Spring Open Projection - Object and Additional Value - spring-boot

Let's assume we have a model like this:
class User {
String name;
Integer age;
The query returns results, and the extraField is mapped, but the user isn't.
I have a query that joins the User table with another table and returns the User object and one more field that comes from this other table.
Is it possible to define an open projection in Spring that would map the return values from the query? I guess it should look something like the following, but I can't get it to work.
interface UserProjection {
User getUser();
String getExtraField();


SpringBoot named query: IN-clause not working for multiple values

"In clause" not working on passing multiple values
Repository code
#Query( "select myObject from MyObject myObject where myObject.anyColumn in :values" )
public List<MyObject> findPriDestByCntryAbbr(#Param("values") List<String> values);
Calling from service
List<String> values = Arrays.asList(valuesString.split(","));
List<MyObject> result = myObjectRepository.findByAnyColumns(values);
When i am passing single value it is retrieving correct information from table, But on passing multiple values in List "values" giving empty result
Ideally it should work. You should check the values variable.
The other way you can try is- without writing query.
As per the doc we can create MyObjectRepository interface by extending Repository interface and then have a method to fetch all MyObjects. It goes like:
public interface MyObjectRepository extends Repository<MyObject,**Long**> {
List<MyObject> findBy**AnyColumn**In(Collection<String> values);
"AnyColumn" is your column name and second parameter for Repository interface is as per your requirement.

A Jpa query annotation to return results as key value pairs

I have a users table and I am trying to use annotated Queries in spring boot to get a result set. I am able to get result set as a list, but that does not have field names. How do I get the result set with field name as key and value pairs?
Current response [[1,"Jay"]] , what I want to do is {"id":1,"Name":"Jay"}
-----Here is my repository class-----
public interface UsersauthRepository2 extends JpaRepository<Users2,Long> {
#Query("select id,name,email from Users u where LOWER(email) = LOWER(:email) and LOWER(u.password) = LOWER(:password)")
List<Users2> querybyemail(#Param("email") String email,#Param("password") String password);
The request doesn't return fields names.
If you need to get them :
You have them already as method argument
You need to use reflection.
Good luck

Incorrect derived query for byId in Spring Data Neo4j

I have two entities: User and Connection, along with two appropriate repositories. Both entities has #GraphId id field. Connection entity has User user field.
In ConnectionRepository interface I added following method:
List<Connection> findByUserId(long userId)
But it doesn't work. It generates incorrect cypher query. I think it incorrect, because it contains clause like this:
WHERE user.id = 15
which is not working, because id is not a property. It must be:
WHERE id(user) = 15
Is this a bug? In any case, how can I get it to work?
The derived query translates to the property id of the user defined on the Connection. It is quite possible that node entities contain a user managed id property as well and it would be incorrect to assume that id is always the node id.
In this case, you might want to use a #Query instead.
#Query("MATCH (user:label) WHERE ID(user)={0} return user")
List<Connection> findByUserId(long userId)

Group toghether Node properties and return as a view in Cypher

I am working with v2.2.3 of Neo4J and Spring Neo4j Data SDN 4
I want to return a few properties of a node using a cypher query and map them into attributes of a POJO.My function in Spring data repository looks something like this
"MATCH(n:ServiceProvider{profileStatus:{pStatus},currentResidenceState:{location}}) RETURN n.name,n.currentResidenceAddress ,n.employmentStatus,"
+ "n.idProofType,n.idProofNumber
ORDER BY n.registrationDate DESC SKIP{skip} LIMIT {limit}")
List<AdminSearchMapResult> getServiceProviderRecords(
#Param("pStatus")String pStatus,
#Param("location")String location,
#Param("skip") int skip,#Param("limit")int limit);
I get an error like
Scalar response queries must only return one column. Make sure your cypher query only returns one item.
I think its because of the fact that I cant bundle all the returned attributes into a view that can map into the POJO
If I return the node itself and map it into a POJO it works
Kindly guide
This can be done using #QueryResult
Annotate the AdminSearchMapResult POJO with #QueryResult. For example:
public class AdminSearchMapResult {
String name;
String currentResidenceAddress;
Optionally annotate properties with #Property(name = "n.idProofType") if the alias is different from the field name.

Hibernate find object from database by few params

Can't find right query with few params.
Here is my query from DAO class:
public Notebook findByName(String name, Integer UserId) {
return (Notebook) sessionFactory.getCurrentSession().createQuery("from Notebook where ....");
I would like to get by this query object of Notebook by few params: name and user id(foreign key).
And i would like to get only one object, not list of objects even he has only 1 element.
The method createQuery(queryString) returns a Query on which you can set the parameters e.g.
Query query = createQuery("from Notebook where id=:id and title=:title");
query.setParameter("id", id);
query.setParameter("title", title);
query.uniqueResult(); // fetch the object.
If the query returns more then one results be sure to set setMaxResults() or an exception will be thrown.
Edit to
public Notebook findByName(String name, Integer UserId) {
return (Notebook) ....createQuery("from Notebook where ....")...uniqueResult;
BTW: I am not including the part where you are setting the parameters for your query
If there is no a unique result, uniqueResult throws an exception.
Be sure your query statement is very specific and you are including something like master.pk=child.fk (where pk should fk)
could you update and include the complete query statement?
