Trying to introduce CAS in a website uploaded to a shared host - laravel

I'm trying to make my Laravel project work on a shared host as well as it does in localhost but I don't get how to do that... I uploaded my project following the steps of this tutorial: and it worked.
I think the problem is with the folders structure because following that video I change my public folder to the public_html folder, so I lose the first one. Two problems appear here: I can't upload an image because in localhost I used to use the path public/images to do that and now I've tried to change the path but it doesn't work... However I don't wanna focus on this, the biggest problem appears when I try to add my login structure throgh CAS...
Once more, it works in localhost but in the shared host, from the moment I add these lines of code:
#if (!Cas::isAuthenticated())
The system gets lost in the !Cas::isAuthenticated() method and this is what it shows:
To install CAS in my site I used this and as I said, it worked locally...
Please I really need this... any help is huge. If you need more details please just let me know.
Thank for your time


Laravel XML sitemap, location, shared hosting

I've uploaded a Laravel app, to a shared hosting provider (I know it's not the best, but it's for a local charity and everything needed to be free) The hosting is actually not bad, they allow SSH and I've managed to get Composer and Artisan running through PuTTY.
I followed the steps, for shared hosting uploading a Laravel app,, everything is running fine, so far.
I've been trying to upload a sitemap, to Google, but I keep getting a not found error. I've had the file in the root, the public_html and the folder that contains the logic, in my case wmcc.
None of these seem to work. I've generated my sitemap, in Screaming Frog, although I have used a couple of online ones, too. I've set my robots.txt file, I'm just out of ideas, where to place the xml file, if anybody can point me in the right direction, please? thanks

Joomla com_users component unable to load some templates

I have modified the users component of Joomla, specifically the file components/com_users/controllers/profile.php and included some custom templates in components/com_users/views/profile/tmpl
It is mostly some forms which I am submitting and then redirecting to specific pages for further actions.
Example scenario :
Above option is accessible to user right after login. I have put it on the profile page by modifying default profile template.
So when someone enters a name, and presses search, then this form is submitted through form
action="<?php echo JRoute::_('index.php?option=com_users&task=profile.selectSendMessage'); ?>"
This in turn calls the function named selectSendMessage which is placed in profile.php file. The function looks like :
As you can see the function redirects to
I have placed sendMessage.php template in com_users/views/profile/tmpl
Everything works fine on localhost which I have set up on MAMP in MacOS
I moved the website to a live server a few days ago. I have followed all proper steps to migrate website and database from localhost to live server. Still any of the custom templates I have put in are never reached.
The strange thin is that Edit User Profile which is redirected to from the same profile.php file from a function edit(), with template in the same location as I have put in edit.php in views/profile/tmpl works as expected.
I am using 1and1 shared hosting plan 1&1 Unlimited for hosting the website.
I have been trying to fix this for quite some time now, but cannot understand the problem. I have tried reinstalling the website several times, tried installing from web apps from 1&1 control panel and modifying it, but no success.
Any tips and insights are welcome. Thank you.
It turns out that hosting somehow doesn't support layout names with a capital letter in it. I changed all layout names to lower case alphabets and everything worked fine like it should.
If someone faces the same issue, this is worth a try. It was particularly hard to debug since you will never suspect that could be a problem. I accidentally stumbled on the solution while playing around.

Forbidden You don't have permission to access /appetitclic/wp-content/themes/Apc/img/logo.png on this server

Hello all :)
I am currently working on a WP website and a the moment I am working locally with Wampserver.
None of my pictures happen to appear on my website.
Here is the error I get when I put the image url in my browser :
You don't have permission to access
/appetitclic/wp-content/themes/Apc/img/logo.png on this server.
I have no problem accessing phpmyadmin and image from TewentyTwelve template work fine.
Things I have tried :
-Editing (and creating) .htaccess in wp-admin.
-Editing phpmyadmin.conf
-Puting Wamp on online mode
-Working through instead of locally.
I am pretty sure the problem doesn't have to so with the code because I have access to the /appetitclic/wp-content/themes/Apc/img/ folder and I see the list of images (not working). I maybe missed one or two workarounds but I am pretty sure I tried most of the common ones.
If you need any info on my setup / configs I have tried ask away.
Thank you very much,
If you start your relative url with a backslash '/' that means go to the servers root folder and work up from there.
Try loosing the leading slash and see what that does.
I have that same problem when I downloaded random images for img preloading testing.
So I went to change permission from no access to read & write (if on Mac then > Get info. You shall see that permission section at the very bottom).
You might use chmod to change permission to particular users.
Hope this help.
I had the same problem today. I created a static webpage put in the html folder of my web server. It turned out that some images could not be loaded. The solution is quite simple. I just right click the image folder and changed the properties to allow readers to view the images.

Localhost is no longer working properly

I just built a site using Xampp and it worked great. I just transferred my site (that I used to develop by updating to live server) to localhost, and it isn't working right at all.
The images do not show and the pages are not refreshing properly.
I had to change the CSS images to /folder/x instead of just x, which I can understand I guess, but why are my HTML images suddenly not working?
One of the pages, the paths are even absolute, but the page just isn't updating even though it's saved in the local folder.
What gives? All I did differently was added a password to root user in MySQL and tried (and failed) at some mod_rewrites, which I removed.
It points the images from localhost/ instead of localhost/folder, even adding folder/x doesn't work.
You probably forgot to convert a link or made a mistake.
Remember that /images/x.png means that it's trying to find the folder images from root and not from the current folder your site is located in. Try using ./images/x.png instead.
Perhaps you could post an example from your site?
Try looking at the Apache access logs and see whether you can find a request for an image with the wrong path.

Cannot upload images when WordPress is sat on a virtual host configuration

This is my first post to this Forum, please forgive me if this has been answered elsewhere--I did search and was unable to find an answer to my particular problem, so any help would be greatly appreciated.
I am working on a WP site for a client who wants to upload images to new posts (who doesn't hey?). In setting up the site I have done the following:
1) Enabled File Upload by CHMOD default dir to 777.
2) Changed max file size.
3) Changed allowed filetypes to include necessary file types.
When I try to upload anything I get the following error:
“Bobst Expertfold 80 110 (Dec 2010).jpg” has failed to upload due to an error
The uploaded file could not be moved to /var/www/vhosts/
The above error mentions '', this WP site is actually sat on It's obvious that there is some kind of virtual host configuration going on and the image is trying to be uploaded to a folder on a different domain ( instead of
I don't manage the hosting, I have just been assigned with the build. However, I have access to the plesk cpanel but I dont know what I need to do?
Does anyone know what is causing this problem? The site has actually been made live and this issue has been spotted after the launch(everything worked fine on the test server), and I am scratching my head trying to figure it out.
Is there something I can put in my wp-config.php or .htaccess file to tell WP to upload to a different location.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
First thing is 777 permisions are too loose and will get you hacked; they should be no more than 755. Hardening WordPress « WordPress Codex
For the difference in URLs: that sounds like a DNS or virtual host config, but try adding the full URL path in Settings>>Media Settings. Might not work.
Why are there sites at both domains? Why not domain forward to
Make sure PHP lets you upload files larger than what you are trying to upload.
Experienced the same problem on several old sites. This problem occurs sporadically and is not commonly occuring on other websites on the same server
Try going to your "Media Settings" page... do you see a "Store uploads in this folder" option with a long path to your uploads folder? If so... this is your problem... WordPress 3.5+ does not seem to require this long path, but more of a site relative path (which is great!)
Change your "Store uploads in this folder" to "wp-content/uploads"... when you "save settings" you should see that field disapear entirely, never to bother us again ;-)
This occured for me when my hosting provider changed the folder structure on the server making this long URL incorrect. Therefore WordPress could not find the "uploads" directory at all.
Hope that helps...
Here's some things you might want to check in case your still having problems...
Update to WordPress 3.5 +
Update all plugins
Check file permissions 755 on the uploads dir/
Check PHP version
