JSON or curl API for Back4App (equivalent to b4aCli?) - parse-platform

It's nice that you can create a new Back4App application programmatically with the CLI
$ b4a new
But I can't run this from a serverless environment in which I don't have a shell.
It would be nice if I could Curl or hit a JSON endpoint to create a new Back4App app for other people programmatically (using their Back4App credentials).
Is there any API for this? Or do I have to reverse engineer one from the Go source code?


How can I wrap an existing REST API into graphQL API using AWS appsync?

I am trying to convert my REST API into graphql using AWS app sync, the problem is I am unable to fine the right method or documentation on how to do it.
I have successfully created a schema, I am trying to give a resolver for it, but I am not sure what is the right way to do it.
The problem was the creation of a pipeline, I changed actions > update runtime > Unit Resolver (VTL only). and then selecting the HTTP request as a data source was open for me to use. the document does not seem to have this information, anyways if you play with it for some time, you can get it (quite frustrating, ngl).

Retrieve Heroku logs programmatically

I want to be able to access the Heroku-provided logs for my Node.js app online. Is there a way to add this into my app, or to use some REST API with AJAX for this? If so, how?
You can use the Heroku Platform API to start a log session: https://devcenter.heroku.com/articles/platform-api-reference#log-session
There's a Node.js wrapper for the Heroku API here: https://github.com/heroku/node-heroku-client

Is it possible to create a Bash script to add songs to a Spotify playlist w/o creating a local server?

So I'm struggling to decode Spotify's Web Authentication set up. What I'm looking to do is create a bash script to add the currently playing song to a predetermined playlist. The aim is to have it so I can push a keyboard shortcut and save it.
So far I have Keyboard Maestro accepting a Hot Key and running some Applescript to pull the TrackID from Spotify. Is it possible to have a Bash script (which Keyboard Maestro can run) do a POST request.
I can run unauthenticated API searches but it's authentication where I'm hitting issues.
I found this in Spotify's API
POST https://api.spotify.com/v1/users/{user_id}/playlists/{playlist_id}/tracks
curl -i -X POST "https://api.spotify.com/v1/users/wizzler/playlists/7oi0w0SLbJ4YyjrOxhZbUv/tracks?uris=spotify%3Atrack%3A4iV5W9uYEdYUVa79Axb7Rh,spotify%3Atrack%3A1301WleyT98MSxVHPZCA6M" -H "Authorization: Bearer {your access token}" -H "Accept: application/json"
HTTP/1.1 201 Created
{ "snapshot_id" : "JbtmHBDBAYu3/bt8BOXKjzKx3i0b6LCa/wVjyl6qQ2Yf6nFXkbmzuEa+ZI/U1yF+" }
I know that the linux Spotify Client has dbus functionality - and it is entirely possible to manage playlist(s) with DBUS and the Spotify Client.
I have linked a Spotify Forum page, that is by no means an absolute authority on the matter, but it does make it very clear the API is DBUS compatible and that Playlists are one of the many things you can manipulate.
I've attached both the WebAPI and the LibSpotify API links below as well.. As choice is king!!
Add DBus methods for Spotify playlist control
Web API User Guide
Libspotify SDK

Parse and Uber API Webhooks

I’m building an iOS app that utilizes Uber’s API and Parse. After a user requests a ride in my app and the ride status changes, I’d like to update the in app screen and send a push notification. Uber’s docs say to use web hooks for this. I’m trying to figure out how I would do this if I’m using Parse. As far as I know, a Parse backend doesn’t have the ability to receive POST data from the Uber web hooks. I was thinking of making a small express server that would receive the web hooks POST data, clean it up, and send it to Parse’s API which would in turn send it to the client as a push notification. Is there a better way to do this?
I think you're on the right track. It looks like there are some projects in the Parse OpenSource Hub you could re-use for your purpose.
The alternative is to simply do a GET /v1/requests/current every few seconds within your app.

Is there a way to connect to the Google Adsense APIs with just an API Key?

I'm trying to build an application that will grab adsense reports data for my own account, is there a way to authorize this without firing up a browser for OAuth? Since this will be a command line client that will run on a server somewhere to build a time correlated report. Trying to do this in Ruby but preferably I should even be able to do this with curl
