ListenerExecutionFailedException Nullpointer when trying to index kafka payload through new ElasticSearch Java API Client - spring-boot

I'm migrating from the HLRC to the new client, things were smooth but for some reason I cannot index a specific class/document. Here is my client implementation and index request:
public class ClientConfiguration{
private InternalProperties conf;
public ElasticsearchClient sslClient(){
CredentialsProvider credentialsProvider = new BasicCredentialsProvider();
new UsernamePasswordCredentials(conf.getElasticsearchUser(), conf.getElasticsearchPassword()));
HttpHost httpHost = new HttpHost(conf.getElasticsearchAddress(), conf.getElasticsearchPort(), "https");
RestClientBuilder restClientBuilder = RestClient.builder(httpHost);
try {
SSLContext sslContext = SSLContexts.custom().loadTrustMaterial(null, (x509Certificates, s) -> true).build();
restClientBuilder.setHttpClientConfigCallback(new RestClientBuilder.HttpClientConfigCallback() {
public HttpAsyncClientBuilder customizeHttpClient(HttpAsyncClientBuilder httpClientBuilder) {
return httpClientBuilder.setSSLContext(sslContext)
} catch (Exception e) {
ElasticsearchTransport transport = new RestClientTransport(
restClient, new JacksonJsonpMapper());
ElasticsearchClient client = new ElasticsearchClient(transport);
return client;
public class ThisDtoIndexClass extends ConfigAndProperties{
public ThisDtoIndexClass() {
//client is declared in the class it's extending from
public ThisDtoIndexClass(#Autowired ClientConfiguration esClient) {
this.client = esClient.sslClient();
#KafkaListener(topics = "esTopic")
public void in(#Payload(required = false) customDto doc)
throws ThisDtoIndexClassException, ElasticsearchException, IOException {
if(doc!= null && doc.getId() != null) {
IndexRequest.Builder<customDto > indexReqBuilder = new IndexRequest.Builder<>();
IndexResponse response = client.index(;
} else {
throw new ThisDtoIndexClassException("document is null");
This is all done in spring boot (v2.6.8) with ES 7.17.3. According to the debug, the payload is NOT null! It even fetches the id correctly while stepping through. For some reason, it throws me a org.springframework.kafka.listener.ListenerExecutionFailedException: in the last line (during the .build?). Nothing gets indexed, but the response comes back 200. I'm lost on where I should be looking. I have a different class that also writes to a different index, also getting a payload from kafka directly (all seperate consumers). That one functions just fine.
I suspect it has something to do with the way my client is set up and/or the kafka. Please point me in the right direction.

I solved it by deleting the default constructor. If I put it back it overwrites the extended constructor (or straight up doesn't acknowledge the extended constructor), so my client was always null. The error message it gave me was extremely misleading since it actually wasn't the Kafka's fault!
Removing the default constructor completely initializes the correct constructor and I was able to index again. I assume this was a spring boot loading related "issue".


creating Opentelemetry Context using trace-id and span-id of remote parent

I have micro service which support open tracing and that injecting trace-id and span-id in to header. Other micro service support open telemetry. how can I create parent span using trace-id and span-id in second micro service?
You can use W3C Trace Context specifications to achieve this. We need to send traceparent(Ex: 00-8652a752089f33e2659dff28d683a18f-7359b90f4355cfd9-01) from producer via HTTP headres ( or you can create it using the trace-id and span-id in the consumer). Then we can extract the remote context and create the span with traceparent.
This is the consumer controller. TextMapGetter used to map that traceparent data to the Context. ExtractModel is just a custom class.
#GetMapping(value = "/second")
public String sencondTest(#RequestHeader(value = "traceparent") String traceparent){
try {
Tracer tracer = openTelemetry.getTracer("");
TextMapGetter<ExtractModel> getter = new TextMapGetter<>() {
public String get(ExtractModel carrier, String key) {
if (carrier.getHeaders().containsKey(key)) {
return carrier.getHeaders().get(key);
return null;
public Iterable<String> keys(ExtractModel carrier) {
return carrier.getHeaders().keySet();
ExtractModel model = new ExtractModel();
model.addHeader("traceparent", traceparent);
Context extractedContext = openTelemetry.getPropagators().getTextMapPropagator()
.extract(Context.current(), model, getter);
try (Scope scope = extractedContext.makeCurrent()) {
// Automatically use the extracted SpanContext as parent.
Span serverSpan = tracer.spanBuilder("CloudEvents Server")
try {
} finally {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
return "Server Received!";
Then when we configuring the OpenTelemetrySdk need to set W3CTraceContextPropagator in Context Propagators.
// Use W3C Propagator(to extract span from HTTP headers) since we use the W3C specifications
TextMapPropagator textMapPropagator = W3CTraceContextPropagator.getInstance();
OpenTelemetrySdk openTelemetrySdk = OpenTelemetrySdk.builder()
Here is my customer ExtractModel class
public class ExtractModel {
private Map<String, String> headers;
public void addHeader(String key, String value) {
if (this.headers == null){
headers = new HashMap<>();
headers.put(key, value);
public Map<String, String> getHeaders() {
return headers;
public void setHeaders(Map<String, String> headers) {
this.headers = headers;
You can find more details in the official documentation for manual instrumentation.
Generally you have to propogate the span-id and trace-id if it is available in header. Any request you get in your microservice, check if the headers have span-id and trace-id in them. If yes,extract them and use them in your service.
If it is not present then you create a new one and use it in your service and also add it to requests that go out of your microservice.

Intermittent SocketTimeoutException with elasticsearch-rest-client-7.2.0

I am using RestHighLevelClient version 7.2 to connect to the ElasticSearch cluster version 7.2. My cluster has 3 Master nodes and 2 data nodes. Data node memory config: 2 core and 8 GB. I have used to below code in my spring boot project to create RestHighLevelClient instance.
#Bean(destroyMethod = "close")
public RestHighLevelClient readClient(){
final CredentialsProvider credentialsProvider = new BasicCredentialsProvider();
new UsernamePasswordCredentials(elasticUser, elasticPass));
RestClientBuilder builder = RestClient.builder(new HttpHost(elasticHost, elasticPort))
.setHttpClientConfigCallback(httpClientBuilder ->httpClientBuilder.setDefaultCredentialsProvider(credentialsProvider).setDefaultIOReactorConfig(IOReactorConfig.custom().setIoThreadCount(5).build()));
builder.setRequestConfigCallback(requestConfigBuilder -> requestConfigBuilder.setConnectTimeout(30000).setSocketTimeout(60000)
RestHighLevelClient restClient = new RestHighLevelClient(builder);
return restClient;
RestHighLevelClient is a singleton bean. Intermittently I am getting SocketTimeoutException with both GET and PUT request. The index size is around 50 MB. I have tried increasing the socket timeout value, but still, I receive the same error. Am I missing some configuration? Any help would be appreciated.
I got the issue just wanted to share so that it can help others.
I was using Load Balancer to connect to the ElasticSerach Cluster.
As you can see from my RestClientBuilder code that I was using only the loadbalancer host and port. Although I have multiple master node, still RestClient was not retrying my request in case of connection timeout.
RestClientBuilder builder = RestClient.builder(new HttpHost(elasticHost, elasticPort))
.setHttpClientConfigCallback(httpClientBuilder ->httpClientBuilder.setDefaultCredentialsProvider(credentialsProvider).setDefaultIOReactorConfig(IOReactorConfig.custom().setIoThreadCount(5).build()));
According to the RestClient code if we use a single host then it won't retry in case of any connection issue.
So I changed my code as below and it started working.
RestClientBuilder builder = RestClient.builder(new HttpHost(elasticHost, 9200),new HttpHost(elasticHost, 9201))).setHttpClientConfigCallback(httpClientBuilder -> httpClientBuilder.setDefaultCredentialsProvider(credentialsProvider));
For complete RestClient code please refer
Retry code block in RestClient
private Response performRequest(final NodeTuple<Iterator<Node>> nodeTuple,
final InternalRequest request,
Exception previousException) throws IOException {
RequestContext context = request.createContextForNextAttempt(, nodeTuple.authCache);
HttpResponse httpResponse;
try {
httpResponse = client.execute(context.requestProducer, context.asyncResponseConsumer, context.context, null).get();
} catch(Exception e) {
RequestLogger.logFailedRequest(logger, request.httpRequest, context.node, e);
Exception cause = extractAndWrapCause(e);
addSuppressedException(previousException, cause);
if (nodeTuple.nodes.hasNext()) {
return performRequest(nodeTuple, request, cause);
if (cause instanceof IOException) {
throw (IOException) cause;
if (cause instanceof RuntimeException) {
throw (RuntimeException) cause;
throw new IllegalStateException("unexpected exception type: must be either RuntimeException or IOException", cause);
ResponseOrResponseException responseOrResponseException = convertResponse(request, context.node, httpResponse);
if (responseOrResponseException.responseException == null) {
return responseOrResponseException.response;
addSuppressedException(previousException, responseOrResponseException.responseException);
if (nodeTuple.nodes.hasNext()) {
return performRequest(nodeTuple, request, responseOrResponseException.responseException);
throw responseOrResponseException.responseException;
I'm facing the same issue, and seeing this I realized that the retry is happening on my side too in each host (I have 3 host and the exception happens in 3 threads). I wanted to post it since you might face the same issue or someone else might come to this post because of the same SocketConnection Exception.
Searching the official docs, the HighLevelRestClient uses under the hood the RestClient, and the RestClient uses CloseableHttpAsyncClient which have a connection pool. ElasticSearch specifies that you should close the connection once that you are done, (which sounds ambiguous the definition of "done" in an application), but in general in internet I have found that you should close it when the application is closing or ending, rather than when you finished querying.
Now on the official documentation of apache they have an example to handle the connection pool, which i'm trying to follow, I'll try to replicate the scenario and will post if that fixes my issue, the code can be found here:
This is what i have so far:
#Bean(name = "RestHighLevelClientWithCredentials", destroyMethod = "close")
public RestHighLevelClient elasticsearchClient(ElasticSearchClientConfiguration elasticSearchClientConfiguration,
RestClientBuilder.HttpClientConfigCallback httpClientConfigCallback) {
return new RestHighLevelClient(
public RestClientBuilder.HttpClientConfigCallback getHttpClientConfigCallback(
PoolingNHttpClientConnectionManager poolingNHttpClientConnectionManager,
CredentialsProvider credentialsProvider
) {
return httpAsyncClientBuilder -> {
return httpAsyncClientBuilder;
public class ElasticSearchClientManager {
private ElasticSearchClientManager.IdleConnectionEvictor idleConnectionEvictor;
* Custom client connection manager to create a connection watcher
* #param elasticSearchClientConfiguration elasticSearchClientConfiguration
* #return PoolingNHttpClientConnectionManager
public PoolingNHttpClientConnectionManager getPoolingNHttpClientConnectionManager(
ElasticSearchClientConfiguration elasticSearchClientConfiguration
) {
try {
SSLIOSessionStrategy sslSessionStrategy = new SSLIOSessionStrategy(getTrustAllSSLContext());
Registry<SchemeIOSessionStrategy> sessionStrategyRegistry = RegistryBuilder.<SchemeIOSessionStrategy>create()
.register("http", NoopIOSessionStrategy.INSTANCE)
.register("https", sslSessionStrategy)
ConnectingIOReactor ioReactor = new DefaultConnectingIOReactor();
PoolingNHttpClientConnectionManager poolingNHttpClientConnectionManager =
new PoolingNHttpClientConnectionManager(ioReactor, sessionStrategyRegistry);
idleConnectionEvictor = new ElasticSearchClientManager.IdleConnectionEvictor(poolingNHttpClientConnectionManager,
return poolingNHttpClientConnectionManager;
} catch (IOReactorException e) {
throw new RuntimeException("Failed to create a watcher for the connection pool");
private SSLContext getTrustAllSSLContext() {
try {
return new SSLContextBuilder()
.loadTrustMaterial(null, (x509Certificates, string) -> true)
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException("Failed to create SSL Context with open certificate", e);
public IdleConnectionEvictor.State state() {
return idleConnectionEvictor.evictorState;
private void finishManager() {
public static class IdleConnectionEvictor extends Thread {
private final NHttpClientConnectionManager nhttpClientConnectionManager;
private final ElasticSearchClientConfiguration elasticSearchClientConfiguration;
private State evictorState;
private volatile boolean shutdown;
public IdleConnectionEvictor(NHttpClientConnectionManager nhttpClientConnectionManager,
ElasticSearchClientConfiguration elasticSearchClientConfiguration) {
this.nhttpClientConnectionManager = nhttpClientConnectionManager;
this.elasticSearchClientConfiguration = elasticSearchClientConfiguration;
public void run() {
try {
while (!shutdown) {
synchronized (this) {
// Close expired connections
// Optionally, close connections
// that have been idle longer than 5 sec
this.evictorState = State.RUNNING;
} catch (InterruptedException ex) {
this.evictorState = State.NOT_RUNNING;
private void shutdown() {
shutdown = true;
synchronized (this) {
public enum State {

Spring Integration - Dynamic MailReceiver configuration

I'm pretty new to spring-integration anyway I'm using it in order to receive mails and elaborate them.
I used this spring configuration class:
#PropertySource(value = { "" }, encoding = "UTF-8", ignoreResourceNotFound = false)
public class MailReceiverConfiguration {
private static final Log logger = LogFactory.getLog(MailReceiverConfiguration.class);
private EmailTransformerService emailTransformerService;
// Configurazione AE
public MessageChannel inboundChannelAE() {
return new DirectChannel();
#Bean(name= {"aeProps"})
public Properties aeProps() {
Properties javaMailPropertiesAE = new Properties();
javaMailPropertiesAE.put("", "imap");
javaMailPropertiesAE.put("mail.debug", Boolean.TRUE);
javaMailPropertiesAE.put("mail.auth.debug", Boolean.TRUE);
javaMailPropertiesAE.put("mail.smtp.socketFactory.fallback", "false");
javaMailPropertiesAE.put("mail.imap.socketFactory.class", "");
return javaMailPropertiesAE;
public MailReceiver mailReceiverAE(#Autowired MailConfigurationBean mcb, #Autowired #Qualifier("aeProps") Properties javaMailPropertiesAE) throws Exception {
return ConfigurationUtil.getMailReceiver("imap://USERNAME:PASSWORD#MAILSERVER:PORT/INBOX", new BigDecimal(2), javaMailPropertiesAE);
#InboundChannelAdapter( autoStartup = "true",
channel = "inboundChannelAE",
poller = {#Poller(fixedRate = "${}",
maxMessagesPerPoll = "${}") })
public MailReceivingMessageSource pollForEmailAE(#Autowired MailReceiver mailReceiverAE) {
MailReceivingMessageSource mrms = new MailReceivingMessageSource(mailReceiverAE);
return mrms;
#Transformer(inputChannel = "inboundChannelAE", outputChannel = "transformerChannelAE")
public MessageBean transformitAE( MimeMessage mailMessage ) throws Exception {
// amministratore email inbox
MessageBean messageBean = emailTransformerService.transformit(mailMessage);
return messageBean;
#Splitter(inputChannel = "transformerChannelAE", outputChannel = "nullChannel")
public List<Message<?>> splitIntoMessagesAE(final MessageBean mb) {
final List<Message<?>> messages = new ArrayList<Message<?>>();
for (EmailFragment emailFragment : mb.getEmailFragments()) {
Message<?> message = MessageBuilder.withPayload(emailFragment.getData())
.setHeader(FileHeaders.FILENAME, emailFragment.getFilename())
.setHeader("directory", emailFragment.getDirectory()).build();
return messages;
So far so good.... I start my micro-service and there is this component listening on the specified mail server and mails are downloaded.
Now I have this requirement: mail server configuration (I mean the string "imap://USERNAME:PASSWORD#MAILSERVER:PORT/INBOX") must be taken from a database and it can be configurable. In any time a system administrator can change it and the mail receiver must use the new configuration.
As far as I understood I should create a new instance of MailReceiver when a new configuration is present and use it in the InboundChannelAdapter
Is there any best practice in order to do it? I found this solution: ImapMailReceiver NO STORE attempt on READ-ONLY folder (Failure) [THROTTLED];
In this solution I can inject the ThreadPoolTaskScheduler if I define it in my Configuration class; I can also inject the DirectChannel but every-time I should create a new MailReceiver and a new ImapIdleChannelAdapter without considering this WARN message I get when the
ImapIdleChannelAdapter starts:
java.lang.RuntimeException: No beanfactory at org.springframework.integration.expression.ExpressionUtils.createStandardEvaluationContext( at org.springframework.integration.mail.AbstractMailReceiver.onInit(
Is there a better way to satisfy my scenario?
Thank you
The best way to do this is to use the Java DSL and dynamic flow registration.
Documentation here.
That way, you can unregister the old flow and register a new one, each time the configuration changes.
It will automatically handle injecting dependencies such as the bean factory.

InstanceNotFoundException when trying to get Activemq MBean

I have the following configuration:
public class ConfigureRMI {
private String rmiHost;
private Integer rmiPort;
public RmiRegistryFactoryBean rmiRegistry() {
final RmiRegistryFactoryBean rmiRegistryFactoryBean = new RmiRegistryFactoryBean();
return rmiRegistryFactoryBean;
public ConnectorServerFactoryBean connectorServerFactoryBean() throws Exception {
final ConnectorServerFactoryBean connectorServerFactoryBean = new ConnectorServerFactoryBean();
connectorServerFactoryBean.setServiceUrl(String.format("service:jmx:rmi://%s:%s/jndi/rmi://%s:%s/jmxrmi", rmiHost, rmiPort, rmiHost, rmiPort));
return connectorServerFactoryBean;
public DestinationViewMBean queueMonitor() {
JMXConnectorServer connector = null;
MBeanServerConnection connection;
ObjectName nameConsumers;
try {
connector = connectorServerFactoryBean().getObject();
connection = connector.getMBeanServer();
nameConsumers = new ObjectName("org.apache.activemq:type=Broker,brokerName=localhost,destinationType=Queue,destinationName=tasks");
} catch (Exception e) {
return null;
DestinationViewMBean mbView = MBeanServerInvocationHandler.newProxyInstance(connection, nameConsumers, DestinationViewMBean.class, true);
return mbView;
It configures and instantiates DestinationViewMBean that I try to use later in code like this:
Long queueSize = queueMonitor.getQueueSize();
But it throws an exception org.apache.activemq:type=Broker,brokerName=localhost,destinationType=Queue,destinationName=tasks
I'm sure the names are as I typed. I can see the brocker name and tasks queue in ActiveMQ web console, elements are queued and dequeued as intended. But I cant't monitor the queue size. The method I used (the one I provided) was made from many answers here on SO and man pages on JMX and ActiveMQ.
I'm wondering if I'm missing something obvious. I turned firewall down, I'm on localhost. Why can't DestinationViewMBean find the queue?
UPD: I used JConsole to check the MBean name. I managed to fix InstanceNotFoundException but now I can't get any attribute from the bean. I've tried a lot of them in debugger (just run throught the attributes I could find in DestinationViewMBean interface). But on every try of attribute getter I get getAttribute failed: ModelMBeanAttributeInfo not found for QueueSize (or any other attribute).

Spring Integration: how to access the returned values from last Subscriber

I'm trying to implement a SFTP File Upload of 2 Files which has to happen in a certain order - first a pdf file and after successfull upload of that an text file with meta information about the pdf.
I followed the advice in this thread, but can't get it to work properly.
My Spring Boot Configuration:
public SessionFactory<LsEntry> sftpSessionFactory() {
final DefaultSftpSessionFactory factory = new DefaultSftpSessionFactory(true);
final Properties jschProps = new Properties();
jschProps.put("StrictHostKeyChecking", "no");
jschProps.put("PreferredAuthentications", "publickey,password");
if (sftpPrivateKey != null) {
} else {
return new CachingSessionFactory<>(factory);
public MessageChannel toSftpChannel() {
return new PublishSubscribeChannel();
#ServiceActivator(inputChannel = "toSftpChannel")
public MessageHandler handler() {
final SftpMessageHandler handler = new SftpMessageHandler(sftpSessionFactory());
handler.setRemoteDirectoryExpression(new LiteralExpression(sftpRemoteDirectory));
handler.setFileNameGenerator(message -> {
if (message.getPayload() instanceof byte[]) {
return (String) message.getHeaders().get("filename");
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("File expected as payload.");
return handler;
#ServiceActivator(inputChannel = "toSftpChannel")
public String transferComplete(#Payload byte[] file, #Header("filename") String filename) {
return "The SFTP transfer complete for file: " + filename;
public interface UploadGateway {
#Gateway(requestChannel = "toSftpChannel")
String upload(#Payload byte[] file, #Header("filename") String filename);
My Test Case:
final String pdfStatus = uploadGateway.upload(content, documentName);"Upload of {} completed, {}.", documentName, pdfStatus);
From the return of the Gateway upload call i expect to get the String confirming the upload e.g. "The SFTP transfer complete for file:..." but I get the the returned content of the uploaded File in byte[]:
Upload of 123456789.1.pdf completed, 37,80,68,70,45,49,46,54,13,37,-30,-29,-49,-45,13,10,50,55,53,32,48,32,111,98,106,13,60,60,47,76,105,110,101,97,114,105,122,101,100,32,49,47,76,32,50,53,52,55,49,48,47,79,32,50,55,55,47,69,32,49,49,49,55,55,55,47,78,32,49,47,84,32,50,53,52,51,53,57,47,72,32,91,32,49,49,57,55,32,53,51,55,93,62,62,13,101,110,100,111,98,106,13,32,32,32,32,32,32,32,32,32,32,32,32,13,10,52,55,49,32,48,32,111,98,106,13,60,60,47,68,101,99,111,100,101,80,97,114,109,115,60,60,47,67,111,108,117,109,110,115,32,53,47,80,114,101,100,105,99,116,111,114,32,49,50,62,62,47,70,105,108,116,101,114,47,70,108,97,116,101,68,101,99,111,100,101,47,73,68,91,60,57,66,53,49,56,54,69,70,53,66,56,66,49,50,52,49,65,56,50,49,55,50,54,56,65,65,54,52,65,57,70,54,62,60,68,52,50,68,51,55,54,53,54,65,67,48,55,54,52,65,65,53,52,66,52,57,51,50,56,52,56,68,66 etc.
What am I missing?
I think #Order(0) doesn't work together with the #Bean.
To fix it you should do this in that bean definition istead:
final SftpMessageHandler handler = new SftpMessageHandler(sftpSessionFactory());
See Reference Manual for more info:
When using these annotations on consumer #Bean definitions, if the bean definition returns an appropriate MessageHandler (depending on the annotation type), attributes such as outputChannel, requiresReply etc, must be set on the MessageHandler #Bean definition itself.
In other words: if you can use setter, you have to. We don't process annotations for this case because there is no guarantee what should get a precedence. So, to avoid such a confuse we have left for you only setters choice.
I see your problem and it is here:
public MessageChannel toSftpChannel() {
return new PublishSubscribeChannel();
That is confirmed by the logs:
Adding {bridge:dmsSftpConfig.toSftpChannel.bridgeTo} as a subscriber to the 'toSftpChannel' channel
Channel '' has 3 subscriber(s).
started dmsSftpConfig.toSftpChannel.bridgeTo
So, you really have one more subscriber to that toSftpChannel and it is a BridgeHandler with an output to the replyChannel header. And a default order is like private volatile int order = Ordered.LOWEST_PRECEDENCE; this one becomes as a first subscriber and exactly this one returns you that byte[] just because it is a payload of request.
You need to decide if you really need such a bridge. There is no workaround for the #Order though...
