Use of bind function in boost.asio server example - boost

In boost.asio example of asynchronous UDP server we can find next code:
void start_receive()
boost::asio::buffer(recv_buffer_), remote_endpoint_,
boost::bind(&udp_server::handle_receive, this,
void handle_receive(const boost::system::error_code& error,
std::size_t /*bytes_transferred*/)
According to specification of basic_datagram_socket::async_receive_from function, its prototype is
typename MutableBufferSequence,
typename ReadToken = DEFAULT>
DEDUCED async_receive_from(
const MutableBufferSequence & buffers,
endpoint_type & sender_endpoint,
ReadToken && token = DEFAULT);
when token may be a function with prototype
void handler(
const boost::system::error_code& error, // Result of operation.
std::size_t bytes_transferred // Number of bytes received.
I do not understand two things (at least)
How bind work here? It accept handle_receive pointer, udp_server object (what for?) and two placeholders. How does it turn to function that is called at the end of asynchronous call and get context varibles?
How does handle_receive function access a recv_buffer_ which is an argument of async_receive_from function but not of handle_receive?

Bind returns a bound function object. There's extensive documentation about how it works and why you'd use it:
also see
udp_server object (what for?)
(Non-static) member functions take an implicit this pointer argument to the class instance (object). So a 2-argument non-static member function void X::foo(int,int) consttakes 3 arguments:X const*, int, int`.
How does handle_receive function access a recv_buffer_ which is an argument of async_receive_from function but not of handle_receive?
recv_buffer_ is a data member of the same class (udp_server), so in handle_receive it is implicitly accessing it as this->recv_buffer_. This is very elementary C++, so I recommend maybe reading a good introduction or book if this is new for you.


Understand function parameters(pass by value instead of by const reference) in boost::beast client example websocket_client_async_ssl.cpp

typename ResolveHandler = DEFAULT>
DEDUCED async_resolve(
const query & q,
ResolveHandler && handler = DEFAULT);
The handler to be called when the resolve operation completes. Copies
will be made of the handler as required. The function signature of the
handler must be:
void handler(
const boost::system::error_code& error, // Result of operation.
resolver::results_type results // Resolved endpoints as a range.
void run(char const *host, char const *port, char const *text) {
host, port,
beast::bind_front_handler(&session::on_resolve, shared_from_this()));
void on_resolve(beast::error_code ec, tcp::resolver::results_type results) {
if (ec)
return fail(ec, "resolve");
// Set a timeout on the operation
// Make the connection on the IP address we get from a lookup
beast::bind_front_handler(&session::on_connect, shared_from_this()));
Question 1> Why does the on_resolve use the following function signature?
on_resolve(beast::error_code ec, tcp::resolver::results_type results)
As shown above, the first parameter(i.e. ec) is taken as pass-by value. This happens almost in all other functions which take a beast::error_code as an input parameter within sample code.
Instead of
on_resolve(const beast::error_code& ec, tcp::resolver::results_type results)
Question 2> Why doesn't the documentation suggest using the following instead?
on_resolve(const beast::error_code& ec, const tcp::resolver::results_type& results)
Thank you
It's a cultural difference between Asio and Beast if you will.
There's some contention about my initial response.
It turns out that at least Boost System's error_code recently got endowed with shiny new (non-standard) features, that makes it bigger. Perhaps big enough to make it more efficient to pass by reference.
In the words of Vinnie Falco: This needs to be studied again.
In Asio, the standard "doctrine" is to take error_code by const&. In Beast, the standard practice is actually to pass by value, which is, IMO, how error_code is intended.
In essence, error_code is just a tuple of (int, error_category const*) which is trivially copied and therefore optimized. Passing by value allows compilers much more room for optimization, especially when inlining. A key factor is that value-arguments never create aliasing opportunities.
(I can try to find a reference as I think some Beast devs are on record explaining this rationale.)
Why is it OK?
Any function that takes T by value is delegation-compatible with the requirement that it takes T by const reference, as long as T is copyable.
Other thoughts
There may have been historical reasons why Asio preferred, or even mandated error_code const& in the past, but as far as I am aware, any of these reasons are obsolete.

using stable_sort and passing an object as the custom comparison operator

This is part of an assignment, I am stuck at this instruction:
Sort your randomly generated pool of schedules.
Use std::stable_sort,
passing in an object of type schedule_compare as the custom comparison
UPDATE: I was checking cppreference stable_srot(), see method definition below:
void stable_sort ( RandomAccessIterator first, RandomAccessIterator
last,Compare comp );
, and it seems from what I understood is that you can only pass functions to the last argument (Compare comp) of the stable_sort() i.e:
However, in the instructions, it says that you need to pass an object of type schedule_compare. How is this possible ?
This is my code below:
struct schedule_compare
explicit schedule_compare(runtime_matrix const& m)
: matrix_{m} { }
bool operator()(schedule const& obj1, schedule const& obj2) {
if (obj1.score > obj2.score)
return true;
return false;
runtime_matrix const& matrix_;
auto populate_gene_pool(runtime_matrix const& matrix,
size_t const pool_size, random_generator& gen)
std::vector<schedule> v_schedule;
std::uniform_int_distribution<size_t> dis(0, matrix.machines() - 1);
// 4. Sort your randomly generated pool of schedules. Use
// std::stable_sort, passing in an object of type
// schedule_compare as the custom comparison operator.
std::stable_sort(begin(v_schedule), end(v_schedule), ???)
return; v_schedule;
For algorithm functions that accepts a "function" (like std::stable_sort) you can pass anything that can be called as a function.
For example a pointer to a global, namespace or static member function. Or you can pass a function-like object instance (i.e. an instance of a class that has a function call operator), also known as a functor object.
This is simply done by creating a temporary object, and passing it to the std::stable_sort (in your case):
std::stable_sort(begin(v_schedule), end(v_schedule), schedule_compare(matrix));
Since the schedule_compare structure have a function call operator (the operator() member function) it can generally be treated like any other function, including being "called".

Get address of a function which has variadic templates in C++11

When saving the address of a function with a variadic template, the g++ compiler (Version 4.8.2) outputs this error:
address of overloaded function with no contextual type information
The code in question:
template<typename... Args>
void redirect_function(const char *format, Args... args)
pLog->Write(format, args...); // or: printf(format, args...);
void *fnPtr = (void *)&redirect_function; // The error occurs here.
Here is what I do with this somewhere else:
typedef void (*log_bridge)(const char*, ...);
log_bridge LogWrite;
LogWrite = (log_bridge)fnPtr;
I have no other possibility to this so please don't suggest completely different ways of solving this.
Well. It is simple why it's not possible. You have a clear ambiguousity. redirect_function is not a function; as all template functions it's more like a set of overloads generated from the template for different types of arguments.
The function needs to get instantiated first to be able to get its address, and you provide no necessary information to do this.
In other words the problem is that you cannot possibly know which concrete overload of redirect_function you should use on the problematic line.
The only thing you could do is to provide template arguments explicitly.

What is an rvalue reference to function type?

I have recently wrapped my mind around the C++0x's concepts of glvalues, xvalues and prvalues, as well as the rvalue references. However, there's one thing which still eludes me:
What is "an rvalue reference to function type"? It is literally mentioned many times in the drafts. Why was such a concept introduced? What are the uses for it?
I hate to be circular, but an rvalue reference to function type is an rvalue reference to function type. There is such a thing as a function type, e.g. void (). And you can form an rvalue reference to it.
In terms of the classification system introduced by N3055, it is an xvalue.
Its uses are rare and obscure, but it is not useless. Consider for example:
void f() {}
auto x = std::ref(f);
x has type:
std::reference_wrapper<void ()>
And if you look at the synopsis for reference_wrapper it includes:
reference_wrapper(T&) noexcept;
reference_wrapper(T&&) = delete; // do not bind to temporary objects
In this example T is the function type void (). And so the second declaration forms an rvalue reference to function type for the purpose of ensuring that reference_wrapper can't be constructed with an rvalue argument. Not even if T is const.
If it were not legal to form an rvalue reference to function, then this protection would result in a compile time error even if we did not pass an rvalue T to the constructor.
In the old c++ standard the following is forbidden:
int foo();
void bar(int& value);
int main()
because the return type of foo() is an rvalue and is passed by reference to bar().
This was allowed though with Microsoft extensions enabled in visual c++ since (i think) 2005.
Possible workarounds without c++0x (or msvc) would be declaring
void bar(const int& value);
or using a temp-variable, storing the return-value of foo() and passing the variable (as reference) to bar():
int main()
int temp = foo();

c++0x lambdas, not letting me pass as function ptr

I am currently writing a program in C++0x which I am fairly new to.
I am setting up callbacks between objects and using lambda to match the types (like boost::bind() does in ways)
If I call a function in the asio library like:
socket_.async_read_some(buffer(&(pBuf->front()), szBuffer),
[=](const boost::system::error_code &error, size_t byTrans) {
this->doneRead(callBack, pBuf, error, byTrans); });
This compiles fine, and runs as expected, 'doneRead' is called back from 'async_read_some'
so I have a similar call back in my own code:
client->asyncRead([=](string msg){this->newMsg(msg); });
This takes just a string, and asyncReads prototype is as follows
void ClientConnection::asyncRead(void(*callBack)(string))
But I get this compile error:
Server.cpp: In member function ‘void
const boost::system::error_code&)’:
Server.cpp:31:3: error: no matching
function for call to
Server.cpp:31:3: note: candidate is:
ClientConnection.h:16:9: note: void
ClientConnection.h:16:9: note: no
known conversion for argument 1 from
to ‘void (*)(std::string)’
How can this issue be resolved?
Your lambda captures this implicitly. A lambda that captures things cannot convert to a raw function pointer.
So you need to write asyncRead so it accepts the lambda function object directly, instead of letting it convert to a function pointer
template<typename CallbackType>
void ClientConnection::asyncRead(CallbackType callback);
Alternatively, if you don't want to write this as a template, you can use a polymorphic function object wrapper
void ClientConnection::asyncRead(std::function<void(string)> callBack);
I would also consider changing the callback's interface so it accepts the string by const reference (unless all the callback implementations inherently want to modify or save/move the passed string internally, which seem unlikely in your case).
