Getting properties in under test Service class by #Value returns null - spring-boot

I have a Spring Boot version 2.7.0 project with different profiles for dev and test with two different properties files: and (I have NO default file.)
In under test service class I have a property that I want to load its value from file. The service class:
public class FileServiceImpl implements FileService {
private String fileDirectory;
#Transactional(readOnly = false)
public File createFile(CreateFileCommand command) {
var filePath = FileUtil.getPath(fileDirectory); // <- fileDirectory is null in tests
// ....
When I run the application in dev profile, everything is OK. But in tests, fileDirectory is always null.
Test class:
public class FileServiceTest {
// ...
ApplicationTest class:
class ApiApplicationTests {
void contextLoads() {
} file:
files.root-directory=${user.home}\\api\\files file:
EDIT Screenshot of file structure

Put your properties file under src/test/resources for your (JUnit,Integration, Contract etc) test files. That should work!
Property files under src/main/resources are accessible to source files present under src/main/ only!


properties from 'application.yml' not loading for standalone application when you try to run JUnit Test against it

I have class application which run fine when you run it as spring boot application and loads the properties from src/main/resources/application.yml like below
class abc{
private String host;
private ConnectionFactory getConnection() {
ConnectionFactory factory = new ConnectionFactory();//constructs Connection instances
return factory;
below is the application.yml details xx.xx.xx.1
But when you try to run junit test against above class abc then it doesn't upload the properties from src/main/resources/application.yml. Even i have also created a test file application.yml under test directory
src/test/resources/application.yml with the following details xx.xx.xx.1
Below is my Junit test class details
#TestPropertySource(properties = { "spring.config.location=classpath:application.yml" })
#TestPropertySource(properties = {"spring.test1= xx.xx.xx.2",
"spring.test2= 1111"
#ContextConfiguration(initializers = { ConfigFileApplicationContextInitializer.class })
public class Testclass {
private abc ab;
#Value("${spring.test1}") /// here it is getting uploaded from src/main/resources/application.yml
private String test1;
public void testExecute() throws Exception {
i am having hard time to understand and debug why the same configuration doesn't work from JUnit for loading properties from application.yml but it works well when simply run class abc as your standalone application.
Your using in abc
But in the application.yaml you have xx.xx.xx.1 not read with #EnableAutoConfiguration and custom spring boot starter

I try to create a simple custom spring boot starter that read property in :
#EnableConfigurationProperties({ CustomStarterProperties.class })
public class CustomStarterAutoConfiguration {
private CustomStarterProperties properties;
public String customStarterMessage() {
return properties.getMessage();
with its ConfigurationProperties :
#ConfigurationProperties(prefix = "custom.starter")
public class CustomStarterProperties {
private String message;
/* getter and setter */
There is also the corresponding and META-INF/spring.factories to enable the autoconfiguration.
I have another project that declares this starter as a dependency and in which I write a test to see if the customStarterMessage Bean is created :
public class TotoTest {
String customStarterMessage;
public void loadContext() {
This test fails (even with the appropriate file in the project) because the seems to not be read.
It works well with a #SpringBootTest annotation instead of the #EnableAutoConfiguration but I would like to understand why EnableAutoConfiguration is not using my file whereas from my understanding all the Spring AutoConfiguration are based on properties.
#EnableAutoConfiguration on test classes don't prepare required test context for you.
Whereas #SpringBootTest does default test context setup for you based on default specification like scanning from root package, loading from default resources. To load from custom packages which are not part of root package hierarchy, loading from custom resource directories you have define that even in test context configuration. All your configurations will be automatically done in your actual starter project based on #EnableAutoConfiguration you defined.

Values not passed into Component from

I am writing tests in Junit and am using Spring Boot Framework (which I am new to) and need to use different urls to test different environments
Hence, I created 2 resource files in addition to
I created a component which I set the property values to be read into.
Lastly in my test file I am annotating the Test Class with:
#ContextConfiguration(classes = {ComponentName.class})
Also in my I have this line:
When I print out the value of the property of the Component class it should take the value from
Actual: the value is null, although my bean is successfully created
Why is the property not getting injected with the value from
I've tried several articles from Baeldung (A bit confusing though, the articles demonstrate multiple methods to do the same thing, but does not show 1 full technique to do everything end-to-end
I also tried with setting the active profile multiple ways:
a. Env variable
b. Using #ActiveProfiles annotation
Note: This is a Test Project (I am trying to automate-test a website, so all my resource files are inside src.test.resources
Component File
#ConfigurationProperties(prefix = "url")
public class DevEnvironment {
private String sms;
public String getSms() {
return sms;
public void setSms(String sms) {
this.sms = sms;
Test File
#EnableAutoConfiguration(exclude = {MongoAutoConfiguration.class, MongoDataAutoConfiguration.class})
#ContextConfiguration(classes = {DevEnvironment.class})
public class MyTest implements ApplicationContextAware {
private ConfigurableEnvironment env;
private DevEnvironment devEnvironment;
String url;
public void setApplicationContext(ApplicationContext context) throws BeansException {
System.out.println("Active profiles:" + env.getActiveProfiles()[0]);
devEnvironment = context.getBean(DevEnvironment.class);
//System.out.println("from set app context:" + devEnvironment.getSms());
url = devEnvironment.getSms();
public void testSms(){
System.out.println("inside test url:" +url);
Expected: When I print out the value of the property of the Component class it should take the value from
Actual: the value is null, although my bean is successfully created
You forgot #SpringBootTest annotation to MyTest class.
#EnableAutoConfiguration(exclude = {MongoAutoConfiguration.class, MongoDataAutoConfiguration.class})
#SpringBootTest //add
#ContextConfiguration(classes = {DevEnvironment.class})
public class MyTest implements ApplicationContextAware {
I worked fine with this.

spring boot application context was not properly loaded if the yaml file wasn't application.yml

With following configuration, my test can read the properties from the yaml file correctly.
#ComponentScan({ "" })
public class MyApplication {
Then I renamed the yaml file to my-application.yml, and changed the PropertySource to
Tests are failed due to the null property value. The configuration class is as following:
public class MyConfig {
private String attr1;
The test class is:
#SpringApplicationConfiguration(classes = MyApplication.class)
public class MyConfigTest {
private MyConfig myConfig;
public void getMyConfigTest() {
Why spring boot can find the renamed yaml file, but it couldn't load the value correctly?
YAML files can’t be loaded via the #PropertySource annotation
It appears to work with #PropertySource("classpath:application.yml") because that's the default location and spring boot looks there regardless.
You may be able to use #ConfigurationProperties(location="claspath:my-application.yml") instead but it doesn't really achieve the same purpose (and I've never tried it myself).

Test Spring Configuration File

I have a spring configuration file with some beans defined in it, now I would like to use these beans in my unite/integration tests. Is there a way to do this without having a copy of the file in both the main resources and the test resources?
Your test class has to look like the following one:
#ContextConfiguration(locations = { "classpath:path/to/your/context.xml" })
public class MyTest {
private MyBean beanUnderTest;
