Deactivate menu opening when pressing Alt in sublime - sublimetext

I use alt + ijkl as arrow keys to move my cursor when I am coding. However in Sublime text when you press alt, it opens the upper left menu, and it sometimes messes up my shortcuts. Is there any way to deactivate that ? Haven't found it in "preferences -> keybinds"

This is possible, but not in Sublime Text 3; only Sublime Text 4, which introduces the following setting (shown here with default value):
// When false, disables alt-tapping revealing the menu when hidden on Linux
// and Windows. Does not affect auto hiding or toggling the menu through
// the command palette.
"reveal_menu": true,


I can't use 'click' to add short cut in android studio?

add shortcut
I use command + button Click nothing happened but every other keys work properly.
Go to the settings menu as described below
File ->
Settings... ->
From the appropriate menu/sub menu header, Pick the action you want to assign a shortcut to.
Right click to select either a keyboard or mouse shortcut.
Keyboard shortcut
Choose a key combination.
If the key combination is already in use you can either choose a second stroke or a modifier like CTRL, ALT or SHIFT etc.
Mouse shortcut
Choose a click or double click, scroll wheel up / down etc.
If the mouse short cut combination is already in use you can use a keyboard modifier like CTRL, ALT or SHIFT etc.

Visual Studio 2013 resize window shortcut hotkey

Is there any way to make a hotkey to resize the width of the current editor window in VS2013?
I do pretty much everything entirely through hotkeys EXCEPT resizing my windows. Most often I have 2 or 3 editors open in the same window vertically so each one is relatively narrow. Switching between the windows is easy with Ctrl + Tab but I really wish I could press a hotkey with left/right arrows to increase/decrease width of the current editor.
EDIT: Or at least go full screen into the current window temporarily. This is not the same as going full screen normally with Shift + Alt + Enter since that full screens all 3 windows still seperated.
Any way to do this?
Perhaps not quite what you want but VS has a shortcut for "Window.Float".
Options > Keyboard > Window.Float
Assign a shortcut for it (I've assigned Ctrl + W, Down Arrow)
When you float the window, you can snap it using the Windows shortcut of WinKey + Arrows.
WinKey + Left snaps the window to the next left-available position.
WinKey + Right snaps the window to the next right-available position.
WinKey + Up maximises.
WinKey + Down minimises.
Another option is to keep the tool windows "Solution exp, Team exp, .." as hidden,
and then using their shortcuts to show them again. When you are done press "Alt + _" for the alt-space menu.
For example, using the default settings, I have solution explorer hidden.
My use flow is:
Ctrl+p ctrl+p [Show the solution explorer window]
Use the keyboard to navigate or skip #1 and press "Ctrl+;" to search
When I'm done, press "esc" to hide it
or for windows where I want it to stay open: "Alt+_" then press "k" for dock

How to draw "Find" result bar with keyboard shortcut in Sublime Text?

When you type in ⌘ + F in Sublime Text, you enter the "Find" mode, with the search result bar shows up on the bottom of the screen. However, I would like to return to the original form only with keyboard and not like to do mouseover to the X-mark on the result bar and then tap the x-mark to remove the search bar, which is quite a lot of work.
So is it feasible to return to the pre-search mode only with keyboard? I use Sublime Text 3 on my OS X 10.9.2.
Escape will close the find menu.

How can I toggle between indent using spaces and tabs in Sublime Text?

I'm happy with the indentation defaults, but sometimes I want to paste text that preserves the tabs and I don't want to grab the mouse, go to the lower corner, uncheck Indent Using Spaces, paste the text, and check Indent Using Spaces again.
Is there a way to do this from the command menu (cmd+shift+p) or by using an extension?
What about defining a keyboard shortcut to toggle the translate_tabs_to_spaces setting?
Untested, but the stock keyboard binding file has this, which you copy and modify to your preferences in Sublime Text -> Preferences -> Key Bindings - User:
{"keys": ["f7"], "command": "toggle_setting", "args": {"setting": "translate_tabs_to_spaces"} },

Textmate-like Keyboard Navigation for the Command Line?

How do I better navigate the command line? In TextMate, I can do:
CMD + ALT + ARROW to switch tabs
CMD + SHIFT + ARROW to highlight lines of text
ALT + SHIFT + ARROW to highlight words
ALT + ARROW to jump words, etc.
How do I do this kind of stuff in the terminal?
Here's a slightly more complete mapping from Mac text navigation to the default Readline keys:
I set this up in the Keys pane of my iTerm2 preferences, but you should be able to make the same mappings in (Edit: Everything except the first two. only lets you pick from a few different keys)
In MacOS' Terminal app, you can change your keyboard bindings; go to Terminal Preferences (shortcut Cmd + ,) and navigate to the 'Keyboard' tab:
Key => Action
control cursor left => \033b
control cursor right => \033f
etc. You can do the same thing with other emacs-style bindings. As far as switching tabs, that's a System Preferences > Keyboard > Keyboard Shortcuts setting; click 'Application Shortcuts' on the left side, and then click + on the right to add a new shortcut. Use your desired keyboard combo and pair it with the exact menu name, which in Terminal for moving forward/backward through tabs is 'Select Next Tab' and 'Select Previous Tab' (via the Window menu in Terminal), respectively.
Does that help?
This is a pointer for anyone landing here looking for the equivalent tips for iTerm (as opposed to the default terminal).
To do the same in iTerm, go to menu "Bookmarks", "Manage Profiles", "Keyboard profiles", "Global".
Then add all of the shortcuts you see in the other answers here, but instead of sending text "\033..." when creating a mapping, you simply select the action "send character sequence" and the character for the escape sequence!.
"\033b" becomes b
"\033f" becomes f
and so on.
Escape sequence example
Some things can be done by editing the readline bindings (see bind -p / man bash) but for some of the mac keyboard keys you can (or need to?) set extras up in's preferences.
For word navigation try this:
Terminal preferences -> settings -> keyboard
add the following:
option cursor left \033b (escape b) (backwards word)
option cursor right \033f (escape f) (forward word)
option forward delete \033d (escape d) (kill word)
Word boundaries behave a little differently, but it's better than single character or whole line navigation, and doesn't require trading your option key for a meta key and learning a bunch of new key combos.
