Exporting all report SQLs from a Microstrategy project - export-to-excel

Is there a way to export the SQL of all the reports of a project in MicroStrategy?

Get the SQL view of a previously created report instance, using the in-memory report instance created by a POST /reports/{reportId}/instances request. You obtain the authorization token needed to execute the request using POST /auth/login; you obtain the project ID using GET /projects. You pass the authorization token and the project ID in the request header. You specify the report ID and report instance ID in the path of the request.
Use below open API,


Fetching client secret id from azure key vault in JMeter

I have the client id, tenant id, and endpoint URL for an application. I need to fetch the client's secret id from the azure key vault for authorization purposes in JMeter. I have found a custom JMeter function GetSecret can retrieve the secret value.
Can someone please tell me how to use that function in JMeter?
First of all you need to install the custom plugin
Download jmeter-plugins-azure-load-testing-stub-x.x.x.jar from here and drop the .jar under /lib/ext folder of your JMeter installation
Restart JMeter to pick the .jar up
Once done you should be able to use __GetSecret() function just like any other JMeter Function, i.e. here is the screenshot of the Functions Helper Dialog

Generate Authorization Token ZOHO CRM

While implementing ZOHO CRM with our website.
We found that there is a 3 steps authentication process to use the ZOHO CRM REST API.
We are entangled with the auth token generation process.
We have the following queries related to this
How to generate 'auth token' in Zoho projects via API mode.
I am able to generate Authtoken via 'Browser Mode' but stuck in generating auth token via API mode !! We are calling below URL mentioned in the documentation :
We want this to be automated to generate the "code" without hitting the "Accept" button and not have to do a self-client to generate the code every day?
This is not a good solution to go.
Do I need to generate the code every day manually? Isn't there any API to generate the auth code?
Please help me out.
Visit https://api-console.zoho.com/
and Make a self-client here
using self client code you will get secret id & client id & auth code
Add scopes and Generate
Using this auth code you can use to create a refresh token(its valid until you cannot revoke it)
using Refresh token you can create an access token(valid 1 hr).
used postman to quick creation.
Don't use Browser mode. used self Client.
using self client code you will get secret id & client id & auth code
using this auth code you can use for to create a refresh token(its valid until you cannot revoke it)
using Refresh token you can create an access token(valid 1 hr).
used postman to quick creation.

Cloud function authorization vs validationHandler

Found myself opening a couple of functions for access to users with invalid session tokens. The only way I could find to do that is to intercept the request using a bodyParser before Parse gets the request and removing sessionToken from the request.
Now trying to do a better job managing authorization to all functions - My question are:
can I relax the requirement that if a sessionToken is included it must be valid in any other way? Is session token validation done using a default validationHandler that can be replaced or is that done elsewhere?
to control access to cloud functions, is there anything like ACL roles? does cloud function's "validationHandler" accept only param? or can I inspect the user object as well?
Yes. In parse-server you can make sure that the sessions are valid because if you will try to run any CRUD operation with invalid session you will get http 403 error that your session is not valid or expired. You can control on the "Length" of your session by changing the sessionLength property in your parse-server app. The default is 1 year
There is no control access to cloud functions but you can check if a logged in user trigger this function by checking if the request.user is not undefined. Cloud functions can get only params in key-value pairs and those params cannot be Parse Objects. if you want to send ParseObject you can send the objectId of the parse object and then query for it in cloud code to get the full object. You can always access the user context in request.user (only if cloud code was triggered by the user). If you still want to "protect" your cloud code you can check if the calling user have a Role by query the Role DB and check if the user is contained there.

Error in Response Data. How to use regular expression for my scenario

My scenario is
Access my web application
Login with user
Go to Monthly report
Select the criteria and click on Generate button.
I want to load test Monthly report that will be access by multiple users.
Following this I have added in Jmeter Testplan:
Recorded the script using Firefox browser.
Created cvs file (added 3 Login credentials and 3 report data in csv) for multiple user login and report access criteria.
Added CSV data set config element and pass the parameter.
Added the same parameter under requests in order to fetch data from csv (Login credentials and report data in csv).
Added View Tree Result Listener.
Run the test plan, it is displaying green icon but under response data it is displaying error (0|error|500||) for last two users. For 1st user is displaying response data.
While recording I have use the first user which is added in CSV. There is __VIEWSTATE,__EVENTVALIDATION when I have recorded using Firefox.
Let me know where I am wrong. Waiting for your response.
Your login process takes some kind of credentials apart from user and password? In your login request how many params do you send?

Problem using crmsvcutil to generate data context class

I am trying to retrieve data from Microsoft Dynamics CRM database. In order to have LINQ functionality, I applied crmsvcutil to generate data context class. The following is the command line I used
crmsvcutil /connectionString:"Authentication Type=SPLA; Server= http://our-crm.com; User ID=user; Password=pass" /namespace:Stub.Xrm /dataContextPrefix:MyCorp /out:Xrm.cs
When running the command, I got
Unhandled Exception: System.Net.WebException: The request failed with HTTP status 401: Unauthorized.
Error. I was able to access http://our-crm.com by using user/pass to assess the CRM. I am suspecting that the URL of serer was the problem, but don't know exactly which one I should use.
The CRM version I used is 4.0
UPDATE On May 19, 2011:
I changed the connection string to
crmsvcutil /connectionString:"Authentication Type=AD; Server= http://our-crm.com/CRM; User ID=domain\user; Password=pass" /namespace:Stub.Xrm /dataContextPrefix:MyCorp /out:Xrm.cs
Now I am getting
Unhandled Exception: System.ApplicationException: 0x80040220
SecLib::CheckPrivilege failed. Returned hr = -2147220960, User: f26255aa-997a-e011-b1ff-0050569e0924, PrivilegeId: a33
Does it mean I do not have enough privilege to retrieve WSDL information? But I was able to use browser to get http://our-crm.com/mscrmservices/2007/CrmServiceWsdl.aspx and I was able to add webreference to the WebService using same credential.
If you are accessing Dynamics CRM OnPremise with the credentials of the current user, you have to specify Integratedas authentication type.
Therefore your connection string should be
/connectionString:"Authentication Type=Integrated; Server= http://our-crm.com;
If you have to specify a specific user, you have to use AD
/connectionString:"Authentication Type=AD; Server= http://our-crm.com; User ID=user-domain\user-name; Password=user-password
See Connect to the Microsoft Dynamics CRM Server
