how to upload file to parse server from url endpoint - parse-platform

i'm using Uppy file uploader how to send files from the the endpoint to upload files in parse server
Frontend App.js
.use(XHRUpload, {
endpoint: 'http://localhost:1337/parse',
formData: true,
fieldName: 'files[]',


POST request is working okay on localhost but on server it is showing as a get request

Actually, I'm sending a post request to save the templates. It is working fine if I send the post request on Local. But if i make a build and send a post request it is not allowing me to send post request and instead showing me get request in network.
The static urls below are working fine.
const response = await'https://applicationname/api/template', {
template_json: templateJson,
name: name,
type: refinedJson.type,
ImageBase64: await image
}).catch((error) => {
The one which causes errors:
const response = await'/api/template', {
template_json: templateJson,
name: name,
type: refinedJson.type,
ImageBase64: await image
}).catch((error) => {
APP_URL= http://localhost

react-scripts proxy a http/https server is loading the web in response

i am having a https create-react-app application(, i am proxing a server which is a different domain, when i am loading the application the api is giving the web html data as a response, there is no hit happened in the server,
i have tried using HTTPS=true in .env file, still i am not able to get the server response
module.exports = (app) => {
target: process.env.REACT_APP_API_URL, //
changeOrigin: true,

How to send firebase auth tokens to backend server?

I want to identify currently signed-in user on my nodejs server. To do so securely, after a successful sign-in, I have to send the user's ID token to your server using HTTPS.
As in firebase docs
firebase.auth().currentUser.getIdToken(/* forceRefresh */ true).then(function(idToken) {
// Send token to your backend via HTTPS
// ...
}).catch(function(error) {
// Handle error
If the token is sent to the backend server using AJAX post request then what should be the URL in xhr request var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();'POST', url , true); and how to recieve it on nodejs backend server app.js file.
Or there is any other method to do it?
You can add an authorization header in request and parse the header value in your nodejs app.
xhr.setRequestHeader('Authorization', firebaseTokenId);
In your nodejs application you can do:
function abc(req, res) {
authHeader = req.get('authorization');

AWS Serverless PDF download

I would like to download a PDF file using a nodejs lambda function deployed in AWS. Please let me know the configurations to be provided in serverless settings.yaml file.
I am able to download PDF by making below configuration changes from console.
1) Add Content-Type as application/pdf 2) Map the response model for application/pdf=>Empty 3) Change the content handling in integration response from passthrough (default) to Convert to Binary. I am looking for options where these can be provided in serverless configuration file
I am looking for options where content handling and response model can be set using serverless
Below is the snippet from serverless.yml
- http:
path: /test
method: get
integration: lambda
pattern: '' # Default response method
Content-Type: "'application/pdf'"
In your lambda function, you have to return a json object like that:
statusCode: 200,
headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/pdf' },
body: YOUR_PDF_base64_encoded_string,
isBase64Encoded: true, // important
then, you can use serverless-apigw-binary plugin to config APIGateway Binary Support or you can do it by manualy: Change APIGateway setting
use application/pdf instead of my image mime types.

upload directly to aws s3 using fineuploader

I am using below code to upload files to S3 with JS. Don't know what's going on wrong here. Any help will be highly appreciated..
request: {
endpoint: "",
inputName: 'name',
forceMultipart: false,
paramsInBody : true,
filenameParam : 'test',
params: {},
signature: {
//always included
"expiration": "2014-02-04T14:32:31.373Z",
signature : "Bv7MiXh5LM4nQGcK0HVgu27DmQE=",
policy: "eyAiZXhwaXJhdGlvbiI6ICIyMDE0LTAyLTA0VDE0OjMyOjMxLjM3M1oiLCJjb25kaXRpb25zIjogWyB7ImJ1Y2tldCI6ICJwaG90b2Zvcm0iIH0gLHsgImFjbCI6ICJwdWJsaWMtcmVhZCIgfSx7IkNvbnRlbnQtVHlwZSI6ImpwZyJ9LHsic3VjY2Vzc19hY3Rpb25fcmVkaXJlY3QiOiJodHRwczovL2NzMzAuc2FsZXNmb3JjZS5jb20vYXBleC9MaXN0U2xpZGVyVXBsb2FkUGljc1N1Y2Nlc3MifSxbInN0YXJ0cy13aXRoIiwgIiRrZXkiLCAiIl0gXX0=",
//always included
{"acl": "public-read"},
//always included
{"bucket": "photoform"},
//not included in IE9 and older or Android 2.3.x and older
{"Content-Type": "jpg"},
//always included
//always included
{"x-amz-meta-qqfilename": "test.jpg"},
cors: {
expected: true, //all requests are expected to be cross-domain requests
sendCredentials: false, //if you want cookies to be sent along with the request
allowXdr: true
Please read through the documentation on the docs site that explains how to use Fine Uploader S3. The signature option is not where you create your policy document. Instead of hard-coding the policy document and signature in the signature option, you must specify an endpoint where Fine Uploader will send the policy document it creates. Your server is expected to sign it and return the signature.
Useful links:
Creating a server for Fine Uploader s3
Fine Uploader S3 signature option
