromFile args(0) else Source.stdin
val input = source getLines ()
val N = input.next.toInt
1 to N foreach { n =>
val C = input.next.toInt
val I = input.next.toInt
val Ps = input.next split ' ' map (_.toInt)
val (_, Some((p1, p2))) = Ps.zipWithIndex.foldLeft((Map[Int, Int](), None: Option[(Int, Int)])) {
case ((map, None), (p, i)) =>
if (map isDefinedAt C - p) map -> Some(map(C - p) -> (i + 1))
else (map updated (p, i + 1), None)
case (answer, _) => answer
println("Case #%d: %d %d" format (n, p1, p2))
