How to use functions within crontab - bash

My crontab has several similar calls where a script is called with a flock file, timeout, and output / error logs. I'd like to put this logic into a shared function that I just pass the script path and timeout length to. Is there any way to define a function within the crontab that can be used by all entries?
The best workaround I've found so far is defining my function in my .bashrc file, and wrapping every cron command with bash -ic "..." to make them run in an interactive shell, but this seems overkill, and means my crontab's functionality is linked to my .bashrc file. Is there no better way to use functions within the crontab?
Testing on Ubuntu Server 20.04 LTS
---- Edit ----
Per the comments, here's an example entry in my crontab:
0 */4 * * * IFS=; output=$(flock -n /home/me/my_script.lock timeout 3600 python3 /home/me/ 2>&1 || if [ $? -eq 124 ]; then echo "`date '+\%s'`: Killed due to timeout"; fi); if [ "$output" ]; then echo $output; fi >> /home/me/logs/my_script.log 2>&1
...and the corresponding test function I put in my .bashrc file
test() {
output=$(flock -n test.lock timeout 300 python3 2>&1 || if [ $? -eq 124 ]; then echo "`date '+\%s'`: Killed due to timeout"; fi);
if [ "$output" ]
echo $output
...the function of course being hard-coded just for testing, if used I would add parameters for the script path and timeout length per OP.
Hopefully this better explains the desire to use a function, as the whole IFS, flock, timeout, and 'killed by' pieces are all reused for each line (of which there are multiple dozen). If there's any better solution catered to this need, all suggestions welcome, otherwise the suggestion to just call my function as a separate bash script sounds appropriate.

Put the function in a file and you can do
0 * * * * . /path/to/file; func_name arg1 arg2
Be aware thaat the default shell for the crontab is /bin/sh. If your function relies on bash features, set SHELL = /bin/bash in the crontab. See man 5 crontab


Setting environment variables with background processes running in parallel

I have a file that takes 1 min to source. So within that file I need to source, I created functions and then ran them in parallel using &. The exported variables from the child processes are not available in the current environment. Is there a solution or trick to solve this issue? Thanks.
function getCNAME() {
curl ...... grep
export CNAME
function getBNAME() {
curl ...... grep
export BNAME
getCNAME &
getBNAME &
And then I have a main file that calls the source command on the code above and tries to use the variables BNAME and CNAME. But is unable to do so. If I remove the & it does have access to those variable but takes a long time to source the file.
You can't use export in your subshell and expect the parent shell to have access to the resulting variable. Consider using process substitutions instead:
# note that if you're sourcing this, as you should be, the shebang will be ignored.
# ...hopefully it's just there for your editor's syntax highlighting.
orig_pipefail_setting=$(shopt -p pipefail)
shopt -s pipefail # make sure if either curl _or_ grep fails the entire pipeline does too
# start both processes in the background, with their stdout on two different FDs
exec 4< <(curl ... | grep ... && printf '\0')
exec 5< <(curl ... | grep ... && printf '\0')
# read from those FDs into variables in the current shell
IFS= read -r -d '' BNAME <&4 || { (( rc |= $? )); echo "Error reading BNAME" >&2; }
IFS= read -r -d '' CNAME <&5 || { (( rc |= $? )); echo "Error reading CNAME" >&2; }
exec 4<&- 5<&- # close those file descriptors now that we're done with them
export BNAME CNAME # note that you probably don't actually need to export these
eval "$orig_pipefail_setting" # turn pipefail back off, if it wasn't on when we started
return "$rc" # ...return with an exit status reflecting whether we had any errors
That way file descriptors 4 and 5 will each be attached to a shell pipeline running curl and feeding its output to grep; both of them are started in the background before we try to read from either, so they're both running at the same time.
Are you sure the last two lines shouldn't be:
Edit - OP has fixed this, it used to read:
If you are sourcing a script (. /my/script), it is not a child process, and its variables will be available in the current shell. You don't even need export.
If you are executing a script normally, it is a child process, and you can't set variables in the parent shell.
The only methods I'm aware of of transferring data to the parent shell are via a file.
The variables should be available.
Check for bugs in your script:
Make sure you haven't used local for the variables in the functions.
Do echo "$CNAME" at the bottom of the sourced script, to test the functions are actually working at all.
I did a little more investigation. Here is the problem: & puts the command/function in a subshell. That's why the variable is not available. In a sourced script, without &, it would be.
From man bash:
If a command is terminated by the control operator &, the shell
executes the command in the background in a subshell. The shell does
not wait for the command to finish, and the return status is 0.
These are referred to as asynchronous commands.

Bash script not running via cron and sh , but runs fine with ./

I have a code which crontab is not able to run
i am using ./ to run it. when i do this manually this runs fine
but via cron when i try
*/5 * * * * . /home/ubuntu/ >> /
This doesn't work
for ((i=0; i<retries; i++)); do
curl -1 --cipher ALL --connect-timeout 90 -T $zip_name ftps://$zip_name --user admin:pas [[ $? -eq 0 ]] && break
echo "something went wrong, let's wait 6 seconds and retry"
sleep 6
[[ $retries -eq i ]] && { echo "This email is being sent as a notifer of Failure, Support" | mail -s "Dump Failed" "" ; exit 1; }
Also when i run this using sh
it says Syntax error: Bad for loop variable
Presumably, the shell of your cron is dash (not bash). In Ubuntu (and derivatives) sh is just a symlink for dash.
You can:
Add a shebang at the top of of your script -- #!/bin/bash (or #!/usr/bin/env bash), recommended approach
Run the script as an argument to bash: /bin/bash /path/to/, moderately recommended
Set SHELL=/bin/bash in your crontab (not recommended), or even you can set the SHELL as bash for the run of any single command but again use the shebang approach
Also, always try to use absolute path to any file in crontab as cron runs with a modified PATH.
Now, even in bash, your for construct's syntax is incorrect, you need the arithmetic operator (()), not subshell (()):
for ((i=0; i<retries; i++)); do ...; done
If you source the script by . operator, then shebang #!/bin/bash in the script is ignored. The script is executed in the shell of your cron, which is not bash and it doesn't support for loop you are using.
Add shebang in your script and remove . from cron file:
*/5 * * * * /home/ubuntu/ >> /
or just edit cron file in the following way:
*/5 * * * * /bin/bash /home/ubuntu/ >> /
Don't use . when you are giving full path to the script, try running below command:
*/5 * * * * /home/ubuntu/
It should work, Let me know in case of more details.

Getting exit code of last shell command in another script

I am trying to beef up my notify script. The way the script works is that I put it behind a long running shell command and then all sorts of notifications get invoked after the long running script finished.
For example:
sleep 100; my_notify
It would be nice to get the exit code of the long running script. The problem is that calling my_notify creates a new process that does not have access to the $? variable.
~ $: ls nonexisting_file; echo "exit code: $?"; echo "PPID: $PPID"
ls: nonexisting_file: No such file or directory
exit code: 1
PPID: 6203
~ $: ls nonexisting_file; my_notify
ls: nonexisting_file: No such file or directory
exit code: 0
PPID: 6205
The my_notify script has the following in it:
echo "exit code: $?"
echo "PPID: $PPID"
I am looking for a way to get the exit code of the previous command without changing the structure of the command too much. I am aware of the fact that if I change it to work more like time, e.g. my_notify longrunning_command... my problem would be solved, but I actually like that I can tack it at the end of a command and I fear complications of this second solution.
Can this be done or is it fundamentally incompatible with the way that shells work?
My shell is Z shell (zsh), but I would like it to work with Bash as well.
You'd really need to use a shell function in order to accomplish that. For a simple script like that it should be pretty easy to have it working in both zsh and bash. Just place the following in a file:
my_notify() {
echo "exit code: $?"
echo "PPID: $PPID"
Then source that file from your shell startup files. Although since that would be run from within your interactive shell, you may want to use $$ rather than $PPID.
It is incompatible. $? only exists within the current shell; if you want it available in subprocesses then you must copy it to an environment variable.
The alternative is to write a shell function that uses it in some way instead.
One method to implement this could be to use EOF tag and a master script which will create your my_notify script.
if [ -f my_notify ] ; then
rm -rf my_notify
if [ -f my_temp ] ; then
rm -rf my_temp
retval=`ls non_existent_file &> /dev/null ; echo $?`
echo "retval=$retval"
echo "ppid=$ppid"
cat >> my_notify << 'EOF'
echo "exit code: $retval"
echo " PPID =$ppid"
sh my_notify
You can refine this script for your purpose.

How to use timeout command with a own function?

I would like to use the timeout command with an own function, e.g.:
function test { sleep 10; echo "done" }
timeout 5 test
But when calling this script, it seems to do nothing. The shell returns right after I started it.
Is there a way to fix this or can timeout not be used on own functions ?
One way is to do
timeout 5 bash -c 'sleep 10; echo "done"'
instead. Though you can also hack up something like this:
f() { sleep 10; echo done; }
f & pid=$!
{ sleep 5; kill $pid; } &
wait $pid
timeout doesn't seem to be a built-in command of bash which means it can't access functions. You will have to move the function body into a new script file and pass it to timeout as parameter.
timeout requires a command and can't work on shell functions.
Unfortunately your function above has a name clash with the /usr/bin/test executable, and that's causing some confusion, since /usr/bin/test exits immediately. If you rename your function to (say) t, you'll see:
brian#machine:~/$ timeout t
Try `timeout --help' for more information.
which isn't hugely helpful, but serves to illustrate what's going on.
Found this question when trying to achieve this myself, and working from #geirha's answer, I got the following to work:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# "thisfile" contains full path to this script
thisfile=$(readlink -ne "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")
# the function to timeout
echo "this is func1";
sleep 60
### MAIN ###
# only execute 'main' if this file is not being source
if [[ "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" == "${0}" ]]; then
#timeout func1 after 2 sec, even though it will sleep for 60 sec
timeout 2 bash -c "source $thisfile && func1"
Since timeout executes the command its given in a new shell, the trick was getting that subshell environment to source the script to inherit the function you want to run. The second trick was to make it somewhat readable..., which led to the thisfile variable.
Provided you isolate your function in a separate script, you can do it this way:
(sleep 1m && killall & # we schedule timeout 1 mn here

How do I make sure my bash script isn't already running?

I have a bash script I want to run every 5 minutes from cron... but there's a chance the previous run of the script isn't done yet... in this case, i want the new run to just exit. I don't want to rely on just a lock file in /tmp.. I want to make sure sure the process is actually running before i honor the lock file (or whatever)...
Here is what I have stolen from the internet so far... how do i smarten it up a bit? or is there a completely different way that's better?
if [ -f /tmp/mylockFile ] ; then
echo 'Script is still running'
echo 1 > /tmp/mylockFile
/* Do some stuff */
rm -f /tmp/mylockFile
# Use a lockfile containing the pid of the running process
# If script crashes and leaves lockfile around, it will have a different pid so
# will not prevent script running again.
# create empty lock file if none exists
cat /dev/null >> $lf
read lastPID < $lf
# if lastPID is not null and a process with that pid exists , exit
[ ! -z "$lastPID" -a -d /proc/$lastPID ] && exit
echo not running
# save my pid in the lock file
echo $$ > $lf
# sleep just to make testing easier
sleep 5
There is at least one race condition in this script. Don't use it for a life support system, lol. But it should work fine for your example, because your environment doesn't start two scripts simultaneously. There are lots of ways to use more atomic locks, but they generally depend on having a particular thing optionally installed, or work differently on NFS, etc...
You might want to have a look at the man page for the flock command, if you're lucky enough to get it on your distribution.
flock - Manage locks from shell scripts
flock [-sxon] [-w timeout] lockfile [-c] command...
Never use a lock file always use a lock directory.
In your specific case, it's not so important because the start of the script is scheduled in 5min intervals. But if you ever reuse this code for a webserver cgi-script you are toast.
if mkdir /tmp/my_lock_dir 2>/dev/null
echo "running now the script"
sleep 10
rmdir /tmp/my_lock_dir
This has a problem if you have a stale lock, means the lock is there but no associated process. Your cron will never run.
Why use a directory? Because mkdir is an atomic operation. Only one process at a time can create a directory, all other processes get an error. This even works across shared filesystems and probably even between different OS types.
Store your pid in mylockFile. When you need to check, look up ps for the process with the pid you read from file. If it exists, your script is running.
If you want to check the process's existence, just look at the output of
ps aux | grep your_script_name
If it's there, it's not dead...
As pointed out in the comments and other answers, using the PID stored in the lockfile is much safer and is the standard approach most apps take. I just do this because it's convenient and I almost never see the corner cases (e.g. editing the file when the cron executes) in practice.
If you use a lockfile, you should make sure that the lockfile is always removed. You can do this with 'trap':
if ( set -o noclobber; echo "locked" > "$lockfile") 2> /dev/null; then
trap 'rm -f "$lockfile"; exit $?' INT TERM EXIT
echo "Locking succeeded" >&2
rm -f "$lockfile"
echo "Lock failed - exit" >&2
exit 1
The noclobber option makes the creation of lockfile atomic, like using a directory.
As a one-liner and if you do not want to use a lockfile (e.g. b/c/ of a read only filesystem, etc)
test "$(pidof -x $(basename $0))" != $$ && exit
It checks that the full list of PID that bear the name of your script is equal to the current PID. The "-x" also checks for the name of shell scripts.
Bash makes it even shorter and faster:
[[ "$(pidof -x $(basename $0))" != $$ ]] && exit
In some cases, you might want to be able to distinguish between who is running the script and allow some concurrency but not all. In that case, you can use per-user, per-tty or cron-specific locks.
You can use environment variables such as $USER or the output of a program such as tty to create the filename. For cron, you can set a variable in the crontab file and test for it in your script.
you can use this one:
pgrep -f "/bin/\w*sh .*scriptname" | grep -vq $$ && exit
I was trying to solve this problem today and I came up with the below:
JOBS=$(SUBSHELL_PID=$BASHPID; ps axo pid,command | grep "${COMMAND_LINE}" | grep -v $$ | g rep -v ${SUBSHELL_PID} | grep -v grep)
if [[ -z "${JOBS}" ]]
# not already running
# already running
This relies on $BASHPID which contains the PID inside a subshell ($$ in the subshell is the parent pid). However, this relies on Bash v4 and I needed to run this on OSX which has Bash v3.2.48. I ultimately came up with another solution and it is cleaner:
JOBS=$(sh -c "ps axo pid,command | grep \"${COMMAND_LINE}\" | grep -v grep | grep -v $$")
You can always just:
if ps -e -o cmd | grep scriptname > /dev/null; then
But I like the lockfile myself, so I wouldn't do this without the lock file as well.
Since a socket solution has not yet been mentioned it is worth pointing out that sockets can be used as effective mutexes. Socket creation is an atomic operation, like mkdir is as Gunstick pointed out, so a socket is suitable to use as a lock or mutex.
Tim Kay's Perl script 'Solo' is a very small and effective script to make sure only one copy of a script can be run at any one time. It was designed specifically for use with cron jobs, although it works perfectly for other tasks as well and I've used it for non-crob jobs very effectively.
Solo has one advantage over the other techniques mentioned so far in that the check is done outside of the script you only want to run one copy of. If the script is already running then a second instance of that script will never even be started. This is as opposed to isolating a block of code inside the script which is protected by a lock. EDIT: If flock is used in a cron job, rather than from inside a script, then you can also use that to prevent a second instance of the script from starting - see example below.
Here's an example of how you might use it with cron:
*/5 * * * * solo -port=3801 /path/to/ args args args
# "/path/to/ args args args" is only called if no other instance of
# "/path/to/" is running, or more accurately if the socket on port 3801
# is not open. Distinct port numbers can be used for different programs so that
# if is running it does not prevent from starting, I've
# used the port range 3801 to 3810 without conflicts. For Linux non-root users
# the valid port range is 1024 to 65535 (0 to 1023 are reserved for root).
* * * * * solo -port=3802 /path/to/
* * * * * solo -port=3803 /path/to/
# Flock can also be used in cron jobs with a distinct lock path for different
# programs, in the example below will only be started if the one
# started a minute earlier has already finished.
* * * * * flock -n /tmp/ -c /path/to/
Solo web page:
Solo script:
Hope this helps.
You can use this.
I'll just shamelessly copy-paste the solution here, as it is an answer for both questions (I would argue that it's actually a better fit for this question).
init using sh_lock_init
lock using sh_acquire_lock
check lock using sh_check_lock
unlock using sh_remove_lock
Script File
function sh_lock_init {
sh_lock_scriptName=$(basename $0)
sh_lock_dir="/tmp/${sh_lock_scriptName}.lock" #lock directory
sh_lock_file="${sh_lock_dir}/lockPid.txt" #lock file
function sh_acquire_lock {
if mkdir $sh_lock_dir 2>/dev/null; then #check for lock
echo "$sh_lock_scriptName lock acquired successfully.">&2
touch $sh_lock_file
echo $$ > $sh_lock_file # set current pid in lockFile
return 0
touch $sh_lock_file
read sh_lock_lastPID < $sh_lock_file
if [ ! -z "$sh_lock_lastPID" -a -d /proc/$sh_lock_lastPID ]; then # if lastPID is not null and a process with that pid exists
echo "$sh_lock_scriptName is already running.">&2
return 1
echo "$sh_lock_scriptName stopped during execution, reacquiring lock.">&2
echo $$ > $sh_lock_file # set current pid in lockFile
return 2
return 0
function sh_check_lock {
[[ ! -f $sh_lock_file ]] && echo "$sh_lock_scriptName lock file removed.">&2 && return 1
read sh_lock_lastPID < $sh_lock_file
[[ $sh_lock_lastPID -ne $$ ]] && echo "$sh_lock_scriptName lock file pid has changed.">&2 && return 2
echo "$sh_lock_scriptName lock still in place.">&2
return 0
function sh_remove_lock {
rm -r $sh_lock_dir
Usage example
. /path/to/ # load sh lock functions
sh_lock_init || exit $?
[[ $lockStatus -eq 1 ]] && exit $lockStatus
[[ $lockStatus -eq 2 ]] && echo "lock is set, do some resume from crash procedures";
#monitoring example
while sh_check_lock # loop while lock is in place
echo "$sh_scriptName running (pid $$)"
sleep 1
let cnt++
[[ $cnt -gt 5 ]] && break
#remove lock when process finished
sh_remove_lock || exit $?
exit 0
Uses a combination of file, directory and process id to lock to make sure that the process is not already running
You can detect if the script stopped before lock removal (eg. process kill, shutdown, error etc.)
You can check the lock file, and use it to trigger a process shutdown when the lock is missing
Verbose, outputs error messages for easier debug
