Methods for a gradle file accesses another gradle file - gradle

I have two gradle files:
first file:
def sendMessage(String appName,String versionCode){
second file:
afterEvaluate {
android.applicationVariants.each { variant ->
String variantName =
def task = tasks.create("apkUploadPGY${variantName}")
task.doLast {
//in this how can i use sendMessage function
I want to use the method defined in the first file in the second file. How do I do this?

You can do it in the following way:
apply from: 'first.gradle'
task whatever {
doLast {
sendMessage("lol", "v1")
ext.sendMessage = { String appName, String versionCode ->
You also need to change sendMessage declaration. It should be defined as a groovy closure and stored within ext - this is how "methods" are used in gradle.


Gradle 7 (Groovy 3) - method in a closure executed/called immediately

I am updating Gradle from 5.6.3 to 7.5.1. I have a gradle custom plugin that accepts a closure. And in my main application's builg.gradle I am calling that custom plugin's task and assigning value to that closure.
main project -
task(type: MyCustomTask, 'custom') {
myClosure = {
filesMatching('**/my.yaml') {
filter { it.replace('${test}', 'TEST') }
custom plugin -
Closure myClosure = { }
private void copyFiles() {
println "--------------------------Copying"
project.copy {
from "${project.projectDir}/src/main/resources"
into "${buildDir}"
final cl = myClosure.clone()
cl.delegate = delegate
def custom() {
This is working fine with gradle 5 (groovy 2.5), but with gradle 7 (groovy 3) I am getting
Execution failed for task 'custom'.
Error while evaluating property 'myClosure' of task 'custom'
Could not find method filesMatching() for arguments [**/my.yaml, build_46x3acd2klzyjg008csx3dlg4$_run_closure1$_closure2$_closure5$_closure6#15088f00] on task 'custom' of type com.custom.gradle.plugin.tasks.TestTask.
Any suggestion here to fix the issue? Thank you!

refer to Gradle task which is defined later in build

Our build has some generic logic to create tasks from configuration data. There are also several Gradle files on whose execution order I do not want to depend.
Now I need to add a task dependency to a task without knowing if that task will be defined before my part of the build script runs (at configuration time) or after my part.
[Edit: as #canillas writes I can say myTask.dependsOn "otherTask" and "lazily" depend on yet undefined "otherTask", but I need it the other way around.]
Since I can't write tasks["otherTask"].dependsOn myNewTask before "otherTask" is defined, I made the following helper function:
void safelyDoWithTask(String taskName, Closure func) {
def task = tasks.findByName(taskName)
if (task != null) {
} else {
project.tasks.whenTaskAdded { task_ ->
if (taskName.equals(task_.getName())) {
safelyDoWithTask('otherTask', { it.dependsOn myNewTask })
Now I wonder if there is more canonical way to achieve this?
Consider the following:
// section 1
def dynamicDependencies = [:]
dynamicDependencies['otherTask'] = 'myNewTask'
// section 2
afterEvaluate { project ->
// taskA dependsOn taskB
dynamicDependencies.each { taskA, taskB ->
def task = project.tasks.findByName(taskA)
if (task) { task.dependsOn "${taskB}" }
// section 3
task myNewTask() {
doLast {
println 'myNewTask !'
task otherTask() {
doLast {
println 'otherTask !'
The gist is:
section 1 defines our dependency info in a custom map
section 2 uses the afterEvaluate hook to process the map
because the above is decoupled from the task definitions, we can simply put them in section 3 (or wherever)

How do I create my own configuration block with a Gradle script plugin?

Our company has a Gradle script plugin with a number of tasks in it. For instance, it includes the Jacoco afterEvaluate block from this answer:
def pathsToExclude = ["**/*Example*"]
jacocoTestReport {
afterEvaluate {
classDirectories = files(classDirectories.files.collect {
fileTree(dir: it, exclude: pathsToExclude)
We would like to take that pathsToExclude variable and define that in our build.gradle file and have the rest of the logic in a script plugin (let's call it company-script-plugin.gradle. For instance:
apply from:
companyConfiguration {
pathsToExclude = ["**/*Example*"]
Our initial thought was to add a task in the build script so that we could get a companyConfiguration
task companyConfiguration {
ext.pathsToExclude = []
However, we think that this is a hacky workaround because running the task doesn't do anything. What is the proper way to create my own configuration block?
We'd like it to be as simple as possible, and to be a script plugin (rather than binary plugin) if possible.
Here you've an example how it can be done:
apply plugin: CompanyPlugin
companyConfiguration {
pathsToExclude = ['a', 'b', 'c']
class CompanyPlugin implements Plugin<Project> {
void apply(Project p) {
println "Plugin ${getClass().simpleName} applied"
p.extensions.create('companyConfiguration', CompanyConfigurationExtension, p)
class CompanyConfigurationExtension {
List<String> pathsToExclude
CompanyConfigurationExtension(Project p) {
task printCompanyConfiguration {
doLast {
println "Path to exclide $companyConfiguration.pathsToExclude"
Also, please have a look at the docs.

Skip variable checking in gradle configuration phase

I have some gradle script where i read some properties file (differen file in different execution configurations) and assign Properties obect to "ext" property in each task.
task provisionMongoDBCopyDockerfile(type: Copy, dependsOn: 'readTestConfiguration') {
from "${projectDir}/deployment/scripts/Dockerfile.mongodb"
into "/tmp/stand/mondodb"
filteringCharset = 'UTF-8'
task readTestConfiguration () {
def props = loadStandProperties('test')
println props
tasks.each {
it.ext.stand = props
println it.ext
but when i run gradle script i get this error: "Cannot get property 'stand' on extra properties extension as it does not exist" in line with "expand(ext.stand)". How can i solve this problem. I don't want to put all configuration parameters in "" and change it from configuration to configuration.
Consider the following (using Gradle 2.14.1). This effectively sets up a dependency in Configuration phase. Also it uses project.ext versus tasks.ext.
def readTestConfiguration = {
def props = loadStandProperties('test')
println props
project.ext.stand = props
def loadStandProperties (def env) {
// use mock data
return ["foo": "bar"]
tasks.whenTaskAdded { Task task ->
if ( == "provisionMongoDBCopyDockerfile") {
task provisionMongoDBCopyDockerfile(type: Copy) {
from "${projectDir}/in"
into "${projectDir}/out"

Gradle - publish artifacts

I want to publish artifacts to ivy repository but it doesn't work. I read this article and after read created this sample build:
task ivyPublishTest << {
def buildDir = new File("build")
def fileToPublish = new File("build/")
artifacts {
archives(ivyPublishTest.fileToPublish) {
name 'gradle-test-artifact'
builtBy ivyPublishTest
uploadArchives {
repositories {
ivy {
url "http://my.ivy.repo/ivyrep/shared"
Of course the problem is that it doesn't work. I get this error Could not find property 'fileToPublish' on task ':ivyPublishTest'
In Groovy, def creates a local variable, which is lexically scoped. Therefore, fileToPublish is not visible outside the task action. Additionally, configuration has to be done in the configuration phase (i.e. the declaration and assignment of fileToPublish in your task action would come too late). Here is a correct solution:
task ivyPublishTest {
// configuration (always evaluated)
def buildDir = new File("build")
ext.fileToPublish = new File("build/")
doLast {
// execution (only evaluated if and when the task executes)
artifacts {
// configuration (always evaluated)
archives(ivyPublishTest.fileToPublish) {
name 'gradle-test-artifact'
builtBy ivyPublishTest
ext.fileToPublish = ... declares an extra property, a new property attached to an existing object that's visible everywhere the object (task in this case) is visible. You can read more about extra properties here in the Gradle User Guide.
