Why is Go connecting to a database synchronously? - go

I'm coming from a Node background and trying to get into Go, by looking at code examples.
I do find it weird that code is mostly synchronous - even things like connecting and communicating with the database, e.g.
func main() {
// Create a new client and connect to the server
client, err := mongo.Connect(context.TODO(), options.Client().ApplyURI(uri))
if err != nil {
Doesn't this block the thread until DB sends back a response? If not, how is that possible?

Yeah there's this difference:
In Node everything is not blocking until you say it otherwise, await or callabck.
In Go everything is blocking until you say it otherwise, go.


Relay data between two different tcp clients in golang

I'm writing a TCP server which simultaneously accepts multiple connections from mobile devices and some WiFi devices (IOT). The connections needs to be maintained once established, with the 30 seconds timeout if there is no heartbeat received. So it is something like the following:
// clientsMap map[string] conn
func someFunction() {
conn, err := s.listener.Accept()
// I store the conn in clientsMap
// so I can access it, for brevity not
// shown here, then:
go serve(connn)
func serve(conn net.Conn) {
timeoutDuration := 30 * time.Second
for {
msgBuffer := make([]byte, 2048)
msgBufferLen, err := conn.Read(msgBuffer)
// do something with the stuff
So there is one goroutine for each client. And each client, once connected to the server, is pending on the read. The server then processes the stuff read.
The problem is that I sometimes need to read things off one client, and then pass data to another (Between a mobile device and a WiFi device). I have stored the connections in clientsMap. So I can always access that. But since each client is handled by one goroutine, shall I be passing the data from one client to another by using a channel? But if the goroutine is blocked waiting for a pending read, how do I make it also wait for data from a channel? Or shall I just obtain the connection for the other party from the clientsMap and write to it?
The documentation for net.Conn clearly states:
Multiple goroutines may invoke methods on a Conn simultaneously.
So yes, it is okay to simply Write to the connections. You should take care to issue a single Write call per message you want to send. If you call Write more than once you risk interleaving messages from different mobile devices. This implies calling Write directly and not via some other API (in other words don't wrap the connection). For instance, the following would not be safe:
json.NewEncoder(conn).Encode(myValue) // use json.Marshal(myValue) instead
io.Copy(conn, src) // use io.ReadAll(src) instead

Google pubsub golang subscriber stops receiving new published message(s) after being idle for a few hours

I created a TOPIC in google pubsub, and created a SUBSCRIPTION inside the TOPIC, with the following settings
then I wrote a puller in go, using its Receive to pull and acknowledge published messages
package main
import (
func main() {
ctx := context.Background()
client, err := pubsub.NewClient(ctx, config.C.Project)
if err != nil {
// do things with err
sub := client.Subscription(config.C.PubsubSubscription)
err := sub.Receive(ctx, func(ctx context.Context, msg *pubsub.Message) {
if err != context.Canceled {
logger.Error(fmt.Sprintf("Cancelled: %s", err.Error()))
if err != nil {
logger.Error(fmt.Sprintf("Error: %s", err.Error()))
Nothing fancy, its working well, but then after a while (~ after 3 hours idle), it stops receiving new published messages, no error(s), nothing. Am i missing something?
In general, there can be several reasons why a subscriber may stop receiving messages:
If a subscriber does not ack or nack messages, the flow control limits can be reached, meaning no more messages can be delivered. This does not seem to be the case in your particular instance given that you immediately ack messages.
If another subscriber starts up for the same subscription, it could be receiving the messages. In this scenario, one would expect the subscriber to receive a subset of the messages rather than no messages at all.
Publishers just stop publishing messages and therefore there are no messages to receive. If you restart the subscriber and it starts receiving messages again, this probably isn't the case. You can also verify that a backlog is being built up by looking at the Stackdriver metric for subscription/backlog_bytes.
If your problem does not fall into one of those categories, it would be best to reach out to Google Cloud support with your project name, topic name, and subscription name so that they can narrow down the issue to either your user code, the client library itself, or the service.
I was experiencing something similar and I was pretty sure there was not another subscriber pulling those messages.
Try this: go to the topic, create a new bogus subscription (name it whatever you want, because you'll just delete it later). Right after I did that both the fake subscription (which I was using the python sample code client to subscribe to) and the real one was receiving messages again. Strange solution, but maybe it kicked the topic awake again.
Hopefully someone from Google could give us some insight into what's happening here, but I'm definitely not paying them enough to get direct support.
Few changes will help you to investigate the issue better:
- Check error from Receive
- Use separate context for Receive
ctx := context.Background()
err := sub.Receive(ctx, func(ctx context.Context, msg *pubsub.Message) {
if err != nil {
Does your code work before? I have problems with PubSub since today. Methods like get_topic(), create_topic() in Python PubSub library stop working, but I don't have any problems with sending and pulling messages. Yesterday everything was working fine but today not...

Run Goroutines on separate processes (multiprocessing)

I currently have a MQTT code that can subscribe to a topic, print out the messages received, then publish further instructions to a new topic. The subscribing/printing is completed in one Goroutine, and the publishing is done in another Goroutine. Here is my code:
var wg, pg sync.WaitGroup
// All messages are handled here - printing published messages and publishing new messages
var f MQTT.MessageHandler = func(client MQTT.Client, msg MQTT.Message) {
go func() {
defer wg.Done()
fmt.Printf("%s\n", msg.Payload())
go func(){
defer pg.Done()
message := ""
//Changing configurations
if strings.Contains(string(msg.Payload()), "arduinoLED") == true {
message = fmt.Sprintf("change configuration")
if strings.Contains(string(msg.Payload()), "NAME CHANGED") == true{
message = fmt.Sprintf("change back")
// Publish further instructions to "sensor/instruction"
token := client.Publish("sensor/instruction", 0, false, message)
func main() {
c := make(chan os.Signal, 1)
signal.Notify(c, os.Interrupt, syscall.SIGTERM)
opts := MQTT.NewClientOptions().AddBroker("tcp://test.mosquitto.org:1883")
// Topic to subscribe to for sensor data
topic := "sensor/data"
opts.OnConnect = func(c MQTT.Client) {
if token := c.Subscribe(topic, 0, f); token.Wait() && token.Error() != nil {
// Creating new client
client := MQTT.NewClient(opts)
if token := client.Connect(); token.Wait() && token.Error() != nil {
} else {
fmt.Printf("Connected to server\n")
The commented out os.Getpid() line is to check which process I am running that Goroutine on. Right now they both display the same number (which means both are running on the same process?).
My question is: How can I run the two Goroutines on separate processes? Is there a way?
Edit: If this cannot be done, I want to write this code using channels. Here is the code I have for that:
var f MQTT.MessageHandler = func(client MQTT.Client, msg MQTT.Message) {
sensorData := make(chan []byte)
go func() {
defer wg.Done()
//fmt.Printf("%s\n", msg.Payload())
sensorData <- string(msg.Payload())
fmt.Println(<-sensorData) //currently not printing anything
go func(){
defer pg.Done()
message := ""
//Changing configurations
if strings.Contains(<-sensorData, "arduinoLED") == true{
message = fmt.Sprintf("change configuration")
if strings.Contains(<-sensorData, "NAME CHANGED") == true{
message = fmt.Sprintf("change back")
// Publish further instructions to "sensor/instruction"
token := client.Publish("sensor/instruction", 0, false, message)
However, I am not able to print out any data using channels. What am I doing wrong?
You might be coming from Python, right? ;-)
It has the module named
in its stdlib, and this might well explain why you have used
this name in the title of your question and why you apparently
are having trouble interpreting what #JimB meant by saying
If you need a separate process, you need to exec it yourself
"Multiprocessing" in Python
The thing is, Python's multiprocessing is a quite high-level
thing which hides under its hood a whole lot of stuff.
When you spawn a multiprocessing.Process and make it run
a function, what really happens is this:
The Python interpreter creates another operating system's
process (using
fork(2) on Unix-like systems
or CreateProcess on Windows) and arranges
for it to execute a Python interpter, too.
The crucial point is that you will now have two processes
running two Python interpters.
It is arranged for that Python interpterer in the
child process to have a way to communicate with the Python
interpreter in the parent process.
This "communication link" necessarily involves some form
of IPC #JimB referred to.
There is simply no other way to communicate data and actions
between separate processes exactly because a commodity
contemporary OS provides strict process separation.
When you exchange Python objects between the processes, the two communicating Python
interpreters serialize and deserialize them behind your back
before sending them over their IPC link and after receiving
them from there, correspondingly.
This is implemented using the pickle module.
Back to Go
Go does not have any direct solution which would closely
match Python's multiprocessing, and I really doubt it could
have been sensibly implemented.
The chief reason for this mostly stems from the fact Go
is quite more lower level than Python, and hence it does not
have the Python's luxury of making sheer assumptions about
the types of values it manages, and it also strives to have
as few hidden costs in its constructs as possible.
Go also strives to steer clear of "framework-style" approaches
to solve problems, and use "library-style" solutions when
possible. (A good rundown of the "framework vs library"
is given, for instance, here.)
Go has everything in its standard library to implement
something akin to Python's multiprocessing but there is no
ready-made frakework-y solution for this.
So what you could do for this is to roll along these lines:
Use os/exec to run another copy of your own process.
Make sure the spawned process "knows" it's started
in the special "slave" mode—to act accordingly.
Use any form of IPC to communicate with the new process.
Exchanging data via the standard I/O streams
of the child process is supposedly
the simplest way to roll (except when you need to exchange
opened files but this is a harder topic, so let's not digress).
Use any suitable package in the encoding/ hierarchy — such as binary, gob, xml — to serialize
and deserialize data when exchanging.
The "go-to" solution is supposedly encoding/gob
but encoding/json will also do just fine.
Invent and implement a simple protocol to tell the
child process what to do, and with which data,
and how to communicate the results back to master.
Does it really worth the trouble?
I would say that no, it doesn't—for a number of reasons:
Go has nothing like the dreaded GIL,
so there's no need to sidestep it to achieve real parallelism
when it is naturally possible.
Memory safety is all in your hands, and achieving it is
not really that hard when you dutifully obey the principle
that what is sent over a channel is now owned by
the receiver. In other words, sending values over a channel
is also the transfer of ownership of those values.
The Go toolchain has integrated race detector, so you
may run your test suite with the -race flag and create evaluation
builds of your program using go build -race for the same
purpose: when a program instrumented in such a way runs,
the race detector crashes it as soon as it detects any
unsynchronized read/write memory access.
The printout resulting from that crash includes
explanatory messages on what, and where went wrong,
with stack traces.
IPC is slow, so the gains may well be offset by the losses.
All-in-all, I see no real reason to separate processes unless
you're writing something like an e-mail processing server
where this concept comes naturally.
Channel is used for communicating between goroutines, you shouldn't use it in same goroutine like this code:
sensorData <- string(msg.Payload())
fmt.Println(<-sensorData) //currently not printing anything
If you like to test printing by channel, you can use buffered channel in same goroutine to avoid blocking, like this:
sensorData := make(chan []byte, 1)

get notified when http.Server starts listening

When I look at the net/http server interface, I don't see an obvious way to get notified and react when the http.Server comes up and starts listening:
ListenAndServe(":8080", nil)
The function doesn't return until the server actually shuts down. I also looked at the Server type, but there doesn't appear to be anything that lets me tap into that timing. Some function or a channel would have been great but I don't see any.
Is there any way that will let me detect that event, or am I left to just sleeping "enough" to fake it?
ListenAndServe is a helper function that opens a listening socket and then serves connections on that socket. Write the code directly in your application to signal when the socket is open:
l, err := net.Listen("tcp", ":8080")
if err != nil {
// handle error
// Signal that server is open for business.
if err := http.Serve(l, rootHandler); err != nil {
// handle error
If the signalling step does not block, then http.Serve will easily consume any backlog on the listening socket.
Related question: https://stackoverflow.com/a/32742904/5728991

How frequently should I be calling sql.Open in my program?

As the title says I don't know if having multiple sql.Open statements is a good or bad thing or what or if I should have a file with just an init that is something like:
var db *sql.DB
func init() {
var err error
db, err = sql.Open
just wondering what the best practice would be. Thanks!
You should at least check the error.
As mentioned in "Connecting to a database":
Note that Open does not directly open a database connection: this is deferred until a query is made. To verify that a connection can be made before making a query, use the Ping function:
if err := db.Ping(); err != nil {
After use, the database is closed using Close.
If possible, limit the number of opened connection to a database to a minimum.
See "Go/Golang sql.DB reuse in functions":
You shouldn't need to open database connections all over the place.
The database/sql package does connection pooling internally, opening and closing connections as needed, while providing the illusion of a single connection that can be used concurrently.
As elithrar points out in the comment, database.sql/#Open does mention:
The returned DB is safe for concurrent use by multiple goroutines and maintains its own pool of idle connections.
Thus, the Open function should be called just once.
It is rarely necessary to close a DB.
As mentioned here
Declaring *sql.DB globally also have some additional benefits such as SetMaxIdleConns (regulating connection pool size) or preparing SQL statements across your application.
You can use a function init, which will run even if you don't have a main():
var db *sql.DB
func init() {
db, err = sql.Open(DBparms....)
init() is always called, regardless if there's main or not, so if you import a package that has an init function, it will be executed.
You can have multiple init() functions per package, they will be executed in the order they show up in the code (after all variables are initialized of course).
