ERR_SSL_UNRECOGNIZED_NAME_ALERT when trying to access my heroku app - heroku

I created a sandbox Angular application on Heroku.
The application is available (using the default ) and I want to have my domain name pointing to this application.
I followed the custom domain documentation to add a custom sub domain:
In my Heroku application settings i can see the added domain : -->
Then in my DNS provider, I removed my previous "A" / "CNAME" entries (no need anymore) and I added one :
Using , I can correctly see the DNS responding:
When trying to reach my app using the browser and the url, I am getting an ERR_SSL_UNRECOGNIZED_NAME_ALERT error message.
Do you know what I am missing ?
I am using a single free application on Heroku, without any certificates.
Thank you in advance.

Found the root cause: I needed to enable ACM:


How to access admin from doccano deployed using heroku

I had a local docanno running in desktop. On it I was able to add new users for collaborative annotation , who can access the doccano app from LAN. Now I want to deploy the app to web, so annotators can access it from anywhere. But when I deploy doccano on heroku, I m not able to access the admin through the app. It says page not found , if I try to do
How to add collobarots , through heroku deployed doccano app.
here is a quick fix I found on :
On Heroku, go to settings
Add the Config Var "DEBUG" with the value set to "True"
I was then able to access the admin pane, add users etc (url: https://{appname}
Set the value to "False"

How can i connect my domain name to my heroku app

I buyed domain. After that i hosted app on heroku and now i am facing issues to linke my domain name with my app on heroku.I followed a lot of videos on internet but none of them is working.
Last one that i tried is:
but there when i try to copy paste my heroku app url in the points to field i get
Enter either # or a valid host name such as: "subdomain.domain.tld"
Can somoene tell my how can i do this thing please ?
I need to add domain on heroku - that generated dns target and that generated dns target needs to be pasted in the points to section in go daddy: It is not the full app url from heroku like previous...

Heroku:Custom Domain , ACM status:DNS redirect not forwarding path,What to do?

this is the first time i am buying a custom domain and i want to access my heroku java spring app by using the new domain name instead of the one provided by heroku.
The problem is that i get a ACM status:DNS redirect not forwarding path exception in heroku domain table,so it does not work.And i also do not know what this is and how to fix it even if i looked here
What i did so far:
I bought a custom domain name from godaddy.
Then i went to heroku settings >domains>add domain.
After that i got a new domain in the table.
I went to godaddy Records in order to add a new CNAME where i have added the domain name as name ( mycustomdomain. com) and the very long DNS Target that was autogenerated by heroku as value.
Now i went back to heroku and this ACM Status message is displayed:
DNS redirect not forwarding path
What am i missing?What do i have to do next to be able to successfully connect the 2 parts?
I saw some post arround here with "redirecting" but i am not sure if that applies to me or not.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
If you're not already doing so, the host name for the CNAME record should be 'www' - and then the 'points to' would obviously be the URL Heroku gave you.
On the Heroku side, where you have listed the domain name itself, make sure to include the www. on the address itself - This is something I neglected to do a few weeks ago, once i added it - everything started working correctly.
I came across your issue because i've added a second URL (.com variation) and i'm getting that message with this second domain - Like you i'm unsure what i have missed...

Redirect domain to an app hosted on Heroku

I have a website hosted on Heroku. (let's say :
I bought a domain name on OVH. (let's say :
I added to domain list on Heroku.
In DNS target, I have .
I have to supply this to my DNS provider for the destination of CNAME or ALIAS record.
I did so on OVH. I added :
Subdomain :
TTL: By default
Target : .
But nothing works, I must be missing something. I'm still a beginner with this DNS thing.
In my browser, I have DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN or ERR_NAME_NOT_RESOLVED error when I'm trying to access
It's my first website I'm trying to finish and I will be so happy if somebody can help me.
Thanks in advance !
You said you created a record for, but then you are trying to access, which is a different hostname. You need to create an ALIAS record for it as well.

Deploy WSO2 Enterprise App Store in EC2 using ELB

I am deploying the WSO2 Enterprise App Store into EC2 behind an elastic load balancer (ELB) and having some trouble getting things configured properly.
I have configured $INSTALL_PATH/repository/conf/carbon.xml with the proper HostName and MgtHostName of the ELB DNS name and I can get to the front-end of the app store and to the admin console.
I am unable to:
get user registrations working throuth the front end app store
get to the back-office console
The issue appears to be in routing requests to the identity service. I get an error like the following:
You are now being redirected to Identity Server. If the redirection fails, please click on the button below.
I then get a timeout on the redirect to this RFC1918, non-routed, address:
I see no errors in the logs on startup or throughout execution of the application.
How can I configure this application such that all requests are re-routed through the AWS ELB (not the WSO2 load balancer) and not through the direct, local, IP address?
Please modify following configurations as well,
Update the AssertionConsumerService property for all apps(store, publisher, social) within /repository/conf/sso-idp-config.xml
You can find few jaggery apps within /repository/deployment/server/jaggeryapps/ directory. Each app has its own json config file within config directory.
Eg :- for store app /repository/deployment/server/jaggeryapps/store/config/store.json
You have to update the identityProviderURL property within ssoConfiguration in those apps as well.(store, publisher and social)
If you are using ES-1.0.0 It's better if you can move to the latest 1.2.0 M2.
We also faced similar issue and now fixed in the master branch.
If you need to continue with the same 1.0.0 you can get rid of this issue by updating,
<ES_HOME>/repository/deployment/server/jaggeryapps/store/controllers/login.jag, <ES_HOME>/repository/deployment/server/jaggeryapps/publisher/controllers/login.jag
<ES_HOME>/repository/deployment/server/jaggeryapps/store/controllers/logout.jag, <ES_HOME>/repository/deployment/server/jaggeryapps/publisher/controllers/logout.jag
You have to update the postUrl in above four files correctly.
NOW : postUrl = "https://" + process.getProperty('carbon.local.ip') + ":" + process.getProperty('https.port');
It should be something like https://localhost:9443/
At the end post URL should be something like https://localhost:9443/admin/samlsso
<form method="post" action="<%=postUrl%>/admin/samlsso">
