Sending RAW JSON to Content-Type multipart/form-data in Postman - .net-6.0

I want to test an API using Postman. I have 6 collections folder, in the 3 folders I call this API with the same request. If I use key-value pair, it will take times when there is a change in the request. So I put the request in collections variable as RAW JSON, but when I use this, the API returns Bad Request (400).
I'm using .NET 6 Web API, and my API look like this:
public async Task<IActionResult> Create([FromForm] TestViewModel vm)
// Process Data
For the notes, I use [FromForm] because I have file input in the form.
Is there any workaround for this?
Thanks in advance

if you want to post json to api it's better to user [FromBody] attribute, if you want to use [FromForm] you must use key-value form in form-data in postman.
for converting your model to json to store in collection use Newtonsoft.Json package.

follow below steps to send data as FromForm in Postman
Request Type: Post
In body select form-body or x-www-form-urlencoded send data as key value pairs. Class property as Key and value is your Requested Data


How can we pass nested requested body which contains file in postman

I have two model files in java spring boot where in one i have declared the variables for database and another one to include file in Request body itself.
I have a controller which takes the request body this. How can i send the following request in postman. Is there better way of doing including a file and my other model class rather than just passing it as request param.
public String saveReferenceData(#RequestBody TestClass testClass){
// custom logic written
return "done";
You should use multipart request for handling files and text data. Multipart request is similar to any other payload but defined boundaries for server to handle and parse.
To Upload multipart file In postman:
Switch to body tab
select form-data
add keys
Alternative solution
Dothttp is similar tool with great control over these.
For Multipart upload
// selects as multipart
'name'< 'john',
'photo'< 'C:\Users\john\documents\photo.jpg',
// and many more

temporarily change $http.defaults.transformResponse

How can I customize $http in angularjs such that it will accept strings as its response in a $ call? Right now, when I do a $ call, my response is in string but angularjs by default uses JSON therefore I get an error. Right now I have something along the lines of
function getResponseURL(response) {
//this will convert the response to string
return response;
$http.defaults.transformResponse = [];
However if I use the code above, any $ calls after that call uses string. I want it to use the original default JSON format. How can I go about into just temporarily changing the response to string for this one call but the rest stay as JSON type as a response?
Why not only register that transform for ONLY that request?
Angular js $http docs
If you wish
override the request/response transformations only for a single
request then provide transformRequest and/or transformResponse
properties on the configuration object passed into $http.

How to call the WebApi,Implemented with AttributeRouting for each action methods,calling it from my client and passing the Query parameters in url?

I have implemented attribute routing for each of action methods in My Webapi.
Example of action method is:-
public HttpResponseMessage DeleteDocument(int fileInfoId, string customerAccountName)
//*** Some body contents
Now i want to call the above action method from the client example( Fiddler Web debugger),or browser and want to pass the Url request in the below pattern:-
Currently i am not able to hit the above action method by the above specified url request.
But if i use the url pattern like below:-
I am able to hit the above action method.But for my project requirement,I need to use the Url with query parameters only.
Please suggest me the approach,how to achieve this?
Any response will be greatly appreciated.
Route templates in Web API do not support specifying query string parameters. For your scenario, do not define fileInfoId and customerAccountName as part of your route template as doing so makes Web API to strictly look for 5 segments(the text between the / characters in your route template) in your request just modify your route template to [Route("api/DocumentApi/DeleteDocument")] and keep the parameters on the actions as it is...
Use like following code :
public HttpResponseMessage TestAction(string fileInfoId,string customerAccountName)

How to send Object via Ajax to Servlet

How do I send an element of type object via ajax to a servlet?
In the ajax I am passing the value as follows below:
data: { mapList : mapLists }
To get the value in the Servlet am doing follows below:
Object o = request.getAttribute("mapList");
However, the returned value is always null. What should I do to get around this problem?
Change your ajax datas by :
data: { 'mapList' : mapLists }
On HTTP GET or POST requests you can only send a list of key/value pairs as parameters to the server so you will have to manually serialize your object to send its attributes in this format.
You should better use HttpServletRequest.getParameter(String) in place of HttpServletRequest.getAttribute(String). Also, what you get as an HTTP GET/POST parameter will always be received in the servlet as a String.
I assume that you are using jQuery to send the ajax request. I also asume that your mapLists variable is a json object. As far as I know, jQuery doesn't automatically convert a json object to a key/value pair HTTP parameter list so you will have to do it by yourself and then parse it back in the servlet. You can use JSON.stringify() to convert your json object or you can serialize it manually.

How do use JSON body in REST requests?

I am developing an API using Codeigniter and Phils RESTserver. I know how to send the request body in normal Form format but how can I send it as a JSON object instead?
I do this now:
I want to do this instead:
{"lastname" : "bond"}
I tried to just replace the Content type header from:
In to this:
This did not do anything. Codeigniter says the POST array is empty.
If I understood correctly you want to create a request that contains a JSON node inside the request body. Assuming this, I think it's not possible to create such a request using simple HTML form tags as your browser always will try to pack your input vars in a querystring like format.
You will need JavaScript to achive this (I think all popular libs like Scriptacoulous or JQuery comes with helper methods for this).
