How to cache a JWT in Spring-Security from an OAuth2Client - spring

In my case I have an application for SpringBootAdmin. SpringBootAdmin sends requests to a lot of applications all the time.
For these requests I set an access token (JWT) which I pull from Keycloak via the AuthorizedClientServiceOAuth2AuthorizedClientManager.
Now the problem is that this token is not cached, and Spring-Security sends about 100 requests per minute to Keycloak to get the access token.
So is there a way to cache this JWT ?
Here is my SecurityConfig:
public class SecurityConfiguration extends WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter
public void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception
My ClientRegistration:
public class ClientRegistrationConfiguration
private static final String KEYCLOAK = "keycloak";
public ClientRegistration clientRegistration(OAuth2ClientProperties properties)
return withRegistrationId(KEYCLOAK)
public ClientRegistrationRepository clientRegistrationRepository(ClientRegistration clientRegistration)
return new InMemoryClientRegistrationRepository(clientRegistration);
public OAuth2AuthorizedClientService oAuth2AuthorizedClientService(ClientRegistrationRepository clientRegistrationRepository)
return new InMemoryOAuth2AuthorizedClientService(clientRegistrationRepository);
public AuthorizedClientServiceOAuth2AuthorizedClientManager authorizedClientServiceOAuth2AuthorizedClientManager(
ClientRegistrationRepository clientRegistrationRepository,
OAuth2AuthorizedClientService authorizedClientService)
var authorizedClientProvider = builder().clientCredentials().build();
var authorizedClientManager = new AuthorizedClientServiceOAuth2AuthorizedClientManager(clientRegistrationRepository, authorizedClientService);
return authorizedClientManager;
And my RequestConfiguration:
public class HttpRequestConfiguration
public HttpHeadersProvider customHttpHeadersProvider(AuthorizedClientServiceOAuth2AuthorizedClientManager clientManager)
return instance ->
var httpHeaders = new HttpHeaders();
var token = Objects.requireNonNull(clientManager.authorize(withClientRegistrationId("keycloak").principal("Keycloak").build())).getAccessToken();
httpHeaders.add("Authorization", "Bearer " + token.getTokenValue());
return httpHeaders;

Your headers provider is a bean, so you can simply cache the token there. If you write your provider like that:
public HttpHeadersProvider customHttpHeadersProvider(AuthorizedClientServiceOAuth2AuthorizedClientManager clientManager)
var token = Objects.requireNonNull(clientManager.authorize(withClientRegistrationId("keycloak").principal("Keycloak").build())).getAccessToken();
return instance ->
var httpHeaders = new HttpHeaders();
httpHeaders.add("Authorization", "Bearer " + token.getTokenValue());
return httpHeaders;
Then the token will be requested once, only when the bean is created. This will fix calling Keycloak on each request but has the usual problem of caching - at some point the access token will expire and you need a way to get a new token. One way to do it would be to catch 401 errors from your client and force recreation of the customHttpHeadersProvider bean when that happens.
Another way would be to create an object which will be a "token provider" and a bean itself. That object would keep the token in memory and have a method to refresh the token. Then you could create the authorization header near the request itself, instead of using a headers provider bean. You will have more control then over when do you want to refresh the access token.


Spring Security Customizing Authorization Endpoint URL

I am implementing a Spring MVC REST web service and attempting to security it with Spring Security Oauth2.
My authorization URL is at the following address (note that there is no registration id):
So, in my Spring Security Config, I have this:
public ClientRegistration devClientRegistration() {
// set up variables to pass to ClientRegistration
ClientRegistration result = ClientRegistration
.withRegistrationId("") // this obviously doesn't work
return result;
public ClientRegistrationRepository clientRegistrationRepository() {
ClientRegistrationRepository repository = new InMemoryClientRegistrationRepository(devClientRegistration());
return repository;
public SecurityFilterChain securityWebFilterChain(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
// this prevents throwing an exception in the oauth2 lambda function
Map<String, String> loginProps = ...
// what we want is for a few urls to be accessible to all, but most to require
// oauth authentication/authorization
.antMatchers("/login/**","/error/**", "/oauth2/**").anonymous()
.oauth2Login(oauth2 -> {
How do I customize the entire authorization endpoint to not try to tack the registration id onto it?

Spring oauth2 authorization server: unable to logout users

I have created an angular app that serves as an oauth2 client. I have created my authorization server with spring oauth2 using the following security configs
public SecurityFilterChain jwtSecurityFilterChain(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
.addFilterBefore(corsFilter(), UsernamePasswordAuthenticationFilter.class)
public SecurityFilterChain standardSecurityFilterChain(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
// #formatter:off
.addFilterBefore(corsFilter(), UsernamePasswordAuthenticationFilter.class)
and here is my authorization server config
public class AuthServerConfig {
private final DataSource dataSource;
private final AuthProperties authProps;
private final PasswordEncoder encoder;
public AuthServerConfig(DataSource dataSource, AuthProperties authProps, PasswordEncoder encoder) {
this.dataSource = dataSource;
this.authProps = authProps;
this.encoder = encoder;
public JdbcTemplate jdbcTemplate() {
return new JdbcTemplate(dataSource);
public SecurityFilterChain authServerSecurityFilterChain(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
return http.formLogin(Customizer.withDefaults()).build();
public RegisteredClientRepository registeredClientRepository(JdbcTemplate jdbcTemplate) {
JdbcRegisteredClientRepository clientRepository = new JdbcRegisteredClientRepository(jdbcTemplate);
RegisteredClient webClient = RegisteredClient.withId("98a9104c-wertyuiop")
return clientRepository;
public OAuth2AuthorizationService authorizationService(JdbcTemplate jdbcTemplate,
RegisteredClientRepository registeredClientRepository) {
return new JdbcOAuth2AuthorizationService(jdbcTemplate, registeredClientRepository);
public OAuth2AuthorizationConsentService authorizationConsentService(JdbcTemplate jdbcTemplate,
RegisteredClientRepository registeredClientRepository) {
return new JdbcOAuth2AuthorizationConsentService(jdbcTemplate, registeredClientRepository);
public JWKSource<SecurityContext> jwkSource() {
RSAKey rsaKey = generateRsa();
JWKSet jwkSet = new JWKSet(rsaKey);
return (jwkSelector, securityContext) ->;
private static RSAKey generateRsa() {
KeyPair keyPair = generateRsaKey();
RSAPublicKey publicKey = (RSAPublicKey) keyPair.getPublic();
RSAPrivateKey privateKey = (RSAPrivateKey) keyPair.getPrivate();
return new RSAKey.Builder(publicKey)
private static KeyPair generateRsaKey() {
KeyPair keyPair;
try {
KeyPairGenerator keyPairGenerator = KeyPairGenerator.getInstance("RSA");
keyPair = keyPairGenerator.generateKeyPair();
} catch (Exception ex) {
throw new IllegalStateException(ex);
return keyPair;
public ProviderSettings providerSettings() {
return ProviderSettings.builder()
public TokenSettings tokenSettings() {
return TokenSettings.builder()
Here is my build.gradle file
plugins {
id 'org.springframework.boot' version '2.6.2'
id 'io.spring.dependency-management' version '1.0.11.RELEASE'
id 'org.liquibase.gradle' version '2.1.0'
id 'java'
group = 'com.shamba.records'
version = '0.0.1-SNAPSHOT'
sourceCompatibility = '11'
repositories {
maven { url '' }
ext {
set('springCloudVersion', "2021.0.0")
set('liquibaseVersion', "4.6.1")
configurations {
liquibaseRuntime.extendsFrom runtimeClasspath
dependencies {
implementation 'tech.jhipster:jhipster-framework:7.4.0'
implementation 'org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-actuator'
implementation 'org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-data-jpa'
implementation 'org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-security'
implementation 'org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-validation'
implementation 'org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-web'
implementation ''
implementation ''
implementation 'org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-oauth2-resource-server'
implementation ''
// mapstruct
implementation 'org.mapstruct:mapstruct:1.4.2.Final'
annotationProcessor 'org.mapstruct:mapstruct-processor:1.4.2.Final'
// jackson
implementation 'com.fasterxml.jackson.module:jackson-module-jaxb-annotations'
implementation 'com.fasterxml.jackson.datatype:jackson-datatype-hibernate5'
implementation 'com.fasterxml.jackson.datatype:jackson-datatype-hppc'
implementation 'com.fasterxml.jackson.datatype:jackson-datatype-jsr310'
implementation 'org.zalando:problem-spring-web:0.26.0'
// configure liquibase
implementation "org.liquibase:liquibase-core:${liquibaseVersion}"
liquibaseRuntime 'org.liquibase:liquibase-groovy-dsl:3.0.0'
liquibaseRuntime 'info.picocli:picocli:4.6.1'
liquibaseRuntime 'org.postgresql:postgresql'
liquibaseRuntime group: 'javax.xml.bind', name: 'jaxb-api', version: '2.3.1'
liquibaseRuntime 'org.liquibase.ext:liquibase-hibernate5:3.6'
liquibaseRuntime sourceSets.main.output
runtimeOnly 'com.h2database:h2'
runtimeOnly 'org.postgresql:postgresql'
testImplementation 'org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-test'
testImplementation ''
dependencyManagement {
imports {
mavenBom "${springCloudVersion}"
test {
and here is part of the properties, I have omitted other things because of brevity
issuer-uri: http://${AUTH_SERVICE_HOST:}:5000
jwk-set-uri: http://${AUTH_SERVICE_HOST:}:5000/oauth2/jwks
I am able to sign in and sign out users using authorization code flow but the issue comes in after the first successful sign-in, when the users click on the sign in the user is automatically logged in by the auth server even after calling the /oauth2/revoke endpoint and specifying the logout configs below in the auth server
I also tried to implement a custom endpoint /auth/account/revoke to manually log out users but nothing seems to work. here is the implementation
public class AccountResource {
public void revoke(HttpServletRequest request) {
Assert.notNull(request, "HttpServletRequest required");
HttpSession session = request.getSession(false);
if (!Objects.isNull(session)) {
what could be the issue? any help counts
After upgrading spring-security-oauth2-authorization-server version 0.2.2 I updated this method
public SecurityFilterChain authServerSecurityFilterChain(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
return http.formLogin(Customizer.withDefaults()).build();
to this
public SecurityFilterChain authServerSecurityFilterChain(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
OAuth2AuthorizationServerConfigurer<HttpSecurity> authorizationServerConfigurer =
new OAuth2AuthorizationServerConfigurer<>();
authorizationServerConfigurer.tokenRevocationEndpoint(tokenRevocationEndpoint -> tokenRevocationEndpoint
.revocationResponseHandler((request, response, authentication) -> {
Assert.notNull(request, "HttpServletRequest required");
HttpSession session = request.getSession(false);
if (!Objects.isNull(session)) {
RequestMatcher endpointsMatcher = authorizationServerConfigurer.getEndpointsMatcher();
.authorizeRequests(authorizeRequests -> authorizeRequests.anyRequest().authenticated())
.csrf(csrf -> csrf.ignoringRequestMatchers(endpointsMatcher))
return http.formLogin(Customizer.withDefaults()).build();
There are two concepts in play that are somewhat confusingly related.
Secure logout
Token revocation
Regarding logging out of an application, this is necessary when a browser-based session is in use, which would usually be the case with the authorization_code flow. Strictly speaking, terminating the session is all that is required to achieve your goal.
Regarding token revocation, this is more of an OAuth-related security concern and is distinct in that sense from traditional logout functionality. Typically, the most immediate need for token revocation is as a risk mitigation strategy when a refresh_token (or to a lesser extent the associated access_token) is stolen. If a token is not stolen, one could conceivably discard the token from memory on the client-side, and simply let it expire on the server. However, this is unlikely to be a recommendation, as it allows risk to exist that can be closed down proactively by revoking the token on logout.
So the question is, how do we achieve both simultaneously, right? Unfortunately, it's not built-in to either Spring Security or Spring Authorization Server at the moment, though there are specifications that could be used as the basis of feature development.
In general, you will need to solve this on the backend, as there's not much a frontend can do. If you simply POST to a /logout endpoint from your UI, you can't manipulate the cookies stored for that host in the browser (when using CORS). I recommended using the backend-for-frontend pattern for your OAuth client. But even (and especially) if you don't, you will need to ensure you can terminate the session regardless of whether the cookie exists in the browser. This means storing the session in a database, associating it with the refresh token in some way, and making a secure call to the revocation endpoint using the refresh token to delete both from the database simultaneously.
You can achieve this by setting the AuthenticationSuccessHandler on the OAuth2TokenRevocationEndpointFilter, like so:
OAuth2AuthorizationServerConfigurer<HttpSecurity> authorizationServerConfigurer =
new OAuth2AuthorizationServerConfigurer<>();
authorizationServerConfigurer.tokenRevocationEndpoint(tokenRevocationEndpoint -> tokenRevocationEndpoint
.revocationResponseHandler((request, response, authentication) -> {
/* delete session here... */
// ...
Hopefully that's enough to get you started. You may find some benefit in working through the specifics of how this might be achieved yourself (e.g. it's a good learning experience). If you're stuck, it could be a good opportunity to request a How-to guide, as we're fielding ideas for guides right now. See #499 for a list of existing how-to guides, and please feel free to submit your own!
For anyone facing the same issue, I was not able to make it work when using angular directly as a client, but following the advice of #SteveRiesenberg I recommended using the backend-for-frontend pattern for your OAuth client I was able to make it work, therefore I advise anyone to use this pattern as it will help you avoid some of the pitfalls you would otherwise have faced as I did, plus it integrates seamlessly. For a head start you can refer to the sample project below created by the spring security team SpringOne 2021 repository Also here is a link to the presentation Spring Security 5.5 From Taxi to Takeoff
I created success handler for revocation endpoint like Steve pointed out and invalidated sessions manually. Revoke is called from another application as a part of logout success handler.
SecurityFilterChain authorizationServerSecurityFilterChain(HttpSecurity http, OAuth2AuthorizationService authorizationService, FindByIndexNameSessionRepository<?> sessions) throws Exception {
var authorizationServerConfigurer = new OAuth2AuthorizationServerConfigurer<HttpSecurity>();
authorizationServerConfigurer.tokenRevocationEndpoint(c -> c.revocationResponseHandler(sessionInvalidatingSuccessHandler(authorizationService, sessions)));
// ...
private AuthenticationSuccessHandler sessionInvalidatingSuccessHandler(OAuth2AuthorizationService authorizationService, FindByIndexNameSessionRepository<?> sessions) {
return (request, response, authentication) -> {
String token = request.getParameter(OAuth2ParameterNames.TOKEN);
if (token != null) {
OAuth2Authorization authorization = authorizationService.findByToken(token, null);
if (authorization != null) {
sessions.findByPrincipalName(authorization.getPrincipalName()).forEach((sessionId, session) -> sessions.deleteById(sessionId));
I faced the same issue. after spending five days of hard work, I found JSESSIONID to be removed from Server Side and Client Side.
I was trying the following things
revoked oauth2 token by calling authorization server's oauth2/revoke endpoint (both refresh and access tokens) but logout did not work.
I tried to call /logout endpoint of Authorization Server that also did not work out
I tried to remove JSESSIONID from client browser which also went in vein.
I tried to remove JSESSIONID from Server and Client side. that worked out. Now I am able to implement logout successfully
I added the following endpoint in Spring Authorization Server
public void doLogout(HttpSession session,HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) {
System.out.println("entered logout point");
final Authentication auth = SecurityContextHolder.getContext().getAuthentication();
if (auth != null) {
new SecurityContextLogoutHandler().logout(request, response, auth);
Cookie cookieWithSlash = new Cookie("JSESSIONID", null);
cookieWithSlash.setPath(request.getContextPath() + "/");
response.addCookie(cookieWithSlash); // For Tomcat
and the following endpoint in client application
public String testLogout(HttpSession session, HttpServletRequest request,
HttpServletResponse response,
#RegisteredOAuth2AuthorizedClient("messaging-client-oidc") OAuth2AuthorizedClient authorizedClient)
throws IOException {
final Authentication auth = SecurityContextHolder.getContext().getAuthentication();
if (auth != null) {
new SecurityContextLogoutHandler().logout(request, response, auth);
for (Cookie cookie : request.getCookies()) {
String cookieName = cookie.getName();"cookie name={}", cookieName);
Cookie cookieToDelete = new Cookie(cookieName, null);
cookieToDelete.setPath(request.getContextPath() + "/");
return "logout";
and in html I called two endpoints /server side logout and client side logout
that cleared both the JSESSIONID cookie from the browser
<form method="post" id="clientLogout" th:action="#{/complete/logout/process}">
button class="btn btn-sm btn-outline-primary" type="button"
function logout() {
// calling server side logout
var tmpwin ="http://auth-server:9000/do/logout", "_blank");
// calling client side logout
logging out from server side and client side clears both the JSESSIONID cookies finally able to logout
if anything I am missing or doing wrong please educate me. Thanks
Additionally you may invalidate oauth2 access and refresh tokens if you want
public void doOauth2TokenRevoke(#RegisteredOAuth2AuthorizedClient("messaging-client-oidc") OAuth2AuthorizedClient authorizedClient) {
String clientId = authorizedClient.getClientRegistration().getClientId();
String clientSecret = "secret";
String accesstoken = authorizedClient.getAccessToken().getTokenValue();
String refreshtoken = authorizedClient.getRefreshToken().getTokenValue();
LinkedMultiValueMap<String, String> map = new LinkedMultiValueMap<String, String>();
map.add("token", refreshtoken);
map.add("token_type_hint", "refresh_token");
WebClient client3 = WebClient.builder().baseUrl("http://auth-server:9000").build();
.headers(h -> h.setBasicAuth(clientId, clientSecret))
LinkedMultiValueMap<String, String> map2 = new LinkedMultiValueMap<String, String>();
map2.add("token", accesstoken);
map2.add("token_type_hint", "access_token");
WebClient client2 = WebClient.builder().baseUrl("http://auth-server:9000").build();
.headers(h -> h.setBasicAuth(clientId, clientSecret))
On defaultSecurityFilterChain set SessionCreationPolicy to NEVER and add a custom logOut Filter that invalidates the session and redirects to your redirect Uri.
And from your UI make a post to /logout?redirect_uri=
public SecurityFilterChain defaultSecurityFilterChain(HttpSecurity http, UserService userService) throws Exception {
http.addFilterBefore(new CustomLogoutFilter(), SecurityContextPersistenceFilter.class);
public class CustomLogoutFilter extends OncePerRequestFilter {
protected void doFilterInternal(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, FilterChain filterChain) throws ServletException, IOException {
if(request.getServletPath().equals("/logout")) {
HttpSession session = request.getSession(false);
if(session != null) {"Invalidating session");
SecurityContext context = SecurityContextHolder.getContext();
if(context != null) {"Clearing security context");
String redirectUri = request.getParameter("redirect_uri");
if(Utils.isEmpty(redirectUri)) {
redirectUri = request.getHeader("referer");
if(Utils.notEmpty(redirectUri)) {
filterChain.doFilter(request, response);
I managed to create a filter named TokenValidationFilter at resource server that calls authorization server's introspect endpoint resulting in the following:
* Performs token introspection when
* an authenticated endpoint gets hit.
public class TokenValidationFilter extends OncePerRequestFilter {
#Value( "${}" )
private String introspectEndpoint;
#Value( "${}" )
private String clientId;
"${}" )
private String clientSecret;
public void doFilterInternal( HttpServletRequest request,
HttpServletResponse response, FilterChain chain )
throws ServletException {
try {
var token = request.getHeader( "authorization" );
// For endpoints that do not require Authorization header claim
if (token == null) {
chain.doFilter(request, response);
var result = performTokenIntrospection( token );
// Parses authz-server http response into json
ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
JsonNode json = mapper.readTree( result.body() );
// Checks token validation
if ( json.get( "active" ).asBoolean( false ) ) {
chain.doFilter(request, response);
} else {
prepareRejectionResponse( response );
catch ( Exception ex ) {
throw new ServletException( ex );
private HttpResponse<String> performTokenIntrospection( String token )
throws IOException, InterruptedException,
NullPointerException, URISyntaxException {
var uri = new URI( introspectEndpoint );
// Prepares request to authz server introspection endpoint
var body = String.format( "token=%s&client_id=%s&client_secret=%s",
token.replaceAll( "[Bb][Ee][Aa][Rr][Ee][Rr] ", "" ),
clientId, clientSecret);
var req = HttpRequest
"authorization", token
.POST( HttpRequest.BodyPublishers.ofString( body ) )
// Performs token introspection and returns its result
return HttpClient.newHttpClient()
.send( req, HttpResponse.BodyHandlers.ofString() );
private void prepareRejectionResponse( HttpServletResponse response )
throws IOException {
response.setStatus( HttpStatus.UNAUTHORIZED.value() );
response.setContentType( MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE );
var writer = response.getWriter();
writer.print( "{\"message\": \"invalid token\"}" );
As you can see the filter attributes uses resource server's ( client-id and client-secret ) credentials, and i added token introspection's endpoint on my application.yml file.
Finally, registering the filter in the configuration class my ResourceServerConfig looked like:
public class ResourceServerConfig {
SecurityFilterChain securityFilterChain( HttpSecurity http )
throws Exception {
//... omitted code above ...
http.addFilterBefore( tokenValidationFilter,
WebAsyncManagerIntegrationFilter.class );
// ... omitted code bellow ...
I just tested on development environment but yet to find its drawbacks, there might be better solutions but it works without spamming another application.
As far as i know (which is little btw), the solution presented backend-for-frontend looks better in security perspective.
Obs: if you apply this solution remeber always to revoke by refresh_token as oauth2 framework specifies.
.antMatchers("/auth/account/**").authenticated() ?

automate the OAuth2 refresh_token process with SpringBoot 2

I have a SpringBoot2 application, a MainApp as a resource-server, KeyCloak as AuthorizationServer and a maven module, which is related to the MainApp, as a OAuth2LoginClient.
In other words, in MavenModule I have the follow SecurityConfig:
public class Auth0Provider extends WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter {
protected void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
.authorizeRequests(authorizeRequests ->
private static final RequestMatcher PROTECTED_URLS = new OrRequestMatcher(
new AntPathRequestMatcher("/idmauth/**")
There is also a controller that intercepts the protected call:
private String redirectURL;
private OAuth2AuthorizedClientService clientService;
#RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.GET, path = "/redirect")
public RedirectView redirectWithUsingRedirectView(OAuth2AuthenticationToken oauthToken, RedirectAttributes attributes) {
OAuth2AuthorizedClient client =
String token = client.getAccessToken().getTokenValue();
attributes.addAttribute("jwt", token);
return new RedirectView(redirectURL);
This return the AccessToken to my frontend. Clearly in my file I have the spring.oauth2.client.provider and spring.oauth2.client.registration info.
Now the MainApp is a SpringBoot2 WebApp with this simple SecurityConfig:
public class Oauth2RestApiSecurityConfig extends WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter {
protected void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
And in it's just the line:<host>/protocol/openid-connect/certs
All works fine but, when the token expire, the only way I have currently found to refresh my token
is to manually do this HTTP-POST:
POST /auth/realms/<audience>/protocol/openid-connect/token HTTP/1.1
Host: <host>
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Content-Length: 844
Is there a better way to do this? Maybe inside the SecurityConfig or with a specific path inside spring.oauth2.x properties?
Note that refreshing an access token is done on the OAuth 2.0 client side.
This is done automatically by Spring Security if you have configured a WebClient to be used when requesting protected resources.
WebClient webClient(OAuth2AuthorizedClientManager authorizedClientManager) {
ServletOAuth2AuthorizedClientExchangeFilterFunction oauth2Client =
new ServletOAuth2AuthorizedClientExchangeFilterFunction(authorizedClientManager);
return WebClient.builder()
When you have done so, the expired OAuth2AccessToken will be refreshed (or renewed) if an OAuth2AuthorizedClientProvider is available to perform the authorization.

How can I do to my spring boot resource server oauth 2 get user's extra data from api when user authenticate e keep it into security context?

I have a resource server done with Spring Boot. I'm using Spring Security 5.3 to authenticate and authorize the frontend exchange data. I've configured a authorization server "issuer-uri" in application.yml that provides and validates the access_token (jwt).
Until there ok. The problem that authorization server doesn't provide at once every user's information that I need in access_token or id_token. With the sub claim and access_token I need to do a request to endpoint to get more extra data about user.
I would like to know how can I do a request to get that information just when the user authenticates and put them into security context togheter the information that's already comes. So that way, I could get that information in some service when needed without make a request to endpoint each time:
It's here my WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter
public class WebSecurityConfig extends WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter {
private static final String CLAIM_ROLES = "role";
private static final String AUTHORITY_PREFIX = "ROLE_";
private String issuers;
Map<String, AuthenticationManager> authenticationManagers = new HashMap<>();
JwtIssuerAuthenticationManagerResolver authenticationManagerResolver =
new JwtIssuerAuthenticationManagerResolver(authenticationManagers::get);
protected void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
String[] result = issuers.split(",");
List<String> arrIssuers = Arrays.asList(result); -> addManager(authenticationManagers, issuer));
.authorizeRequests(auth -> auth
).oauth2ResourceServer(oauth2ResourceServer -> {
public void addManager(Map<String, AuthenticationManager> authenticationManagers, String issuer) {
JwtAuthenticationProvider authenticationProvider = new JwtAuthenticationProvider(JwtDecoders.fromOidcIssuerLocation(issuer));
authenticationManagers.put(issuer, authenticationProvider::authenticate);
private Converter<Jwt, AbstractAuthenticationToken> getJwtAuthenticationConverter() {
JwtAuthenticationConverter jwtAuthenticationConverter = new JwtAuthenticationConverter();
return jwtAuthenticationConverter;
private Converter<Jwt, Collection<GrantedAuthority>> getJwtGrantedAuthoritiesConverter() {
JwtGrantedAuthoritiesConverter converter = new JwtGrantedAuthoritiesConverter();
return converter;
I don't know if I need to do a custom AuthenticationManger or if I can do this with a security filter after authenticated. If someone could help me, I really apprecite it. Tks!!!

How to change response_type on Spring OAuth2

This is my configuration for OAuth2 login with Instagram
clientId: clientId
clientSecret: clientSeret
clientAuthenticationScheme: form
- basic
- public_content
delimiter: +
This is the request made by Spring:
How can I change the response_type to &response_type=token and how can I why isn't Spring adding the scopes?
Here is the App class:
public class App extends WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter {
OAuth2ClientContext oauth2ClientContext;
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {, args);
protected void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
.antMatchers("/", "/login**", "/webjars/**")
.authenticationEntryPoint(new LoginUrlAuthenticationEntryPoint("/"))
// logout
// filters
.and().addFilterBefore(ssoFilter(), BasicAuthenticationFilter.class);
private Filter ssoFilter() {
CompositeFilter filter = new CompositeFilter();
List<Filter> filters = new ArrayList<>();
// facebook ...
// google ...
// instagram
OAuth2ClientAuthenticationProcessingFilter instagramFilter =
new OAuth2ClientAuthenticationProcessingFilter("/login/instagram");
OAuth2RestTemplate instagramTemplate =
new OAuth2RestTemplate(instagram(), oauth2ClientContext);
new UserInfoTokenServices(instagramResource().getUserInfoUri(), instagram().getClientId()));
return filter;
public AuthorizationCodeResourceDetails instagram() {
return new AuthorizationCodeResourceDetails();
public ResourceServerProperties instagramResource() {
return new ResourceServerProperties();
public FilterRegistrationBean oauth2ClientFilterRegistration(
OAuth2ClientContextFilter filter) {
FilterRegistrationBean registration = new FilterRegistrationBean();
return registration;
How can I change the response_type to &response_type=token
As I read the code, AuthorizationCodeAccessTokenProvider‘s response_type is hard code.
private UserRedirectRequiredException getRedirectForAuthorization(AuthorizationCodeResourceDetails resource,
AccessTokenRequest request) {
// we don't have an authorization code yet. So first get that.
TreeMap<String, String> requestParameters = new TreeMap<String, String>();
requestParameters.put("response_type", "code"); // oauth2 spec, section 3
So, If you want to change the response_code, you can extend the AuthorizationCodeAccessTokenProvider, or implements the AccessTokenProvider, and then inject to the OAuth2RestTemplate accessTokenProvider(the default value is a AccessTokenProviderChain that contains AuthorizationCodeAccessTokenProvider, ResourceOwnerPasswordAccessTokenProvider and so on, use your own provider instead of AuthorizationCodeAccessTokenProvider).
Or you can change the redirectStrategy in OAuth2ClientContextFilter, and change the request param when redirect, but I don't recommend this.
How can I why isn't Spring adding the scopes?
AuthorizationCodeAccessTokenProvider will get scopes from AuthorizationCodeResourceDetails, and add them to UserRedirectRequiredException. I think the scope can't be injected to AuthorizationCodeResourceDetails, because the scope is not under the client. Maybe you need to change to this.
clientId: clientId
clientSecret: clientSeret
clientAuthenticationScheme: form
- basic
- public_content
You can access the query parameters from the UserRedirectRequiredException. So in the code which throws the exception and thus causes the redirect to happen, e.g. in your filter, you can do something like:
try {
accessToken = restTemplate.getAccessToken();
catch (UserRedirectRequiredException e) {
Map<String, String> requestParams = e.getRequestParams();
requestParams.put("response_type", "token");
throw e; //don't forget to rethrow
You can only replace values this way. If you needed to add a parameter value alongside an existing value, you'd need to use a delimiter such as '+'. There is no standard way of adding multiple parameter values and would depend on what the owner of the API accepts. Some APIs may not accept delimeters at all.
