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Closed 8 months ago.
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Can someone please explain how the time complexity of this algorithm is O(n) using recurrence relation.
def exercise2(N):
count = 0
i = N
while ( i > 0 ):
for j in range(0,i):
count = count + 1
i = i//2
For positive 𝑛 the number of executions of count = count + 1 is representative of the complexity, as the other lines of code don't execute significantly more times.
The recurrence relation can use the first iteration of the outer loop: that represents 𝑛 iterations of the inner loop. The loop continues for 𝑛/2, and that can be represented with a recursive case:
𝑇𝑛 = 𝑛 + 𝑇𝑛/2
The base case is when 𝑛 is zero, in which case there is no iteration of the loop, or we could also set it when 𝑛 is one, in which case there is just one iteration of the loop:
𝑇1 = 1
So this relation expands as follows:
𝑇𝑛 = 𝑛 + 𝑛/2 + 𝑛/4 + ... + 1 = ∑𝑖=0..𝑛 (𝑛 / 2𝑖)
This is a geomatric series that -- when we perform integer divisions and 𝑛 is a power of 2 -- is equal to 2𝑛−1 and otherwise is not greater than 2𝑛−1.
So we can say the algorithm has a complexity of O(2𝑛) = O(𝑛)
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Closed 1 year ago.
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Suppose I want to find partition number of n, aka p(n). Here Euler's Pentagonal number theorem, a dynamic programming based solution is present, which has time and complexities O(n^2), O(n^2\log(n)) respectively.
Is there any improvement over this algorithm to reduce complexity or is there any proof showing that this algorithm is the best possible for this problem/ reducing complexity bellow this is NP-hard. Also what about the space-time trade off. Can we reduce time/space complexity by increasing space/time complexity respectively (keeping in mind that each complexity should not be more that O(n^3).
The following recurrence can be directly translated to code:
import numpy as np
def num_partitions(n):
# recursive function with an auxiliary cache to avoid recomputing
# the same value more than once
def get(n, k, aux):
# terminate the recursion
if n < k:
return 0
if k == 1 or k == n:
return 1
# check if the value is already in the cache - if not, compute
# it recursively
if aux[n][k] == -1:
aux[n][k] = get(n-k, k, aux) + get(n-1, k-1, aux)
return aux[n][k]
return np.sum([get(n, k, np.ones((n+1,n+1)) * -1) for k in range(1, n+1)],
import sys
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Closed 5 years ago.
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Given an array of integers, how can I efficiently calculate the number of pairs of integers with a difference of at least k? My goal is to do this in better than O(n^2) time.
If you need to list them, you might need to list every pair which would be O(n^2). If you just need to count them, you can get O(n log n) by sorting the list, then for each start_index, find the smallest end_index for which the difference in values is at least k. There will be n - end_index of these.
Each successive step is to increment start_index by 1, then increment end_index until the difference in values is at least k, again add n - end_index, and repeat.
Here's O(n) code (in Ruby) for a sorted array.
def count_pairs (arr, k)
end_index = 0
0.upto(arr.length - 1) do |start_index|
while arr[end_index] - arr[start_index] < k do
end_index += 1
return count if end_index >= arr.length
count += arr.length - end_index
return count
If the list is already sorted, this is O(n).
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Closed 8 years ago.
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Simple linear search to find max min algo
for i=2 to n do{
if a[i]>max then max:=a[i];
else if a[i]<min then min:=a[i];
1.Average case complexity of the above algo given that the first if conditions fails for n/2 elments
2.Average case complexity of the above algo if the first ccondition fails 1/2 times plz xplain
The average case complexity for both cases is O(n). if k is the number of times the first if fails, then the number of comparisons is 2*n - 2 - k.
for i=2 to n do{ // goes through the loop n-1 times
if a[i]>max then max:=a[i]; // out of n-1 times succeeds k times and fails n-1-k times
else if a[i]<min then min:=a[i]; // runs this n-1-k times
n-1 + n-1-k -> 2*n - 2 - k
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Closed 9 years ago.
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T(1) = 1
T(n) = T(n^1/3) + 1
How can I solve it? By "solve" I mean to found it's "complexity" (I don't really know how to say it in English), such as O(nlogn) ecc.
I couldn't guess the substitution method; i go nowhere with the iteration method, and I can't apply Master Theorem.
I'm arrived here, but I'm not sure:
T(n) = T(n^(1/3^k))) +k
Can you give me and advice please?
I'll try to formulate some possible solutions. You can pick one depending on further constraints.
The recursion will run until n becomes 1. This is:
1 = n^(1/3^k)
or more generally
b = n^(1/3^k)
where k is the recursion depth. Solving this for k yields:
ln(b) = 1/3^k * ln(n)
ln(ln(b) / ln(n)) = k * ln(1/3)
-ln(ln(b) / ln(n)) / ln(3) = k
If we set b to 1, then the equation becomes unsolvable, because ln(0) is not specified. This would be equivalent to an endless recursion.
However, we can say that in the last recursion n should be "roughly 1". So we actually have a b != 1. Then k is:
k = -ln(ln(b) / ln(n)) / ln(3)
= -ln(c1 / ln(n)) / c2
= -(ln(c1) - lnln(n)) / c2
= (-c3 + lnln(n)) / c2
This should be O(log log n).
If you want to truncate n to its integer part, the calculation becomes pretty messy, because you have special cases after each step. However, we could approximate the result by specifying b = 1.999999. This would yield the same complexity as above.
If this is a recursive function, so what i did understand is that
T(n)= T(integerpart(cubicsquare(n)) +1 ;
in this case :
if (n>=1){
N= n;
while (N>1){
T(n)= S ;
that's mean that T(n) is a simple function : with integer bound, and the width of the keme interval is 2^(3^k) - 2^(3^(k-1))
you can see, first interval is if n in ]1,8[ T(n)=2; then if n in [8,252[ ,T(n)=3...
so, as we can say then that t(2^(3^k)) = k+1 ;
then t(n) ~O(ln(ln(n))/ln(3)) (consider suite 2^3^k)
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Closed 8 years ago.
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Kind of a math question, but very programming related. Doing some Big-O problems and I have an algorithm where a for loop will run n times, where k = input size, n = max power of 4 where (k)/(4^n) >= 1. How can I represent max power of 4 where (k)/(4^n) >= 1 in one mathematic statement?
floor ( (log k)/(log 4) ).
Or something along those lines.
Mathematic statement: [log_4(k)]
Code: floor( log(k) / log(4) )
log base 4 of k? Can take the floor if you only care about integer n.
Taking (k)/(4^n) >= 1, multiply both sides by 4^n to get k >= 4^n, and then take the log base 4 (log_4) of both sides to get log_4 k >= n, or n <= log_4 k. (Equivalently, take log of both sides and get log k >= log(4^n), then note log(4^n) = n log(4), and divide to get (log k)/(log 4) >= n). Choose the largest integer n satisfying this inequality, which is floor(log_4 k).