IntelliJ IDEA memory consumption - performance

Planning on getting an 8gb ram laptop, at least 256gb ssd, with core i5(at least 8th gen) with financial management, I have seen post of some people saying 8gb ram is not enough to run intelliJ IDEA, some even say 16gb is just manageable and as I only intend to run just the ide before moving to android studio for building apps though I intend to get an android device for emulation alongside the android studio so I dont in any case use the virtual device, what do you guys suggest about getting the 8gb ram laptop, do you guys think the ssd can speed up my compilation without lagging or I should try to get a higher ram. Besides, I have a Lenovo thinkpad X140e mini laptop with 3gb ram, amd A4 series chip, 256gb HDD, and the laptop is so slow as it takes about 2 minutes to compile a simple println statement and after compiling about 5 codes, it might just freeze for more than 6 minutes, need help from experienced users and the time it takes to compile a code in the ide (those with the 8gb ram laptop and ssd)


Android Studio and Emulator not responding

I have an Acer Aspire E5-573 laptop with 4Gb RAM, Windows-10 64 bit operating system. Whenever I start my Android Studio, my laptop stops responding, and I am my program does not run on the emulator. What do you think would be the problem?
You have to increase your RAM atleast 8gb,
alternative way:
Use lower version of android studio because version 4.0 and up has many features like animations etc. don't use AVD Android Virtual Device instead try to use Physical phone as emulator
Its mainly happen when your computers memory (RAM) run out, when there is no sufficient memory(RAM) space left to run your program than your laptop is not responding.
Possible solution
Increase your RAM (memory) to minimum 8 GB and
Include a SSD storage in your laptop

Can Xcode utilize 64GB RAM or greater?

I have a MBP with 16GB of RAM. As projects grow in Xcode, the compile time does take longer. I'm looking into starting a hackintosh project purely for shortening Xcode compilation time. Since RAM is cheap, I wanna push the normal boundaries. But the biggest question is will Xcode be capable of using all the RAM greater than 32GB? I know there will be some diminishing marginal returns at some point of RAM increase.
RAM usage is mostly governed by the OS, because the Mac Pro does support up to 64GB of RAM, so should OSX (and by extension XCode).
Although I wonder if your compile time issues are actually RAM-related. I have Xcode projects that take minutes to build and it's all because my CPU is pegged at 100% (using a mid-2015 15" retina MBP). Not many software projects are RAM-constrained past 16GB.

It lags when i am using android studio

my laptop is i7 4510U , 4GB ram , Intel HD graphics 2gb , Nvidia GeForce 840m 4GB
why it's so laggy when Iam using android studio?
Your 4GB of ram is to blame,
to use well Android Studio, you need at least 8GB of RAM (more if intend to use emulators), just note that the GPU have no use here, and even the processor you just need a mid range processor to work well, but when compiling the more powerful processor you have the better.
I also had problems but then i disabled some plugins and tried to build gradle offline, you can find detailed answer here :

Android Studio on Dual Xeon Workstation

Curious if anyone out there is doing Android Studio development on a dual Xeon machine.
I would like to know if the additional CPU gave a dramatic or visible (50% or more) boost in build performance.
You probably found out, but for others wondering: Chances are - it won't.
Did some testing with two relatively quick E2650 v4 Xeons on a largish Java + Kotlin project and Xeons were considerably slower than low core count / higher clock CPU's.
Check out the benchmarks here:
I have tried to measure speed of Android Studio 3.1.4 on the same hardware: Macbook Pro 2011, RAM 4Gb, SSD 240GB Samsung, Core i5 2.4Ghz.
I have installed on this machine 3 different OS: Windows 10, MacOS Hight Sierra 10.13, Ubuntu 18.04.
Avarage build time (running command: gradlew clean build, gradlew clean assembleRelease) on MacOS/Ubuntu was around 30% faster than on Windows.
On my another working machine: Core i5 3.0 Ghz 7400, RAM 16Gb, SSD 250Gb. Build time takes 4.34min on Windows 10 machine.
The same project on a little bit slower processor, but with the same RAM and SSD and it is running Ubuntu 16.04 build time takes two times faster!!
Well I was shocked with results, but still I choose Windows as development machine, because it's much more comfortable for me to use comfortable and
usable keyboard and sotfware than on Unix like systems. And even if I had to choose between MacOS and Ubuntu - mac is really much easier to setup everything, and
Ubuntu is too complex to use for usual people. Choise is up to you.

Unreal engine - complaints for needing 8 GB of memory even though I have 8GB memory

I have a Mac OS X with 8 GB 1600 MHz DDR3 RAM and when I start unreal engine it complaints about Low RAM and asks that for best performance I should have at least 8 GB of RAM.
I'm not sure why is this is case, is it possible that its getting a lower share of RAM or something similar?
The Unreal Editor version is 4.7.5
Edit: The processor is 2.3 GHz Intel Core i7, and is 64 bit.
Edit: The graphic processor is Intel Iris Pro 1024 MB.
Why would UE4 not be able to access all of your RAM? I do not consider that case very likely.
Also, I would not worry about the RAM usage of UE4 too much. I do a lot of work with the engine and it rarely uses more than 3GB of RAM. Just make sure that your system as a whole has enough RAM for the running processes to prevent swapping.
Anyway, the bottleneck in your system is probably the graphics processor, so if your engine runs too slowly you should reduce the performance setting inside the engine.
