How to abort the Action
Abort is not working for createasyncthunk in react.
How can I abort any action of createAsyncThunk?
I'm writing automated tests for a Shopify application using cypress
When I finish filling the cart with items then click on the checkout button, I got this kind of error that prevents me to go to the checkout page :
(uncaught exception) Error: undefined status[500] response [{"message":"Experience not defined"}]
The following error originated from your application code, not from Cypress.It was caused by an unhandled promise rejection.
>undefined status[500] response [{"message":"Experience not defined"}]
When Cypress detects uncaught errors originated from your application it will automatically fail the current test.
This behavior is configurable, and you can choose to turn this off by listening to the uncaught:exception event.
This is the line when it heppens :
cy.get('.cart__checkout-form >
I have a following test in Cypress:
visit first page with the header A
click on the Go to B Page button
assert that the header of the page is now B
It works fine in Chrome, but failing in Firefox, as on the page B I have some background polling requests, and when cypress switches to another test and those requests get "canceled" away, I get either TypeError: NetworkError when attempting to fetch resource or AbortError: The operation was aborted
All the requests are using fetch api, by the way.
The possibility to mute those errors through the uncaught:exception event seems a bad idea, and so does the idea to do something on the page to cancel the polling, as it is not the thing under testing.
Maybe someone has encoutnered this problem too and got some non-hacky solution?
I had a similar issue with Cypress tests in Firefox and resorted to the slightly hacky solution of using an uncaught:exception handler as you mention. It is possible to filter error messages somewhat at least:
function handleUncaughtException(err){
if (err.message.includes('Request aborted') ) {
console.log("Request aborted. Test will continue. Error:",err);
return false; // return false to make test continue
throw err;
In principle you can cancel this handler when it's no longer needed. In my case though, this stopped the test working, presumably because the request started previous to or after the calls.
cy.removeListener("uncaught:exception", handleUncaughtException)
The Cypress docs have some advice on defining these: see at It may be useful to put the handler in a support file, so that it is applied to all tests.
(See also and
I am using cypress to write tests and have a problem which doesn't appear in every test. In some cases it works and I don't know why. So...
The Problem:
I defined a route and alias for it in beforeEach:
beforeEach(function () {
cy.route('GET', '/favourites?funcName=columnPreset', []).as('columnPresetEmpty')
Stub works fine if http request occured on page load.
But if I perform request responding to click event (modal dialog opens and executes http request) it just appear in commands not makred as stubbed and following cy.wait('#columnPresetEmpty') fails with request timeout.
it('does not work', function () {
At the same time in other tests I have almost similar functionality where request is performed just by clicking on a button, without opening new modal window. It's the only difference.
What am I doing wrong?
The issue might be cypress can not yet fully handle fetch calls. You can disable it the following way but make sure you have fetch polyfill. This will then issue XHR requests which cypress can observe.
cy.visit('#/search', {
onBeforeLoad: (win) => {
win.fetch = null
More to read here:
I found the reason causing such behavior. Problem was not in a modal window itself, but code performing second request was called in promise's callback of another request. Something like:
And loadView function executed second fetch.
So when I removed loadView from promise's callback both requests become visible for cypress.
For info, I tried it out on my search modal (in a Vue app) and it works ok.
What I did:
created a dummy file named test-get-in-modal.txt in the app's static folder
added an http.get('test-get-in-modal.txt') inside the modal code, so it only runs after the modal is open
in the spec, did a cy.server(), cy.route('GET', 'test-get-in-modal.txt', []).as('testGetInModal') in a before()
in the it() added cy.wait('#testGetInModal') which succeeded
changed to cy.route('GET', 'not-the-file-you-are-looking-for.txt'..., which failed as expected
The only difference I can see is that I cy.visit() the page prior to cy.server(), which is not the documented pattern but seems to be ok in this scenario.
How can I open a notification in Xamarin. Forms?, I have implemented that receives and shows the notifications even if it is inside the application but I lack the action of the notification, not that to do...
I think you want to fire an action when user clicks your "OK" button on your message which includes notification message. I suggest you to use a custom dialog project like this:
When you import that library, u can call a message and give an action method to its interface: (code may not compile, i wrote it randomly)
UserDialogs.Instance.Alert(new AlertConfig
Message = "Your notification message",
OkText = "OK",
OnAction = ()=>{/*youraction*/}
So when user taps on "OK" your action code will run. Do not forget to use "Device.BeginInvokeOnMainThread" method if you make UI changes:)
I am trying to call a ajax listener <p:ajax event="itemSelect" update="business_promoter_representedBy_panel, title_panel" listener="#{promoterBean.handleContactSelected()}" /> . When i run the application on local host it's works fine. After I deployed in web this method get long time to complete the process . So before it complete user may click the save button . If do so it's tell null point exception. So i need to disable all component until the process complete. Can anyone help on this ??
Thanks in advance!
if i understood correctly, you do not want the user to click save button till ajax finishes?
in such a scenario, replace the save button with a dummy save button when you fire the ajax and on success replace the original save button which has the action....