Can't update the symfony CLI through scoop - scoop-installer

When I try to update symfony through this command:
scoop update symfony-cli
It says:
Scoop was updated successfully!
symfony-cli: 5.4.12 (latest version)
Latest versions for all apps are installed! For more information try 'scoop status'
Scoop is up to date.
Everything is ok!
However, when I then do symfony new, I get:
A new Symfony CLI version is available (5.4.12, currently running 5.4.2).
UPDATE: I think it's because I first installed symfony-cli with binaries. How do i uninstall binaries to use symfony through scoop OR update the binaries?
(Also, I have PHP 8.1.6.)

You can try to remove update protection and run update again.
scoop unhold symfony-cli
scoop update symfony-cli
If this doesn't work, you can reinstall it.
scoop uninstall symfony-cli
scoop install symfony-cli


how to update yarn if I install through windows installer?

I have installed yarn via windows installer sometimes back. Now I want to update it to latest version. How can I do that?
The following worked for me:
npm i -g yarn
Just download the new installer and rerun the setup.
choco upgrade yarn -y
open powershell as administrator
run choco upgrade yarn -y
I stumble across this minutes ago, searching on the docs I found nothing but 'yarn self-update', I don't know if this is a deprecated command, but themselves do not recommend it. so I looked for the install options and it give the Chocolatey package. So just upgrade via it.

Issue installing symfony 3.0 on mac

I am trying to install symfony 3.0 on my macos.
According to their official website, I need to type on my console:
$ sudo curl -LsS -o /usr/local/bin/symfony
then I type my password
and then I type:
$ sudo chmod a+x /usr/local/bin/symfony
and then, according to the official symfony documentation, there is nothing more simple than typing;
$ symfony new my_project_name
but my console returns a red message that says:
Task "new" is not defined.
This is probably because I already had an old version of symfony installed on my machine, but I am not sure
The problem is that I see little documentation around this.
Probably you are pointing on an old version of the installer.
You can check if is the lastest version with the --version option:
>symfony --version
You can update your current version as following:
1) update your installer
>symfony self-update
or with sudo, depends how you install it:
>sudo symfony self-update
2) Then try again:
>symfony new my_project_name
Hope this help

How to install Tachograph (a monitoring tool of MonetDB Jul2015 release) in Ubuntu 14.04

I have installed the latest Jul2015 release, and I would like to use the
latest tools tachograph to determine the progress of query execution.
According to,
Tachograph is available as of Jul2015 release
But I do not know how to install it. My system is ubuntu 14.04.
I have tried to use sudo apt-get install monetdb-tools but failed to
locate the package monetdb-tools.
Any suggestion would be helpful. Thanks.
Tachograph is in monetdb-client-tools. Also, see for instructions on how to add the MonetDB repository to your system.

Using mongodump: "mongodump: command not found"

I'm trying to get a dump of my local database and it seems I should be using:
mongodump --host localhost:3002
However, the terminal then tells me:
-bash: mongodump: command not found
Am I missing something? Or going about this the wrong way? I'm using it on Mac from the terminal.
I installed mongo (I think) using the following commands:
curl > mongodb.tgz
tar -zxvf mongodb.tgz
As of MongoDB 4.4 (released July 30, 2020), you may need to install mongodump separately because the MongoDB Database Tools (which comprises mongodump, mongorestore, and more) has become its own project.
I found this out because I upgraded to MongoDB 4.4 today and mongodump stopped working.
$ mongodump
zsh: command not found: mongodump
I'm on macOS and installed MongoDB via Homebrew. To get mongodump and friends back, I installed the MongoDB Database Tools via Homebrew:
brew tap mongodb/brew
brew install mongodb-database-tools
If you're on a different OS, this should help:
MongoDB Database Tools Installation
brew tap mongodb/brew; brew install mongodb-community
will also install mongodump.
If you don't have the brew command, you really should consider install Homebrew
If you just extracted the .tgz file, the mongodump command is not available in your PATH. Go to your /bin/ subdirectory inside the directory where you have extracted mongodb.tgz, the mongodump binary should be there. Now you can execute:
./mongodump --host localhost:3002
It's much better though to install MongoDB with a package manager. Read this page:
and use, for example, Homebrew to install MongoDB and have all the necessary binaries in PATH.
brew tap mongodb/brew
brew install mongodb-database-tools
For using mongodump, mongo-tools library has to be installed from os package manager.
It's probably just not in your path, it should be in the same directory as your "mongod", and you can then run it with:
/path/to/bin/mongodump --host localhost:3002
It's in the official MongoDB docs now. For example, to install the 3.2 version:
brew tap mongodb/brew
brew install mongodb-community#3.2
Then follow the steps to update your PATH environment variable.
You have to install mongo-tools to have mongodump.
sudo apt-get install mongo-tools
For Windows Users
You can download the MongoDB Database Tools from here
And you can read the installation guide here

Having Trouble Using "brew link" to switch between PostgreSQLs

I want to run a Rails app on Heroku so I installed PostgreSQL on my Snow Leopard machine using Homebrew. Currently, brew installs 9.1.2 into /usr/local/Cellar/postgresql. After some research, I discovered that the free, shared version of Heroku requires 8.3.x. While homebrew-alt doesn't have 8.3, it does have 8.4 so I downloaded it instead and it installed into /usr/local/Cellar/postgresql8. I then confirmed that I am able to create and run databases on each version. Thinking that I could use "brew [link | unlink] to switch back and forth, I ran "brew unlink postgresql8" and then "brew link postgresql". However, running the latter command results in this error:
Linking /usr/local/Cellar/postgresql/9.1.2...
Error: Cannot link postgresql
Another version is already linked: /usr/local/Cellar/postgresql/9.1.2
Is there any way to do this (switch back and forth) or am I misunderstanding how brew link/unlink is supposed to be used?
By the way, "brew list" shows "postgresql" and "postgresql8" so I don't think it's the case that I should say "brew link postgresql9".
Use brew switch, which is an extension shipped with Homebrew. In your case, you could use 8.4 by running
$ brew switch postgresql 8.4
Thanks, mipadi! That did the trick. There was only one additional thing that I needed to do. The 'brew switch' command assumes all versions of postgresql are installed in /usr/local/Cellar/postgresql. That was not the case with version 8.4.8 as it was installed in /usr/local/Cellar/postgresql8. Consequently I had to create a symbolic link to point to this older version:
cd /usr/local/Cellar/postgresql
ln -s ../postgresql8/8.4.8 8.4.8
Naturally, it also makes sense to keep your database clusters in separate directories:
