Problems with running of idempiere project - idempiere

I am trying to run idempiere client project and i have he following error when i try to run 20: /usr/lib/jvm/openlogic-openjdk-11-hotspot-amd64/bin/java/bin/java: not found
How can i resolve this?

I think you are confused because the script is from the adempiere project and in iDempiere is named
If you plan to use iDempiere, I recommend you to avoid using the swing client, it still works but is pretty obsolete and unmaintained, we stopped maintenance long time ago basically because this swing client has security issues that cannot be solved.
All the big new stuff is on the more robust zk web client.


What is the best way to setup the API application using Protractor?

I'm setting up my front-end application to use continuous integration in CircleCI. Unit tests work fine, but end-to-end tests are not.
The problem is that it requires the backend (API) server to be running, and ours is in another completely different application. So, what is the best way to setup this backend server (thinking about CI)?
I thought about uploading it on heroku, but then I'd have to keep manually updating the code via git. Another option was to download the code to the CI VM and run the server directly there, but it is just too much work (install ruby, postgres, gems...), and it doesn't seem in no way the best option.
Have anyone passed through the same situation? How do you guys usually deal with this kind of situations?
I ended up doing everything inside the CI. I made some custom scripts that configure the backend project every time the test suite is ran. Also, I cached the folder with the backend code and the gems (which was taking ~2min to install).
The configuring part now adds ~20 seconds to the total time, so it wasn't a big deal. Although I still think that this is probably not the best way to do this, it has some advantages, such as not worrying about updating the backend code (it pulls from master automatically) or its database (it runs rake db:reset after updating the code).
Assuming the API server is running somewhere, configure the front-end application to point there while in the test/CI environment, at least to start out. If there are multiple API environments, choose the one the most closely matches the front-end environment (e.g. dev, staging, etc).
It gets more complicated if/when you need to run the e2e tests each time the API is built or match up specific build versions of the front-end and the API. In that case you will have to run the API server as part of the test.

From jasmine-maven-plugin getting setOnopen Runtime exception

I am trying to implement jasmine-maven-plugin for my project.
In my project there are multiple separate web projects, I successfully integrate the above plugin in all of my web projects except one.
I have used HtmlUnit driver for all of my web projects but getting RuntimeException: Exception invoking setOnopen from WebSocket class for a particular web project, others are executing fine.
Instead of htmlunit if I use phantomjs driver then it is working seamlessly but for that I have to keep the phantomjs executable in my system PATH which is not go with the maven philosophy, I do not want to keep any separate executable in my system. Due to this I want to use htmlunit driver which is throwing the above setOnopen exception.
I did lots of google but not able to get any solution, if you have any insight on this issue please let me know. Thanks In advance.
If you want to avoid requiring phantomjs be installed separately you may want to take a look at these projects for some ideas:
And take a look at this forum discussion:!topic/phantomjs/yZj_ciH21pE
I've yet to have time to try this out myself but it sounds promising. Also, note that you don't need to have phantomjs on your system path. You can specify the location of the binary using the phantomjs.binary.path property. See the second example on this page which shows how to configure it using this property.
Hope that helps.

"Too Many Open Files" error on Cloudfoundry

I receive the dreaded "Too Many Open Files" error after about 5 minutes running my application. This is a showstopper for me. I do know there is a 256 open file limit. I ran lsof to track down if I have a leak. I found that many of the open handles are simply connections Tomcat and other processes must make. The "nginx" process seems to be the only one that fluctuates but it still only goes to a maximum around 81. My application does not seem to leak file descriptors. I absolutely love Cloud Foundry. It is the first PAAS that hasn't required I refactor my application to make things work. When is the file limit going to be raised? I use Micro Cloud Foundry for testing but I want to run on the Hosted Cloud Foundry as soon as possible. I get this error in both versions. Is there a way around this? I tried modifying the limit on the Micro Cloud instance but I get errors saying I do not have the rights to make that kind of change. Any help or suggestions on this?
The new file descriptor quota is in the following database migration:
Line 185.
This particular setting will not take effect on our until the April time frame when we emerge from our beta status and our "Next Generation" components are in production.
If you run your own version of Cloud Foundry, you could run this migration, assuming you are using cloud_controller_ng.
The Micro Cloud Foundry we are using internally for development does have the new cloud controller in it. You can read how we get that running for our own purposes here:
We are in a bit of a transition period as we deprecate the legacy bits and move towards these NG components. Apologies for the hitches, but they will be worth the cost. Thanks for your patience.
Matt Reider
Product Manager
Cloud Foundry
I logged in as the root user. I modified both the /var/vcap/packages/dea/dea/lib/dea/agent.rb file and the /etc/security/limits.conf file.
For the agent.rb file I followed the instructions here:
For the limits.conf file I followed the instructions here:
I am not sure which fix helped or if it required modifying both files. The application seems to be working now so I am moving on. If someone has a better solution I would be happy to hear it.
This only allows me to run my application on a self hosted micro cloud foundry. It would be much better if someone had a solution for the hosted version. Unfortunately I would have to find some way to limit my app to use under 256 file descriptors and that is not likely to happen.

Best way to rotate apache log files on Windows

Being new to the Windows server platform I need some input to figure out which way is the best to rotate the apache log files. The server version is Apache/2.0.47 (Win32).
Apache is shipped with the rotatelogs.exe. I found this (rather) old post saying
Conclusion: It is unusable and dangerous (it will eat up all your
memory/file handlers ...etc...).
You can not even use rotatelogs.exe on 4+ sites, Apache will
lockup when starting (tested on Apache 2.2.0).
Same guy has created a dll-file which I'm not to sure that our hosting company will be to happy to implement on the production servers.
So since we are running this rather old version of Apache (which I'm stuck with, since it is really the IBM HTTP Server shipped with WebSphere) I'm afraid of the rotatelog.exe, anyone aware of what would be the best option to implement?
Our hosting partner decided not to allow usage of rotatelogs.exe since they have had some issues for other customers. Therefore the solution was to create a PowerShell-script, that stopped the service, rotated the logs and started the service again.

Enhydra 5 application on tomcat 7

I have an application using enhydra 5 framework running on a resin 2 server.
Moving this application to a tomcat 7 server is giving me issues.
I was able to get the application deployed on tomcat server, but the session data is lost between requests. I compared the values by debugging the application on tomcat and resin and found that the session values are available in resin.
Does anyone have any idea or provide me the link to get Enhydra source code.
It is a very old framework and was written in 2000.
I did a little digging and the best I could come up with was which appears to be where this code migrated to but there is no sign of an accessible source repository or src bundles for old versions.
It sounds like there may be a configuration problem at work here. Something as simple as looking at the HTTP headers may shed some light on what is going wrong.
Another option I sometimes use when the source code isn't immediately to hand is JAD. The decompiled code isn't always the most readable but it is usually good enough to figure out what is going wrong.
