Equal/minus sign without a colon in a parameter expasion in bash - bash

I found a snippet like this in a Bash script recently:
$ echo ${A=3}
Now, I know that ${A:=3} would set the variable A if A is "falsy", or ${A:-3} would return 3 if A is "falsy." I have never seen these similar expressions without the colon though, and I cannot find the explanation for these colon-less expressions in the Bash's documentation.
What is going on here?

Actually, the documentation does explain what is going on here, even if burying the lede a bit:
When not performing substring expansion, using the form described below (e.g., ‘:-’), Bash tests for a parameter that is unset or null. Omitting the colon results in a test only for a parameter that is unset. Put another way, if the colon is included, the operator tests for both parameters’ existence and that its value is not null; if the colon is omitted, the operator tests only for existence.
In practice, this means that they behave the same way if the variables are unset:
$ echo ${A=no-colon}
$ echo ${B:=with-colon}
$ echo $A
$ echo $B
However, if the variables are set to the empty string, then the behavior is different. The expression with a colon will set the variable and return the value, and the one without will leave the variable as is (i.e., set to the empty string) and return its empty value:
$ A='' ; B=''
$ echo ${A=no-colon}
$ echo ${B:=with-colon}
$ echo $A
$ echo $B
As stated in the documentation, the same behavior applies to the other "operators" (-, ?, +).
Posting it in the spirit of Can I answer my own question? and because it took a surprisingly long time for me to learn it, even after finding it in code. Maybe making it a bit more explicit, with some examples, can help somebody else out there :)


Extracting git commit information in GitHub action workflow- use of '$' symbol [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Backticks vs braces in Bash
(3 answers)
Brackets ${}, $(), $[] difference and usage in bash
(1 answer)
Closed 4 years ago.
I have two questions and could use some help understanding them.
What is the difference between ${} and $()? I understand that ()
means running command in separate shell and placing $ means passing
the value to variable. Can someone help me in understanding
this? Please correct me if I am wrong.
If we can use for ((i=0;i<10;i++)); do echo $i; done and it works fine then why can't I use it as while ((i=0;i<10;i++)); do echo $i; done? What is the difference in execution cycle for both?
The syntax is token-level, so the meaning of the dollar sign depends on the token it's in. The expression $(command) is a modern synonym for `command` which stands for command substitution; it means run command and put its output here. So
echo "Today is $(date). A fine day."
will run the date command and include its output in the argument to echo. The parentheses are unrelated to the syntax for running a command in a subshell, although they have something in common (the command substitution also runs in a separate subshell).
By contrast, ${variable} is just a disambiguation mechanism, so you can say ${var}text when you mean the contents of the variable var, followed by text (as opposed to $vartext which means the contents of the variable vartext).
The while loop expects a single argument which should evaluate to true or false (or actually multiple, where the last one's truth value is examined -- thanks Jonathan Leffler for pointing this out); when it's false, the loop is no longer executed. The for loop iterates over a list of items and binds each to a loop variable in turn; the syntax you refer to is one (rather generalized) way to express a loop over a range of arithmetic values.
A for loop like that can be rephrased as a while loop. The expression
for ((init; check; step)); do
is equivalent to
while check; do
It makes sense to keep all the loop control in one place for legibility; but as you can see when it's expressed like this, the for loop does quite a bit more than the while loop.
Of course, this syntax is Bash-specific; classic Bourne shell only has
for variable in token1 token2 ...; do
(Somewhat more elegantly, you could avoid the echo in the first example as long as you are sure that your argument string doesn't contain any % format codes:
date +'Today is %c. A fine day.'
Avoiding a process where you can is an important consideration, even though it doesn't make a lot of difference in this isolated example.)
$() means: "first evaluate this, and then evaluate the rest of the line".
Ex :
echo $(pwd)/myFile.txt
will be interpreted as
echo /my/path/myFile.txt
On the other hand ${} expands a variable.
echo ${MY_VAR}/myFile.txt
will be interpreted as
echo toto/myFile.txt
Why can't I use it as bash$ while ((i=0;i<10;i++)); do echo $i; done
I'm afraid the answer is just that the bash syntax for while just isn't the same as the syntax for for.
your understanding is right. For detailed info on {} see bash ref - parameter expansion
'for' and 'while' have different syntax and offer different styles of programmer control for an iteration. Most non-asm languages offer a similar syntax.
With while, you would probably write i=0; while [ $i -lt 10 ]; do echo $i; i=$(( i + 1 )); done in essence manage everything about the iteration yourself

How to make a string, not a value of a variable but a new variable? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Dynamic variable names in Bash
(19 answers)
Closed last year.
I have these variables:
I have:
$ echo $result
I would like to have:
$ echo $result
Is it possible and how?
More info:
Var1 and var2 are arguments given to script.
Thanks to #Léa Gris.
I didn't know about "indirect parameter expansion".
"If the first character of PARAMETER is an exclamation point, Bash uses the value of the variable formed from the rest of PARAMETER as the name of the variable."
Solution :
result2=$(echo ${!result1})
You can use eval to achieve this. Be warned though, that using eval is almost always a bad idea, as it has glaring security issues (rooted in its design -- it is meant to execute everything passed to it) and even apart from that, all kinds of things might go wrong when a variable has an unexpected value.
eval ${var1}'_text_'${var2}=bingo
echo $ab_text_cd
Also, environment variables cannot have dashes (-) as part of the variable name, so I replaced them by underscores (_) for the example.

Loading a while true loop into a variable

I'm having a bit of trouble getting this to work/ knowing if its possible. I'm creating a game using little other than bash, this requires a lot of repeated case statements. I am trying to load all the repeated case statements into a variable, then repeat them when necessary to limit the amount of work it will take to update the shared case statements between different scripts.
Here is what I have:
moo="[m][o][o]) echo 'thank you for following instructions' ;;"
test=$(echo "while true ; do
read -p 'type moo: ' case
case $case in
*) echo 'type moo please'
The problem I run into is:
./case.sh: line 13: $'while true ; do\nread -p \'type moo: \' case\ncase in\n[m][o][o]) echo \'thank you for following instructions\' ;;\n*) echo \'type moo please\' ;;\nesac\ndone': command not found
The information in the moo variable will eventually be in a separate script and will be set by invoking it as a function within that script when I finally get a working model.
It looks like this is a workable idea, I've just reached a loss on how to invoke the variable without it acting up. If anyone has any ideas, I would greatly appreciate it.
Thank you in advance!
It doesn't work because the quotes make the variable expansion be treated as a single word.
But it wouldn't work without quotes, either, because the shell doesn't parse the output of variables for syntax like semicolon and newline. Variable expansion is done after that stage of command parsing. The only processing that's done on expanded variables is word-splitting and wildcard matching.
You need to use eval to perform all command parsing:
eval "$test"
Another problem is that the variable $case is being expanded when you assign the variable test, it's not getting the value being read by read. Since the variable doesn't have a value yet, it's being executed as:
case in ...
and this is invalid syntax. You need to escape the $ so it will be passed through literally.
There's also no need for echo, you can simply assign the string directly.
test="while true ; do
read -p 'type moo: ' case
case \$case in
*) echo 'type moo please'

Bash assignment value to variable as command substitution and print value output

I would like to achieve this in Bash: echo $(a=1)and print the value of variable a
I test eval, $$a,{}, $() but none of them work as most of the times either I got literally a=1 or in one case (I don't remember which) it tried to execute the value.
I known that I can do: a=1;echo $a but because I'm little fun one command per line (even if sometimes is getting little complicated) I was wondering if is possible to do this either with echo or with printf
If you know that $a is previously unset, you can do this using the following syntax:
echo ${a:=1}
This, and other types of parameter expansion, are defined in the POSIX shell command language specification.
If you want to assign a numeric value, another option, which doesn't depend on the value previously being unset, would be to use an arithmetic expansion:
echo $(( a = 1 ))
This assigns the value and echoes the number that has been assigned.
It's worth mentioning that what you're trying to do cannot be done in a subshell by design because a child process cannot modify the environment of its parent.

eval not working in shellscript

I am trying to get the value of a variable to be selected by name at runtime, using eval, but I don't get its value if - (hyphen) is in the name.
echo USERNAME=east-1
echo PASSWORD=east-1
echo USERNAME=DB_USER_dev_us-east-1
echo PASSWORD=DB_USER_dev_us-east-1
It's working fine if there is no hyphen present in the name.
We can see what's happening by running this in shell with -x option to trace execution:
$ sh -x ./36332134.sh
+ ENV=dev
+ REGION=us-east-1
+ DBUSERNAME=DB_USER_dev_us-east-1
+ DBPASSWORD=DB_PASS_dev_us-east-1
+ eval USERNAME=${DB_USER_dev_us-east-1}
+ USERNAME=east-1
+ eval PASSWORD=${DB_PASS_dev_us-east-1}
+ PASSWORD=east-1
+ echo USERNAME=east-1
+ echo PASSWORD=east-1
Notice that eval USERNAME=${DB_USER_dev_us-east-1} gives us USERNAME=east-1. That's parameter expansion in effect, as described in the Bash manual:
When not performing substring expansion, using the forms documented below (e.g., :-), bash tests for a parameter that is unset
or null. Omitting the colon results in a test only for a parameter
that is unset.
Use Default Values. If parameter is unset or null, the expansion of word is substituted. Otherwise, the value of parameter
is substituted.
Since $DB_USER_dev_us is unset, then the expansion of ${DB_USER_dev_us-east-1} is east-1.
Shell doesn't allow - in variable names (including environment variables). I guess DB_USER_dev_us-east-1 was set by some non-shell program? In which case, you'll need a similar non-shell program to retrieve it, I think. I tested quoting the -, but to no avail.
If you can use Bash as your shell, you might want to use an associative array instead of composing variable names.
If you are able to change the environment variables, you might consider changing the - to (say) _, then using (Bash) ${REGION//-/_} or (otherwise) tr to transform the name:
REGION="${REGION//-/_}" # Bash
REGION="$(echo "$REGION"|tr - _)" # POSIX
You are evaluating/expanding a few too many times.
Toby's answer is exactly correct (and shows the proper debugging technique for this sort of issue) but the solution to the problem is to unwrap one level of expansion.
You wrote
which becomes
eval "USERNAME=\${DB_USER_dev_us-east-1}"
which then gets run through eval as
which becomes
but you wanted to stop after the first expansion. That is
eval "USERNAME=\${DB_USER_dev_us-east-1}"
has already performed the expansion you wanted and gotten you the result you needed. So you don't want the \${...} bit or eval. Just
which you get from
Unless I've missed something or your example isn't accurate.
As they have explained the problem, here is what you can do
$> more a.sh
$> ./a.sh
