Can we use multiple second-level domains with multitenancy? - laravel

I have implemented the simplest example using the Spatie docs for multitenancy, that is working perfectly fine. Now, I intend to use multiple second-level domains for each tenant I have.
For example; I have 2 tenants company-a and company-b and they are being served at company-a.localhost and company-b.localhost, now what I want is that when I visit company-a.admin.localhost, it should tell me COMPANY-A ADMIN and If I visit company-a.employee.localhost, it should tell me COMPANY-A EMPLOYEE.
I have tried using subdomain on routes in RouteServiceProvider like the following:
private function baseDomain(string $subdomain = ''): string
if (strlen($subdomain) > 0) {
$subdomain = "{$subdomain}.";
return $subdomain . config('app.base_domain');
Without subdomain, it works fine, but the routes with second-level domain, it falls to base level domain route and does not get the current tenant.
What am I missing here? Is this even possible to implement.

Take, for example, the route:
->get('/foo/{param1}/{param2}',function(Router $router) {
// do something with it
The binding fields would be ['subdomain', 'param1', 'param2'], and the compiled route would have it's regexes declared as
regex => "{^/foo/(?P<param1>[^/]++)/(?P<param2>[^/]++)$}sDu",
hostRegex => "{^(?P<subdomain>[^\.]++)\.example\.com$}sDiu"
Where ^(?P<subdomain>[^\.]++)\. will explicitly stop capturing when finding a dot, in this case the delimiter between groups.
However, these regexes are overridable by using the where method. You could declare the above route as
->get('/foo/{param1}/{param2}',function(Router $router) {
// do something with it
})->where('subdomain', '(.*)');
In the compiled route , the hostRegex would be now
hostRegex => "{^(?P<subdomain>(?:.*))\.example\.com$}sDiu"
Meaning it will capture anything preceding If you requested, $subdomain would be company-a.admin.
You could also declare a route with two binding fields in its domain:
->get('/foo/{param1}/{param2}',function(Router $router) {
// do something with it
Which might be more useful if you wanted subsubdomains to imply a hierarchy.

I have achieved this by using some checks, in RouteServiceProvider, I have not used the actual domain function on Route like we do normally i.e. Route::domain(''). The reason was that, the Spatie package use a kind of middleware Spatie\Multitenancy\TenantFinder\DomainTenantFinder::class which runs whenever we hit the domain with tenant comapny-a.localhost. And it gets the tenant from hostname i.e comapny-a.localhost.
public function findForRequest(Request $request):?Tenant
$host = $request->getHost();
return $this->getTenantModel()::whereDomain($host)->first();
In my RouteServiceProvide:
$this->routes(function () {
$class = 'security';
$middleware = 'web';
if (Str::contains(request()->getHost(), 'admin')) {
$class = 'admin';
} elseif (Str::contains(request()->getHost(), 'employee')) {
$class = 'employee';
} elseif (Str::contains(request()->getHost(), 'api')) {
$class = 'api';
$middleware = 'api';
As In my scenario, I had only these 2 kind of second-level domains and so, I just checked if this particular keyword exists in the hostname and choosing the file and middleware accordingly.
I also overrided the DomainTenantFinder class and in multitenancy.php config file:
public function findForRequest(Request $request): ?Tenant
$host = $request->getHost();
$host = str_replace('admin.', '', $host);
$host = str_replace('employee.', '', $host);
$host = str_replace('api.', '', $host);
$tenant = $this->getTenantModel()::whereDomain($host)->first();
if (empty($tenant)) {
return $tenant;
I have acheived the desired outcome, however, I have a security concern, specially in RouteServiceProvider logic. Thought??


When using a {domain} wildcard, is there a way to globally set the route( ['domain' => $domain] ) property (not at a function level)

Laravel 5.5
Using a group in RouteServiceProvider for {domain}
I want to be able to call Named Routes in blade without having to pass
public function pageName($domain){
return view('mypage', ['domain'=>$domain,'othervars'=>$domain)])
and avoid this mess in blade:
{{ route('nameOfRoute', ['domain'=>$domain]) }}
Instead i would love to simply in my route group set the route(['domain']) property to be $domain and be done with it.
No global way to set it, but instead, wrap the route('name') default helper function with my own helper function, and add the param to the array.
Example function:
function orgRoute($route, $params = [])
if (!is_array($params)){
$params = [$params];
// Set the domain value if not set, null, or jibberish
if (!isset($params['domain']) || $params['domain']=='{domain}' || $params['domain'] == '')
// Instance of App Domain is set in OrgBaseController __construct()
$domain = \App::make('current_domain');
$params['domain'] = $domain;
return route($route, $params);

Obtain CodeIgniter links that consider routes.php

How can I link pages in my site considering routes.php?
$route['login'] = 'user/login';
The code above allows me to see "user/login" visiting just "login". But how can I link to that page using the internal route (user/login) and get as a result the "external route" "login".
I think it's important because I could change my URLs just modifiying "routes.php" and linking everything with internal routes.
From a Drupal perspective I can have my internal route "node/1" and the external url could be "about-us". So if I use "l('node/1')" this will return "about-us". Is there a function like "drupal_get_path_alias"?
Right now I can't find anything in the CI docs that point me to the right direction.
Thanks for your help.
You could have a look at using something like
This would allow you to have the routes configured in the database. Then if you want to dynamically create you links through a model like this:
class AppRoutesModel extends CI_Model
public function getUrl($controller)
$this->db->where('controller', $controller);
$query = $this->db->result();
$data = $query->row();
return base_url($data->slug);
public function getController($slug)
$this->db->where('slug', $slug);
$query = $this->db->result();
$data = $query->row();
return $data->controller;
These have not been fully tested but will hopefully give you the general idea.
I hope this helps you :)
You can create a routes_helper.php and add a function like
function get_route($path)
require __DIR__ . '/../config/routes.php';
foreach ($route as $key => $controller) {
if ($path == $controller) {
return $key;
return false;
echo get_route('controller/method');
This does roughly what you want although this method does not support the $1 $2 etc vars that can be added to reflect the :num or :any wildcard that exist. You can edit the function to add that functionality but this will point you in the right direction :D
You can do that with .htaccess file:
Redirect 301 /user/login

Multiple routes to same Laravel resource controller action

I like to use resource controllers in Laravel, as it makes me think when it comes to data modelling. Up to now I’ve got by, but I’m now working on a website that has a public front-end and a protected back-end (administration area).
I’ve created a route group which adds an “admin” prefix, like so:
Route::group(array('before' => 'auth', 'prefix' => 'admin'), function()
Route::resource('article', 'ArticleController');
Route::resource('event', 'EventController');
Route::resource('user', 'UserController');
And I can access the methods using the default URL structure, i.e.
However, I wish to use a different URL structure on the front-end, that doesn’t fit into what resource controllers expect.
For example, to access an article, I’d like to use a URL like: If this article has an ID of 1, it should (under the hood) go to /article/1/show.
How can I achieve this in Laravel? In there some sort of pre-processing I can do on routes to match dates and slugs to an article ID, and then pass that as a parameter to my resource controller’s show() method?
Re-visiting this, I solved it by using route–model binding and a pattern:
$year = '[12][0-9]{3}';
$month = '0[1-9]|1[012]';
$day = '0[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01]';
$slug = '[a-z0-9\-]+';
// Pattern to match date and slug, including spaces
$date_slug = sprintf('(%04d)\/(%02d)\/(%02d)\/(%s)', $year, $month, $day, $slug);
Route::pattern('article_slug', $date_slug);
// Perform the route–model binding
Route::bind('article_slug', function ($slug) {
return Article::findByDateAndSlug($date_slug);
// The actual route
Route::get('news/{article_slug}', 'ArticleController#show');
This then injects an Article model instance into my controller action as desired.
One simple solution would be to create one more route for your requirement and do the processing there to link it to the main route. So, for example:
Route::get('/arical/{date}/indentifier/{slug}', array (
'uses' => 'ArticleController#findArticle'
public function findArticle($date,$slug){
$article = Article::where('slug','=','something')->first(); //maybe some more processing;
$article_id = $article->id;
Redirect to a new route or load the view accordingly
Hope this is useful.
It seems like if Laravel 4 supports (:all) in routing, you would be able to do it with ease, but unfortunately (:all) is not supported in Laravel 4.
However, Laravel 4 allows detecting routes by regular expression, so we can use ->where('slug', '.*').
routes.php: (bottom of the file)
Route::get('{slug}', 'ArticleController#showBySlug')->where('slug', '.*');
Since Laravel will try to match the top most route in routes.php first, we can safely put our wildcard route at the bottom of routes.php so that it is checked only after all other criteria are already evaluated.
class ArticleController extends BaseController
public function showBySlug($slug)
// Slug lookup. I'm assuming the slug is an attribute in the model.
$article_id = Article::where('slug', '=', $slug)->pluck('id');
// This is the last route, throw standard 404 if slug is not found.
if (!$article_id) {
// Call the controller's show() method with the found id.
return $this->show($article_id);
public function show($id)
// Your resource controller's show() code goes here.
The code above assumes that you store the whole URI as the slug. Of course, you can always tailor showBySlug() to support a more advanced slug checking.
You could also do:
Route::get('{category}/{year}/{slug}', 'ArticleController#showBySlug')->where('slug', '.*');
And your showBySlug() would just have additional parameters:
public function showBySlug($category, $year, $slug)
// code
Obviously you can extend to month and day, or other adaptations.

Laravel 4 : Route to localhost/controller/action

I'm more or less new to Laravel 4. I've never used routes before but normally what I'm used to is url/controller/action and then the backend routing for me. I've read the documentation for routes and controllers a few times as well as read through some tutorials and so, I'm trying to figure out how to get this to work without writing a route for every controller and action.
I tried something like
Route::get('{controller}/{action}', function($controller, $action = 'index'){
return $controller."#".$action;
Now then, I know this is wrong since it doesn't work, but what am I missing? On most tutorials and stuff I'm seeing an route for more or less every controller and action like:
Route::get('/controller/action' , 'ControllerName#Action');
Which seems silly and like a waste of time to me.
Is there anyway to achieve what I want?
If you are looking for a more automated routing, this would be the Laravel 4 way:
Route::controller('users', 'UsersController');
Controller (in this case UsersController.php):
public function getIndex()
// routed from GET request to /users
public function getProfile()
// routed from GET request to /users/profile
public function postProfile()
// routed from POST request to /users/profile
public function getPosts($id)
// routed from GET request to: /users/posts/42
As The Shift Exchange mentioned, there are some benefits to doing it the verbose way. In addition to the excellent article he linked, you can create a name for each route, for example:
Route::get("users", array(
Then when creating urls in your application, use a helper to generate a link to a named route:
$url = URL::route('dashboard');
Links are then future proofed from changes to controllers/actions.
You can also generate links directly to actions which would still work with automatic routing.
$url = URL::action('UsersController#getIndex');
Route::get('/admin/{controller?}/{action?}', function($controller='Index', $action='index'){
$controller = ucfirst($controller);
$action = $action . 'Action';
return App::make("Admin\\{$controller}Controller")->$action();
Route::get('/{controller?}/{action?}', function($controller='Index', $action='index'){
$controller = ucfirst($controller);
$action = $action . 'Action';
return App::make("{$controller}Controller")->$action();
I come from .Net world and routing is typically done:
Which looks like:
/Products/Show/1 OR /Products/Show/Beverages
In Laravel I accomplish this routing like so:
Route::get('/{controller?}/{action?}/{id?}', function ($controller='Home', $action='index', $id = null) {
$controller = ucfirst($controller);
return APP::make("{$controller}Controller")->$action($id);
The controller would look roughly like so:
class ProductsController extends BaseController {
public function Show($id) {
$products = array( 1 => array("Price" => "$600","Item" => "iPhone 6"),
2 => array("Price" => "$700", "Item" => "iPhone 6 Plus") );
if ($id == null) {
echo $products[1]["Item"];
} else {
echo $products[$id]["Item"];

Route resources set before auth not working in Laravel 4

I added this in routes.php, expected it will check the authentication session for the page, however it is not working.
Route::resource('ticket', 'TicketController', array('before' => 'auth') );
Then I go to the controller, work in another way. It's work.
class TicketController extends BaseController {
public function __construct()
May I know where can get more documentation regarding the Route::resource(), what type of argument it able to accept?
OK... I found the answer.
public function resource($resource, $controller, array $options = array())
// If the resource name contains a slash, we will assume the developer wishes to
// register these resource routes with a prefix so we will set that up out of
// the box so they don't have to mess with it. Otherwise, we will continue.
if (str_contains($resource, '/'))
$this->prefixedResource($resource, $controller, $options);
// We need to extract the base resource from the resource name. Nested resources
// are supported in the framework, but we need to know what name to use for a
// place-holder on the route wildcards, which should be the base resources.
$base = $this->getBaseResource($resource);
$defaults = $this->resourceDefaults;
foreach ($this->getResourceMethods($defaults, $options) as $method)
$this->{'addResource'.ucfirst($method)}($resource, $base, $controller);
protected function getResourceMethods($defaults, $options)
if (isset($options['only']))
return array_intersect($defaults, $options['only']);
elseif (isset($options['except']))
return array_diff($defaults, $options['except']);
return $defaults;
as you can see, it only accept only and except arguement only.
If you want to archive the same result in route.php, it can be done as below
Route::group(array('before'=>'auth'), function() {
Route::resource('ticket', 'TicketController');
