Pre-scan web page for dynamic tests - cypress

Looking for a definitive answer to the question posed by #JeffTanner here about generating dynamic tests. From that question and the Cypress samples, it's clear that we need to know the number of tests required before generating them.
We have a web page containing a table of Healthcare analytic data that is refreshed many times during the day. Each refresh the team must check the data, and to divvy up the work we run each row as a separate test. But the number of rows varies every time which means I must count the rows and update the system on each run. Looking for a way to programmatically get the row count.
The HTML is a table of <tbody><tr></tr></tbody>, so the following is enough to get the count but I can't run it in a beforeEach(), the error thrown is "No tests found"
let rowCount;
beforeEach(() => {
cy.get('tbody tr').then($els => rowCount = $els.length)
Cypress._.times(rowCount => {
it('process row', () => {

The before:run event fires before the tests start, you can scan the web page there.
Set the event listener in setupNodeEvents(). Cypress commands won't run here, but you can use equivalent Node commands.
const { defineConfig } = require("cypress");
module.exports = defineConfig({
e2e: {
setupNodeEvents(on, config) {
on('before:run', async (details) => {
try {
const fetch = require('node-fetch');
const fs = require('fs-extra');
const jsdom = require("jsdom");
const { JSDOM } = jsdom;
const response = await fetch(config.env.prescan); // default below
const body = await response.text(); // or pass in command line
const dom = new JSDOM(body);
const rows = dom.window.document.body.querySelectorAll('tr') // query
// save results
fs.writeJson('./cypress/fixtures/analytics-rows.json', {rows:rows.length})
} catch (error) {
console.log('error:', error)
env: {
prefetch: 'url-for-analytics-page'
import {rows} from './cypress/fixtures/analytics-rows.json' // read row count
Cypress._.times(rows, (row) => {
it(`tests row ${row}`, () => {

You can add a script scan-for-rows.js to the project scripts folder, like this
const rp = require('request-promise');
const $ = require('cheerio');
const fs = require('fs-extra');
.then(function(html) {
const rowCount = $('big > a', html).length
fs.writeJson('row-count.json', {rowCount})
//handle error
Then in package.json call a pre-test script every time a new version of the web page appears.

One possibility is to run the above Cypress test in a pretest script which will always run before your main test script.
// package.json
"scripts": {
"pretest": "npx cypress run --spec cypress/e2e/",
"test": "npx cypress run --spec cypress/e2e/",
it('scans for table row count', () => {
cy.get('tbody tr').then($els => {
const rowCount = $els.length;
cy.writeFile('cypress/fixtures/rowcount.json', rowCount);

Here's a way to get the row count in the spec file without using extra packages, plugins, test hooks, or npm scripts.
Basically, you can create a separate module that makes a synchronous HTTP request using the XMLHTTPRequest class to the /analytics endpoint and use the browser's DOMParser class to find the return the number of <tr> tags.
// scripts/get-row-count.js
export function getRowCount() {
let request = new XMLHttpRequest();
// Set async to false because Cypress will not wait for async functions to finish before looking for it() statements'GET', '/analytics', false);
const document = new DOMParser().parseFromString(request.response, 'text/html');
const trTags = Array.from(document.getElementsByTagName('tr'));
return trTags.length;
Then in the spec file, import the new function and now you can get an updated row count whenever you need it.
import { getRowCount } from '../scripts/get-row-count';
Cypress._.times(getRowCount() => {
it('process row', () => {
The reason for XMLHTTPRequest instead of fetch is because it allows synchronous requests to be made. Synchronous requests are needed because Cypress won't wait for async requests to come back before parsing for it() blocks.
With this, you always have the most up to date row count without it going stale.


How to use a while loop in cypress? The control of is NOT entering the loop when running this spec file? The way I am polling the task is correct?

The way i am polling tasks for async POST call, is it correct??? Because program control doesn't enter 'while' loop in spec file. Please help!
Previous query: How to return a value from Cypress custom command
beforeEach(function () {
cy.route('POST', '/rest/hosts').as("hosts")
it('Create Host', function () {
let ts =''
let regex = /Ok|Error|Warning/mg
// Some cypress commands to create a host. POST call is made when I create a host. I want to poll
// task for this Asynchronous POST call.
cy.wait("#hosts").then(function (xhr) {
token = xhr.request.headers["X-Auth-Token"]
NEWURL = Cypress.config().baseUrl + xhr.response.body.task
while((ts.match(regex)) === null) {
cy.pollTask(NEWURL, token).then(taskStatus => {
ts= taskStatus
//In Commands.js file, I have written a function to return taskStatus, which I am using it in spec
file above
Commands.js -
Cypress.Commands.add("pollTask", (NEWURL, token) => {
method: 'GET',
url: NEWURL ,
failOnStatusCode: false,
headers: {
'x-auth-token': token
cy.get('#fetchTaskDetails').then(function (response) {
const taskStatus = response.body.task.status
cy.log('task status: ' + taskStatus)
You can't use while/for loops with cypress because of the async nature of cypress. Cypress doesn't wait for everything to complete in the loop before starting the loop again. You can however do recursive functions instead and that waits for everything to complete before it hits the method/function again.
Here is a simple example to explain this. You could check to see if a button is visible, if it is visible you click it, then check again to see if it is still visible, and if it is visible you click it again, but if it isn't visible it won't click it. This will repeat, the button will continue to be clicked until the button is no longer visible. Basically the method/function is called over and over until the conditional is no longer met, which accomplishes the same thing as a loop, but actually works with cypress.
clickVisibleButton = () => {
cy.get( 'body' ).then( $mainContainer => {
const isVisible = $mainContainer.find( '#idOfElement' ).is( ':visible' );
if ( isVisible ) {
cy.get( '#idOfElement' ).click();
} );
Then obviously call the this.clickVisibleButton() in your test. I'm using typescript and this method is setup in a class, but you could do this as a regular function as well.
With recursion, you can simulate loops.
Add this to your custom commands file (/cypress/support/commands.js):
Cypress.Commands.add('recursionLoop', {times: 'optional'}, function (fn, times) {
if (typeof times === 'undefined') {
times = 0;
cy.then(() => {
const result = fn(++times);
if (result !== false) {
cy.recursionLoop(fn, times);
On your tests, just define a function that does what you want for one iteration, and return false if you don't want to iterate again.
cy.recursionLoop(times => {
console.log(`Iteration: ${times}`);
console.log('Here goes your code.');
return times < 5;
while loop is not working for me, so as a workaround I did a for loop, a sort of while loop with a timeout of retries
let found = false
const timeout = 10000
for(let i = 0; i<timeout && !found;i++){
// exiting from the loop
found = true
it is not helpful for everyone, I know.

Parallel requests in cypress

I want to make parallel requests in cypress. I define a command for that:
const resetDb = () => {
const apiUrl = `${Cypress.config().baseUrl}/api`;
Cypress.Commands.add('resetDb', resetDb);
However, it is still making those requests in sequence. What am I doing wrong?
I was able to solve this problem using task in Cypress, which allows you to use nodejs API.
In the plugins index file, I define a task as follows:
const fetch = require('isomorphic-unfetch');
module.exports = on => {
on('task', {
resetDb() {
const apiUrl = ``;
return Promise.all([
The it can be used as follows:
before(() => {
return cy.task('resetDb');

graphql after running mutation if I quickly goback to Previous page, occur error

after running mutation using the graphql, if I quickly goback to Previous page,
occur error : Warning: Can't perform a React state update on an unmounted component. This is a no-op, but it indicates a memory leak in your application. To fix, cancel all subscriptions and
asynchronous tasks in %s.%s, a useEffect cleanup function,
I think it's because I quickly go to another page during the mutation.
If this is not the case, there is no error.
(Even if an error occurs, update succeeds. but I'm worried about errors)
Even if move to another page during mutating, I want to proceed with the update as it is
How can I proceed with the update?
if If there is no way, is there method that How to create a delay during mutating
im so sorry. my english is not good.
const CalendarTodo = ({
data,`enter code here`
}) => {
const [value, setValue] = useState("");
const monthDay = `${month + 1}월 ${day}일`;
const [createToDoMutation] = useMutation(CREATE_TODO, {
variables: {
data &&
data.toDos &&
data.toDos.filter(object => object.monthDay === monthDay)[0] &&
data.toDos.filter(object => object.monthDay === monthDay)[0].id,
monthDay: monthDay,
dayToDo: value,
importEvent: isImportWhether
update: (proxy, { data: { createToDo } }) => {
const data = proxy.readQuery({ query: SEE_TODO_OF_ME });
data &&
data.toDos &&
data.toDos.filter(object => object.monthDay === monthDay)[0] &&
.filter(object => object.monthDay === monthDay)[0]
proxy.writeQuery({ query: SEE_TODO_OF_ME, data });
optimisticResponse: {
createToDo: {
__typename: "DayToDo",
id: Math.random().toString(),
toDoList: value,
importEvent: isImportWhether
return (
export default CalendarTodo;
As you already guessed the reason is the asynchronous request that keeps on running even after un-mounting the component due to navigating away from it.
There are many ways to solve this. One is to add a check whether or not the component you are calling the async request from is still mounted and only update its state if so, e.g.:
useEffect(() => {
let isMounted = true;
apollo.mutate({query, variables, update: {
if(isMounted) {
// update state or something
return () => {
isMounted = false;
}, []);
This way however the data might be lost. If you want to make sure that you receive and store the return value you should add the request to a higher level component or context hat will not be unmounted on navigation. This way you can trigger the async call but dont have to worry about navigating away.

Testing an Async function using Jest / Enzyme

Trying run a test case for the following:
async getParents() {
const { user, services, FirmId } = this.props;
let types = await Models.getAccounts({ user, services, firmId: FirmId });
let temp = => {
if(this.state.Parent_UID && this.state.Parent_UID.value === type.Account_UID) {
this.setState({Parent_UID: {label: type.AccountName, value: type.Account_UID}})
return {
label: type.AccountName,
value: type.Account_UID,
this.setState({ParentOptions: temp});
here is what i have so far for my test:
beforeEach(() => wrapper = mount(<MemoryRouter keyLength={0}><AccountForm {...baseProps} /></MemoryRouter>));
it('Test getParents function ',async() => {
Parent_UID: [{
If i try to make this ToEqual() it expects a promise and not anobject, what else could I add into this test to work properly.
Goal: Make sure the functions gets called correctly. The test is passing at the moment and has a slight increase on test coverage.
Using Jest and Enzyme for React Js
you can put the await before the async method, like:
await wrapper.find('AccountForm').instance().getParents()
and compare if the state was changed.
In another way, if can mock your API request, because this is a test, then you do not need the correct API, but know if the function calls the API correctly and if the return handling is correct.
And, you cand spy the function like:
const spy = jest.spyOn(wrapper.find('AccountForm').instance(), 'getParents');
and campare if the function was called if they are triggered by some action:

Do jest tests wait for previous async tests to resolve?

I have read that jest tests in the same tests file execute sequentially. I have also read that when writing tests that involve callbacks a done parameter should be used.
But when using promises using the async/await syntax that I am using in my code below, can I count on the tests to but run and resolve in sequential order?
import Client from '../Client';
import { Project } from '../Client/types/client-response';
let client: Client;
beforeAll(async () => {
client = new Client({ host: 'ws://', port: 8080 , logger: () => {}});
await client.connect();
describe('Create, save and open project', () => {
let project: Project;
let filename: string;
beforeAll(async () => {
// Close project
let project = await client.getActiveProject();
if (project) {
let success = await client.projectClose(, true);
test('createProject', async () => {
project = await client.createProject();
test('projectSave', async () => {
filename = await client.projectSave(, 'jesttest.otii', true);
test('projectClose', async () => {
let success = await client.projectClose(;
test('projectOpen', async () => {
project = await client.openProject(filename);
afterAll(async () => {
await client.disconnect();
From the docs: default Jest runs all the tests serially in the order they were encountered in the collection phase, waiting for each to finish and be tidied up before moving on.
So while Jest may run test files in parallel, by default it runs the tests within a file serially.
That behavior can be verified by the following test:
describe('test order', () => {
let count;
beforeAll(() => {
count = 0;
test('1', async () => {
await new Promise((resolve) => {
setTimeout(() => {
expect(count).toBe(1); // SUCCESS
}, 1000);
test('2', async () => {
await new Promise((resolve) => {
setTimeout(() => {
expect(count).toBe(2); // SUCCESS
}, 500);
test('3', () => {
expect(count).toBe(3); // SUCCESS
For sure it depends on test runnner configured. Say for Jasmine2 it seems impossible to run tests concurrently:
Because of the single-threadedness of javascript, it isn't really possible to run your tests in parallel in a single browser window
But looking into docs' config section:
Prevents Jest from executing more than the specified amount of tests at the same time. Only affects tests that use test.concurrent.
Alias: -w. Specifies the maximum number of workers the worker-pool will spawn for running tests. This defaults to the number of the cores available on your machine. It may be useful to adjust this in resource limited environments like CIs but the default should be adequate for most use-cases.
For environments with variable CPUs available, you can use percentage based configuration: --maxWorkers=50%
Also looking at description for jest-runner-concurrent:
Jest's default runner uses a new child_process (also known as a worker) for each test file. Although the max number of workers is configurable, running a lot of them is slow and consumes tons of memory and CPU.
So it looks like you can configure amount of test files running in parallel(maxWorkers) as well as concurrent test cases in scope of single worker(maxConcurrency). If you use jest as test runner. And this affects only test.concurrent() tests.
For some reason I was unable to find anything on test.concurrent() at their main docs site.
Anyway you can check against your environment by yourselves:
describe('checking concurrent execution', () => {
let a = 5;
it('deferred change', (done) => {
setTimeout(() => {
a = 11;
}, 1000);
it('fails if running in concurrency', () => {
Sure, above I used Jasmine's syntax(describe, it) so you may need to replace that with other calls.
