I'm trying to write a script for Gimp that will crop an image, make a circular selection of what's left, invert the selection, and then delete the selection. I have the cropping, selection, and inversion part done, but the deleting is what's getting me.
(removed old code, see update)
That's the code I have. What's confusing me about the gimp-item-delete code is the item. I understand that I need to define my current selection as the item, but I'm not sure how to do this. If someone could explain how to do this, I would greatly appreciate it! Alternatively, if there's an easier way to do what I'm trying to do (but preferably still in a script), please let me know what you think. My knowledge of this coding is pretty limited, so simple explanations are appreciated.
Here's the (full) updated code:
; XML2 Conversation Portrait Preview Crop
(define (script-fu-xml2-convo-preview image layer)
(gimp-image-undo-group-start image)
(gimp-selection-none image)
(gimp-image-resize image 152 152 -280 -496)
(gimp-layer-resize-to-image-size layer)
(gimp-image-select-ellipse image 0 0 0 152 152)
(gimp-selection-invert image)
(gimp-drawable-edit-clear layer)
(gimp-selection-none image)
(gimp-image-undo-group-end image)
; populate script registration information
"XML2 Conversation Portrait Preview Crop"
"Crops the preview window for XML2 conversation portraits."
"September 2021"
SF-IMAGE "Image" 0
; register the script within gimp menu
(script-fu-menu-register "script-fu-xml2-convo-preview" "<Image>/Marvel Mods/Skin Previews/XML2 PC")
So when I'm running this script, it appears to just crop it and doesn't delete the inverted circular selection. However, if I interact with the image in any way (click on it, duplicated it, copy/paste it, undo/redo), it will correct itself and show the properly cropped image with the deleted circular corners. When I first run the script, it also shows the incorrect image up at the top where you can pick which image you're working on, but after interacting with the image it will show the correct image. Here's an example:
The starting image that I create from the clipboard with Ctrl+Shift+V (after screenshotting it from the game using PrtScr):
Then, I run the script, which results in this:
At the top of the screen, the image shows up like this (which is the top left 152x152 pixels of the starting image:
How the image looks once I interact with it in any way (clicking on it, copy/pasting it, duplicating it, undoing/redoing the operation):
The thumbnail at the top of the screen after I interact with the image:
Maybe it's getting hung up on something during the operation? I'm not sure. I understand if this issue is unavoidable, but I would prefer to be able to just run the script and move on rather than having to interact with the image to get it to show up correctly. The image does have an alpha layer when it's pasted in.
gimp-item-delete is a memory/object management thing and is rarely used. What you are looking for is gimp-drawable-edit-clear.
Note that it should be done (together with your final gimp-selection-none) before gimp-image-undo-group-end if you want your whole script to be undone by a single Ctrl-Z.
Edit: It appears that your code works, it's just that the display isn't updated to show the result, which is exactly what gimp-display-flush is meant to do, so why is your code calling it before gimp-drawable-edit-clear? gimp-display-flush ought to be about the last thing done by your script.
I would like to put a box around a text run in Powerpoint. Specifically a border. For example, a word might have a light green background (done by highlighting) and a thin black border line.
I've solved the "highlighting with a light green background" part - using a RGB value. That's fine.
Is it feasible to draw a box boundary line round a run?
I'm specifically looking for an example XML fragment - if this is feasible. (I use python-pptx and augment it with my own XML confection.)
I don't believe so Martin. A run is not a shape, so it doesn't have a border that can be turned on or off or given a color. You can find an excerpt of the XML schema showing what elements and attributes can go in a run-properties element (<w:rPr>) here:
It can have a ln child element, which corresponds to a pptx.dml.line.LineFormat object, but that's going to set the format of the font "outline", like if you want the interior of each letter to be a different color than its outline. You could create a LineFormat object for a run if you wanted to experiment with it using line = LineFormat(run.font._element).
The other test would be whether you can do such a thing from the PowerPoint application UI. If you can't do it on Windows PowerPoint, it's very unusual that you can do it from the XML (although there are a few cases). Mac PowerPoint can't do everything Windows PowerPoint can, so that's less of a compelling "proof".
It seems not possible to view the exact margin between font-elements in XD (dev-view). Below you'll find a screenshot of a situation where we need to measure the exact distance between two Font-elements (XD developer-view).
It needs to bypass the line-height, but it doesn't. To be able to do this, we need the line-height to be zero. But when we edit the line-height in XD for a word or sentence on a single row, XD does not change that line-height.
Anybody encountered the same situation?
In this example the line-height is 32. We go to XD. Change it to zero, save it and SHARE FOR DEVELOPMENT. But the line-height remains 32. Also changing it to 1 instead of zero won't make any difference.
To fix this issue, you have to select the Text within Adobe XD. Right Click and select Path > Convert to Path. The margins around the Text will disappear and when in DEVELOPMENT view it becomes possible to see the right margin. A small problem remains. When you want to edit the text when it's a shape, you have to delete it and place a new text and turn it into a shape again. the text when converted to a shape
The default selector in Adobe XD will not give you the exact margin between two text. You have to convert the text layer into paths (Convert to Outlines) to get the exact margin.
But remember after converting text layer into path the text cannot be edited because now the letter are separate vector shapes.
To convert text layer into Path, select the layer and goto Object>Path>Click Convert to Path
You can use the Guides to drag one below your text and another one on top of the second text, and then you can see the distance between the 2 guides.
Check this youtube video for a quick tutorial on it. This is going to be a manual action. I don't think there's a key to press to check the distance automatically.
We are running cobalt with openGL enabled, and the graphics appear to display correctly under 1920x1080 resolution.
But once in a while, some icons in the "Settings" menu may have unexpected vertical lines on top (as shown in the picture).
We are guessing the icons are created from TTF font file, but we are not sure how it is rendering onto the screen.
We want to dump the icons to file at the following points to check what went wrong.
When the icon is actually converted to image.
When the icon experience further modification. (eg, color change, bolding, etc)
When the icons are rendered onto screen canvas.
Would really appreciate if someone can help to point out where in source code these events may be happening.
I guess the first question is: are you running the stable branch or the experimental branch of Cobalt?
Beyond that, yes, the icons are created from a TTF font file that is downloaded remotely. The icon itself is simply a character that is converted into a glyph, like the text above it, albeit at a much larger size.
I believe that the logic that you're looking for is within RenderText() in cobalt/renderer/rasterizer/skia/ SkCanvas::drawTextBlob() is passed the glyph and color information that it uses to render the icon.
The specific glyph that is being used looks correct, but the location where the render_tree::GlyphBuffer representing it is created is TextShaper::CreateGlyphBuffer() in cobalt/renderer/rasterizer/skia/
I use vim to edit text files. My screen is too wide and it's cumbersome to always look near left border of screen when editing. If you open a document in MS Office, the page is "centered" instead of left-aligned, and has non-active area borders on RHS and LHS. How do I get similar behavior from vim?
Here are a couple approaches that won't work too well:
First, if you read VIM: Show a 3 character border on left of window or MacVim: how do I set a left gutter (margin) for my buffers?, you might try this:
:set foldcolumn=50
This won't work, because the maximum value of foldcolumn is limited to 12.
Second, if you read How to create a border between the line numbers and text in Vim, you might try using numberwidth instead of foldcolumn:
:set numberwidth=50
But this won't work either, because the maximum value of numberwidth is limited to 10.
The best approach that will work, as far as I've been able to find, is See that question's answer for more details, but the summary is: create two vertical splits, and edit your file in the middle. If the vertical divider lines and tildes bother you, you could hide them with:
:highlight VertSplit guifg=bg guibg=bg
:highlight NonText guifg=bg
Caution: if you use listchars, they also use NonText highlighting and will also be hidden by this trick.
A plugin which centers the text and removes distractions for you is Goyo, especially useful in combination with Limelight.