How to serialize Fields response to object type from Elasticsearch.Net client GET doc request - elasticsearch

When I use the Elasticsearch.Net client to do a Get document request, I am setting _source to false and specifying the stored fields I want to return. I do not want the _source because there are large contents and even if I exclude them, the server still loads the source into memory to parse it which is very slow and I do not want.
When I do have source included, I can just specify the object type and it is automatically de-serialized from the _source. How can I do this with the Fields property? It is of type FieldValues : IsADictionaryBase<string, LazyDocument>
var response = await client.GetAsync<MyObject>(docId,
s => s.Index(myIndex)
.StoredFields(new string[] {
"MyLongValue" }
The only way I have found to do this is to iterate over all the properties in the object manually.
MyObject mine = new MyObject()
MyStringArray1 = response.Fields["MyStringArray1"].As<string[]>(),
MyStringArray2 = response.Fields["MyStringArray2"].As<string[]>(),
MyLongValue = response.Fields.Value<long>("MyLongValue")
Is there an easier way to deserialize to MyObject type?


Unable to access object property except by stringify/parse before the data in Graphql/resolver context

Unable to access my resolver returned object, however, I can see its content, but accessing properties returns an undefined. Only solution I found is using Stringify/Parse on my value.
Using JSON Stringify then PARSE on my Object turns it to be readable, but this is a lame solution :)
const MonkeyResolver = {
Monkey: {
address: (data, args, context) => {
console.log({data}); // Returns the actual entire object (monkey>address)
console.log(data.address); // --> Returns undefined
const newData = JSON.stringify(data);
const parsedData = JSON.parse(newData);
console.log(data.address); // --> Returns the address
My expected object is such as :
What did I misunderstand?
Solved : if the reference database model schema manager does not include the properties, graphql prevent using the properties. I had to check out my defined schemas and solved by adding the needed object properties.

Elastic NEST De-serializing the wrong field

Using ElasticSearch.Net v6.0.2
Given the Indexed item
"PurchaseFrequency": 76,
"purchaseFrequency": 80
and the POCO Object
public class Product
public int PurchaseFrequency { get; set; }
and the setting
this.DefaultFieldNameInferrer(x => x);
Nest is returning a PurchaseFrequency = 80 even though this is the wrong field.
How can I get NEST to pull the correct cased field from ElasticSearch?
I don't think that this is going to be easily possible because this behaviour is defined in Json.NET, which NEST uses internally (not a direct dependency in 6.x, it's IL-merged into the assembly).
For example,
JsonConvert.DeserializeAnonymousType("{\"a\":1, \"A\":2}", new { a = 0 })
deserializes the anonymous type property a value to 2. But
JsonConvert.DeserializeAnonymousType("{\"A\":2, \"a\":1}", new { a = 0 })
deserializes the anonymous type property a value to 1 i.e. the order of properties as they appear in the returned JSON has a bearing on the final value assigned to a property on an instance of a type.
If you can, avoid JSON property names that differ only in case. If you can't, then you'd need to hook up the JsonNetSerializer in the NEST.JsonSerializer nuget package and write a custom JsonConverter for your type which only honours the exact casing expected.

"Clone" index mappings

I have an index which I will be reindexing. At the moment I want to create a new index, which should contain the exact same mappings that can be found in the original index.
I've got this:
var srcMappings = client.GetMapping(new GetMappingRequest((Indices)sourceIndexName)).Mappings;
And I try to create an index:
var response = client.CreateIndex(destinationIndex, c => c
.Settings( settings ...)
.Mappings(... what here? ...)
What exactly should I pass to the .Mappings(...) above so that the mappings from the source index are replicated into the target index? I don't want to explicitly 'know' about the types.
I am trying to use Nest.
Alternatively, is there a Reindex API which would take the destination index name and create the index for me, together with the mappings of the source?
You can get the mappings from one index and use them to create the mappings in another index with
var client = new ElasticClient();
var getIndexResponse = client.GetIndex("assignments");
var createIndexResponse = client.CreateIndex("assignments2", c => c
.Mappings(m => Promise.Create(getIndexResponse.Indices["assignments"].Mappings))
You'll need an IPromise<T> implementation to do so
public class Promise
public static IPromise<TValue> Create<TValue>(TValue value) where TValue : class =>
new Promise<TValue>(value);
public class Promise<T> : IPromise<T> where T : class
public T Value { get; }
public Promise(T value) => Value = value;
The Promise is needed in some places in NEST's fluent API implementation where values are additive and a final value needs to be returned at a later point.
You can also do the same using the object initializer syntax and no Promise<T>
var createIndexResponse = client.CreateIndex(new CreateIndexRequest("assignments2")
Mappings = getIndexResponse.Indices["assignments"].Mappings
Alternatively, is there a Reindex API which would take the destination index name and create the index for me, together with the mappings of the source?
There are two Reindex APIs within NEST; an Observable implementation that has been around since NEST 1.x, and the Reindex API as available within Elasticsearch since 2.3 (known as ReindexOnServer in NEST). The former Observable implementation can create the destination index for you, although it will copy all settings, mappings and aliases. The latter Reindex API does not create the destination index as part of the operation, so it needs to be set up before starting the reindex process.

elasticsearch NEST : get TopHits result directly without using bucket.TopHits()

With nest I am doing a Terms aggregation .
I am also doing an inner TopHits aggregation .
My result give me all results infos in the response object except TopHits values which i can read thanks to TopHits() method.
I would like to have tophits values directly in result without using NEST TopHits() methode for reading into aggs. I would like to have all datas in info as we have in elastic search classic requests.
This is what i am actually doing :
My aggregation request:
var response = Client.Search<myclass>(s => s
.Aggregations(a => a
.Terms("code_bucket", t => t
.Aggregations(a2 => a2
.TopHits("code_bucket_top_hits", th => th.Size(20))
I receive a result object in wich i can access all infos except TopHits.
if we examine results we can see TopHits values are stored in private field "_hits":
If I stringify result object , i can see the total number of TopHits, but I can't see the field _hits so i can see the documents:
JavaScriptSerializer js = new JavaScriptSerializer();
string json = js.Serialize(response);
json does not contains topHits result:
I can access to values but i need to use nest method TopHits():
var firstBucket= response.Aggs.Terms("code_bucket");
foreach (var bucket in firstBucket.Buckets)
var hits = bucket.TopHits("code_bucket_top_hits");
foreach (var hit in hits.Documents<myclass>())
var prop1= hit.prop1;
var prop2= hit.prop2;
But it would be really usefule if i could have all infos in one , like we have when we do elasticsearch request without nest
Do you know if there is a way?
NEST is a higher level abstraction over Elasticsearch that models each request and response with strong types, providing fluent and object initializer syntaxes to build requests, and methods to access portions of the response, without having to handle JSON serialization yourself.
Sometimes however, you might want to manage this yourself, which is what it sounds like you'd like to do. In these cases, Elasticsearch.Net can be used, which is a low level client for Elasticsearch and is unopinionated in how you model your requests and responses.
You can use the client in Elasticsearch.Net instead of NEST, however, the good news is NEST uses Elasticsearch.Net under the covers and also exposes the low level client through the .LowLevel property on IElasticClient. Why would you want to use the lowlevel client on NEST as opposed to just using Elasticsearch.Net directly? A major reason to do so is that you can take advantage of strong types for requests and responses when you need to and leverage NEST's usage of Json.NET for serialization, but bypass this and make calls with the low level client when you want/need to.
Here's an example
var client = new ElasticClient();
var searchRequest = new SearchRequest<Question>
Size = 0,
Aggregations = new TermsAggregation("top_tags")
Field = "tags",
Size = 30,
Order = new[] { TermsOrder.CountAscending },
Aggregations = new TopHitsAggregation("top_tag_hits")
Size = 20
var searchResponse = client.LowLevel.Search<JObject>("posts", "question", searchRequest);
// this will be of type JObject. Do something with it
Here, I can use NEST's object initializer syntax to construct a request, but use the low level client to deserialize the response to a Json.NET JObject. You can deserialize to a T of your choosing by changing it in client.LowLevel.Search<T>(). You could for example use
var searchResponse = client.LowLevel.Search<string>("posts", "question", searchRequest);
to return a string, or
var searchResponse = client.LowLevel.Search<Stream>("posts", "question", searchRequest);
to return a stream, etc.

GSON - Exclude Object based on Value of Field

I have some JSON, which contains a key named "type". This key can have the value include or exclude. I want to configure Gson to not deserialize the Json, and create an object when the key value is exclude.
I realize I can write a custom deserializer, check for the appropriate, and create the object or not. However, I was not sure if there was another way using some type of exclusion strategy.
The example I outlined is over-simplified. My real JSON contains many more fields.
// Deserialize me
"type" : "include"
// Skip over me, and do not deserialize
"type" : "exclude"
I don't think the ExclusionStrategy can help here. It works with classes rather than instances and at the time instances get processed there's just a result of its evaluation present (in case you want to have a look at the code, see ReflectiveTypeAdapterFactory.BoundField).
This might help you...
Gson gson = new Gson();
JsonObject jsonObj = gson.fromJson (jsonStr, JsonElement.class).getAsJsonObject();
// Just read the required field
if(jsonObj.get("type").getAsString().equals("include")) {
// Continue parsing/deserializing other details
} else {
// Skip
You can refer this for Gson API documentation
