Composer detected issues in your platform. How can I fix this? - composer-php

Composer detected issues in your platform: Your Composer dependencies require a PHP version ">= 7.4.0".


Cannot find bundler gem for a Jekyll blog

I'm trying to setup a new Jekyll site and am running into issues after I create a new site using jekyll new testSite.
I get an error saying:
New jekyll site installed in /Users/myPath.
Dependency Error: Yikes! It looks like you don't have bundler or one of its dependencies installed. In order to use Jekyll as currently configured, you'll need to install this gem. The full error message from Ruby is: 'cannot load such file -- bundler' If you run into trouble, you can find helpful resources at!
jekyll 3.3.1 | Error: bundler
I've installed bundler already using gem install bundler, but it can't seem to find it.
bundler -v gives Bundler version 1.14.2
jekyll -v gives jekyll 3.3.1
Thanks in advance!
given that you have ruby, jekyll and blunder correctly installed. inside testSite folder run:
bundle (or bundle install, cf. bundler doc) will Install the dependencies specified in your Gemfile.
then run your new website, with:
bundle exec jekyll s
The below command worked for me, in ubuntu.
sudo apt install ruby-bundler

Travis reports odd message of corrupted Gemfile.lock

Im using bundler to install stuff and since I have added Gemfile.lock, travis started to complain with:
Your Gemfile.lock is corrupt. The following gem is missing from the DEPENDENCIES
section: 'echoe'
Of course, everything works locally. It also works using DeployBot. I even installed docker ubuntu and tried, still ok. My Gemfile.lock is not corrupt. Same versions of ruby and bundler is used.
What is going on?
This is something related to bundler version. Im using 1.11.0, but got reports that it worked with eg. 1.8.3. ??
We've seen a very similar issue today on Buildkite due to the recent release of a new bundler version
We got the build working by stipulating the version of bundler to install.
gem install -v 1.10.6 bundler --no-rdoc --no-ri
and forcing the use of that
bundle _1.10.6_ install
Firstly, remove the gem lock file:
rm -f Gemfile.lock
Then install the dependencies:
bundle install
You can update the dependencies to ensure that you won't get an error:
bundle update

Missing Gem Dependencies

I am experiencing a problem with my build and missing a gem. However, I've installed the gem multiple times to no avail. I'm using NPM to manage packages as well. Since Jekyll is looking for kramdown, a gem, how can I let my build know it's installed locally?
Apologies on the weird question. I'm new to gems and stuff.
My error:
Warning: Command failed: You are missing a library required for Markdown. Please run:
$ [sudo] gem install kramdown
Conversion error: There was an error converting 'project/'.
Missing dependency: kramdown
Use --force to continue.
'gem install kramdown' installed the gem locally but wasn't included as a dependency for the project. I had to simply edit the Gemfile manually and add: gem 'kramdown' then run bundle install.
If I understand well your question, you should just have to type :
gem install markdown
that will auto-install the dependencies.
It worked fine for me.

How can I install an older version of Jekyll?

I'd like to install Jekyll version 1.5.1 (on a Mac). Is it possible to do this? I found something about being able to downgrade, but I find it hard to believe there is no way just to install an older version.
You can specify the exact version in your Gemfile like this:
gem 'jekyll', '1.5.1'
Or install a specific version from the command line:
gem install jekyll -v 1.5.1
You can mention the version you want to run.
jekyll _2.4_ serve --watch

ruby sass, unable to resolve dependancies

I downloaded two gem files: Sass-3.3.7.gem & compass-0.12.6.gem
I ran gem install --local Sass-3.3.7.gem which it installed.
Followed by the same command for compass, but got the error:
unable to resolve dependencies: compass requires sass (~>3.2.19)
I'm installing them pre-downloaded as I have no connection. Anyone knows what can be the solution?
Compass 0.12.6 apparently depends on sass ~>3.2.19, which means that the version of sass should be bigger than 3.2 and smaller than 3.3, so basically compass needs sass 3.2.x. You have two options.
Also download sass 3.2.19, install both versions of sass, use the latest one yourself and make compass happy.
Just install sass 3.2.19 and use that yourself as well, this obviously only works if you don't need any features introduced in sass 3.3.
Install Sass 3.2.19:
sudo gem install sass -v 3.2.19
I didn't need Sass 3.3.7, and Jekyll keep finding the latest version installed, so I got uninstalled Sass 3.3.7:
sudo gem uninstall sass
Sass doesn't seem to overwrite previous versions, so I still had 3.3.2 installed (if there are multiple versions installed it gives you a choice of what version you'd like to uninstall), so I uninstalled that as well.
You can run gem dependency <gem name> to see list of the gem dependencies and required versions.
