Is there a method to take users from all tenant by email address? - firebase-admin

I want to retrieve users by email address from all tenants. Is there any other way than tenantAuth.getUserByEmail for each tenant?


How to choose the best strategy to configure role-based authorization using AWS Cognito User pools?

I'm building an Angular 11 app with AWS Amplify as the backend which uses Appsync, dynamodb and a managed GraphQL API. I'm using the cognito user pools to authenticate. Authentication works neatly, but I am really confused about how to go about doing role-based authorization. I haven't done this using cognito before but I have a strategy in mind that should theoretically work out. I would like advice on if there is a better way to do this:-
The app will be used by members of organisations that we are partnering with. Every member will be tied to an organisation. So organisations have their own table and so do members. Members of an organisation can only access content related to their organisation. So right after authentication, the client app has to get the id of the organisation the current user belongs to and also the role they play in that organisation to show/hide UI resources and filter data. Which UI resources they can access depends on the role they play in that organisation and of course the data they see there has to be restricted to what is related to their organisation.
This is a controlled beta release of our application, so Cognito user pools uses email and password to login. No other login option is provided for the sake of keeping things simple. User sign up is not possible. Only admins can add new users for now.
How I plan to do this:-
Cognito API is integrated to the client and the admin will add the
new members from the client UI and the client will add them to the
cognito user pool via the Cognito API
While adding the new members, the admin will specify which
organisation they belong to and what role they play in it. But the
organisation and role are not details that are stored within the
user pools. There is a separate dynamodb table called "members"
which stores these information because these can change frequently
and need to be flexible.
Additions made to the Cognito user pool trigger a lambda function
that automatically syncronizes the "members" table in the amplify
backend in a dynamoDB table with the new additions to the user pool.
So when the admin adds a new user from the client UI, they
fill out a form with the email ID, name, organisation and role of
the new user, and the client UI will create that user with the name
and email ID in the user pool via the cognito API. Once that request
returns the user's ID (remember it will also trigger the creation of
a record in the member's table via the lambda funciton), we create a
mutation to the member's table adding the organisation and the role to the user's record in the member table.
Cognito user pool only has the email ID, name and user ID and
nothing else, all other information is stored in the members table,
which also has the ID, and name (for human reference) but not the
Email ID. We will not be holding the same information in
these two tables to avoid redundancy.
Updates to the email ID can be made by individual users via the
client app which will do it in the cognito user pool via the cognito
API. And no updates need to be made to the member table after email
update since the member table doesn't have the email ID. All other
member details can be made to the members table via the client app.
When the user logs in, as soon as the cognito UI authenticates the
user and sends over the email ID and user id, we fetch the member
details from the member table using the user ID and get details such as their name,
organisation they belong to and their role. And using the
information on their role, we can restrict UI resources using flags
in the UI Code. To achieve this, there will be a separate table that
will let the admin user modify access to the UI resources for each
role. So we'll need to fetch the role and the associated UI tags
right after authentication as well.
And as for how data is filtered as per the organisation, I am not
sure yet, but I would like to use an authorizer that will be
specified using a function in the graphql schema itself, that will
get the organisation ID with each request and use that to filter the
data before returning to the client.
Not sure if this process is solid, but this is what I was able to fathom. Please let me know if I am doing this in a sensible way or if there are better ways to achieve what I am doing.

Access entire gsuite domain calendar events

I want to access the entire events existing in a calendar of a gsuite domain. I tried using domain deligation with service account and it allows me to assume a user and get all of its events but i want to fetch the entire events in a gsuite account.
In order to achieve your task, you should create a service account which impersonates the admin of the domain.
Afterwards, you can retrieve the users of the domain by making use of the Admin SDK.
Based on the list you get, you can get the events from the calendar of each user.
Where, calendarId is the email of one of the users from the domain.
Admin SDK users.list;
Calendar API events.list.

How to create a stormpath user without email?

Some users of my application do not have an email. I want them to register under a tenant. I couldn't find a way to make email field as non-mandatory while registration. The basic requirement of a stormpath account is an email and password.
Stormpath currently always requires a user's email AND password to create an account. In the future, we plan to remove this limitation.
For now, the only way to get around this is to fill in a dummy email address. Sorry!

Is the domain for the google classroom account associated to a school or a district?

Is there a way to tell from the profile of a teacher and principal if they are in the same school or different schools?
You can tell it from the teachers` email addresses. If the part after the # is different on each email address, then the teachers are in different schools (assuming both schools use custom email domains).

Best Approach on Social Authentication Providers

Currently I am developing an application with several access methods based on Laravel/Socialite, I want to allow users authenticate with facebook, twitter, google so far or creates it's own account by filling a form with name, email, password.
Questions :
¿What is the best approach once the User data has been obtained from the auth provider?
¿How to handle a common data user storage?, I mean, I am storing only person name, email and avatar, but how about the token provided by the auth process.
¿How to handle when user log in with more of 1 providers with a same email address?
And how to handle when a user set password to his account created trough facebook?
I thank your attention .
