Grpc implementation using springBoot - spring-boot

how to create a grpc project using spring Boot , i was trying to implement grpc using springBoot but my stubs file are not getting generated can anyone provide me steps to create new project with springBoot and grpc


Converting Legacy soap based web service to rest service

I have recently encountered a problem statement ,there is a legacy code using soap based web service and ant as build tool.
My task is to convert the soap based web service to rest endpoint using spring boot and then end goal is to convert to microservice.
I have seen lot of articles where spring starter project is created with spring webservice dependency and they are also generating the classes through xsd's and using annotations like payload and SOAP configuration and checking the wsdl after running the application.
Is this the right approach to convert soap to rest but in my understanding it is simply creating soap web services using spring boot.
If we expose Rest Controllers with Pojos generated and generating the response type as xml or json ,do we need to do something apart from this to achieve the goal of converting soap to rest?
Any suggestions?
I am still exploring the working solution.
So far I have created the config client and server and I am thinking how to code inside the client code to expose soap as rest service.

How to create a spring boot application that uses Kafka producer and consumer with out auto wiring

Can anyone help me how to create a library for Kafka messaging which is used by many other services
The Spring Kafka documentation already covers this, but the same instructions apply if your weren't to use SpringBoot at all - create your own Properties and provide them to Kafka client constructors...
Also, Boot wired properties can easily be re-used in other libraries.
Spring Kafka already do it.
If you are using gradle, set the following the dependencies:
implementation 'org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter'
implementation 'org.springframework.kafka:spring-kafka'
If you want to create a project using Spring Kafka it is very easy with

Spring boot REST - Swagger Docs using Spring FOX and generate client SDK in same build

I am using java spring boot framework to create REST api for my project and I am using "springfox-swagger2 and springfox-swagger-ui" for generating swagger documentation. I am able to see my documentation using the url http://localhost:8080/swagger-ui.html.
How can I generate swagger.json / spec.json to a file without launching web url? I am planning to create client classes also in same build using this json.

Implement Spring Cloud Sleuth's TracingWebFillter in Spring WebFlux

I have a Spring Boot Reactive application using Functional Endpoints ( Kotlin) that uses Spring Cloud Sleuth. I want to customize the response headers to include the trace id. I looked at the manual and saw the section on using the TraceFilter : 1
I tried to do the same using a TraceWebFilter, but it doesn't expose the constructors. Is there a way to implement this customization when using the Reactive Web Framework.
I am using version 2.0.0.M5 for Spring Cloud Sleuth
Thanks in advance!
Please check out the latest master - we've migrated to Brave. You can write your WebFilter that will delegate to TraceWebFilter. Or you can just copy our TraceWebFilter and alter it in the way you need to.

generating client libraries for Spring data rest service

I am writing spring data rest service and would like to generate Java client as a jar file for use by my other project. So is there some automated way to generate client or do I have to write one myself. If either way can you help me get started with this.
I haven't used Spring Data Web Exporter Client but that seems to be good way to go but if you want to go the other way and write your own client you can use Spring RestTemplate to consume all the url on your server side.
Check this: Spring Data Web Exporter Client. You can assembly build script to create client jar archive.
