How is the data in DBA_TAB_COLUMNS updated? - oracle

I use Oracle 'DBA_TAB_COLUMNS' quite extensively. Just have a general question about this view - Is this view 'DBA_TAB_COLUMNS' system-generated, and therefore gets updated automatically?
The reason I'm asking is, seems that there are some columns that get added into 'DBA_TAB_COLUMNS' all of a sudden. These columns have been in my Oracle database for a long time, so I'm wondering why suddenly they got added into DBA_TAB_COLUMNS.
For example, if I have a table called TABLE_TEST and there are 2 columns in it: COL_1 and COL_2, I think these 2 columns get added into DBA_TAB_COLUMNS immediately after TABLE_TEST gets created, right? Or, is there something the DBA needs to do in order to refresh DBA_TAB_COLUMNS?
I've read the Oracle documentation about it but didn't find anything specific about this question, so could someone please advise?


Does TOAD for oracle generate logs of executed SQL?

I cannot seem to find a view which I created in one of my schemas within TOAD. Lets assume I don't know the exact schema in which I've created it, is there any way where I can find all the create statements which have been executed within a period of time, lets say the last days.
Thank you in advance.
If you created the view, just query ALL the views, and order by the date in which it was created.
select * from dba_objects
where object_type = 'VIEW'
order by created desc, last_ddl_time desc
We're hitting DBA_ views to make sure we look at EVERYTHING, not just the things you have PRIVS for. Switch to ALL_ views in case you lack access, and hope you didn't create the view in a schema in which your current logon can't see.
The other way to go is query the views themselves and key in on the table you think you included in the SQL behind the view.
FROM dba_views
You might be looking for a feature called "SQL Recall" in Toad. Press F8 or View/SQL Recall. It will show you the SQL you ran in the last month or so.

Oracle Functionality of Insert All Into Versus By Individual Column

I've gotten to one of those places where I've been toying with something for a little while trying to figure out why its not working and figured I would ask here. I am currently in the middle of making adjustments to a batch process that involves creating an external table A used for staging and then transferring the data from that table over to Table B for further processing.
There's a step in the batch that was there before to load all that data and it goes like this:
Upon running this statement in batch and outside of it in Oracle Developer I get the following error:
Run query ORA-00932: inconsistent datatypes: expected DATE got NUMBER
I went through my adjustments line by line and made sure I had the right data types. I also went over the data itself the best I could and from what I can tell it seems normal also. In an effort to find which individual field could have been having the error, I attempted to load data from Table A to Table B one column at a time...Doing this I received no errors which shocked me somewhat. If I use the SQL below and have all the fields listed out individually, the load of all the data works flawlessly. Can someone explain why this might be? Does the below function perform an internal Oracle working that the previous one does not?
insert into TABLE B (
from TABLE A;
Well, if you posted description of tables A and B, we could see it ourselves. As it is now, we have to trust what you're saying, i.e. that everything matches (but Oracle disagrees), so I don't know what to say.
On the other hand, I've learnt that using
is a poor way of handling things (unless that's a quick & dirty testing). I try to always name all columns I'm working with, no matter how many of them are involved in that very operation. As you noticed, that seems to be working well for you too, so I'd suggest you to keep doing it.

Sequences (using as ID) issue in Oracle SQL Developer

I am using sequences to create IDs, so while executing insert stored procedure it will create unique value for ID. But after some time it is losing the definition for the sequence.
Not sure why this is happening again and again and how to solve the problem?
I am using Oracle SQL Developer and in the edit table property there is 'Identity Column' setting. See below:
Next step is setting up trigger and sequence:
It was working fine for some time until this property defaulted. Now it is not there anymore:
Still have this trigger and sequence object in the schema and able to setup again but it will break later.
How to avoid this problem in future?
I think it is just a bug/limitation in your client software, Oracle SQL Developer. The "Identity Column" tab is a handy way to create the corresponding sequence and trigger but it doesn't seem to recognise existing elements. I've just verified my own system and that's exactly what happens.
It makes sense, because adding a new sequence and trigger is a pretty straightforward task (all you need is a template) but displaying current sequence is hard given that a trigger can implement any conceivable logic. Surely it could be done but the cost-benefit ratio probably left things this way.
In short, your app is not broken so nothing needs to be fixed on your side.
This is what I received from IT support regarding the issue:
A few possibilities that might cause this:
1 - Another user with limited privileges might be editing the table using SQL Developer. In this case, if this user's privilege is not enough to obtain the sequence and/or trigger information from the database, the tool might leave the fields blank and disable it when table changes are saved.
2 - The objects are being changed or removed outside of SQL Developer, causing it to lose the information. In my tests I noticed that dropping the trigger and recreating it with the same name caused the identity property information to be lost on SQL Developer.
Even being the trigger enabled, and working for inserts it could not retrieve the information.
Then, if I run an alter trigger to enable it (even tough dba_trigger is reporting it as already enabled), SQL Developer will list the information again:
So it looks like there are some issues with the SQL Developer, that is causing this behavior.
Next time it happen, please check if the trigger still exist on the database and is enabled with the query below:
from dba_triggers
where trigger_name = 'ENTER_YOUR_TRG_NAME'; --Just change the trigger name in WHERE

Oracle: Monitoring changes in v_$parameter

Long time user, first time "asker".
I am attempt to construct an Oracle procedure and/or trigger that will compare two tables with the MINUS operation and then insert any resulting rows into another table. I understand how to do the query in standard SQL, but I am having trouble coming up with an efficient way to do this using PL/SQL.
Admittedly, I am very new to Oracle and pretty green with SQL in general. This may be a silly way to go about accomplishing my goal, so allow me to explain what I am attempting to do.
I need to create some sort of alert that will be triggered when the V_$PARAMETER view is changed. Apparently triggers can not respond to changes to view but, instead, can only replace actions on views...which I do not wish to do. So, what I did was create a table that to mirror that view to essentially save it as a "snapshot".
create table mirror_v_$parameter as select * from v_$parameter;
Then, I attempted to make a procedure that would minus these two so that, whenever a change is made to v_$parameter, it will return the difference between the snapshot, mirror_v_$parameter. I trying to create a cursor with the command:
select * from v_$parameter minus select * from mirror_v_$parameter;
to be used inside a procedure, so that it could be used to fetch any returned rows and insert them into another table called alerts_v_$parameter. The intent being that, when something is added to the "alert" table, a trigger can be used to somehow (haven't gotten this far yet) notify my team that there has been a change to the v_$parameter table, and that they can refer to alerts_v_$parameter to see what has been change. I would use some kind of script to run this procedure at a regular interval. And maybe, some day down the line when I understand all this better, manipulate what goes into the alerts_v_$parameter table so that it provides better information such as specifically what column was changed, what was its previous value, etc.
Any advice or pointers?
Thank you for taking the time to read this. Any thoughts will be very appreciated.
I would create a table based on the exact structure of v_$parameter with an additional timestamp column for "last_update", and periodically (via DBMS_Scheduler) merge into it any changes from the real v_$parameter table and capture the timestamp of any detected change.
You might also populate a history table at the same time, either using triggers on update of your table or with SQL.
PL/SQL is unlikely to be required, except as a procedural wrapper to the SQL code.
Examples of Merge are in the documentation here:

Oracle Apex - Updating a view with instead-of trigger

Apex beginner here. I have a view in my Oracle database of the form:
create or replace view vw_awkward_view as
select unique tab1.some_column1,
from table_1 tab1,
table_2 tab2
WHERE ....
I need the 'unique' clause on 'tab1.some_column1' because it has many entries in its underlying table. I also need to include 'tab1.some_column1' in my view because the rest of the data doesn't make much sense without it.
In Apex, I want to create a report on this view with a form for editing it (update only). I do NOT need to edit tab1.some_column1. Only the other columns in the view need to be editable. I can normally achieve this using an 'instead-of' trigger, but this doesn't look possible when the view contains a 'distinct', 'unique' or 'group by' clause.
If I try to update a row on this view I get the following error:
ORA-02014: cannot select FOR UPDATE from view with DISTINCT, GROUP BY, etc.
How can I avoid this error? I want my 'instead-of' trigger to kick in and perform the update and I don't need to edit the column which has the 'unique' clause, so I think it should be possible to do this.
I think that you should be able to remove the "unique".
if tab2.some_column1, tab2.some_column2, tab2.some_column3 are not unique, then how do you want to update them ?
if they are unique then the whole result: tab1.some_column1, tab2.some_column1, tab2.some_column2, tab2.some_column3 is unique.
When you state in a sql query "unique" or "distinct" it's for all columns not only 'tab1.some_column1'
Hope i'm in the correct direction of your question here ;)
Your query could be achieved by doing something like:
select a.some_column1, tab2.some_column1, tab2.some_column2, tab2.some_column3
from table_2 tab2
join (select distinct some_column1 from table_1) a
on tab2.column_in_tab1 = a.some_column1
The reason you get the ORA-02014 error is because of the automatically generated ApplyMRU process. This process will attempt to lock a (the) changed row(s):
for r in (select ...
from vw_awkward_view
where <your first defined PK column>= 'value for PK1'
for update nowait)
end loop;
That's a bummer, and means you won't be able to use the generated process. You'll have to write your own process which does the updating.
For this, you'll have to use the F## arrays in apex_application.
If this sounds totally unfamiliar, take a look at:
Custom submit process, and on using the apex_application arrays.
Also, here is a how-to for apex from 2004 from Oracle itself. It still uses lots of htmldb references, but the gist of it is there.
(it might be a good idea to use the apex_item interface to build up your form, and have control over what is generated and what array it takes.)
What it comes down to is: loop over the array containing your items and do an UPDATE on your view with the submitted values.
Of course, you don't have locking this way, nor a way to prevent unnecessary updates.
Locking you can do yourself, with for example using the select for update method. You'd have to lock the correct rows in the table(s) you want to alter, before you update them. If the locking fails, then your process should fail.
As for the 'lost update' story: here you'd need to check the MD5-checksums. A checksum is generated from the editable columns in your form and put in the html-code. On submit, this checksum is then compared to a newly generated checksum from those same columns, but with values from the database at that time of submit. If the checksums differ, it means the record has changed between the page load and the page submit. Your process should fail because the record has been altered, and you don't want to have those overwritten. (if you go the apex_item way, then don't forget to include an MD5_CHECKSUM call (or MD5_HIDDEN).
Important note though: checksums generated by either using apex_item or simply the standard form functionality build up a string to be hashed. As you can see in apex_item.md5_hidden, checksums are generated using DBMS_OBFUSCATION_TOOLKIT.MD5.
You can get the checksum of the values in the DB in 2 ways: wwv_flow_item.md5 or using dbms_obfuscation.
However, what the documentation fails to mention is this: OTN Apex discussion on MD5 checksums. Pipes are added in the generated checksums! Don't forget this, or it'll blow up in your face and you'll be left wondering for days what the hell is wrong with it.
select utl_raw.cast_to_raw(dbms_obfuscation_toolkit.md5(input_string=>
"COLUMN1" ||'|'||
"COLUMN2" ||'|'||
"COLUMN5" ||'|'||
"COLUMN7" ||'|'||
"COLUMN10" ||'|'||
"COLUMN12" ||'|'||
"COLUMN14" ||
)) md5
from some_table
To get the checksum of a row of the some_table table, where columns 1,2,5,7,10,12,14 are editable!
In the end, this is how it should be structured:
loop over array
generate a checksum for the current value of the editable columns
from the database
compare this checksum with the submitted checksum
(apex_application.g_fcs if generated) if the checksums match,
proceed with update. If not, fail process here.
lock the correct records for updating. Specify nowait, and it
locking fails, fail the process
update your view with the submitted values. Your instead-of trigger
will fire. Be sure you use correct values for your update statement so that only this one record will be updated
Don't commit inbetween. It's either all or nothing.
I almost feel like i went overboard, and it might feel like it is all a bit much, but when you know the pitfalls it's actually not so hard to pull this custom process off! It was very knowledgable for me to play with it :p
The answer by Tom is a correct way of dealing with ths issue but I think overkill for your requirements if I understand correctly.
The easiest way may be to create a form on the table you want to edit. Then have the report edit link take the user to this form which will only update the needed columns from the one table. If you need the value of the column from the other table displayed it is simple when you create the link to pass this value to the form which can contain a display only item to show this.
