Spring boot Response Type - spring

Is there a similar ASP.NET method CreatedAtRoute in spring boot?
I want to write a method similar to this in spring boot
return CreatedAtRoute("action name",routerValues : new {id=?.id} ,value : object)


Exclude null properties from Spring Boot Rest controllers

I have a rest service exposed using spring boot rest controller but with the response i'm sending object's properties those has null values.
For ex : ReponseEntity.ok(list) and that list consist of Objects A with lot of null properties.
Is there an easy way of excluding those null properties with spring boot tools?
You can try this in application.properties file
Ref - https://docs.spring.io/spring-boot/docs/2.0.0.M3/reference/html/howto-spring-mvc.html#howto-customize-the-jackson-objectmapper
or you can try following annotation in class level or property level

How to access datasource information in spring boot with spring data jpa and hibernate

I need to perform an health check on my application that uses spring boot with spring data jpa and hibernate.
I need to do this with jpa and not make specific to any implementation.
In EclipseLink we can use EntityManagerFactoryDelegate as shown below, but I dont know How to do this with spring data jpa and hibernate.
EntityManagerFactoryDelegate delegate = entityManager.getEntityManagerFactory().unwrap(EntityManagerFactoryDelegate.class);
PersistenceInfo = delegate.getSetupImpl().getPersistenceUnitInfo();
DataSourceImpl dataSource = (DataSource) info.getNpnJtaDataSource();
return dataSource.getName();
Can anyone suggest me how to do this in spring data jpa using hibernate.
You can use spring boot actuator dependency for healthcheck doesn't need to configure externally. Once you define Datasource Bean it will auto pick database healthcheck.
if you want to enable/disable database health check you can use the below property,
management.health.db.enabled=<boolean, true || false>
implementation reference :https://docs.spring.io/spring-boot/docs/current/reference/html/production-ready-features.html

How to reproduce Spring Boot Configuration POJO creation but in Spring Core (No boot)

The Context
As described in the Spring Boot documentation, one of the ways to create a POJO that holds configuration properties values is:
//On the configuration class
#EnableConfigurationProperties(value = {
//On the POJO Class
#ConfigurationProperties(prefix = "PROPERTIES_PREFIX_HERE")
It works fine - when you have Spring boot in the project.
Now, I have another project that has only Spring V4 (core + batch) - No boot.
The Question
How to use/reproduce the Configuration POJO creation of Spring Boot in Spring core ?
Spring Boot - Type Safe Configuration properties

Spring boot property injection to JPA entity definitions

Is it possible to use spring boot property placeholder notations in JPA entity defitinions ?
For instance following is not working :
#Table(schema=#Value("schemaname") , name="tablename")
public class InterfaceModel {
Is there a way to make this work ?
No there isn't. Check #829 in the Spring Boot issue tracker for more details.

Servlet/Filters/Listeners in Spring Boot Application

I've added Servlet/Filters/Listeners in Spring Boot application using ServletRegistrationBean , FilterRegistrationBean etc.. for that we have to declare servlets, filters as spring bean ..which will get added in Spring Application Context..which is working absolutely fine
My Question is ..whenever i will call my application, will the request FIRST be handled by Dispatcher Servlet and then to Filter?
Before spring boot, we use to register it directly in web.xml and then i think Filters used to handler the request first, then dispatcher servlet and so on and so forth..
Has the flow changed in Spring Boot Application?
