Trying to run the following command:
conda create -n photo_test python=3.6 numpy Pillow setuptools six pytorch torchvision wheel
But it keeps returning the following:
torchvision command error
It's already installed. I've already runned the command "conda install -c pytorch torchvision", and here's the return:
install torchvision
So when I try to import torch in jupyter notebook it gives the error no module named 'torch'.
I created a conda environment named "Thesis" where I work in and install my packages.
When I try these commands in my terminal it says the package is installed (see three images below):
I tried many commands to install the package:
pip install torchvision
python3 -m pip install torchvision
conda install pytorch torchvision -c pytorch
I also tried installing the package directly in the jupyter notebook itself via:
import sys
!{sys.executable} -m pip install torchvision
It at least shows something but I got the following dependency error
dependency error
I also created a kernel
ipython kernel install --name "thesis" --user
All did not help and I still receive the error in jupyter notebook.
Does somebody know how to resolve this?
I solved the problem by downloading and activating virtualenv with:
python3 -m pip install virtualenv
virtualenv <my_env_name>
source <my_env_name>/bin/activate
And getting the path in the jupyter notebook by:
import sys
which outputs:
And installing the packages in the terminal via:
/Users/{username}/opt/anaconda3/bin/python -m pip install {package_name}
create virtualenv -p pypy3 pypy3.
I had upgraded Pip so that I can install other packages:
pypy3 -m ensurepip
pypy3 -m pip install --upgrade pip setuptools wheel
PyPy 7.3.5 with GCC 7.3.1 20180303 (Red Hat 7.3.1-5)] on linux,
error: command 'gcc' failed with exit status 1
But it waits so long after run command:
pypy3 -m pip install scikit-learn
Please use conda-forge, they supply binary packages for many common libraries like scikit-learn:
$ conda create -c conda-forge -n pypy3.7 pypy
$ conda activate pypy3.7
(pypy3.7)$ conda install -c conda-forge scikit-learn
When I am trying to install python-graphviz package on IBM Cloud as part of my final assignment for the course - ML with Python, I'm getting the following errors
ERROR: Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement python-graphviz (from versions: none)
ERROR: No matching distribution found for python-graphviz
The command I used is as follows:
!pip install python-graphviz
As per the lab instructions, the following commands to install pydotplus and python-graphviz didn't work.
#!conda install -c conda-forge pydotplus -y
#!conda install -c conda-forge python-graphviz -y
To summarize,
!pip install pydotplus ## THIS IS WORKING.
#!conda install -c conda-forge pydotplus -y ## THIS IS NOT WORKING
!pip install python-graphviz ## THIS IS NOT WORKING
#!conda install -c conda-forge python-graphviz -y ## THIS IS ALSO NOT WORKING.
Please advise me with the right instruction set - whether PIP or CONDA.
Vasan S T
Try pip install graphviz after upgrading pip.
I'm using mac os mojave, install python 2.7 and install pip using python, I already try those command to install pip :
pip install --upgrade pip
pip install nltk
and try
sudo python -m pip install --upgrade nltk
But also result to same error like in this image
Or here in text:
error in nltk setup command: 'install_requires' must be a string or
list of strings containing valid project/version requirement
specifiers; Expected version spec in singledispatch; python_version <
"3.4" at ; python_version < "3.4"
Is it because my python version (2.7) ? But in pip ntlk page it says also support 2.7
pip install nltk success after running :
pip install --upgrade setuptools pip --user
Start with upgrading installation tools:
pip install --upgrade setuptools pip
I cant seem to install the right version of torch and I cant get fast ai libraries working
I try
Python 3.7
pip3 install
pip3 install torchvision
Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement torch>=1.1.0 (from torchvision) (from versions: 0.1.2, 0.1.2.post1, 0.1.2.post2)
No matching distribution found for torch>=1.1.0 (from torchvision)
I feel like I may of downgraded my gpu when I tried conda install fast ai
and then I tried pip and it couldnt find a file C:\Users\Admin\AppData\Local\Packages\PythonSoftwareFoundation.Python.3.7_qbz5n2kfra8p0\LocalCache\local-packages\Python37\site-packages\caffe2\python\serialized_test\data\operator_test
I finally got to the point where it said successfully installed six, pillow, and torch but torch is at 0.3 which is incompatiable.
pip3 install
pip3 install torchvision
expected to install pytorch or fastai nothing seems to work
You may try installing the course by creating a conda environment provided anaconda is already installed in your windows machine.
conda update conda
conda create -n fastai_conda python=3.6
conda activate fastai_conda
conda install fastai pytorch=1.0.0 -c fastai -c pytorch -c conda-forge
Or for installing CPU version you can use the below commands after the environment is created
conda install -c pytorch pytorch-cpu torchvision
conda install -c fastai fastai
You can check if installation went right with this command
python -m fastai.utils.show_install
You may further need to install ipykernel to use the conda environment in your jupyter notebook.For that activate environment and run the following commands:
conda install nb_conda_kernels
python -m ipykernel install --user --name fastai_v1 --display-name "fastai v1"
conda install ipywidgets