How to differentiate between a successful transaction and a failed transaction to display the transaction status in the UI? - nearprotocol

I am trying to display transaction status based on the tx hash in the UI after the user makes a transaction.
I noticed that the method ft_resolve_transfer result is a value when the tx is successful and is 0 when the tx fails.
When I take a look at the response JSON given after i run this command
NEAR_ENV=mainnet near tx-status DG4vGH3EagGQJsdRTSjWLHxZYrriHbki4imqFBeJzSc1 --accountId skiran017.near
the JSON is almost similar to the one i get when a transaction is successful.
is there any specific key-value pair i need to look into to find the difference between a success and a failed tx.?
failed tx:
successful tx:

Currently I fixed this by leveraging status: { SuccessValue: 'IjAi' }. We can find this in JSON object that is returned when querying for transaction status using txHash and accountId.
SuccessValue key has a value in base64. I decoded that to ASCI and check wheather its not zero. So far all the non zero value are successful transactions.
function getTxStatus(txHash: string, accountId: string) {
if (!txHash || !accountId) {
checkTransactionStatus(txHash, accountId).then((res: any) => {
const status: any = res.status;
const data: string | undefined = status.SuccessValue;
if (data) {
const buff = Buffer.from(data, 'base64');
const value = buff.toString('ascii');
console.log(value); // check this for non zero value
Thanks to Ref Finance team, took reference from their code.
Note: when the token does not have storage deposit, ft_sotrage is called to store the token, in this case the txHashes is an array where in the txHash on 0 index represents storage related details, the second txHash is on first index which contains tx details.


How does Apollo paginated "read" and "merge" work?

I was reading through the docs to learn pagination approaches for Apollo. This is the simple example where they explain the paginated read function:
Here is the relevant code snippet:
const cache = new InMemoryCache({
typePolicies: {
Query: {
fields: {
feed: {
read(existing, { args: { offset, limit }}) {
// A read function should always return undefined if existing is
// undefined. Returning undefined signals that the field is
// missing from the cache, which instructs Apollo Client to
// fetch its value from your GraphQL server.
return existing && existing.slice(offset, offset + limit);
// The keyArgs list and merge function are the same as above.
keyArgs: [],
merge(existing, incoming, { args: { offset = 0 }}) {
const merged = existing ? existing.slice(0) : [];
for (let i = 0; i < incoming.length; ++i) {
merged[offset + i] = incoming[i];
return merged;
I have one major question around this snippet and more snippets from the docs that have the same "flaw" in my eyes, but I feel like I'm missing some piece.
Suppose I run a first query with offset=0 and limit=10. The server will return 10 results based on this query and store it inside cache after accessing merge function.
Afterwards, I run the query with offset=5 and limit=10. Based on the approach described in docs and the above code snippet, what I'm understanding is that I will get only the items from 5 through 10 instead of items from 5 to 15. Because Apollo will see that existing variable is present in read (with existing holding initial 10 items) and it will slice the available 5 items for me.
My question is - what am I missing? How will Apollo know to fetch new data from the server? How will new data arrive into cache after initial query? Keep in mind keyArgs is set to [] so the results will always be merged into a single item in the cache.
Apollo will not slice anything automatically. You have to define a merge function that keeps the data in the correct order in the cache. One approach would be to have an array with empty slots for data not yet fetched, and place incoming data in their respective index. For instance if you fetch items 30-40 out of a total of 100 your array would have 30 empty slots then your items then 60 empty slots. If you subsequently fetch items 70-80 those will be placed in their respective indexes and so on.
Your read function is where the decision on whether a network request is necessary or not will be made. If you find all the data in existing you will return them and no request to the server will be made. If any items are missing then you need to return undefined which will trigger a network request, then your merge function will be triggered once data is fetched, and finally your read function will run again only this time the data will be in the cache and it will be able to return them.
This approach is for the cache-first caching policy which is the default.
The logic for returning undefined from your read function will be implemented by you. There is no apollo magic under the hood.
If you use cache-and-network policy then a your read doesn't need to return undefined when data

using forkJoin multiple times

I am working on a Project where our client generates almost 500 request simultaneously. I am using the forkJoin to get all the responses as Array.
But the Server after 40-50 request Blocks the requests or sends only errors. I have to split these 500 requests in Chunks of 10 requests and loop over this chunks array and have to call forkJoin for each chunk, and convert observable to Promise.
Is there any way to get rid of this for loop over the chucks?
If I understand right you question, I think you are in a situation similar to this
const clientRequestParams = [params1, params2, ..., params500]
const requestAsObservables = => {
return myRequest(params)
responses => {// do something with the array of responses}
and probably the problem is that the server can not load so many requests in parallel.
If my understanding is right and if, as you write, there is a limit of 10 for concurrent requests, you could try with mergeMap operator specifying also the concurrent parameter.
A solution could therefore be the following
const clientRequestParams = [params1, params2, ..., params500]
// use the from function from rxjs to create a stream of params
mergeMap(params => {
return myRequest(params)
}, 10) // 10 here is the concurrent parameter which limits the number of
// concurrent requests on the fly to 10
responseNotification => {
// do something with the response that you get from one invocation
// of the service in the server
If you adopt this strategy, you limit the concurrency but you are not guaranteed the order in the sequence of the responses. In other words, the second request can return before the first one has returned. So you need to find some mechanism to link the response to the request. One simple way would be to return not only the response from the server, but also the params which you used to invoke that specific request. In this case the code would look like this
const clientRequestParams = [params1, params2, ..., params500]
// use the from function from rxjs to create a stream of params
mergeMap(params => {
return myRequest(params).pipe(
map(resp => {
return {resp, params}
}, 10)
responseNotification => {
// do something with the response that you get from one invocation
// of the service in the server
With this implementation you would create a stream which notifies both the response received from the server and the params used in that specific invocation.
You can adopt also other strategies, e.g. return the response and the sequence number representing that response, or maybe others.

Redirect to Zoho matched Customer Record with Deluge function

I'm trying to embed a Zoho CRM by iframe into an application that knows only a phone number.
(Ramble: Originally I intended to call the Zoho api to lookup the Contact by phone number and redirect to or load the Contact's Zoho page - but the hosting app doesn't seem to support enough features to accommodate Zoho's OAuth2-only authentication - so I think I'm stuck with Zoho Deluge which I'm finding to be an ATROCIOUS language)
I'm hoping to GET navigate to this Zoho Function with the phone number as a parameter, have it find the unique match, and redirect to the customer details.
response = zoho.crm.searchRecords(
"", // no criteria - I hope the later parameter
// normalizes better than this would?
1, // first page
2, // of two max results - just to verify uniqueness
"{ phone: '" + phoneNumber + "'}"); // Docs are terrible. Is this the format?
// I also tried "phone:equal:..."
//if (1 < response.size()) { // script errors show up on nonsense line
// return "[Ambiguous]"; // numbers, but this seems to work until later
//} // lines are included - then errors point here
return response; // Works, but useless string output
return response.firstName; // "Invalid collection object found" - but not expected to work
return response.get(0); // 'TEXT' can not be cast to '[KEY-VALUE, TEXT, LIST]' for the function 'get'
return response.get('firstName'); // 'TEXT' can not be cast to '[KEY-VALUE, TEXT, LIST]' for the function 'get'
return response.get(0).firstName; // Improper Statement Error might be due to missing ';' at end of the line or incomplete expression
// openUrl( <string>, <window_type> ); // hoping to get here
I've also tried variations on returning from inside a for each element loop, no luck.
I THINK I've successfully found the user by phone number because I think I indeed get one match, but I can't verify it and I don't know how to derive the url of the customer detail page for the openUrl() call. Do you know how to make progress on this?
The criteria is malformed, and function searchRecords returns a list of maps.
To access the first element of al list you must use .get(0) and get an element of a map .get("First_Name")
The fields are malformed, you must get the API name of the field form>setup->API->API names->Contacts
You can use info to debug the response (info response;)
Zoho CRM API Search records
toReturn = "";
response = zoho.crm.searchRecords("Contacts", "Phone:equals:" + phoneNumber, 1, 2);
if (1 < response.size()) {
toReturn = "[Ambiguous]";
} else if (0 == response.size()) {//error triggered if use get(0) of emty list
toReturn = "[None]";
}else {
toReturn = reponse.get(0).get("First_Name");
openUrl("[yourOrgID]/tab/Contacts/" + reponse.get(0).get("id"), "new window");
return toReturn;

Firestore transaction produces console error: FAILED_PRECONDITION: the stored version does not match the required base version

I have written a bit of code that allows a user to upvote / downvote recipes in a manner similar to Reddit.
Each individual vote is stored in a Firestore collection named votes, with a structure like this:
{username,recipeId,value} (where value is either -1 or 1)
The recipes are stored in the recipes collection, with a structure somewhat like this:
Each time a user votes on a recipe, I need to record their vote in the votes collection, and update the score on the recipe. I want to do this as an atomic operation using a transaction, so there is no chance the two values can ever become out of sync.
Following is the code I have so far. I am using Angular 6, however I couldn't find any Typescript examples showing how to handle multiple gets() in a single transaction, so I ended up adapting some Promise-based JavaScript code that I found.
The code seems to work, but there is something happening that is concerning. When I click the upvote/downvote buttons in rapid succession, some console errors occasionally appear. These read POST 400 (). When I look at the actual response from the server, I see this:
"error": {
"code": 400,
"message": "the stored version (1534122723779132) does not match the required base version (0)",
Note that the errors do not appear when I click the buttons slowly.
Should I worry about this error, or is it just a normal result of the transaction retrying? As noted in the Firestore documentation, a "function calling a transaction (transaction function) might run more than once if a concurrent edit affects a document that the transaction reads."
Note that I have tried wrapping try/catch blocks around every single operation below, and there are no errors thrown. I removed them before posting for the sake of making the code easier to follow.
Very interested in hearing any suggestions for improving my code, regardless of whether they're related to the HTTP 400 error.
async vote(username, recipeId, direction) {
let value;
if ( direction == 'up' ) {
value = 1;
if ( direction == 'down' ) {
value = -1;
// assemble vote object to be recorded in votes collection
const voteObj: Vote = { username: username, recipeId: recipeId , value: value };
// get references to both vote and recipe documents
const voteDocRef = this.afs.doc(`votes/${username}_${recipeId}`).ref;
const recipeDocRef = this.afs.doc('recipes/' + recipeId).ref;
await this.afs.firestore.runTransaction( async t => {
const voteDoc = await t.get(voteDocRef);
const recipeDoc = await t.get(recipeDocRef);
const currentRecipeScore = await recipeDoc.get('score');
if (!voteDoc.exists) {
// This is a new vote, so add it to the votes collection
// and apply its value to the recipe's score
t.set(voteDocRef, voteObj);
t.update(recipeDocRef, { score: (currentRecipeScore + value) });
} else {
const voteData =;
if ( voteData.value == value ) {
// existing vote is the same as the button that was pressed, so delete
// the vote document and revert the vote from the recipe's score
t.update(recipeDocRef, { score: (currentRecipeScore - value) });
} else {
// existing vote is the opposite of the one pressed, so update the
// vote doc, then apply it to the recipe's score by doubling it.
// For example, if the current score is 1 and the user reverses their
// +1 vote by pressing -1, we apply -2 so the score will become -1.
t.set(voteDocRef, voteObj);
t.update(recipeDocRef, { score: (currentRecipeScore + (value*2))});
return Promise.resolve(true);
According to Firebase developer Nicolas Garnier, "What you are experiencing here is how Transactions work in Firestore: one of the transactions failed to write because the data has changed in the mean time, in this case Firestore re-runs the transaction again, until it succeeds. In the case of multiple Reviews being written at the same time some of them might need to be ran again after the first transaction because the data has changed. This is expected behavior and these errors should be taken more as warnings."
In other words, this is a normal result of the transaction retrying.
I used RxJS throttleTime to prevent the user from flooding the Firestore server with transactions by clicking the upvote/downvote buttons in rapid succession, and that greatly reduced the occurrences of this 400 error. In my app, there's no legitimate reason someone would need to clip upvote/downvote dozens of times per seconds. It's not a video game.

How can I receive real-time updates from a long asynchronous process?

I'm writing a small, internal web application that reads in form data and creates an excel file which then gets emailed to the user.
However, I'm struggling to understand how I can implement real-time updates for the user as the process is being completed. Sometimes the process takes 10 seconds, and sometimes the process takes 5 minutes.
Currently the user waits until the process is complete before they see any results - They do not see any updates as the process is being completed. The front-end waits for a 201 response from the server before displaying the report information and the user is "blocked" until the RC is complete.
I'm having difficulty understanding how I can asynchronously start the Report Creation (RC) process and at the same time allow the user to navigate to other pages of the site. or see updates happening in the background. I should clarify here that the some of the steps in the RC process use Promises.
I'd like to poll the server every second to get an update on the report being generated.
Here's some simple code to clarify my understanding:
.post(function(req, res, next) {
// Generate unique ID to keep track of report later on.
const uid = generateRandomID();
// Start report process ... this should keep executing even after a response (201) is returned.
CustomReportLibrary.createNewReport(req.formData, uid);
// Respond with a successful creation.
.get(function(req, res, next){
// Get our report from ID.
let report = CustomReportLibrary.getReport(;
// Respond with report data
if(report) { res.status(200).json(report); }
else { res.status(404); }
// Initialize array to hold reports
let _dataStorage = [];
function createNewReport(data, id) {
// Create an object to store our report information
let reportObject = {
id: id,
status: 'Report has started the process',
data: data
// Add new report to global array.
// ... continue with report generation. Assume this takes 5 minutes.
// ...
// ... update _dataStorage[length-1].status after each step
// ...
// ... finish generation.
function getReport(id) {
// Iterate through array until report with matching ID is found.
// Return report if match is found.
// Return null if no match is found.
From my understanding, CustomerReportLibrary.createNewReport() will execute in the background even after a 201 response is returned. In the front-end, I'd make an AJAX call to /report/:id on an interval basis to get updates on my report. Is this the right way to do this? Is there a better way to do this?
I think you are on the right way. HTTP 202 (The request has been accepted for processing, but the processing has not been completed) is a proper way to handle your case.
It can be done like this:
client sends POST /reports, server starts creating new report and returns:
202 Accepted
client issues GET /reports/1 to get status of the report
All the above flow is async, so users are not blocked.
