Saving an image to a newly created folder with Uri? - image

The app i am creating is supposed to save a picture in a sub folder of the pictures folder. As long as i save the picture to the base folder it works fine, but it returns an error as soon as i try to target the subfolder. Permission for writing/reading external storage are given. Do i need to create the folder another way to use it? How do i get the URI of the folder itself?
The error for v1 is: "Failed to write destination file".
The error for v2 is: "Unknown or unsupported URL:content://media/external/images/media/ProxF/"
private void captureImage(ImageCapture imageCapture)
File dir = new File(getExternalStoragePublicDirectory(DIRECTORY_PICTURES) +"/ProxF");
if(dir.mkdir()) {
System.out.println("Directory created");
} else {
System.out.println("Directory is not created");
}catch(Exception e){
String FotoString="picture1";
ContentValues contentValues=new ContentValues();
contentValues.put(MediaStore.MediaColumns.DISPLAY_NAME, FotoString);
contentValues.put(MediaStore.MediaColumns.MIME_TYPE, "image/jpeg");
//Saving to the picture folder - working
Uri uri = MediaStore.Images.Media.EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI;
//V1 - not working
File folder = new File(getExternalStoragePublicDirectory(DIRECTORY_PICTURES).toString() + "/ProxF/");
Uri uri1=Uri.fromFile(folder);
//V2 - not working
Uri uri2 = Uri.parse(MediaStore.Images.Media.EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI+"/ProxF/")
ImageCapture.OutputFileOptions fileOptions= new ImageCapture.OutputFileOptions.Builder(getContentResolver(),uri,contentValues).build();
imageCapture.takePicture(fileOptions, Executors.newCachedThreadPool(), new ImageCapture.OnImageSavedCallback() {
public void onImageSaved(#NonNull ImageCapture.OutputFileResults outputFileResults) {
runOnUiThread(() -> Toast.makeText(KameraAc.this, "Image Saved ",Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show());
public void onError(#NonNull ImageCaptureException exception) {
runOnUiThread(() -> Toast.makeText(KameraAc.this, "Failed to save: "+exception.getMessage(), Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show());


update profile image functionality is not working while hosting as jar

Hi I am new to Springboot I was trying to develop a application, One of its functionality is to upload profile Image. It was working fine in STS but when I pack it in jar and hosting it on AWS EC2 envirnment I am getting some error while processing that image
handler for profile picture:
public String processContact(#ModelAttribute Contact contact, #RequestParam("profileImage") MultipartFile file,
HttpSession session) {
try {
// processing and uploading photo
if (file.isEmpty()) {
System.out.println("File is empty");
} else {
//Processing Image
InputStream inputStream = file.getInputStream();
Path paths = Paths.get(new ClassPathResource("/static/img").getFile().getPath()+"/" +file.getOriginalFilename());
Files.copy(inputStream, paths, StandardCopyOption.REPLACE_EXISTING);
// Success Message
session.setAttribute("message", new Message("Your contact is added...", "success"));;
System.out.println("Successfully Added");
} catch (Exception E) {
// Failed message
session.setAttribute("message", new Message("Something went wrong "+E.getMessage(), "danger"));
return "normal/add_contact_form";
It is working fine in IDE after some research I found way of writing data in jar is diffrent could some please help me how can I implemenr it for jar also.
all you need to do is replace this line:
Path paths = Paths.get(new ClassPathResource("/static/img").getFile().getPath()+"/" +file.getOriginalFilename());
Path paths = Paths.get(new FileSystemResource("/static/img").getFile().getPath()+"/" +file.getOriginalFilename());
THat will work like charm.

Spring MVC - Copy image into WEB-INF/assets folder

I am trying to copy image into assets folder inside WEB-INF folder. Following code successfully copy images outside the project but can't copy inside WEB-INF folder.
public static void copyFile(String source, String destination) throws IOException {
try {
File sourceFile = new File(source);
File destinationFile = new File(destination);
FileInputStream fileInputStream = new FileInputStream(sourceFile);
FileOutputStream fileOutputStream = new FileOutputStream(destinationFile);
int bufferSize;
byte[] bufffer = new byte[512];
while ((bufferSize = > 0) {
fileOutputStream.write(bufffer, 0, bufferSize);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new IOException(e.getMessage());
I get a image path from Http request.
CopyFile.copyFile(imageUrl, "http://localhost:8080/M.S.-Handloom-Fabrics/static/"+imageName+".png");
I have mapped the resources in dispatcher-servlet.xml
<mvc:resources mapping="/static/**" location="/WEB-INF/assets/"/>
Here is the error
Info: http:\localhost:8080\M.S.-Handloom-Fabrics\static\TueJun1216_27_54NPT20180.png (The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect)
is a URL, not a file-path, and is therefore meaningless as a parameter to the File constructor.
IF you configured your app server to explode your webapp on deploy then you could use ServletContext.getRealPath but as this SO post details nicely you most likely do not want to do this as your saved files will be lost upon re-deploy.
Saving them outside of the web app is the way to go.

PCLStorage - How to get path to writable folder?

I need download and save file. I using this code (with Xam.Plugins.DownloadManager and PCLStorage libraries):
public static string DownloadNewXml(string LinkToFile, string PathFile)
var downloadManager = CrossDownloadManager.Current;
CrossDownloadManager.Current.PathNameForDownloadedFile = new System.Func<IDownloadFile, string>(file => {
return PathFile;
var file = downloadManager.CreateDownloadFile(LinkToFile);
return "ok";
catch(Exception e)
return e.ToString() ;
Where PathFile is: FileSystem.Current.LocalStorage.Path + "file.xml";
This code throw exception on Android and UWP - i can't write file to this path (FileSystem.Current.LocalStorage.Path). So I have a question. How to get path to writable folder for my application on all platforms (Android, UWP, iOS)? Please help.
Try use Path.Combine(FileSystem.Current.LocalStorage.Path, "file.xml") instead

Spring MVC Resources not refreshing

I'm working on an image manager system for my Spring MVC project, with the basic functions of displaying the gallery of all images stored in the local image folder, deleting images and uploading new images.
I would like that, once a new image is uploaded, the page reloads the images gallery, including the image just added. What it happens in fact is that the new image is correctly saved on the HD, but it doesn't automatically show up in the resources/img folder in the Java project; therefore, once the page is reloaded, the new image is not there. Only when I manually refresh the project, the new image appears in the resources/img folder.
The odd thing is, I don't have the same problem with the delete method: once an image is deleted, it disappears from the HD AND the resources/img folder, and the page reloads the gallery without showing the image just deleted.
Any idea where the problem could be?
Here is my controller
public class imagesManagerController {
#RequestMapping(value = "/imagesManager", method = RequestMethod.GET)
public ModelAndView readImages
(#RequestParam(value = "error", required = false) String error) {
// create model and link it to jsp imagesManager
ModelAndView model = new ModelAndView("imagesManager");
// return content from images folder and add it to model
File imgsPath = new File("C:/Users/Alessandro/workspace/SpringMVCBlog/WebContent/resources/img");
String[] imgsNames = imgsPath.list();
model.addObject("imgsNames", imgsNames);
//if upload fails, display error message
if (error != null) {
"Please select a file to upload");
return model;
#RequestMapping(value = "/imagesManager/upload", method = RequestMethod.POST)
public String handleFileUpload (#RequestParam("file") MultipartFile file) {
//get img name
String imgName = file.getOriginalFilename();
//create file path
String folder = "C:/Users/Alessandro/workspace/SpringMVCBlog/WebContent/resources/img/";
File path = new File (folder+imgName);
if (!file.isEmpty()) {
try {
//get bytes array from file
byte[] bytes = file.getBytes();
//create output stream
BufferedOutputStream stream = new BufferedOutputStream(
new FileOutputStream(path));
//write img content on path
//close stream
//if upload is successful, reload page
return "redirect:/imagesManager";
} catch (Exception e) {
return "You failed to upload " + imgName + " => " + e.getMessage();
} else {
return "redirect:/imagesManager?error";
#RequestMapping(value = "/imagesManager/delete", method = RequestMethod.POST)
public String deleteFile(#RequestParam (value="imgName") String imgName) {
//create file path to be deleted
String folder = "C:/Users/Alessandro/workspace/SpringMVCBlog/WebContent/resources/img/";
File path = new File (folder+imgName);
// delete file
if (path.delete()) {
//if delete is successful, reload page
return "redirect:/imagesManager";
} else {
return "Delete operation failed";
The problem is in the path:
It is refreshing probably due to IDE server auto-deployment. Test with %TEMP% path and check.
1) You should not save uploaded files to the application server file system.
2) You should not save uploaded files to the application folder as it is part of the deployment. It will only be deployed once and that folder is only for the application files.
Instead, use the cloud or a dedicated file system.

Polling from a network directory

I have been working on the following project, some background:
I am an intern currently developing a new search system for my organization. The current setup is microsoft sharepoint 2013 in which the users upload files etc.. and on the other hand is the system I am developing which indexes all data being uploaded to apache SOLR.
I have been succesfull in mapping the sharepoint content repository to a network drive, and I can manually start my program to start indexing the conent of this network drive to SOLR using the Solrj api.
The problem I am facing however is that I am unable to poll events from this network drive. In my test build which ran local I used a watcher service to launch code (reindex documents, delete indexes) on file create, file modify and file delete.
This does not work unfortunantly with a url pointing to a network drive :(.
So the big question: Is there any API / library available for polling events from network drives?
Any help would be extemely appreciated !
So I fnally figured this one out, tried looking at .net's variant of the watcher service ( and i was having the same problem. I finally got it working by using / observer.
public class UNCWatcher {
// A hardcoded path to a folder you are monitoring .
public static final String FOLDER =
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
// The monitor will perform polling on the folder every 5 seconds
final long pollingInterval = 5 * 1000;
File folder = new File(FOLDER);
if (!folder.exists()) {
// Test to see if monitored folder exists
throw new RuntimeException("Directory not found: " + FOLDER);
FileAlterationObserver observer = new FileAlterationObserver(folder);
FileAlterationMonitor monitor =
new FileAlterationMonitor(pollingInterval);
FileAlterationListener listener = new FileAlterationListenerAdaptor() {
// Is triggered when a file is created in the monitored folder
public void onFileCreate(File file) {
try {
// "file" is the reference to the newly created file
System.out.println("File created: "
+ file.getCanonicalPath());
System.out.println("Uploaded resource is of type docx, preparing solr for indexing.");
} catch (IOException e) {
// Is triggered when a file is deleted from the monitored folder
public void onFileDelete(File file) {
try {
// "file" is the reference to the removed file
System.out.println("File removed: "
+ file.getCanonicalPath());
// "file" does not exists anymore in the location
System.out.println("File still exists in location: "
+ file.exists());
} catch (IOException e) {
System.out.println("Starting monitor service");
