Custom background in title-slide using quarto's reveal implementation - pandoc

I'm using quarto's reveal.js implementation. I've been reading the official documentation page on customising themes and I'm relatively familiar with SCSS rules.
I've been able to create classes to slides and then customise them via SCSS rules. Regretfully, I haven't been able to add a custom background (either colour or, ideally, image background) to the first slide (#title-slide) covering the entire area, as I would do in other regular slides as described here.
Is there any way to add custom backgrounds to the first slide other than this hack consisting of leaving the presentation's attributes blank?
Not sure if that's the right approach, but I tried adding the background-image url in the yaml metadata and it works:
title: "My title"
background-image: ""
background-opacity: "0.45"
theme: [default]
logo: images/logo_black.png
editor: visual
Regretfully, properties such as background-color and background-opacity don't work.

Just for the record, after #tarleb's comment pointing me to pandoc's documentation, I made it work by adding this on yaml's metada:
data-background-image: "/path/to/image"
data-background-size: contain
data-background-opacity: "number"
As can be seen, other attributes can be passed, as long as
they are indented under title-slide-attributes
they are prepended with data-


How to automatically apply style to all images/diagrams with asciidoctor?

I would like that all images/diagram to be centered in my document.
I know I can center them this way:
[plantuml, align="center"]
Some diagram
But I would like it to be automatic.
You need to apply some CSS to achieve that, assuming that your output is HTML. If your need to achieve the same for PDF, you'd need to adjust the theme that you are using.
To add some CSS for HTML, see the section on Docinfo Files.
To customize a PDF theme, refer to the theming guide.

How do I generate Asciidoctor admonition in the top left corner

Looking into the official Asciidoctor documentation about Admonitions the addmonition look like:
The admonition is in the top left corner.
However, when I use the same admonition in my documentation the it looks like:
The admonition is on the left side of the text.
Are there some special Asciidoctor attributes I need to set in order to get the same look as in the official documentation?
The first example uses the CSS in the Antora UI, the second uses the standard Asciidoctor CSS. The HTML created in both scenarios is the same.
If you want the a similar styled HTML output as with the Antora UI, you'll need to borrow the necessary CSS from the Antora UI and integrate it into the theme you use for your HTML output.

Drupal 8 stripping style attributes from table tags

I'm using Full HTML filter, with CKEditor. The following filters are enabled:
Align images
Caption images
Track images uploaded via a Text Editor
Collapsible text blocks
Note that Limit allowed HTML tags and correct faulty HTML is NOT enabled.
when I add a style attribute to a table element in Ckeditor using the Source view, specifically "width=75%", it is stripped when the page is rendered. When I edit the page again and go to Source view, the style tag is there.
What is stripping it on render?
I believe inline styles are removed by default for security reasons. But, there has been a lot of discussion about this issue on over the past few years. If you're looking for a workaround and accept the risk, here are two approaches I have found:
How to fix: CKEditor is removing style attributes. Drupal 8.
Refactor Xss::attributes() to allow filtering of style attribute values
Fair warning: I have not personally implemented either of these.
Inline style is stripped by default with Basic HTML formatter. Unless you have a specific reason why you don't want to turn on Limit allowed HTML tags I highly recommend that you do because it gives you a lot of control over what tags you and others can use in the wysiwyg. In addition, it allows you to add a "Styles" button with pre-configured styles so you don't have to insert inline CSS code repetitively.

CKEditor Stripping Out Some of Our CSS classes

We are having a problem with CKEditor (ver stripping out some of our css classes when we are editing in the FULL HTML mode using SOURCE. From looking at some of the other questions posed on this, the Advanced Content Filter is the place we should be going. And, if I read this correctly, we need to edit the config.js file to add: CKEDITOR.config.allowedContent=true;
Am I going in the right direction? I want the WYSIWYG to still work for people with no html experience. However, when we go into source, I want all classes to remain and not be stripped out, no matter what.
You are partially right:
Yes, Advanced Content Filter (ACF) is the mechanism responsible for this.
But no, setting config.allowedContent to true is not a correct solution.
In short, ACF is a useful mechanism that lets you easily control the content that your users add to your site with CKEditor. Instead of disabling it, however, you should extend the filter configuration to accept whatever additional elements, classes, styles, attributes you want to allow.
In your case, if you want to additionally allow all classes for all elements, use this in your editor configuration:
config.extraAllowedContent = '*(*)';
Read more about ACF here:
Content Filtering (ACF) - introduction
Demo of Automatic Mode and Custom Mode
Advanced Content Filter - more advanced
Allowed Content Rules - syntax for ACF rules

working with xml snippets in CKEditor

I am Using CKEditor in my application where the users can write blogs, create pages etc..,
Source mode is disabled for the editor. Writing xml in the editor's text area is not retained after saving the content. I clearly see that the content got HTML Encoded and the same is supplied as input to the CKEditor's textarea.
Works as designed. Whatever you enter into the WYSIWYG area, will get HTML encoded. How would you want to behave it differently?
If you want a text editor for writing XML, maybe the answers to this question are useful: Textarea that can do syntax highlighting on the fly?
I too want CKEditor to support XML tags, but I understand that you can't just type them into the main window - anything typed here is assumed to be actual content, not tagging, and therefore gets encoded.
What I'd like to do is define a list of styles that cause a tag of my choosing to be used, e.g. if the user chooses the 'example' style, CKEDitor does <x>content</x>. Unfortunately I haven't had much success with this, despite hacking the dtd.js file.
My current solution is to define a list of styles but map them to a standard HTML tag, then put my desired XML tag name in as an attribute. I'll then need to write some XSLT that transforms the data later.
name: 'Example sentence',
element: 'span',
attributes: {'class': 'example', 'data-xmlTag': 'x'}
config.stylesSet = 'myStyles';
element specifies a standard HTML tag – I use <span> if I want the XML to be inline and <div> if I want it to be block level. The data-xmlTag attribute says what XML tag I actually wanted to use (x in this case). The class allows me to define some styles in CSS and means I can group several XML tags under one class name. To define some CSS:
config.contentsCss = CKEDITOR.basePath+'tagStyles.css';
