Not able to create Database project in Visual Studio 2019 - visual-studio

I have worked 2 months ago on the database project using Visual Studio. All went fine. Now I am back to it again but this time I am unable to create a connection. I am kind of loop where I get a popup window to enter the database connection information when I am importing a database and once I enter the connection information I am back to same screen requiring the same information.
I checked the database version and I found that it was recently updated to "Microsoft SQL Azure (RTM) - 12.0.2000.8 Apr 18 2022". So seem like that is the issue of compatibility. I updated my Visual Studio to version 16.. and tried again. but I still find the issue. Just to check other options I got the VS22 and it did work fine however, I am not allowed to use VS22 and I suppose VS2019 should work somehow.
So anyone can guide me to revolve that issue.


I can resolve "Unable to connect to web server 'IIS Express'", but it returns just days later. Why is that?

I am constantly getting the following error when attempting to debug my .NET Core 3.0 project in Visual Studio 2019:
Unable to connect to web server 'IIS Express'
I am able to resolve this issue after going through the following list:
Delete applicationhost.config
Delete the entire /Documents/IISExpress folder
Reinstall VIsual Studio
Reinstall IIS
After some combination of these (that seems to vary from day to day), the project builds and all is well. But a few days later (in some cases the very next day), the issue is back, and I have to repeat these steps all over again. You can imagine how frustrating this becomes.
Does anyone know why this issue continues to happen? Is it something I'm unknowingly causing?

Errors while running Microsoft Visual Studio 2015 Community Edition

I have recently installed Microsoft Visual Studio 2015 Community Edition on my laptop.
Since the time of installation I have been facing a few issues.
I was not able to even access the New Project option itself.
Some of the times I will be able to access it however, sometimes it does not even allow me to access a single file of my solution in the startup itself it gives me an error.
I have attached a set of five screenshots in this query. There is some blank space after users path, I removed an extra folder name(username) from the path so dont get confused with that.
The detail of all the screenshots are as follows:
1) This is the image I get when I launch the Visual Studio on my laptop.
2) Once I click 'NO' option on the first dialog box I get a new one stating an error with the source code.
3) Once that is done, I move onto Solution Explorer to access the solution and I get this log.
4) When I try to access the tools tab to check for options I get this error message.
5) I had even tried to create a new project and the following error provided in this screenshot would appear.
I am not able to understand where I could have gone wrong or what happened that has corrupted the application to this extent. Is it an installation issue or are there some bugs in this version of Visual Studio, if there are any I would be more than happy to move to previous versions as I was a lot happier with them than this one.
If someone would help on this concern I would be really thankful.
First, I went ahead and uninstalled the current version of Microsoft Visual Studio 2015 from my system. Then, I searched and removed the data from the temporary files related to MS VS 2015 from the following paths:
Once this had been done, I went ahead and installed Visual Studio 2015. After installation, I installed the additional support directories for Visual C++. You can do the same for the platform you wish to work on.
Then I installed updates from the following link:
Once I started the solution it worked perfectly fine after that with no errors.

Visual Studio error on new project creation

I have Web developer Express Studio 2008 installed on my system.
Until recent windows update it worked fine, but about 2 weeks ago it start giving me an error every time I attempt to create any new project. Screen shot of an error below:
Express 2008 error
I did try to do windows restore to point before update and it did not worked.
As a next step I installed Visual Studio 2010(same result) and VS 2015 same result but a bit more descriptive error. Screen show below.
VS 2015 error
But there is no clear information on Microsoft MSDN forums about this error or how to fix it.
I did try to do reset(devenv.exe\resetsettings) but so far no luck.
Any idea what is going on and how to fix this?
Right now I can not create ANY new project and some of older projects are not opening as well. There is no system of or any kind of similarity between projects which opens or not.
This is a fairly vague error as the dll in question isn't listed here and 0x8007045a is just the error code for this dll initialization error. As a next step in troubleshooting to find the issue (outside of a windows repair) I'd go ahead and run Process Monitor and watch the file system activity for Visual Studio (once you see devenv.exe show up, right click on it and include just that process.
There's a blog post with some troubleshooting steps here but really though, you need to find which library is the culprit to track down what you'll need to reinstall (likely from a system or shared library side).

Visual Studio 2012 shell keeps breaking- SSIS in particular

I have Visual Studio 2012 shell installed just for SQL Server Data tools so I can do SSIS and SSAS projects. I used it for several days and one afternoon, it just wouldn't work- got a popup saying "Microsoft Visual Studio 2012 has stopped working" and it had these long error messages in any windows relating to SSIS, like the SSIS toolbox and Variables window. I ran it in safe mode and no longer got the popup message, but still saw the SSIS errors and SSIS projects would not load (in Solution Explorer they were empty and say "incompatible"). I tried uninstalling and reinstalling VS and installed CU5 and CU15 (cumulative updates) for SQL Server and even started uninstalling SQL Server (that got complicated, it never seemed to really remove everything), but ran out of luck and reformatted my computer. After doing that, I installed SQL Server (Developer edition) and VS and things worked great for a couple days until I installed Windows Updates last night. This morning, Visual Studio was back showing the errors again. This is so frustrating!! I tried uninstalling all updates that I saw that ran the last couple days.
Errors that appear in SSIS Toolbox (or Variables window, etc):
An exception was encountered while constructing the content of this frame. This information is also logged in "C\Users\\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\VisualStudio\11.0\ActivityLog.xml". Exception details: System.Windows.Markup.XamlParseException: Provide value on 'System.Windows.Markup.StaticExtension' threw an exception.--->
System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException:Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation.--->
System.TypeLoadException: Could not load type 'Microsoft.SQLServer.Dts.Design, Version=,Culture=neutral,PublicKeyToken=89845dcd8080cc91'. at Microsoft.SqlServer.IntegrationServices.Designer.Common.ImageSourceHelper.GetImageSourceFromResource(Assembly assembly, String resourceName, Size size) at
Microsoft.SqlServer.IntegrationServices.Designer.Common.ImageSourceHelper.GetImageSourceFromResource(Assembly assembly, String resourceName, Boolean isLarge)
I am unable to see the rest of the error right now, but I also saw this error frequently before I reformatted my computer: "The type initializer for 'Microsoft.DataTransformationServices.Design.SharedIcons' threw an exception. I think I saw this after I ran VS in Safe Mode, and then started it again, although I haven't seen it this time around.
I ended up resolving this by opening up SQL Server Installation Center. I went to Maintenance and then Repair, and once that finished, VS started working again. I also want to point out that while Repair was running, I got a couple error popups and messages asking me to insert a CD or media file that I did not have. I just hit Cancel or whatever was needed to move on, so don't be deterred by that.

Debugging in SSMS exits without stepping in to code

I've recently put Windows 7 on my development PC, and I have Visual Studio 2008 Team System Development Edition, and SQL Server Management Studio 2008, and for some reason I can't seem to step in to any SQL code for debugging in SSMS.
Before I formatted in favour of Windows 7, I was able to debug on the same two SQL servers I'm trying now with the same software, so I'm guessing it's something to do with client configurations. Regardless, I tried all the steps I could find to enable SQL remote debugging but nothing has worked.
When I attempt to debug or step into the active query window, the debugger simply runs the code without stopping at the start or any breakpoints.
If I try use Visual Studio (running as Administrator) I get the following error:
T-SQL execution ended without
debugging. You may not have sufficient
permissions to debug.
Anyone got a clue what to do here?
I'm still having this problem. I re-installed the latest SQL Server Management Studio from MSDN's latest SQL Server 2008 download available, and patched it with SP1, but this same problem still happens. Other people in my office are able to debug code with the same version client, and same permissions (set using group permissions) so I'm at a loss as to what is causing this.
Solved! The issue was simply a domain authentication issue. See my answer for a larger explanation.
Have you made sure that in Server Explorer (In Visual Studio), if you right click on your connection that you have "Allow SQL/CLR Debugging" and "Application Debugging" checked?
Today, I finally solved this.
I was writing an ASP.NET application that included the line:
And this was throwing the following exception:
The trust relationship between this
workstation and the primary domain
I wasted a little time applying the KB976494 hotfix, which I soon discovered didn't work. During my developer rage I looked in my local "Administrators" account and noticed it listed almost all members by their S-ID, so figured there may have been a domain problem.
Then it came to me... I remembered I joined the domain with my personal (non-administrator) account, instead of using the domain administrator account.
These were the ultimate steps to fix this issue:
Leave your domain (and join an arbitrary workgroup, such as "WORK")
Join your domain with your "DOMAIN\Administrator" account
User.IsInRole() now worked, so out of curiosity I checked this problem, and it was also fixed.
This is a great Friday so far!
