OpenApi not picking up 'example' from #Schema - spring-boot

In my request model, I have a field like
#Schema(description = "blahblah", example = "19680228", type = "Date", format = "String", pattern = "([0-9]{4})(?:[0-9]{2})([0-9]{2})", required = true, nullable = false)
#JsonDeserialize(using = CustomDateDeserializer.class)
private OffsetDateTime birthDate;
As you can see, I have example = "19680228" in #Schema.
When I go to and paste my .yaml file into it, I would expect that it would pick the example up and show the birthDate in example section of my endpoint and in my model schema as 19680228. I would else expect that example was generated in yaml when I hit the /api-docs.yaml endpoint but it is not:
Here is how it shows in my model:
And here is how Example value of my controller looks:
As you can see, the format is still getting the format for OffsetDateTime and there is no example at all.
However, if I modify yaml in and add example as below:
, then my schema model shows it
, and also example in controller shows it as 19680210:
So, it looks like OpenApi is not processing #Schema properly.

i had the same problem, and i didn't find proper solution for it, the only solution was using String type with pattern.
like this
#Schema(type = "String" , example = "2022-10-10 00:00:00", pattern = "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss").


Spring Data Elasticsearch Problem with IP_Range Data type

I use Spring boot 2.0.1.RELEASE/ Spring Data Elasticsearch 3.0.6.
I annotate my domain class with #Document annotation and i have a field as below:
#Field(store = true, type = FieldType.?)
private String ipRange;
as you see, I need to set the field type to IP_Range (exists in elastic search engine data types)
but not exists in FieldType enum.
I want to create this document index by ElasticsearchTemplate.createIndex(doc) method. but none of any FieldType enum support ip_range data type.
Spring Data Elasticsearch currently (3.2.0.M2) does not support this. I saw that you already opened an issue, thanks for that. The answer here is just for the completeness and for other users having the same problem
Thanks #P.J.Meisch for your reply, I used #Mapping annotation to specify my mapping directly via json format. Already Spring data supports creating index based on this config. but i am also waiting for Range Data Structure Support to refactor my code.
My Document:
#Document(createIndex = true, indexName = "mydomain", type = "doc-rule"
, refreshInterval = BaseDocument.REFRESH_INTERVAL, replicas = BaseDocument.REPLICA_COUNT, shards = BaseDocument.SHARD_COUNT)
#Mapping(mappingPath = "/elasticsearch/mappings/mydomain-mapping.json")
public class MyDomainDoc {
#Field(store = true, type = FieldType.text)
private List<String> ipRange;
... other fields
And My mydomain-mapping.json file:
"properties": {
"ipRange": {
"type": "ip_range",

Elasticsearch + Spring boot: Query creation from method names for property with #InnerField/#MultiField

I'm trying to build an Elasticsearch query using method name and just curios on what would be the method name if one of the property has multiple fields like following
mainField = #Field(type = Text, fielddata = true),
otherFields = {
#InnerField(suffix = "keyword", type = Keyword)
private String resourceType;
I needed "keyword" type (non-analyzed) so I can search it with entire string.
I have tried it as
List<Event> findByResourceType_KeywordIsIn(Collection<String> list);
and getting following error
No property keyword found for type String! Traversed path: Event.resourceType.
Is there anyway I can tell spring-data-elasticsearch that it is for the same property but an InnerField ?
P.S: I can certainly go with either #Query or just build that entire query using NativeSearchQueryBuilder but curios if I can achieve it with just a method name(Less code -> Less unit testing :) )
This won't work with the method names of Repository implementations. The logic in Spring Data that does the parsing uses the - possibly nested - properties of the java class whereas you need to have a query searching the resourceType.keyword Elasticsearch field.
So as you already wrote, you'll need a #Query to do this.

findByPropertyAndReleation not giving me the expected Entity

I'm importing historical football (or soccer, if you're from the US) data into a Neo4j database using a spring boot application (2.1.6.RELEASE) with the spring-boot-starter-data-neo4j dependency and a standalone, locally running 3.5.6 Neo4j database server.
But for some reason searching for an entity by a simple property and an attached, referenced entity, does not work, althought the relation is present in the database.
This is the part of the model, that is currently giving me a headache:
#NodeEntity(label = "Season")
open class Season(
var id: Long? = null,
#Index(unique = true)
var name: String,
var seasonNumber: Long,
#Relationship(type = "IN_LEAGUE", direction = Relationship.OUTGOING)
var league: League?,
var start: LocalDate,
var end: LocalDate
#NodeEntity(label = "League")
open class League(
var id: Long? = null,
#Index(unique = true)
var name: String,
#Relationship(type = "BELONGS_TO", direction = Relationship.OUTGOING)
var country: Country?
(I left out the Country class, as I'm pretty sure that it is not part of the problem)
To allow running the import more than once, I want to check if the corresponding entity is already present in the database and only import newer ones. So I added the following method SeasonRepository:
open class SeasonRepository : CrudRepository<Season, Long> {
fun findBySeasonNumberAndLeague(number: Long, league: League): Season?
But it is giving me a null result instead of the existing entity on consecutive runs, hence I get duplicates in my database.
I would have expected spring-data-neo4j to reduce the passed League to its Id and then have a generated query that looks somewhat like this:
MATCH (s:Season)-[:IN_LEAGUE]->(l:League) WHERE id(l) = {leagueId} AND s.seasonNumber = {seasonNumber} WITH s MATCH (s)-[r]->(o) RETURN s,r,o
but when I turn on finer logging on the neo4j package I see this output in the log file:
MATCH (n:`Season`) WHERE n.`seasonNumber` = { `seasonNumber_0` } AND n.`league` = { `league_1` } WITH n RETURN n,[ [ (n)-[r_i1:`IN_LEAGUE`]->(l1:`League`) | [ r_i1, l1 ] ] ], ID(n) with params {league_1={id=30228, name=1. Bundesliga, country={id=29773, name=Deutschland}}, seasonNumber_0=1}
So for some reason, spring-data seems to think, that the league property is a simple / primitive property and not a full releation, that needs to be resolved by the id (n.league= {league_1}).
I only got it to work, by passing the id of the league, and providing a custom query using the #Query annotation but I actually thought, that it would work with spring-data-neo4j out of the box.
Any help appreciated. Let me know if you need more details.
Spring Data Neo4j does not support objects as parameters at the moment. It is possible to query for properties on related entities/nodes e.g. findBySeasonNumberAndLeagueName if this is a suitable solution.

Swagger 2 UI How to show models that are not explicitly returned by RestController

I'm having following issue, on swagger under Models, i see just abstract Base class that is extended by 3 other classes. My current end point returns Base type of class, because i can have 3 different types returned on one end point.
So basically i have something like this
#ApiModel(description = "Base Details.")
abstract class BaseClass(
open var id: String? = null,
var prop1: String? = null,
var prop2: String? = null,
var prop3: String? = null,
var prop4: String? = null
#ApiModel(description = "Some Specific Details that contains all base properties.")
data class AnotherClass(
val prop4: String,
val prop5: String,
val prop6: Set<Amount>,
val prop7: Set<Amount>,
val prop8: String
) : BaseClass()
#ApiModel(description = "Some more Specific Details that contains all base properties.")
data class OneMoreClass(
val prop4: String,
val prop5: String
) : BaseClass()
And in RestController i have this
#ApiOperation(value = "End point description", notes = "Notes notes notes.")
fun getSomethingFromDatabase(): List<BaseClass> {
return someService.getData();
So issue that i have is on swagger UI, under Models section i see just BaseClass and no other classes at all...
I tried this, because somewhere i seen this example:
#ApiModel(description = "Base Details.", subTypes = {AnotherClass.class})
but this way i have "kotlin" issue, that is saying "name is missing", also i can not do AnotherClass::class...
You will have to add those in the config as below:
return new Docket(DocumentationType.SWAGGER_2)
.additionalModels(typeResolver.resolve(AnotherClass.class), typeResolver.resolve(OneMoreClass.class))
subTypes is still not completely supported in Swagger 2, still has an open ticket
For your Kotlin config, this is how it should look like:
subTypes = [AnotherClass::class, OneMoreClass::class]
I have just added a sample Kotlin controller for you to refer in my github project. Look for AnimalController.kt & SwaggerConfig for required setup.

Using #RequestParam annotated method with swagger ui

I am using Springfox libraries to generate documentation for REST service and display it in Swagger UI. I followed the directions in Springfox documentation.
I have one controller, which uses parameters from query string and the method is mapped as following:
#ApiOperation(value = "")
#RequestMapping(method = GET, value = "/customcollection/{id}/data")
public Iterable<CustomeType> getData(#ApiParam(value = "The identifier of the time series.")
#PathVariable String id,
#ApiParam(name = "startDate", value = "start date", defaultValue = "")
#RequestParam("startDate") String startDate,
#ApiParam(name = "endDate", value = "end date", defaultValue = "")
#RequestParam("endDate") String endDate)
The resulting mapper in swagger-ui then displayed as:
GET /customcollection/{id}/data{?startDate,endDate}
Parameters are displayed correctly in the UI:
But when I click on Try it Out, the request URL is misformed:
How can it be fixed?
This was caused by the line
in Docket configuration which I copied from example and forgot to remove.
After removing this line everything is working as expected.
