Spring WebFlux + reactive DB2 - how to migrate from Hikari datasource and JDBC? - spring-boot

I've migrated an entire project to reactive WebFlux, the only missing thing is the DB queries. At the moment I'm using JdbcTemplate and Hikari Datasources and I need to make DB calls reactive?
I tried to use vertx-db2-client but it seems it does not work fine with Webflux (or I'm not capable to use it correctly).
What options do I have? Can you show any working example with Webflux and DB2?

You would need to find that the database DB2 is supported by Spring data reactive libraries. When I look at https://spring.io/projects/spring-data-r2dbc I don't see DB2 being in the list of database they support.


How to create Springboot App with postgres using spring native graalvm?

I was trying to create a CRUD app using spring boot and postgres ,alongwith spring native.But I couldn't find any proper documentation related to it apart from spring native documentation.
The part of how to integrate it with postgres,is what I am looking for.Thankyou
You can use Spring Data like you would in a standard Spring Boot application. Depending on the type of application, you can use Spring Data JDBC, Spring Data JPA (if you need the Hibernate features), or Spring Data R2DBC (for reactive apps). If you bootstrap your application from start.spring.io, you can directly select the PostgreSQL dependency from there.
To get started with Spring Data, you can refer to this guide on the Spring website: relational data access with Spring Data JDBC. It uses H2, but you can replace it with PostgreSQL. More details are available on the project documentation.
On my GitHub, you can find an example of Spring Boot application with a REST API, security, and data persistence with PostgreSQL. And packaged as a native executable through Spring Native. If you're new to Spring Native, I wrote an article about how to get started with it.

Spring boot oracle database without hibernate?

i managed to connect my spring boot application with postgres without hibernate, but with r2dbc for a reactive application.
I was wondering if i can connect spring boot to oracle database without hibernate for a non reactive application ?
Spring Data provides two basic modules for integrating applications with relational databases. Spring Data JDBC is for imperative applications while Spring Data R2DBC is for reactive ones. They both use the same interfaces and patterns. If you're familiar with Spring Data R2DBC, it will be straightforward to work with Spring Data JDBC.

Spring-boot JPA connect to postgres where database and schema are provided at runtime

I am building a multi-tenant application, where the tenant database configuration are stored in Redis. Based on the request, I will query the Redis to get the database and schema configured for that tenant, this application is built on spring boot.
I took a look at spring boot's JPA sample, and did some more google to find a suitable solution for this, unfortunately, I couldn't find one.
Is this really possible to use JPA sample provided here ?
Please suggest me any other best possible way to tackle this problem
Spring Data JPA uses JPA annotations to define domain model. These JPA entities define schema for your database. Obviously you can't change these entities, nor DB schema on runtime.
So no, updating schema on runtime is not possible with Spring Boot + Spring Data JPA combo.
Database connection (e.g. DB URL, username password) could be more flexible. You would need to create DataSource beans programmatically and somehow programatically define which data source to use for each query per tenant. But this wasn't requirement of Spring nor JPA ecosystem, therefore you may face lot of issues.
I was working on such system before, but we were using plain SQL queries via JDBC and were creating DB connection programatically to achieve schema changes on runtime.

Connecting Spring to Existing JDBC Connection

I've followed this tutorial through Spring's docs. It's nice, but I can not find anything online (and current) that shows how to connect to an existing DataSource through JDBC using Spring. Where can I configure this connection? This tutorial only shows how to create one (but where exactly is it even doing that?).
From your how-to link, you can see:
Spring Boot spots H2, an in-memory relational database engine,
and automatically creates a connection. Because we are using
spring-jdbc, Spring Boot automatically creates a JdbcTemplate.
The #Autowired JdbcTemplate field automatically loads it and
makes it available.
You can bypass the default DataSource by adding #EnableAutoConfiguration(exclude={DataSourceAutoConfiguration.class}) to your Application class. This link provides more detail on setting up a DataSource in Spring Boot.
...and the other sections are pretty useful too!
You are using Spring boot which contains embedded databases, in this case H2 database (check line "Spring Boot spots H2, an in-memory relational database engine, and automatically creates a connection.")
To provide custom connection and configure DataSource see this section https://docs.spring.io/spring-boot/docs/current/reference/html/boot-features-sql.html

Spring JPA with Jersey

I am writing a rest service using Jersey. The data access layer will be developed using Spring JPA. I will be interested to know how can I pass database properties to the Repository layer.
take a look at #Blaise Doughan's answer to a similar question
How to insert data from database with Web Service in java using JAX - RS
