Merging two arrays of hashes in Ruby - ruby

I’m very close to solving a project I’ve been working on for a while but can’t seem to figure this out.
array1 = [{:new_listing => "1", :item => "apple"}, {:new_listing => "2", :item => "bannana"}]
array2 = [{:height => "10"}, {:height => "12"}]
How do I merge them so it is
[{:new_listing => "1", :item => "apple", :height => "10" },
{:new_listing => "2", :item => "bannana", :height => "12"}]
The order of each arrays are aligned, and should be the same size. Some values of array2 will be {:height => nil}.

The order of each arrays are aligned, and should be the same size.
That's exactly the description of the zip method.
zip(arg, ...) → an_array_of_array
Takes one element from enum and merges corresponding elements from each args.
Likewise, merging hashes is done with merge { |x, y| x.merge(y) } {|x| x.merge!(array2.shift) }
use map/each as per your requirement

Below solution should work for you:
array1 = [{:new_listing=> "1", :item=> "apple"}, {:new_listing=> "2", :item=> "bannana"}]
array2 = [{:height=> "10"},{:height => "12"}]
array2.each_with_index { |hash, index| array1[index] = array1[index].merge(hash) }
puts array1
# [{:new_listing=>"1", :item=>"apple", :height=>"10"}, {:new_listing=>"2", :item=>"bannana", :height=>"12"}]


how can i perform a query on a hash, and get result another hash?

I am trying to do a query against a ruby hash, which is much alike this:
{"client1" => {"tag" => "13", "host" => "", ...}, "client2" => {"tag" => "11", ...} }
and I would like to map it to only the client names with their tags, like this:
{"client1" => "13", "client2" => "11"}
I have been struggeling with .each and .select and .find but haven't figured it out yet. I am pretty sure it is not that hard, does anybody know? Thanks
You could do the same as below
data = {
"client1" => {"tag" => "13", "host" => ""},
"client2" => {"tag" => "11"}
desired_data =
data.each do |k,v|
desired_data[k] = v["tag"]
desired_data will contain your result.
As suggested by #sawa you could also use
data.each_with_object({}){|(k, v), h| h[k] = v["tag"]}
Use map:
test_hash = {"client1" => {"tag" => "13", "host" => ""}, "client2" => {"tag" => "11"} }{|k,v| [k, v['tag']]}.to_h
#=> {"client1"=>"13", "client2"=>"11"}
One way is to merge the hash with itself, using the form of Hash#merge that employs a block to determine the values of keys that are present in both hashes being merged, which in this case is all keys.
h = {"client1" => {"tag" => "13", "host" => ""},
"client2" => {"tag" => "11"} }
h.merge(h) { |*,v| v["tag"] }
#=> {"client1"=>"13", "client2"=>"11"}
As explained in the doc, the block has three variables, often written |key, old_value, new_value|. Here old_value and new_value are the same. The asterisk in |*, new_value| is a placeholder for all but the last block variable.

Merge hashes based on particular key/value pair in ruby

I am trying to merge an array of hashes based on a particular key/value pair.
array = [ {:id => '1', :value => '2'}, {:id => '1', :value => '5'} ]
I would want the output to be
{:id => '1', :value => '7'}
As patru stated, in sql terms this would be equivalent to:
In other words, I have an array of hashes that contains records. I would like to obtain the sum of a particular field, but the sum would grouped by key/value pairs. In other words, if my selection criteria is :id as in the example above, then it would seperate the hashes into groups where the id was the same and the sum the other keys.
I apologize for any confusion due to the typo earlier.
Edit: The question has been clarified since I first posted my answer. As a result, I have revised my answer substantially.
Here are two "standard" ways of addressing this problem. Both use Enumerable#select to first extract the elements from the array (hashes) that contain the given key/value pair.
The first method uses Hash#merge! to sequentially merge each array element (hashes) into a hash that is initially empty.
def doit(arr, target_key, target_value)
qualified = {|h|h.key?(target_key) && h[target_key]==target_value}
return nil if qualified.empty?
qualified.each_with_object({}) {|h,g|
g.merge!(h) {|k,gv,hv| k == target_key ? gv : (gv.to_i + hv.to_i).to_s}}
arr = [{:id => '1', :value => '2'}, {:id => '2', :value => '3'},
{:id => '1', :chips => '4'}, {:zd => '1', :value => '8'},
{:cat => '2', :value => '3'}, {:id => '1', :value => '5'}]
doit(arr, :id, '1')
#=> {:id=>"1", :value=>"7", :chips=>"4"}
The key here is to use the version of Hash#merge! that uses a block to determine the value for each key/value pair whose key appears in both of the hashes being merged. The two values for that key are represented above by the block variables hv and gv. We simply want to add them together. Note that g is the (initially empty) hash object created by each_with_object, and returned by doit.
target_key = :id
target_value = '1'
qualified = {|h|h.key?(target_key) && h[target_key]==target_value}
#=> [{:id=>"1", :value=>"2"},{:id=>"1", :chips=>"4"},{:id=>"1", :value=>"5"}]
#=> false
qualified.each_with_object({}) {|h,g|
g.merge!(h) {|k,gv,hv| k == target_key ? gv : (gv.to_i + hv.to_i).to_s}}
#=> {:id=>"1", :value=>"7", :chips=>"4"}
The other common way to do this kind of calculation is to use Enumerable#flat_map, followed by Enumerable#group_by.
def doit(arr, target_key, target_value)
qualified = {|h|h.key?(target_key) && h[target_key]==target_value}
return nil if qualified.empty?
.group_by(&:first) { |a| a.first.first == target_key ? a.first :
[a.first.first, a.reduce(0) {|tot,s| tot + s.last}]}.to_h
This may look complex, but it's not so bad if you break it down into steps. Here's what's happening. (The calculation of qualified is the same as in #1.)
target_key = :id
target_value = '1'
c = qualified.flat_map(&:to_a)
#=> [[:id,"1"],[:value,"2"],[:id,"1"],[:chips,"4"],[:id,"1"],[:value,"5"]]
d = c.group_by(&:first)
#=> {:id=>[[:id, "1"], [:id, "1"], [:id, "1"]],
# :value=>[[:value, "2"], [:value, "5"]],
# :chips=>[[:chips, "4"]]}
e = d.values
#=> [[[:id, "1"], [:id, "1"], [:id, "1"]],
# [[:value, "2"], [:value, "5"]],
# [[:chips, "4"]]]
f = { |a| a.first.first == target_key ? a.first :
[a.first.first, a.reduce(0) {|tot,s| tot + s.last}] }
#=> [[:id, "1"], [:value, "7"], [:chips, "4"]]
f.to_h => {:id=>"1", :value=>"7", :chips=>"4"}
#=> {:id=>"1", :value=>"7", :chips=>"4"}
You may wish to consider makin the values in the hashes integers and exclude the target_key/target_value pairs from qualified:
arr = [{:id => 1, :value => 2}, {:id => 2, :value => 3},
{:id => 1, :chips => 4}, {:zd => 1, :value => 8},
{:cat => 2, :value => 3}, {:id => 1, :value => 5}]
target_key = :id
target_value = 1
qualified = { |h| h.key?(target_key) && h[target_key]==target_value}
.each { |h| h.delete(target_key) }
#=> [{:value=>2}, {:chips=>4}, {:value=>5}]
return nil if qualified.empty?
Then either
qualified.each_with_object({}) {|h,g| g.merge!(h) { |k,gv,hv| gv + hv } }
#=> {:value=>7, :chips=>4}
.map { |a| [a.first.first, a.reduce(0) {|tot,s| tot + s.last}] }.to_h
#=> {:value=>7, :chips=>4}

Ruby: Link two arrays of objects by attribute value

I'm pretty new in Ruby programming. In Ruby there are plenty ways to write elegant code. Is there any elegant way to link two arrays with objects of the same type by attribute value?
It's hard to explain. Let's look at the next example:
a = [ { :id => 1, :value => 1 }, { :id => 2, :value => 2 }, { :id => 3, :value => 3 } ]
b = [ { :id => 1, :value => 2 }, { :id => 3, :value => 4 } ]
c = link a, b
# Result structure after linkage.
c = {
"1" => {
:a => { :id => 1, :value => 1 },
:b => { :id => 1, :value => 1 }
"3" => {
:a => { :id => 3, :value => 3 },
:b => { :id => 3, :value => 4 }
So the basic idea is to get pairs of objects from different arrays by their common ID and construct a hash, which will give this pair by ID.
Thanks in advance.
If you want to take an adventure through Enumerable, you could say this:
( { |h| [:a, h] } + { |h| [:b, h] })
.group_by { |_, h| h[:id] }
.select { |_, a| a.length == 2 }
.inject({}) { |h, (n, v)| h.update(n => Hash[v]) }
And if you really want the keys to be strings, say n.to_s => Hash[v] instead of n => Hash[v].
The logic works like this:
We need to know where everything comes from we decorate the little hashes with :a and :b symbols to track their origins.
Then add the decorated arrays together into one list so that...
group_by can group things into almost-the-final-format.
Then find the groups of size two since those groups contain the entries that appeared in both a and b. Groups of size one only appeared in one of a or b so we throw those away.
Then a little injection to rearrange things into their final format. Note that the arrays we built in (1) just somehow happen to be in the format that Hash[] is looking for.
If you wanted to do this in a link method then you'd need to say things like:
link :a => a, :b => b
so that the method will know what to call a and b. This hypothetical link method also easily generalizes to more arrays:
def link(input) { |k, v| { |h| [k, h] } }
.group_by { |_, h| h[:id] }
.select { |_, a| a.length == input.length }
.inject({}) { |h, (n, v)| h.update(n => Hash[v]) }
link :a => [...], :b => [...], :c => [...]
I assume that, for any two elements h1 and h2 of a (or of b), h1[:id] != h2[:id].
I would do this:
def convert(arr) Hash[ {|h| [h[:id], h]}] end
ah, bh = convert(a), convert(b)
c = ah.keys.each_with_object({}) {|k,h|h[k]={a: ah[k], b: bh[k]} if bh.key?(k)}
# => {1=>{:a=>{:id=>1, :value=>1}, :b=>{:id=>1, :value=>2}},
# 3=>{:a=>{:id=>3, :value=>3}, :b=>{:id=>3, :value=>4}}}
Note that:
ah = convert(a)
# => {1=>{:id=>1, :value=>1}, 2=>{:id=>2, :value=>2}, 3=>{:id=>3, :value=>3}}
bh = convert(b)
# => {1=>{:id=>1, :value=>2}, 3=>{:id=>3, :value=>4}}
Here's a second approach. I don't like it as well, but it represents a different way of looking at the problem.
def sort_by_id(a) a.sort_by {|h| h[:id]} end
c = Hash[*sort_by_id( {|ha| b.find {|hb| hb[:id] == ha[:id]}})
.map {|ha,hb| [ha[:id], {a: ha, b: hb}]}
Here's what's happening. The first step is to select only the elements ha of a for which there is an element hb of b for which ha[:id] = hb[id]. Then we sort both (what's left of) a and b on h[:id], zip them together and then make the hash c.
r1 = {|ha| b.find {|hb| hb[:id] == ha[:id]}}
# => [{:id=>1, :value=>1}, {:id=>3, :value=>3}]
r2 = sort_by_id(r1)
# => [{:id=>1, :value=>1}, {:id=>3, :value=>3}]
r3 = sort_by_id(b)
# => [{:id=>1, :value=>2}, {:id=>3, :value=>4}]
r4 =
# => [[{:id=>1, :value=>1}, {:id=>1, :value=>2}],
# [{:id=>3, :value=>3}, {:id=>3, :value=>4}]]
r5 = {|ha,hb| [ha[:id], {a: ha, b: hb}]}
# => [[1, {:a=>{:id=>1, :value=>1}, :b=>{:id=>1, :value=>2}}],
# [3, {:a=>{:id=>3, :value=>3}, :b=>{:id=>3, :value=>4}}]]
r6 = r5.flatten
# => [1, {:a=>{:id=>1, :value=>1}, :b=>{:id=>1, :value=>2}},
# 3, {:a=>{:id=>3, :value=>3}, :b=>{:id=>3, :value=>4}}]
c = Hash[*r6]
# => {1=>{:a=>{:id=>1, :value=>1}, :b=>{:id=>1, :value=>2}},
# 3=>{:a=>{:id=>3, :value=>3}, :b=>{:id=>3, :value=>4}}}
Ok, I've found the answer by myself. Here is a quite short line of code, which should do the trick:
.select { |pair| pair[0][:id] == pair[1][:id] }
.map { |pair| [pair[0][:id], { :a => pair[0], :b => pair[1] }] }]
The product method gives us all possible pairs, then we filter them by equal IDs of pair elements. And then we map pairs to the special form, which will produce a Hash we are looking for.
So Hash[["key1", "value1"], ["key2", "value2"]] returns { "key1" => "value1", "key2" => "value2" }. And I use this to get the answer on my question.
P.S.: you can use pair.first instead of pair[0] and pair.last instead of pair[1] for better readability.
As Cary pointed out, it is better to replace |pair| with |ha, hb| to avoid these ugly indices:
.select { |ha, hb| ha[:id] == hb[:id] }
.map { |ha, hb| [ha[:id], { :a => ha, :b => hb }] }]

Reverse a hash in Ruby

How would I reverse the elements in the hash, keeping the same values and keys, but reversing their order in the hash.
Like so:
{ "4" => "happiness", "10" => "cool", "lala" => "54", "1" => "spider" }
And convert that to:
{ "1" => "spider", "lala" => "54", "10" => "cool", "4" => "happiness" }
Or, perhaps I could run a each loop backwards, starting from the last element in the hash, rather than the first?
You could convert the Hash to an Array, reverse that, and then convert it back to a Hash:
reversed_h = Hash[h.to_a.reverse]
Hash#to_a gives you an array of arrays, the inner arrays are simple [key,value] pairs, then you reverse that array using Array#reverse, and Hash[] converts the [key,value] pairs back into a Hash.
Ruby 2.1 adds an Array#to_h method so you can now say:
reversed_h = h.to_a.reverse.to_h
In Ruby 2.1+ you can combine reverse_each and to_h:
{foo: 1, bar: 2}.reverse_each.to_h
#=> {:bar=>2, :foo=>1}
In pure ruby, you can do it by or hash.reverse_each.to_h
In rails, you can do it by hash.invert
hash = { "4" => "happiness", "10" => "cool", "lala" => "54", "1" => "spider" }
reversed_hash = Hash[hash.to_a.reverse]
h = { "4" => "happiness", "10" => "cool", "lala" => "54", "1" => "spider" }
p Hash[{|e| e}]
#=> {"1"=>"spider", "lala"=>"54", "10"=>"cool", "4"=>"happiness"}
But this leaves a bad taste (just like the other answers, which work fine just like this one). If you have to do this, it could be an indication that a Hash was not the best choice.
Alternatively, you can use reduce and merge to add the item to the front of a new hash:
hash = { "4" => "happiness", "10" => "cool", "lala" => "54", "1" => "spider" }
hash.reduce({}){ |memo, object| Hash[*object].merge(memo) }
but, that's crazy :D
reversed_h = Hash[h.to_a.collect(&:reverse)]
In Ruby 1.8.7, the order of elements in a hash is documented to be not under our control, so none of the above methods work. In Ruby 1.9.3, things work and are documented in the way that the other answers rely upon.
$ irb1.8
h = { "4" => "happiness", "10" => "cool", "lala" => "54", "1" => "spider" }
=> {"lala"=>"54", "1"=>"spider", "10"=>"cool", "4"=>"happiness"}
$ irb1.9.1
h = { "4" => "happiness", "10" => "cool", "lala" => "54", "1" => "spider" }
=>{"1"=>"spider", "lala"=>"54", "10"=>"cool", "4"=>"happiness"}
The Ruby 1.8.7 way was ingrained so firmly for me that I misunderstood the question for quite some time. I thought it requested a way to Hash#invert: ie to transform the hash such that the range maps to the domain. That method discards duplicates. Luís Ramalho proffers a method that doesn't, but it's a bit clunky. This is a little shorter:
$ irb
def invertWithDuplicates(original)
inverse = { |hash, key| hash[key] = []; }
original.each_pair() { |key, value| inverse[value].push(key); }
return inverse
h = { "4" => "happiness", "10" => "cool", "lala" => "54", "1" => "cool" }
=> {"happiness"=>["4"], "cool"=>["1", "10"], "54"=>["lala"]}
Sorry to drift away from the OP's intended topic, though I submit that this does fit the post's title "Reverse a hash in Ruby".
if need:
hash = {:a => :x, :b => :y, :c => :y, :d => :z}
{:x => [:a], :y => [:b, c], :z => [:d] }

What is the best way to remap a Hash in Ruby?

Is there a simple way of remapping a hash in ruby the following way:
{:name => "foo", :value => "bar"}
{"foo" => "bar"}
Preferably in a way that makes it simple to do this operation while iterating over an array of this type of hashes:
[{:name => "foo", :value => "bar"}, {:name => "foo2", :value => "bar2"}]
{"foo" => "bar", "foo2" => "bar2"}
arr = [ {:name=>"foo", :value=>"bar"}, {:name=>"foo2", :value=>"bar2"}]
result = {}
arr.each{|x| result[x[:name]] = x[:value]}
# result is now {"foo2"=>"bar2", "foo"=>"bar"}
A modified version of Vanson Samuel's code does the intended.
It's a one-liner, but quite a long one.
arr = [{:name=>"foo", :value=>"bar"}, {:name=>"foo2", :value=>"bar2"}]
arr.inject({}){|r,item| r.merge({item['name'] => item['value']})}
# result {"foo" => "bar", "foo2" => "bar2"}
I wouldn't say that it's prettier than Gishu's version, though.
As a general rule of thumb, if you have a hash of the form {:name => "foo", :value => "bar"}, you're usually better off with using a tuple of ["foo", "bar"].
arr = [["foo", "bar"], ["foo2", "bar2"]]
arr.inject({}) { |accu, (key, value)| accu[key] = value; accu }
I know this is old, but the neatest way to achieve this is to map the array of hashes to an array of tuples, then use Hash[] to build a hash from that, as follows:
arr = [{:name => "foo", :value => "bar"}, {:name => "foo2", :value => "bar2"}]
Hash[ { |item| [ item[:name], item[:value] ] } ]
# => {"foo"=>"bar", "foo2"=>"bar2"}
a bit late but:
[{ name: "foo", value: "bar" },{name: "foo2", value: "bar2"}].map{ |k| k.values }.to_h
