I'm trying to create a div like that on my twig file
After testing to implement this, and having tested the solutions mentioned on Stack overflow. I am stuck.
Does anyone have an idea how to achieve this, knowing that many CSS properties are not available with WKHTMLTOPDF
Middleman (Latest), Red Carpet MD Renderer
I'd like to make definition lists using custom Markdown
I'm new to MD, let alone making a custom parser for it. While I've read several articles, I feel like I'm missing something because they don't seem to work.
Great article, but too specific in examples that don't directly relate to making a definition list.
Closer, but this seemed overly verbose for something seemingly more simple.
I've read the docs, but I can't figure out how to apply this to middleman. As the two previous articles mentioned, middleman docs don't really explain how to override the red carpet renderer.
I'm totally open to solutions that exist. I just can't seem to find any!
When I use Toolkit for CreateJs for converting flash to html5, I always meet an annoying problem that the following code can't show the image correctly:
I think this is caused by p("EhcPBFNMAAAiKZMC4gAAAMAAACKZg"), but I don't understand p-code. So anyone can help me to solve it?
this is shown result
this is the original image
You can turn off 'Compact shapes' options while publish to createjs. Then you will see what p("EhcPBFNMAAAiKZMC4gAAAMAAACKZg") is.
I started using asp.net MVC 4 and I don't quite understand how could I accomplish simple tasks like making a simple navigation menu for my website, I would like it to be just like the one here on stackoverflow where the images change on mouse over and also link to their corresponding pages.
what used to be a few minutes of work with HTML (in Dreamweaver for example) now takes much much more time and thought (at least for me).
Investigating about the 3 elements I've mentioned got me here:
How to show an image- even that is not easy, I have looked everywhere for something that looks like an ideal solution but couldn't find any! even here on stackoverflow, some solutions are involving writing long lines of code in the name of "Helpers", and I could dig into it but there are so many different solutions, and I wouldn't know which one is right.. why can't there be just one standardized solution?
How to link an image- also an issue, that i understand that I need to set the controller in the parameters list but again I ran into and issue that I might have found the solution for I just need to test it, I have read that I could have different methods inside of one controller and in this way I will not have to have one controller for each link. I will try that, better solutions are welcomed.
How to swap an image on mouse over- also looks crazy for me, I have found one solution where there are long lines of code for this here: http://www.codeproject.com/Tips/329596/MVC-3-Helper-for-Hover-Images
I am kind of disappointed that just for putting up the logo image and linking it I spend days! I do have background in .net c# HTML+CSS etc'.. so I am asking myself (and you guys) why does it have to be so unclear and not friendly?
Come on.. what am I missing? is there any library of helpers everybody is using or something like that?
I am still in the process of learning MVC 4 and I know I'll get it but I would've expected accomplishing these kind of simple tasks a lot faster.
also, in Microsoft examples, I have never found an example where they put a logo or a menu image, it is always plain text! so annoying and frustrating...
I will very much appreciate any help..
Thanks a lot!
Start with http://www.asp.net/mvc/mvc3 and understand what are the paradigms of it and what is the differance between webform and mvc systesm.
Basically you need to understand how the masterpages are evolved in mvc or what is the replacement of master pages in mvc.
This is clue to what you want to achieve.
Now if you want to put the Image button in which if you hover and color will change then you need to do following steps.
Create a button first e.g
Html.ActionLink("YourButtonName", "Index", null, new
{#class="hoverButton" })
Now you need to create two classes in your css file with name hoverButton which contains property to show image and hoverButton:hover show image when you hover over the link. Like following.
hoverButton {
margin-bottom: 10px;
width: 160px;
background:transparent url('Button.png') center top no-repeat;
.hoverButton:hover {
background-image: url('hoverButton.png');
This way when you hover over to button it will display different image in mvc view menu item.
Hope you understand the concept and it helps.
Hi i am having some trouble getting my sortable lists to scroll horizontally. Here is a link to an example of how i want my list to function.
The example above uses a very large negative margin to the right like so...
And here is the link to the Js-Fiddle version of my sortable list.
i have tried everything i know! Overflow properties, margins, divs within divs but i have had no luck. Searched around on Google to but everything i found just told me what i already know.
Hopefully someone on here has done this before or knows how to and would like to share their secrets with me...
I have decided to divert from horizontal side scrolling for now as it just doesn't seem to have enough support at the moment. For anyone looking for a solution i found this neat plugin that is highly customizable. http://manos.malihu.gr/tuts/custom-scrollbar-plugin/complete_examples.html
I dont know what kind of success i'll have from this post but struggling at the moment to get a reply on the rockettheme forums.
I have downloaded this template (Kinetic) from Rockettheme.com (demo below;)
I have changed it to come out looking like the link below;
However im really struggling to differentiate the footer from the rest of the website. Im looking at changing it to a light grey however I cannot make it stretch right across the website as the footer is located in the container and stops at either edge of the container.
is there anyway to make a footer colour go right across the page?
(the same as the following website, if you go down to the bottom of the page and you will see a dark grey, charcoal colour)
Any ideas on how I could get this achieved?
You just need to edit the index.php file of the template, should be at templates/kinetic/index.php roughly. If you head to the bottom, you will find a div with rt-footer. You will want to pull this entire div statement out and paste it outside of the div with an id rt-surround. Your best bet is to find rt-debug and paste it just above.
I run a lot of sites off the base gantry template from Rocket Theme and do this type of thing often, so it should work.
Two issues you may run into. If you don't get the right closing div tag, you can get some weird output if the divs aren't closed properly. So be careful and use the indentation to help you.
Second, there may be some css styling that is specific to the old heirarchy. I doubt it in this case, but it can happen. You may have to fix some of the css styling.