I'm working with a SOAP web service and one of the connection strings I was given looks like this
I usually work with connection strings like
Can someone tell me what it means the last part of the string?
Is this some kind of socket to a remote database or what is it?
the database that it is trying to be reach is Oracle in case that helps
I am trying to connect to the database. but every time i try this error pop up :
Connection to Oracle - #obelix.fri.uniza.sk failed.
[08000][17410] No more data to read from socket
I tried everything what i found on the internet.
I think problem is in my computer, because from another one i can acces exactly the same database
Hi good people of StackOverflow.
I am having issues with EventMachine.connect, I am able to specify host name and port but not sent additional params in my connection string.
Here is my code:
EM.connect 'localhost', 61613, StompListener
Now I am experiencing issues with STOMP connection to ActiveMQ server, basically, connection keeps dying from time to time and I need to reconnect. I have found following info where Apache ActiveMQ suggests
using transport.keepAlive=true for these cases. But I am not able to figure out how to add this URL params to EM.connect, do you know how?
I`m in the development stage of an app and I don't make many server\cloud sql calls but for some reason I have an average of 400 usage hours a month.
When I look at the cloud sql active connections dashboard I see there is always at least one active connection but in the read\write operations it's usually on 0 besides the occasional small bumps.
I create a new connection each time I make a request to the server\cloud sql and close the connection each time when I return the response.
the connection code is(I followed the guestbook tutorial\example)
this.dbUrl = "jdbc:google:mysql://trivia9991:triviadb?user=root";
this.dbConn = DriverManager.getConnection(dbUrl);
the closing connection code is
How can this keep a connection open at all time?
If the connection close code is actually running this should not be the issue. You should make sure that the connection is closed even if an exception occurs before hand.
It is also possible that a connection you made using the MySQL command line client is still open.
You can examine what connections are open by connecting using the MySQL command line client and running a SHOW PROCESSLIST; statement.
Someone told me if I set the "ValidateConnection" property in Oracle to TRUE, the application will be able to handle the following cases:
Timeouts on network equipment that shutdown TCP connections after a certain
amount of time and/or inactivity.
Physical connection breaks such as pulled cables, network equipment resets,
Oracle server being restarted, or DBA logically closing the connection on
the server side.
My questions are:
If ValidateConnection is set to TRUE, can oracle actually handle the above cases?
Do I need to write additional code or Oracle's connection pool will just wait until the connection is timedout?
What technique or tools can I use to test this cases? Sample code, or link to other article will be very useful.
ValidateConnection simply tells Oracle to test the connection from the pool prior to handing it to the application. This prevents you from getting already disconnected connections from the connection pool. To answer your question of which situations are handled by using ValidateConnection, I guess I would need to know what you mean by "handle". If the Oracle server has been disconnected from the internet, ValidateConnection cannot do anything about it. However, once it is back online, ValidateConnection will prevent Oracle from handing your application disconnected connections from the connection pool. The link below gives some a little more information, and he shortly describes how he tested ValidateConnection in his environment.
I am doing a JMS connection using Java. The command I am using to establish connection is
QueueConnectionFactory factory =
new com.tibco.tibjms.TibjmsQueueConnectionFactory(JMSserverUrl);
Where JMSServerUrl is the varible which stores my JMS URL.
Now the problem is that I need to add the fault tolerance URL i.e two different URL's. So can any one tell me how can I specify two URLs together in the above code sample such that if first URL is not accessible it should try connecting to the other URL.
Put all URLs in a single string with a comma between them.
new TibjmsQueueConnectionFactory("ssl://host01:20302,ssl://host02:20302");
Caution, I am a Tibco EMS newbie, but this seems to work, as evidenced by the error I can get ...
javax.jms.JMSSecurityException: Failed to connect to any server at:
[Error: Can not initialize SSL client: no trusted certificates are set:
url that returned this exception = SSL://host01:20302 ]
The .NET documentation for tibco(I know your using java) suggests that you can provide a comma delimited list of server URL's for messaging connections. Bear in mind that I don't have any real tibco experience, but this is a common way to handle initial connection fault tolerance(i.e. prior to establishing a connection and receiving information about the cluster, after which failover is typically handled by the connection). It may be worth a try. Another solution that I have seen to this problem is creating a virtual IP and handling fault tolerance at the Network Level.