Is there a way to have multiple files with same backing data in macOS FileProvider extension? - macos

I'm creating a macOS FileProviderExtension for the remote Document Storage System (kind of like GoogleDrive), where it is possible to share a single document with multiple folders.
For example, Document1.pdf can simultaneously exist in Folder A and Folder B because it's shared with both folders. In my FileProvider extension, this would mean that file should be accessible in both folders:
Folder A/Document1.pdf
Folder B/Document1.pdf
But the file provider extension will treat those as two completely separate files. I.e., if you download one of them, and then try to open the other one, it will redownload the other one, effectively doubling the used space on user's disk and consuming network connection.
I'm looking for a way to tell the FileProviderItem what is the backing data for the given file, and thus solve problems such as:
If user downloads a file in one location, ideally I would tell the FileProvider extension that the same document in all the other locations is also now downloaded (cloud icon should disappear from all files).
Some approaches I considered:
I thought of using symbolic links as part of solution, but I don't really think that's possible
When user tries to open non-downloaded file, fetchContents(for itemIdentifier) callback is invoked. Once file is downloaded, I would ideally now notify all the other files of the same document that they are downloaded, i.e. by updating the isDownloaded property in NSFileProviderItem, but that doesn't seem to work. Also, even if I do that, I still can't say to file, what his backing data file should be.
By turning off the Sandbox capability, I guess I could, when user tries to download/open the file which has already been downloaded in other location, immediately report that file has been downloaded and provide the copy of already downloaded file as data for the requested file, but there are two drawbacks here:
3.1. I would have to turn off the Sandbox capability because I want to access the file in FileProvider path directly
3.2 System would still use disk space for each file. So, if I have same document in multiple folders, extension would keep all those copies in the system, without the option to tell it that for all those files, there is same backing data file somewhere in extension's Container.


Detect incompatible file location (iCloud, Dropbox, shared folders) for custom file format

I’m designing a custom file format. It will be either a monolith file or a folder with smaller files. It’s a rather large file in total and there is no need to load everything into memory at once. It would make it also slower than necessary. One of the file(s) may or may not be database file. Running SQL queries would be useful.
The user can have many such files. The user might want to share files with others even if it takes some time to up/download it.
Conceptually I run into issues with shared network folders, Dropbox, iCloud, etc. Such services can lead to sync issues if the file is not loaded entirely in memory or the database file can get corrupted.
One solution is to prohibit storing the file on such services. Either by using a user/library folder or forcing the user to pick a local folder.
Using a folder in library means recreating a file navigation system like Finder. It limits the choice of the user as well in where the files end up. Limiting the location to a local folder seems the better choice.
Is there a way to programmatically detect if a folder is local?

How to Prevent Files Created with GetTempFileName Being Automatically Deleted upon Reboot

Our application collects data from an external device. This data primarily resides in memory, but is spooled to disk in temporary files until the user explicitly saves the data. This is to provide some recovery chance if the application crashes for some reason. Generally speaking, it works just fine.
Lately we've discovered, thanks to Windows becoming more forceful about automatic updates, that these files get deleted automatically during a reboot. So if Windows kills our application to automatically apply updates, the temporary files that would have allowed recovery are gone after the reboot.
I've tested the issue by killing the application on purpose and rebooting; indeed, the temporary files have vanished after the reboot.
The files are created using the Win32 API call GetTempFileName, along with GetTempPath. Everything I've read on the subject says these files are not automatically deleted ever, but they clearly are being deleted.
What can I do to stop this? Or should I just change where our safety data is stored?
What you are seeing is a new "Storage Sense" feature added in Windows 10.
How to Clear Temporary Files Automatically in Windows 10.
Windows 10 got the ability to clear temporary files automatically in a recent build. Starting with build 15014, a new option appeared in Settings.
When enabled, it can be set to clear items like temporary files, Recycle Bin, etc. You can turn them off individually.
Alternatively, another option would be to change your app to save its temporary files in a non-system temp folder that you control, rather than using GetTempPath(). And maybe also use something other than GetTempFileName() to create your temporary file names (like using date/times or guids instead), so Windows can't possibly track the temporary files you create. Then perhaps your files won't be deleted automatically by Storage Sense anymore.
The best solution IMO is not using the temporary folder which contains (as the name suggests) temporary files that can be deleted without any consequences.
Instead you should store them somewhere in the LocalAppdata folder.
Use SHGetFolderPath function to retrieve the actual location of the LocalAppData folder.
In LocalAppData create a folder whose name is that of your company and/or product name or some combination of both and store all your pseudo temporary files there.

Is there a way to append/remove a resource to a binary at execution time?

Is it possible to append/remove a ressource file to a binary at execution time?
I have an application written with go, which saves/searches data from a database file, and i would like this database file to be embedded to the binary, and updated by the application itself.
This way the application would be self contained with its database.
Modifying the executable, this is generally a very bad idea.
Several issues pop right into my head, such as:
Does the current user have sufficient permissions?
Is the file locked during execution?
What about multiple running instances of the application?
Even if you manage to do just that, think of what anti-virus and firewall applications will say to it: most when they detect the change will flag the executable and/or contain it, or deny running it, or some may even delete it. Rightfully, as this is what many viruses do: modify existing executables.
Also virus scanner databases maintain reports where files (their contents) are identified based on the hash of their content. Modifying the executable will naturally change the file content hash, thus render the file unknown / suspicious to these databases.
As mentioned, just write / cache data in separate file(s), preferably in user's home folder or in the application folder (next to the executable, optionally in sub-folders). Or make the cache file / folder a changeable option (command line flags).
Technically, this is possible, but this is a bad idea. Your application could be run by users not having write permissions to your binary.
If you're talking about a portable app, your best option might be using a file in the same directory the binary is located, otherwise - use the user's home directory according to the conventions of the OS you're running on. You can use the os/user package to find the home directory.

Difference between Program Files and ProgramData?

How do I decide which of my application's files go in Program Files (FOLDERID_ProgramFilesX64) and which go in ProgramData? (FOLDERID_ProgramData)? I don't understand what the reason is for splitting up my application's fixed files into these two categories or how I should decide which file goes in what.
For example - image files which my application displays, are they "program" or "data"?
Is there any problem with just putting everything under one or the other?
The application is installed for All Users and has no user-specific configuration files or data.
Program Files is for executables and other static files that came as part of the installation. ProgramData is for user-agnostic data generated during execution such as shared cache, shared databases, shared settings, shared preferences, etc. User-specific data goes in the AppData folder. Note that these are for non-user-visible data. User-visible data belongs in the documents folder (or music, video, custom sibling folder, etc.).
Please see Special Folders and Custom Folders for a detailed explanation. Note that the terminology used varies slightly between the name used in the documentation here, the name of the folder, and the name used by various enumerations used to get these paths from the system.

Where do I store reports created by my application on OSX

My application stores logs in /Users/username/Library/Logs/appname and preferences in /Users/username/Library/Preferences/appname but where I should store the reports it creates.
Originally they were in Logs, but they are not really logs. I then thought about putting them in /Users/username/Library/Reports/appname but the Reports folder does not exist under Library and it seems bad practise to create additional folders at this level.
What is the correct mac-friendly way to do things ?
A good candidate would be your app's folder in ~/Library/Application Support/
You may need to create it, and you should really use the bundle identifier for your app as the folder name.
~/Library/Application Support/com.bundleIdentifier.something/
In there you can create whatever you need to to support your app.
File System Programming Guide
Important: The files in the user’s Documents and Desktop directories
should reflect only the documents that the user created and works with
directly. Similarly, the media directories should contain only the
user’s media files. Those directories must never be used to store data
files that your app creates and manages automatically. If you need a
place to store automatically generated files, use the Library
directory, which is designated specifically for that purpose. For
information on where to put files in the Library directory, see “The
Library Directory Stores App-Specific Files.”
Application Support Use this directory to store all app data files except those associated with the user’s documents. For example, you
might use this directory to store app-created data files,
configuration files, templates, or other fixed or modifiable resources
that are managed by the app. An app might use this directory to store
a modifiable copy of resources contained initially in the app’s
bundle. A game might use this directory to store new levels purchased
by the user and downloaded from a server. All content in this
directory should be placed in a custom subdirectory whose name is that
of your app’s bundle identifier or your company. In iOS, the contents
of this directory are backed up by iTunes.
As far as I figured, those are reports that are the end result of the app itself and are something the user needs to have access to.
Even more so, the reports are HTML (so a valid recognizable format)?
I think that constitutes them as documents.
I would put a folder in documents named after the app and put the reports there.
A lot of apps do that (Office comes to mind at the moment).
